Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Aug 11, 2000


Hotel Stories. Part One

For those of you who have read some of my other work,(see str8 senior cock in the HS section), you know that I live and work in a hotel as the manager. This is a pretty neat arrangement. I have housekeeping service every week, no electric, water, rent or cable bills, and a great view of the ocean(it is right across the street). One of the other aspects that makes it so great is the chance to get laid on numerous occasions. This story is the true story of this past weekend. =). Comments as always. Please take the time to check out my other works on my website.

On Saturday afternoon, while working the front desk, one of my expected guests checked in. I was not expecting to see what I had seen walk though the door, though. I had taken this guy's reservation over the phone four days previously. He said he was moving from the North down to Florida, had been to Myrtle Beach, and wanted to spend a couple of days in town before moving on. He sounded very polite on the phone and such, and I didn't think to much of it at the time. When he walked through the door I was amazed. He stood about my height 5'11", but weighed in at 165 pounds, reddish blond hair and green eyes. Judging from his tan, he spent a fair amount of time in the sun. The tan was accented by the white golf shirt he was wearing. He also looked like he was 18 or 19 years old. I asked him for ID while checking him in and found out he was 24. We made some small conversation for a few minutes while doing his paperwork and I got the further chance to check him out. He was single(no rings anyway and said he didn't have a gf), really hairy legs, but got the feeling his chest and abs were smooth. His upper chest looked like it was really defined. I was hoping to see him around the pool later that day or the next day.

I didn't get much chance to see him that rest of the day or evening. He had gone out around 7pm right before I got off and didn't come in until late. On Sunday morning I was walking the property around 12:30 pm when he was coming out of his room. I finished my tour of the property and walked towards the deck that overlooks the Boulevard and the ocean. Tommy was out there. I had to walk down the outside steps by the deck, so I could see him sitting there. He was in a pair of baggy blue swim shorts and no shirt, shoes, or socks. I stopped to talk to him and basically get an eyeful of his body. It was also quite evident he was moderately hung over.

"Nice to see you survived last night" I said in my friendliest voice.

"Barely" Tommy replied. "That bar down the street that does Karoeke was doing fifty cent glasses of beer"

"Fun place" I said. "Dirty taps will give you a killer hangover and I don't think they clean them too often there."

"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that. Tell ya man, the women there are kinda weird" He said.

This kinda tripped off the first warnings in my head, but I kept it to myself. We continued to chat for about 10 minutes before I had to get back to the office. It did give me time to scope him out though. I was right in the aspect that his upper body was fairly well developed. He had what I call a soft six pack. The outlines were there but no absolute definition. He had a small amount of hair under his belly button that extended up about an inch and a half, some hair around his nipples and a very small patch across his chest. I also noted small tufts of hair under his arms. I couldn't tell anything from the way his shorts were positioned. Still all in all I liked what I saw.

I suggested that he go over and sit the hot tub for a while, as it might help his hangover. He agreed and said that he was going to go back to bed for an hour or so and was going over there. Well, an hour for him was closer to three before I saw him walk towards the pools and Jacuzzi. After about 10 minutes, I decided since I hadn't taken a break all day that I was going to lunch. I walked over to the pools and Jacuzzi which are oceanfront. I actually didn't see Tommy around and was looking out at the beach(scoping out the two lifeguards, but that is a separate story) when I heard someone call out my name.

As I turned around just as Tommy was getting out of the hot tub. I glanced automatically at his dripping body. The outline of his abs was a little more pronounced as he moved. What caught my interest was the outline of a very nice package in his shorts. They wet loose shorts clung tightly to his cock and balls before he pulled the shorts away. It looked like he was hanging about 3" soft over a pair of pretty good sized nuts.(Author's note: I don't believe these stories you read about dudes with 'golf ball sized' nuts. These were a good size but no monsters). I pulled my eyes away before it became obvious as to what I was looking at. Thank God for Ray-Bans. =)

We chatted for about half an hour about random things. Turns out he lived about 10 mins away and just across the Charles River from where I used to live in Boston. We made plans to have dinner together when I got off work later on that evening. Turned out we both are late eaters. During the whole time we were chatting, he kept playing with the draw strings of his shorts. He would pull on them and pull them away from his body an inch or so, showing off a impressive tan line. I had been sitting next to him on the railing by the beach, so I was above him. A few times he did that I was able to glance down and into the shorts to see a really thick set of pubes(which is a major turn on for me) and the base of his cock. I had a feeling I got "caught" a couple of times, even with the sunglasses because both times afterwards, he pulled them away a little bit longer then before and then "rearranged" himself. As we were out in public on the pool deck, the conversation was strictly legit. Stilll.......

After I got off work around 7 or so, I went upstairs took a shower, changed and stopped down to his room. He answered the door in a tee shirt an a pair of shorts.

"Still feel like dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah most definitely" Tommy said. "Let me change and we can go. What are you in the mood for?"

"Whatever" I answered.

About that time he had flipped off his tee shirt and dropped his shorts. He turned around to answer me and I got a full view of his naked body. I had been right earlier. He hung about 3" soft, uncut over a nice set of hairy nuts. His whole package was surrounded by long thick reddish pubic hair. It looked great.

"Are there any good German restaurants around?" he asked, scratching his nuts. He tugged on his penis a bit moving the foreskin around. I got the feeling I was busted looking.

"Uhm. .yeah there is" I stammered.

Tommy just smiled, and threw on a pair of jeans.

"Going commando?" I asked, with reference to his lack of underwear.

"Never wear it" he said, again adjusting himself in his jeans.

"Cool" I replied.

Dinner was uneventful, we talked a lot about Boston, and New England. Tommy was telling me about his transfer to Florida and stuff. All in all it was a great dinner. We fought briefly over the dinner bill. He refused to let me pay. I finally relented, telling him that I would give him a massage in return, as I used to be a licensed masseuse. I did this for two reasons. First being we had become really comfortable with each other and were developing a bit of a friendship. The second was that I figured that if he knew I was watching him earlier and he was cool with it obviously, I might as well drop a hint and leave the door open.

"That would be wicked cool man" Tommy said. "I'm still pretty stiff in my lower back from the drive yesterday. That's why I've been spending so much time in the Jacuzzi"

"It's a deal then. Thanks for dinner" I said. "Why don't we head back, hop in the hot tub then I'll work your back over or do a whole body massage if you want."

"Sounds like a plan" he said.

We drove back to the hotel, chatting like we had been friends forever. Personally I was happy to have his friendship, and if nothing else happened, I was content that I had made a friend. Once we got back, I told him I needed to check my email, change and I would meet him in the hot tub in about 15 mins. He replied that was perfect.

About 20 minutes later I got down to the pool and he was just getting into it. As I slipped into the hot swirling waters, it felt awesome. It was like 10pm and there were some cool night ocean breezes coming in offshore, making the waters steam around us. As we both stretched out, I felt his leg come up next to mine as we had been sitting next to each other in the molded seating. He pulled it away and apologized.

"No problem" I said. "Not the first leg I've felt in here"

Tommy just smiled. We were content in each others company, not talking about much. About 10 minutes later, I felt his leg come up against mine again, this time, staying there. I left my leg there and looked over at him and smiled. Tommy smiled back. I felt his hand scratching his leg and part of his hand rubbed over onto my leg. Taking a chance and trusting my instincts, I put my hand over his and moved it to my leg.

"Think it is cool here man?" he asked.

"Should be for now long as we keep it under the water" I said. "You gay or bi Tommy?"

"Neither man" he said motioning me forward, "I'm not into titles, or names. I do what feels good"

We both moved out of the molded sitting positions and moved towards the center section of the tub sitting on the tub bottom. This put us about two feet away from each other. Tommy's hand moved back onto my leg and started to move up to my shorts. I got hard instantly. My hand likewise traveled to his shorts and slipped inside. I started to stroke his foreskin over his cock. I could feel that it stayed covering the head even when fully hard.

"Damn that feels good Jon" he said. "It won't take long though if you keep that up"

"That's the idea man" I said, continuing to rub just his foreskin over the cock head. Occasionally I would let my finger slip inside it. This produced a low moan from him.

His hand trailed inside my shorts and was stroking my fully erect cock. I wanted to kiss him so badly but this wasn't the place. His hand started to shake on my cock and I looked at him. He breathed deeply and moaned out "Fuukkkk" softly. I felt my hand get hit by his load. It felt thick and hot, even in the waters of the Jacuzzi. He leaned against me briefly as his orgasm worked through him. I moved my hand lower and massaged his balls as he slowly came down off the high.

"How was that?" I asked softly.

"I've never done that in public before man" he said.

"Felt good?" I asked as I withdrew my hand.

"Unreal" he said. "What about you?"

"I thought it was pretty cool". I said. I took his hand and pulled it out of my shorts. "Relax. We got time, lie back and enjoy the water"

We both stretched out, side by side in the water. My eyes were closed and I was enjoying the warmth and companionship when I felt his hand back on my cock.

"You don't have to man" I said.

"I want too" he said. His hand slipped into my shorts pushing them down. Next thing I knew I was naked in the hot water. The tub lights had turned off with the timer. The still hot waters still hid my nakedness. With one hand he played with my nipples, the other stroking my cock.

"I'm gonna nut" I whispered. He looked all around us. The bushes hid the Jacuzzi and with the lights out he could see we were the only ones around.

Tommy moved down and pushed my ass upwards, forcing my cock out of the water. He dove down taking my cock into his mouth as his fingers found my relaxed asshole. He pushed two into me while swirling his tongue around my cockhead. I let loose my load, bucking several times into his mouth. He swallowed my load all the while massaging my ass. He let my cock slip out of his mouth as I started to relax. Once more he looked around. We were still alone. Tommy let my body slip back into the water. He trailed a hand up my abs and chest to my face where he turned it towards himself. He kissed me. My tongue entered his mouth of its own mind. We both knew we couldn't stay that way for long. Breaking the kiss, I looked at him.

"That was awesome" I said, kissing him briefly "How about round two back at the hotel"

"Sounds wicked man" he said.

Tommy helped me find my shorts and get them back on me. We both got out of the Jacuzzi and headed back to the hotel rooms. He said he would be by my room in a short while..

More? let me know if u want to hear how the rest of the night went.

Next: Chapter 5

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