Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Aug 23, 2000


Hotel stories-part two

Thanks to all of you who have written saying how hot you thought part one was. You also hit on my website which is cool. =) Makes the counter go up.... Here is the conclusion of what happened...


I had barely gotten changed into some sweatpants and a tee shirt when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to let Tommy in. Likewise he had changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.

"You want a beer?" I asked him heading towards the fridge.

"Yeah please" came his reply.

I handed him a bottle of Sam Adams and took one for myself. We both ended up sitting on the couch, just chatting. I remembered that I had taped the 4th of July celebration from Boston on A&E. Since Tommy had said something being from Boston and having to work on the fourth I asked him if he had wanted to see the tape.

"That would be really cool man" said Tommy. "I had to work until late and when we finally busted out of work, we got stalled on traffic on Storrow Drive"(AUTH NOTE: Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of that one, you'll know what he meant )

For the two hours, we watched together in amazement at the crowd, the music and the fireworks. I had gotten up at some point and brought at large pot full of ice by the couch full of Sam's.

"You know" he said just prior to the fireworks starting on the tape, "I bet it would look better with the lights out for the fireworks"

"Works for me" I said. I got up and turned off the lights in the room, save for the Yankee Candle Company candle I had burning. As I sat back down, Tommy gave me a fresh beer and took one for himself. He twisted around until his head was in my lap. For a while we watched the fireworks in silence, with me occasionally running my fingers through his hair. Tommy would rub his hand up and down my leg once in a while. Looking at how cute he was with his head in my lap, I bent down and gave him a quick kiss.

"You're not getting off that easily" he said, pulling my head back down. I managed to hit the pause button on the VCR remote before dropping it on the floor. Quickly our tongues were dueling for space in his mouth. My hand reached down to rub over his chest. I slipped my hand under the shirt to play with his nipples. This sent muffled moans from him into my mouth. Breaking the kiss he sat up long enough to take the shirt off. As he turned into a more comfortable position, I noticed a major tent in his sweats.

"You could take them off too you know" I said as my hand trailed over his abs. "I'm not shy"

He moved around and quickly dispensed with the sweats, lying back down with his head on my lap totally naked. I got a better look at his cock in the candle light and light reflected from the TV. I hadn't seen it in the Jacuzzi. The totally erect cock head was still covered by about half of the foreskin on it. Gently I took it into my hand as we resumed kissing. His hands maneuvered me so that I was lying next to him on the couch.(Thank God for big couches). His hands were running over my still clothed body as mine slowly stroked his cock. We were beginning to get into it really heavily, with Tommy thrusting his hard cock against my sweatpants covered hardon, when the VCR timer for pause released. We both jumped at the sudden noise and flare of lights. Laughing, we rearranged ourselves on the couch; after I got naked. His head resumed its place in my lap. The 25 minute fireworks show was spectacular; made all the more intense by Tommy lying on me. Several times my hand would trace the faint lines of his 6 pak abs or play with his nipples. This would usually cause him to buck or raise up and kiss me. I could feel the precum leaking out of my cock, and could see the dampness in his own pubes from his precum.

As the show ended, Tommy looked up at me and asked how about that massage. I got up and pulled him off the couch. Before pushing him onto the bed, we kissed once more with intensity. Our swollen cocks rubbed against each other, furthering the sensations and passions.

Breaking the kiss, Tommy slowly stroked my cock. "You ever been docked man?" he asked

"Only once, but it was incredible" I said, breathing heavily to control my nearing orgasm.

"It is a pretty wicked feeling bro" he said. I looked down and saw with his other hand he was stretching his skin. Moving closer he lined up our two cock heads. With some manipulation, he worked his foreskin over my cockhead. As our two cockheads met, I totally lost it. With a groan I let fly a large load that filled his foreskin and covered both of our shafts in cum. The feeling of my shots evidently tripped his own load as he bucked into me, still stroking our two cock heads with his foreskin.

The two of collapsed on to the bed breathing heavily. Needless to say, Tommy didn't go back to his room that night. Neither of us were into fucking, as I didn't have any rubbers handy, and he didn't bring any with him, so we were content to cuddle, and suck and stroke each other off. In the morning after one more round of intense kissing and sucking, we took a shower together and he went back to his room to change and pack as he was leaving that morning.

I was on the desk when he came by to drop off his keys

"Thanks for the awesome vacation" he said with a smile.

"Thanks for staying with us" I replied.

=== Thanks again to all... let me know if you want to hear more about what happens in my hotel. Check out Str8 senior cock in the H.S. section of nifty. That happened here also....

Next: Chapter 6: The Lifeguard

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