Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Jul 15, 2000


Straight Senior Cock- Part three: The learning

Thank you all to everyone who wrote. Many of you wrote wanting to know what happened, did Chris come back. He did and spent the weekend. I told him that I wanted to write part three but would not release it to nifty without his permission. After a couple of weeks of thought and a return trip out here(no there won't be a part four), he gave me permission to post this to Nifty and my website. Outside of some creative license about the verbal banter between us, the occurrences were totally true.

Comments welcome as always.

Chris did come back, but not until Saturday morning. Now, most people who know me, know better then to A: either wake me up on a day off or B: get in between me and the coffee pot(the cat has finally learned this). So, when there was a knocking on my door Saturday morning before 7:30AM, I was well and truly pissed off. Getting up I was half way across the room before I realized I was naked. Swearing up a blue streak I yelled at the door. Chipper(aka Sebastian from the N&J series) made a hasty retreat under the bed as fast as his furry four paws could take him.

"Hold on a fucking minute" I said.(Told ya I'm not a morning person).

I found my boxers where I had kicked them off the night before. Putting them on I stormed across the floor and opened the door ready to basically rip of the head of whoever was waking me up. There stood Chris. Once more in only the cargo shorts, his tee shirt flipped over his shoulder, he looked perfect other then it was obvious he hadn't slept all night, maybe two nights.

"Hey dude" I said, cooling off somewhat."Thought you weren't gonna come back when I didn't see you when I got home yesterday"

"I know man" said Chris, looking all around at everything but me. "I got home on Friday morning and the buds wanted to know where I'd taken off to. Pretty much spent the day with them and a few others before I could split. Told them I went to the beach. I almost didn't come back here but I had to"

"OK" I said. "You want to come in?"

"Yeah" said Chris. I moved aside to let him in.

"I'm so fuckin wiped man" he continued sitting down on the couch. "After I got home yesterday I was up all day, my mind was going round and round about what happened. I couldn't even sleep last night. I finally blew out about 5 AM this morning."

Looking at him, I knew he was being honest. "OK man" I said. "We can talk later. Couch or bed, your call. I am goin back to bed, and you look like you could use a few hours"

"Thanks man" he said, unzipping his cargo shorts. "I didn't know if you would let me in"

"Hey, I told you I would be around if you needed someone" I said. As I got back into bed, I saw him not even hesitate but shuck his boxers and slip into bed with me.

"We'll talk more later. Maybe hit the beach" I said as I turned around.

"OK thanks Jon" he said. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Uh. thanks"

I put my hand on top of his hand and held it for a moment before letting it go and turning over again, to have my back to him. "Go to sleep Chris. You need it"

As I drifted off to sleep I could feel his body mold up against mine. I could feel his cock, neither hard or soft, but full against my butt. His added body heat to the blanket lulled me off to a sleep.

When I woke up around 10:30, the first thing I noticed was that Chris' arm had made its' way over my shoulder and chest and was draped over me, with his hand on my stomach. That was a pleasant way to wake up I thought. His smooth unblemished face looked peaceful in sleep. I couldn't tell if he had shaved before he left or just didn't need to shave that often. After gently disentangling myself from his arm, I got out of bed and quietly threw on a pair of boxers and went into the kitchen and hit the coffee maker switch. As I came out of the shower a few minutes later the coffee was ready. I made a cup and went into the living quarters and fired up the computer after looking in on Chris. He was still out like a light.

About noon I heard him start to move around. Soon after the shower was on and I heard him call my name.

"Yeah?" I said as I walked into the bathroom.

"You have any towels or do I get to drip all over your carpet?" he asked behind the curtain.

"Wiseass" I said. I went out to the closet and got him a towel. As I entered the bathroom he was standing there with the curtain pulled back and the water off. I couldn't help but look at him from the top of his head to his feet and back again. His cock was not hard but sort of hanging at a 45 degree angle. Probably swollen from the hot water.

"Damn dude" I said as I handed him the towel. "You have got an incredible body"

He actually blushed under his tan. "Thanks man" he said. I could tell he still wasn't totally comfortable about getting compliments from guys. But he was better then the day before. As I watched he took his time drying off as if, I got the feeling, he was looking for approval. As I started to have feelings of arousal start to come alive, I figured it was a good time to get out of there.

"You want coffee?" I asked him turning away just as he pulled the towel away from his body, showing his obviously engorged cock, now about half hard from the rubbing.

"Yeah sure" said Chris. "Black with sugar"

I made the coffee and brought it into the living room. He came into the room with just the towel wrapped around his waist. He picked up the mug of coffee and took a big sip while sitting down on the couch next to me. The towel had slipped a bit open, showing most of his smooth muscled thigh. The barest hint of his pubic hair showed near his crotch.

"Thanks man. Good coffee" he said, putting the mug back down on the table.

"No problem" I said turning on the couch, "You feeling better?"

"Yeah" he said. "I did a lot of thinking on the drive out here"

"And?" I asked, pretty sure where this was leading.

"I need to know if I'm gay or bi or what" he said. "I messed around with this girl yesterday I see on and off and it was really cool. I got my rocks off with her, but now.."

He paused and I knew that it had to be his call. I stayed silent.

"I need to know.. I guess.. if .. I mean" he stammered. As I watched him look for the right words, the mound in the towel was growing. It was now easy to see part of his rising shaft under the towel.

"It's OK Chris" I said. I put my hand on his bare leg. "You don't have to rush or jump into anything"

"No you don't understand" he said getting up, the towel falling off of him. "I need to know if I can do something with a guy. I like you man, and I need to find out before I lose my nerve"

I looked at him standing in front of me. God, has beautiful, even with the look of indecision drawn across his face. Easily 6'1" or 6'2", weighing a easy 165 or so. A perfect smooth 8 pak set of abs set below a chiseled chest. Small nipples devoid of any hair were set deeply into his chest. Not even a trace of hair lay below his bellybutton. His cock was now standing at a full 7" in front of him. Tightly curled blond pubic hair surrounded his shaft, encompassing the first inch of it or so. I was amazed at how smooth his nut sak was. As it was only like two feet in front of me and at eye height, it was a little hard to miss. I looked up into his eyes. The indecision was there but so was a light behind them.

"It's your call Chris" I said. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to or can't do"

For what seemed like a small eternity, but in reality was probably only 20 seconds or so, he stood there, his hardened cock throbbing gently in time to his heartbeat. As I watched his face, something seemed to changed in his look. Not necessarily a resignation but more a relief at making a decision. He moved forward to that the tip of his cock head was less then an inch from my face.

"Please" he whispered.

After hesitating briefly in which time I remembered that I wasn't as fortunate in my first time, I realized it was OK.

I took his cock head into my mouth, running my tongue directly under his cum slit. Moving it slowly upwards, I traced a line into the slit, scooping out what was already a copious amount of precum. I figured if this was going to be his first and maybe his last blow job from a guy, I was going to make it one of the best he ever had. I continued to swirl my tongue around just the head of his cock while using my fingers to roll his nuts around in the loose sak like a pair of marbles in a silken bag.

Chris started to moan at the sensations. His hips began an involuntary bucking, moving more and more of the shaft into my mouth. Knowing I could easily swallow the shaft, I let him push it all into me until my nose was buried deep in his pubes. I began a swallowing motion while working my tongue at the base of his shaft.

"Oh God" he cried. "That is incredible. It's never felt like that before"

I moved back up and got into a rhythm of sucking him from the base of his cock to the lip of his head, periodically moving up and working my tongue around the head. All the while my hands were roaming around his hard body. After a while, I began trailing a fingernail up the ridges and over his chest I began a slow flicking motion over his left nipple in time to the sucking motions I made. This brought a renewed moaning and bucking from him. I could tell his was getting close; as his nutsak made it way close to his body. Not wanting him to explode to fast, I pulled off his cock and trailed my tongue up his abs, licking each ridge. First one then the other nipple made its way into my mouth. I could feel his cock continue to leak as I stroked it. I stood full and took his hand and led him back to the bed. I pushed him gently down on the bed. I didn't think he was really ready to be kissed, despite having done it before. So, once more I trailed my tongue over his neck and ears. God knows what the neighbors thought if they were in. Chris was making enough noise to wake the dead. After swirling my tongue around his nipples once more I trailed down the abs, to clean out his belly button. I went further down, deliberately missing his shaft to take first one then the other of his nuts into my mouth and suckle and roll them with my tongue.

"Man I gotta nut!" he called out to me. Figuring this was about when he was getting off with the girls he had been with, I decided to initiate him into the next level of gay sex. I gently rolled him over onto his stomach. Spreading his legs I continued to lick his nutsack from behind. I could see him making motions of grinding his cock into the blankets. After licking the back of his thighs for a short time I broke contact from his body for the moment and moved to the back of his neck. My tongue continued to move around it as I massaged his shoulders.

Chris was practically crying with the emotions and pleasures coursing through his body.

"Jesus man, don't stop. Don't ever fucking stop" he said.

I started with the fingernail again tracing down his spine. My tongue followed over the sensitized flesh. Lower and lower in repeated motions my tongue went down until I reached the cleft of his ass. Taking both hands I moved his ass cheeks open. There in the center, was his smooth tight asshole. It was clenching in rhythm to his humping motions on the bed. I was pretty sure none of the girls had ever done this too him. Slowly my tongue started to flick over his hole. The reaction was electric. His entire body arched up and something that was a cross between a scream and lustful moan came from his lips. As his body collapsed back into the blankets, I began in earnest to work my tongue into him. I could feel his body spasm as I massaged his back while going deep into him with my tongue.

For nearly five minutes I kept this up. I could feel his body start to shake. I rolled my tongue back up to his neck and pulled him over on top of me. His mouth seem to find mine of his own accord. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. For minutes his tongue explored my mouth. I was amazed to find his hands had worked their way into my sweats. Without warning I exploded into his hand. As I came back to Earth, I broke the kiss and pushed him back down onto his back. I pulled his hand from my sweats. I ran my mouth over his fingers cleaning the cum from them. Still holding the cum in my mouth I dove down on his cock, spreading it over his cock head. This sent him over the edge. Five fully volleys of cum shot from his cockhead. He was thrashing on the bed, grabbing the blankets with clenched fists. His whole body seemed to shake in near epileptic fit. I continued to swab my tongue around his cockhead as it shrank. With a sudden motion he pulled me up from his cock.

"Damn, I get way to sensitive after I shoot man." he said, "It feels so damn good but it almost hurts"

I moved up next to him on the bed. For minutes he just lay there in the afterglow. I slowly ran a finger over his body, now covered in sweat. As his breathing returned to normal he rolled over and surprised me by giving me an incredibly tender kiss that lasted an easy two minutes.

"Damn" I said. "Where did that come from?"

"Dude" he said quietly. "Never have I ever shot like that or felt what I felt when you were sucking me or working your tongue into me. Nobody has ever done that to me."

"Guess it was good then" I said, a smile on my face.

"Good?" he looked at me with a funny look. "No one has ever given me that much attention when sucking me. Even my last girlfriend who loved to suck would just kneel there. You worked my whole body. It was fucking incredible"

"I'm glad. I wanted you to see that sex with a guy is not this dirty nasty thing that so many people talk about." I said. My hand found his cock and began a slow motion over it. "Too many people think that gay sex is fast fucking, or a blow job in the back alley. It can be just as beautiful as a guy and a girl making love"

"It was the best I've felt" he said, sinking back into the bed. I kissed him once more briefly and let him relax on the bed. I took a quick shower and came back out to see him still lying in bed, apparently asleep. I pulled another blanket out of the closet and started to cover him. As I did he reached out and took my arm.

"Come here Jon" he said.

I dropped the towel and got into bed with him. He rolled over facing me, holding me.

"I don't know what say man" he said.

I looked at his face, inches away. "There's nothing to say Chris. It was something you wanted, I wanted. It was something that we shared that brought us both a lot of pleasure."

"Would you let me fuck you?" he asked.

"Are you sure you want to go that far man?" I asked.

"I think so" he said. "I want to find out if I can"

Despite my mind whirling around in debate with itself, I agreed. He bent over me and started to kiss me again, first timidly then with growing passion as I felt his cock start to rise and push against my stomach. He pulled the blankets off of us and worked his tongue down to my cock. First holding it with his hand, he began a tentative motion with his tongue over my shaft. I could see he was becoming comfortable with it and himself as he took the cock head into his mouth. My hands found his head and began moving my fingers through his short soft blond hair. He had obviously gotten enough blow jobs from girls to know to keep his teeth out of the way. Clumsy at first but improving, he was starting to take more and more of my cock into his mouth.

"Yeah Chris, take your time man, that feels incredible" I told him.

For minutes he continued to suck my cock, bringing me nearer and nearer to orgasm. I knew that if I shot, I wouldn't be able to take him. I gently pulled him off my cock and brought him to my lips, kissing him. He responded with a passion I wouldn't have believed possible earlier in the day.

His hands trailed between my legs. Breaking the kiss, he looked at me. "I don't think I can do what you did to me earlier. How else can I?" He paused not knowing how to say what he was thinking.

"It's cool Chris" I said reaching over him to the bedside stand. I pulled a bottle of WET out of the drawer. "It's not so different then girls."

I rolled on my back and lifted my legs. "Just make sure you use a lot. It's been a while"

"Are you sure I can?" he asked me.

"Yeah man, I want you to" I told him.

After liberally coating his cock with WET, he used his fingers on me. Obviously he had been with enough women to know how to be stimulating while loosening them up. He slowly worked one finger at a time into me, working up to three fingers. He moved them around in all sorts of patterns that were driving me nuts. My own cock was throbbing from the internal attention.

"OK Chris" I said. "Do it"

Reaching over him I handed him the other thing I had pulled out. He opened the condom and slipped it on to his shaft, covering it with more WET. I helped him to line his cockhead up. He slowly pushed into me. After a brief spasm of pain, I relaxed, letting him slide all of his shaft into me. He paused as our nutsaks touched as he hit bottom.

"God Damn" he said, starting to rock his hips "Pussy never felt like that'

I clenched down on my asshole. This drove him into near insensibility.

"Like that?" I asked.

His only response was to bend down and kiss me as he continued to rock back and forth into me. He continued to kiss me as a hand reached down and started to stroke me in time to his thrusts. I started to buck back to match his thrusts, trying to make it the best I could for him. Suddenly his body started to shake. Once more I started to milk his cockshaft with my ass. I could feel his cock swell and shoot four times into the rubber. He collapsed onto me. My hands rubbed his back as he lay there. I could feel his cock slip out of me as it shrank.

"You OK Chris?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said. "Did I hurt you?"

"No man, it was great" I said, meaning it.

"Did you shoot?" he asked rolling over and pulling the condom off.

"Nope" I said, taking some of the WET and rubbing it on my cock.

"Do me" He said.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"Make love to me" he said. "Fuck my ass"

I looked down at him and the look on his face said it all. I took another rubber and pulled it over my shaft. I figured another round of rimming would give him extreme pleasure. For minutes I worked my tongue in, out and around all of his hole. Slowly I worked two fingers into him. When his face told me that he was OK I worked one more finger into him. I kept a pretty heavy flow of WET on him.

"You sure you're ready?" I asked him one last time.

"Yeah he said, slipping out from under me and rolling over on his stomach. "Do it".

I rubbed my cockhead over his hole, adding still more Wet. My cock head paused and slipped into his virgin hole.

"Tell me if it hurts man" I said.

"Fuck yes it hurts" he said. "Give me a minute."

I pulled out and waited til he relaxed. "OK man do it again" he said.

Once more I slipped into him. This time he seemed OK as he moaned something that was sounding like lust.

"Finish it man" he said.

Slowly I worked all 7 inches into him. When I was all the way into him I bent down and kissed hi neck.

"How is it?" I asked.

"Fucking incredible" he said. "Do it fuck me"

I began a slow rocking motion over his ass. As he became more pliable, I started to fuck harder and making circular motions with my body. He was moaning and crying out in pleasure. I pulled out and rolled him over. Pulling him to the edge of the bed, I easily entered him. I started to rock faster and faster. He let a low moan out and started to shoot his load over both of us. This sent me over the edge, filling the rubber with a large load. With both of us covered in his load and sweat, I pulled out, slipping the rubber off and throwing it on the floor.

For minutes, neither of us spoke. I was unsure of how his mindset would be. It was a pretty far step from going from fucking pussy to taking a cock in you. I looked over at him. His eyes were closed, yet I could see tears coming from him.

"What's wrong Chris" I asked quietly.

"Nothing man" he said. "I feel so incredible. I know it isn't wrong. It feels too good to be wrong."

He rolled over and held onto me as the dam of his emotions let go. "I was raised and taught that being gay was evil. That only perverts did things to other men. That they were sick."

He continued to cry as I held him, gently rubbing his back. "I know it's not now. You gave me something special Jon. You showed me that it is OK. You could have been like my parents said gay people are. You could have just taken me. You didn't. You showed me pleasure, gave me time to move at my own pace. There can't be anything wrong with what we just did"

"There isn't Chris" I said. "There isn't"

For minutes he just lay there in my arms calming down. Finally he pulled back and kissed me. Deeply obviously with emotion.

"Thank you" he said.

"You're welcome" I said. "Thank you too I didn't do all of the work here"

"Yeah, I guess I did some stuff didn't I" he said.

"Not too bad at it either" I said, slapping his abs lightly. "You need a shower"

"So do you." He said. "Would you take one with me?"

"Sure" I said.


Chris and I spent the afternoon on the beach talking. He told me many things about how he had been almost brainwashed to think sex between guys was dirty, perverted. I told him many things of my life, growing up, learning about being gay. As the sun started to go down, both of us decided that we were sunburned enough. We went back to the apartment. As I was in the shower he climbed into the shower again. Once more, we made love under the hot water, with him taking me. He spent the night after we went out to dinner and a movie. That next morning I woke up to him sucking my cock. He slipped a rubber over me and slid down on me. I let him go at his own pace, riding me til he came all over me, followed by for me what was one of the most shaking orgasms to date. He lay back down and we cuddled for a while. When I woke up, he wasn't there. There was a note on the bed, handwritten in typical teenager handwriting.


Thank you for giving me something more special then words I can put into. I know I'll probably fall apart if I'm here when you wake up and try to tell you this. The gift you have given me, is like lifting a burden from my shoulders. I still love women and will, but now I know that sex with guys is OK too. That my feelings towards guys are OK too. You've given me a freedom I didn't feel before.

Thank you. I will be in touch soon. Thank you again Chris.

I had mixed emotions about what had happened, but I soon realized that maybe, just maybe I had helped someone become comfortable and at ease with themselves. That made me feel pretty good. As I got out of bed I saw something on the floor. A pair of Looney Tunes Boxers. I smiled.

Truth is truly stranger then fiction.

Next: Chapter 4

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