Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Sep 14, 2000


The Lifeguard.

the stories continue per your requests. Gotta love the hotel biz.. comments as always.

Working in a hotel does have many advantages. One of them for me occurred last night. I know about 9 r ten of the ocean lifeguards. One or two of them I have suspected of being gay however, I have never made any move per say on them other then to watch them from time to time. This all changed last night.

One of the guards I know is named Shane. He is 24 and working on his degree in biology. He guards the water during the day and takes classes at night. While I was working one day he came over to the hotel and entered into the lobby.

Looking up at who was coming in the door, I walked over to the desk. He was dressed only in his blue shorts, sunglasses, and his ever present Abercrombie and Fitch hat which looked like it had seen a few too many summers at the beach. His body was covered with a light mixture of sun tan lotion and sand; neither of which did anything to distract the solid lines of his abdominal muscles.

"Hi Shane" I said, "What's up?"

"I need a favor dude" he said.

I came around the front of the desk. "Shoot" I replied.

"You said if we ever needed a room for something you would cut us a break, remember?" Shane asked.

"Yup" I said. "You need one to get laid in or something". This was usually a joke with him and me, as I knew his schedule and as hot looking as he was, he just never had time for a date.

"Actually my roommate is in the middle of throwing a three day party and I have got to get a paper done." he said. He absent mindedly scratched a nipple, which started my cock to lengthen. His nipples were small and set deeply into his hairless chest. "I got my laptop in the car, and was hoping you could help me out"

"Yeah of course, no problem Shane" I said. I can give you one of the rooms in the back. It is quiet and out of the way".

We took care of the financial end of it and I gave him the keys.

"Thanks man. I owe you one" he said.

"No problem." I said, shaking his hand, watching the muscles ripple in his arm. "Maybe I'll drop off a beer for ya later"

"Very cool" Shane said. "Later man, I gotta get back on the water."

The afternoon was pretty dull, actually, as it is in the beginning of the off season. While I was f inishing up some paperwork around 5 PM, I saw Shane drive onto the property in his Bronco and head up to his room. I finished off my paper work and headed up to my room around 6pm(as most of you know, part of my compensation package for managing the hotel was living there rent free). After making dinner and watching some TV, I decided to make good on my promise and brought a couple of Samuel Adams up to Shane's room. I had changed after work and was wearing only a loose pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. I looked in through the glass of the door and saw him lying on his bed with his laptop on his stomach. He was dressed in only a towel. I gathered that he had taken a shower shortly after going up to the room and had not bothered getting dressed.

I knocked on the door, and as he looked up, I waved the two beers at him. He put the lap top aside and came over to the door to open it.

"Hey man" I said handing him a beer. "Feel like taking a break?"

"Yeah I need one thanks." he said "Come on in"

I went in and he closed the door behind him. Walking across the room, he sat in a chair and took a long pull from the beer. While he did that I was able to see that there was nothing in the way of clothing under the towel. His legs were spread a bit and his low hanging nuts were in plain view. Shane had been one of the guys I suspected of being gay or at least bi.

"How's the paper going?" I asked as I walked past him to sit on the bed.

"It's getting there" he said, taking another pull on the beer bottle. "I'm getting a fucking headache from watching the screen though."

"Probably tension" I said.

I got up and walked the two feet to him and went behind him and started massaging his neck.

"Yeah" I said as I kneaded the flesh of his neck. "You are as tight as a bow string"

"God that feels good" he said slumping down a bit in the chair.

"Come on" I said, "get up onto the bed and I'll give you a full massage. It will make you more relaxed and maybe you can get the paper done faster."

"OK" Shane said. "I'm not going to argue. That feels too good."

Shane got up and walked over and lay down on the bed, face down. I took a moment to look at his body on the bed. Shane is about 6'2" 168-170 pounds, with dark brown hair, fairly short, very smooth upper body, and only a small amount of hair on his muscled legs. He was long and lanky in the upper body, with a well developed chest and a chiseled set of 8 pak abs. As I worked on his neck and shoulders, I marveled at how they relaxed under my hands. From time to time Shane made a comment about how good it felt as they relaxed.

I continued to work my way down his back, kneading the muscles and feeling them relax. I would take longer in some areas depending on how long it took to relax a muscle group. As I neared his lower back, I noticed for the first time that there was a small thin patch of light brown hair near his ass. Moving my fingers under the towel to massage the muscles near the bottom of his back I loosened the towel with the movement. I got up the courage and pulled the towel away from his backside. Shane made no movement other then to lift up so I could remove the whole towel. Being a lifeguard and having 4 other roommates, I figured that he wasn't too shy about his body. I could feel my own cock starting to spring to life at seeing Shane naked on the bed. As I had noticed earlier, the tuft of hair at the top of his ass was going down to a thin line that trailed into his ass crack. I continued the massage going over each of his ass cheeks. As he didn't seem to mind, other then some squirming around on the bed as he relaxed, I took the opportunity to look closer. Using both hands, I spread his cheeks to reveal his asshole. It was smooth except for a few stray black hairs around it. It also didn't have the look of a virgin hole to me. This was looking up I thought to myself. I allowed my fingers to stray a bit into his ass crack as I massaged the muscular globes of his ass. This produced a low growl from him as he moved around. I suspected that he was getting a hard on.

"You OK there bud?" I asked.

"Yeah man, don't stop" he said. "It feels great"

As I continued lower, I spread his legs a bit on the bed to keep working on them Looking now, I could see his hairy nut sak. It was of average size, but covered with a dense lair of pubic hair. I continued down his legs, one at a time. As I worked on each leg, I bent it back, raising him up a little bit as I stretched the muscle. At one point I could see the head of his cock as it was trapped beneath him. He definitely was on his way to a full erection. About 15 minutes later, I finished everything I could do, and took a deep breath.

"Roll over man" I said as I had a hand on his hip to help him. " I want to work on your upper thighs and abs.

He hesitated briefly before rolling over. I could see why. He cock was at full erection. It was thicker then I thought it was, maybe about 7.5 inches hard. He tried to cover himself with his hands.

"Its cool man, relax" I said taking his hands form his cock. I managed to brush my hand over the shaft as I did. It was firm and hot. "A lot of guys get hard from massages. I 've seen a lot of hardons."

This seemed to relax him. He closed his eyes as I started to work on his thighs. This gave me a chance to look closer at his cock. It was cut, and thickly veined. His nuts were hanging pretty low; although they seemed to have a life of their own and were moving around as I worked on his thighs. His eyes remained closed and his breathing pretty regular until the back of my hand started to brush against his nutsak. I could hear him take a deep breath and his cock lurched in response. As I watched a large drop of precum formed at his cockhead. I continued to work his thigh up to his hip before going on to his other leg. I repeated the same motions. As I started to make contact again, his cock began to twitch continuously. A stream of precum started to flow from it. As I watched my hands went up over his hip and I saw his nuts start to draw up in their hairy sak.

"How ya doing" I asked him. I figured I would give him an out if he wanted one.

"Really good man" he said. "It feels great"

I used both of my hands and started from his hips moving inward. My fingers made contact with his pubic hair. It was wiry and soft at the same time. My fingers dug into his muscles underneath and at the base of his abs. By now, both of my hands were underneath his penis and it was resting on them.

"You cool man" I asked.

"Yeah bud" came his reply.

Taking one hand I lifted his cock and held it while moving around his muscled lower stomach with the other. As I held his cock I could feel it throb in my hand in time to his heartbeat. I slowly moved my hand around the shaft. He responded by moving his hips, causing his cock to push in an out of my hand. I let him move around for a short time before placing his cock back down into his nest of his pubes and resumed using both hands on his body. We both were well aware of where this was leading. I wanted to make it really good for him. By now my cock was stone hard and leaking as well. There was a large wet spot on the front of them. As I worked my hands further up his body to his chest, I felt his arm closest to me move. Suddenly I felt his hand pulling down my shorts. As my cock sprung free, his hand closed around it and began to stroke it lightly. This produced a moan from me. My hands at this point were massaging his upper chest. I moved them to his nipples where I rubbed them hard. His other hand came up to my back and pulled me down on top of him.

His lips came to mine and began to kiss me. My tongue entered his mouth as his did the same. Our cocks were touching in a dance all their own, trapped between our bodies.

"My God Shane" I said breaking the kiss. "You are so fucking hot, I wanted to do this all summer. You have no idea how many times I have jerked off thinking about your hot bod"

He rolled me over and trailed his tongue down my body. "Then let's see what happens when I do this" with that he took my cock into his mouth and began sucking on it. My whole body lurched in response to his tounge. For five minutes his tongue darted around my shaft before going lower and taking my nuts into his mouth. He continued to suckle them in his mouth until my nutsak was tight against my body. Letting go, he trailed back up my body to my face to kiss me again while slowly stroking my cock.

"I want you to fuck me man" he said softly. "I need this in me"

He reached down to the bag near the bed and pulled out a condom and a tube of WET. He turned around and while he was applying the rubber and lube to my cock, my tongue began to probe his tight hole. Flicking and licking, I forced his hole open. Shane began to moan as my tongue worked its magic on him. He continued to stroke the lube on my now rubber covered cock. He turned around and lay down on the other side of the bed.

I got up and positioned myself over his tight muscular body. Kissing the back of his neck, I lined up my cock and pushed the head into him. We both groan in pain and pleasure as I broke through the tightness of his ass. I didn't move for a moment until he was comfortable and started pushing back at me forcing my cock into him. After a few thrusts, my cock had penetrated all the way in and my pubes were against his ass. We set up a rhythm that had both of us dripping in sweat and moaning in pleasure. I could feel my nuts slap against his own. Without breaking the stride, Shane managed to turn over and was now on his back. He started to furiously stroke his cock in time to my thrusts which were becoming more an more violent and erratic. I was about ready to cum when he yelled out.

"I'm cumming man" he said. "Pull out and jizz on me"

I pulled out of his tight ass and pulled off the rubber and stoked my cock as his own began shooting all over himself and my nuts. This sent me off. My own first wad exploded across his body, hitting him in the face. This seemed to turn him on more as yet another volley exploded from him. We both continued to cover his body with our loads. As the orgasms wound down, I leaned down, trapping our still oozing cocks together and kissed them.

"Damn your ass is sweet man" I said softly.

"Your cock is pretty damn fine too bro" he said.

"You get it on with any of the other lifeguards?" I asked, kissing him again and gently moving to be able to play with both of our penises.

"Only one" he said. "You know Jef?"

"Yeah I've seen him." I said. "He's gay too?"

"Bi" Shane said, "But he sucks cock like a pro and has no problem taking it up the ass"

"Maybe you should call him over sometime" I said.

"Maybe I will" Shane said. As his cock started to stir in my hand he kissed me again. "I got a better idea for now though. You want to switch.?"

Getting fucked by one of the hottest lifeguards on the beach, whose ass I had just fucked worked for me. I laid back and spread my legs. "Save me man".......

Next: Chapter 7

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