Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Jun 23, 2000


This was an unexpected addition. I hadn't planned on a second part to this. I actually got an message from one of the guys from the story. Guess someone wasn't as straight as I thought.

Truth continues to be stranger then fiction. comments as always welcomed..

Straight Senior Cock gets bent:

Thursday evening about 7pm I was relaxing having come back from an swim in the warm ocean waters after a seriously aggravating day at work. There were decided benefits to living at the beach. I had just opened a new bottle of wine and was cruising my email when I got an IM from someone I didn't know. I clicked on it. The transcript was as follows:

Wanderer: Hi there Skagkatt(me): Hi yourself W: Are you busy? S: Not really, uhm.. do I know you? W: Sort of.. You live in Myrtle Beach at the hotel right? S: Yeah, who is this? W: I'm Chris.. from the cottage S: Ah, how's it going.. How did you get my IM name? W: I cruised through your web site man, after reading the story. I can't believe you wrote about it.

S: Yeah, well, it was too hot a scene not too. Wait a minute... You said you read the story? That's not even on my website yet.

W: I know.. I read it on Nifty. S: Then... you're gay? W: I don't know man. S: ?? W: I love pussy, but I read the stuff on Nifty and jerk off to it a lot S: Oh. W: You freaked the guys out really bad when you told us "nice show" that morning.

S: I couldn't resist.=0) W: =) Uhm, listen. I guess you are gay right? S: Last I looked. What's on your mind. W: Dude, look, I need to talk to someone and I don't know anyone else who is gay. Can I ask a really big favor


Now at this point, my brain was going at a thousand miles per hour. This dude who screamed straight dude out of every pore was taking this conversation somewhere I didn't know if I wanted it to go. Part of me said log off and drop it, the other part of me reminded me that I've been single since Nick was gone and "CHRIS" did have an amazing body.....


S: What's on your mind dude? W: I live about 2 hours from there. Could I come down to the beach and talk to you about stuff?

S: Like when? W: Tonight?

damn damn damn damn damn

S: Yeah, I guess so.

W: Cool dude, thanks. I know you don't know me but I really need to talk to someone and you seemed pretty cool during the week we were there.

S: OK, I'll be here.


I logged off and went down to the beach to do some quick thinking. Either this was on the level, which was blowing my mind, or it was a joke or a setup. If it was on the level, it was going to be interesting. If it was a joke, no harm no foul. If it was a setup and they were coming here with intent to do bodily harm, it was going to be a serious mistake on their part. Figuring out that I would find out what was what in a few hours I went back to the room, got cleaned up and made dinner.

After dinner, the survivalist in me took over briefly. I strategically placed a few items of defense hidden but accessible about the place. I still hadn't figured out what was going to transpire but was covering all the bases. About 9:30 or so, I was on the deck when I saw the black jeep they had driven here come back into the driveway of the hotel. As he parked, Chris got out. He was by himself. Typical teenager, he was dressed in shorts and no shirt with the top of the jeep off. I had to marvel again at the incredible beauty this kid had. As I watched from the deck, He got his CD player out of the jeep, put his shirt on and headed up the stairs. I took a seat at the table on the deck, and was contemplating my wine glass when he came by. Obviously he was distracted in thought, because he never saw me. I let him get about 4 steps up the second level past me when I called his name.

"Chris" I said.

I have never actually seen someone jump out of their skin, but he did a pretty good imitation. He came back down the stairs. He walked over and offered his hand. I shook it and was amazed at the strength of the hand arm and wrist. This kid can't be gay I thought to myself. He is soooo straight.

"How was the drive?" I asked, trying to keep things on the neutral side.

"Not bad" said Chris. "Pretty easy all in all, not a Hell of a lot of traffic coming to the beach tonight"

"Works for me" I said. "I could use a little quiet around town this weekend."

As I sat I could see the wheels turning in his head. I think it was starting to sink in as to what he had actually done. He had driven all the way to the beach to talk to a gay guy about feelings he was having about being with guys when he had a girlfriend or at least had been straight all his life.

"Come on Chris" I said getting up. "I got a beer in the fridge. You look like you could use one after the drive"

"Yeah dude" said Chris, "A few maybe"

We went upstairs to my studio apt. He jumped a little when I closed and locked the door.

"Easy dude" I said. "You came to me. I'm not gonna kidnap you here"

"I know man" said Chris. "I'm just I dunno"

I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a Sam Adams for him and refilled my wine glass. I handed him the bottle and pointed in the general direction of the couch. I figured that he needed to move at his own pace. I got him talking about general stuff, what college he was going to in the fall, how H.S. had been and stuff. After the second beer, I could see him finally start to relax.

"So, why did you come back here?" I asked.

"I realized I needed to talk to someone" he said simply. "When I read the story you wrote it kind of freaked me out. I mean I recognized myself and the guys in an instant. At first I was freaked that someone would put two and two together. Then I figured out that you had changed the names, which was cool. Still kinda weird seeing yourself in print"

He took a long pull off his beer. I stayed silent.

"That was the first time I have ever done something like that" said Chris. "It felt so fucking good tho. I mean I've fucked chicks, gotten blow jobs from them and stuff, but it felt so different being jerked off by a guy. Seeing the dudes cum just blew my nut. I've never shot so hard in my life. Not even when I lost my cherry"

"And" I said, gently prodding.

"Well, I realized after reading the story I was really into what had happened. Hell I had to jerk off after reading it" He paused drinking again. I could tell he was somewhat embarrassed about that statement.

"Relax Chris" I said getting him a third beer, and refilling my glass. "It happens."

"Yeah I know." he said. "At least twice a day" He smiled at his own joke. I flipped on the TV and we watched some mindless show for a while. Think it was VIP.

"Can you get excited by those boobs dude?" he asked me.

"I appreciate the female anatomy" I replied. "She has a fantastic body but would I go to bed with her? No, doesn't do it for me"

"I would fuck her in a heartbeat" Chris said. "But the idea of a cock still makes me hard too. I'm so fucking confused"

I knew if I touched him he might freak, so I just looked over at him.

"Chris it is cool relax." I said. "A lot of guys are bisexual, or unsure of themselves. Thoughts of sex with guys cross everyone's mind at least once. How many times have you had sex with girls?"

"I dunno" he said, "Probably like 25 times or so"

"You enjoyed it?" I asked

"Yeah how can ya not?" he replied laughing.

"OK, so that proves you like girls at least to a point' I said. "As far as you reading about Nifty stories and such, jerking off to them and stuff. Who knows. You might be BI or working towards gay. Either way it doesn't matter. What you need to deal with is regardless of which way you go, it is cool. As long as you and whoever agree that it is going to happen, both have fun and can deal with it, it doesn't matter. Nothing is right or wrong"

He looked at me for a while. "Yeah I guess so" he said.

"Chris, what sports did you play in school?" I asked him. "It's obvious from your body, your an athlete."

"Track and varsity Lacrosse" he replied.

"Thought so" I said. "You look at your buds in the shower room after games and stuff?"

He distinctly blushed underneath his tan at that one.

"Yeah man I do" he said quietly.

"Ever do anything about it?" I asked.

"I went into one of the stalls a couple of times and jerked off after getting out of the shower. Eric is just so fucking hot with his bod and shit." he said.

I could see he was starting to lose it a little.

"Come one Chris" I said. "Let's take a drive. You hungry?"

"Yeah I am" he said. "I blew out of the house right after I logged off. I didn't want to chicken out. Guess I forgot to eat".

I knew he wasn't in much shape to drive after three beers on an empty stomach. My three glasses of wine were over a couple of hours and on a full stomach.

"Give me your keys." I said. "You're not driving and I've always wanted to drive a jeep."

He got up threw me the keys and went off to the bathroom to get rid of the beer. He came out a couple of minutes later. He was slightly buzzed but in good shape. We went out and downstairs. I have got to get a jeep I decided after we were going down the boulevard. I also decided that gay, straight, curious or whatever, there isn't an 18 year old dude that doesn't like Mickey Ds. We pulled into the drive thru. He told me what he wanted.. How someone with 4% body fat can scarf down 2 big macs, a large order of fries and a super sized coke is beyond me. I paid for his dinner and we took a cruise back up the boulevard to the beaches in the residential section of Ocean Blvd. I found a deserted parking lot for one and pulled in. He took his food and we walked down to the beach. For a long time neither one of us said anything. I knew he needed time to think, and to be honest I did too. Finally after finishing all his food he got up and walked down to the surf line. He had taken off his sneakers and let the surf wash over his feet and ankles. He bent down and washed his hands in the ocean. He dried them on his shirt and walked back to me. He took off his shirt. In the dim light coming from the full mood I could see the outlines of his rigid 8 pak of abs and hard chest. I knew what was coming.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah a lot Chris" I said, not too sure of my voice. "You have got one of the best bodies I have ever seen man. You are incredibly handsome too"

"Thanks man" he said, sitting down close to me. "I was driving out here and knew what I was going to do in my mind, but at the same time was scared shitless you were gonna try to do me just cuz I said I was coming out here"

"Hey, Chris" I said, probably a little sharper then I should have. "I am not into those games. As far as I know, you are straight and maybe just a little curious. But you have some issues. You asked for help and I'm gonna help you. That's all I was planning on."

He stared at me for a long moment. "I'm sorry" he mumbled. "Maybe I should just go back"

Against better judgment, I reached across and put my hand on his shoulder. "Easy dude. Only if you want to. You need to talk, I'm here. Just be easy on yourself."

Once more he stood and looked away. "I need help man." he said quietly. "I'm so fucking confused."

I stood behind him. I could feel the heat of his body radiating off him. "Then let's go back and talk"

He nodded and after a moment, turned to me. I swear I never saw it coming. He leaned in and kissed me. Startled, I didn't object as his tongue entered my mouth. It was brief but amazing. He broke the contact looking at me.

"I had to dude" he said, trying to gage my reaction.

I smiled back at him. "No problem' I said. "Give me a little more warning next time."

"OK" he said. I could tell he had crossed some sort of bridge in his mind.

"You know, I just realized something" he said as we walked back to the jeep.

"What's that?" I asked, "You like kissing guys?"

"Yeah, uhm.. that too" he said, sheepishly. "I don't know your name"

I winced at that one. "Jon" I said.

"Cool" he replied.

We got in the jeep and drove back to the motel. Going back to my room, I checked for messages to stall for time and he went into the bathroom. I was pretty sure where this was going and wasn't sure if I wanted it to. He came back out of the bathroom, his shirt back on and looking a little more composed.

"Can I ask a question?" he asked coming over and sitting next to me.

"That's why you are here" I said, looking at his incredibly green eyes.

"Can I stay here tonight?" he asked.

Damn. Didn't see that one coming either.

"Probably, we'll see" I said. I knew that I had to be up at 6 am for work and it was already 11:30. My body was not going to be happy with myself in the morning.

We got into a long conversation about me being gay, recognizing myself as gay, experiences and stuff. Before I knew it, the clock struck 2 AM. I was already hating myself. Chris had relaxed considerably and was being more open with himself and me about his thoughts and feelings. We both came to the conclusion that he was probably finding out about himself and was going to be BI. At least I got him to realize that it was OK and not to hate himself for it. Religion can fuck up a guy's mind I swear.

I looked over at the clock again and realized I had to get to bed.

"Chris" I said. "I've got to crash out man I got to get up in 4 hours"

"OH shit man" he said. "I didn't realize it was so late, I just needed to talk, and listening to you, made me feel better and I forgot about the time. I should probably split"

He got up and walked back into the bathroom. He had decided he liked Sam Adams. A lot. I could hear him piss out what I swore was all three of the ones he had drank since we got back. He came back out of the bathroom and looked at the door.

Damn damn damn.

"You're not going anywhere like that dude" I said. "I still have your keys. I also think you need to talk out some more stuff. You can stay here if you want, we can talk some more when I get back from work in the afternoon."

"Thanks man" he said. I could see in his eyes he was relieved. He knew he couldn't drive and at the same time there was something more.

"Where do I crash?" he asked.

"Your choice. The couch opens up or you can crash in the bed with me" I said. "I'll behave"

He smiled at that one. I left him to his choice and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and make ready for bed. I came back out got undressed and saw him down to his boxers on the couch with his eyes closed. I turned off the lights and dropped my boxers and got into bed(Yes I sleep naked).

About 20 minutes later I heard him get off the couch. I heard a noise I wasn't sure of as I was half asleep. Then I felt the bed move and him slowly crawl under the blankets. He moved next to me and I realized what the sound was. He was naked.

He pressed himself against my back. I could feel his hard cock against my back. "Please" was all he asked.

I turned over to face him and put my arms around him. He didn't make a sound but just laid there and let me hold him while he shook. He reached up and kissed me again. This time I returned the kiss. Our tongues intermingled. He hand hesitantly trailed down my side and over to where my cock was pressed against his. As he touched mine, he moaned into my mouth. The next thing I was aware of was a warm wet feeling splattering all over my cock and abs. He basically collapsed in my arms as his cock continued to shoot. As he came down off his orgasm, he looked at me.

"I'm so fuckin sorry dude" he said, stammering.

"Easy dude' I said. "It's OK, relax. Nothing's broken" I stroked my hand gently over his chest til he calmed down.

"I can't believe I just did that" Chris said.

"It's OK" I said. "Are you OK with it?"

"Yeah man. I can't tell you how intense that was.. I wasn't even touching myself" he said.

I kissed him softly on the lips. "Get some sleep.We'll talk more in the morning.

I reached over him, turned off the alarm clock and picked up the phone. I got the night manger at the hotel I work for and told him I wouldn't be in for the morning.

Putting the phone back down, I took Chris back into my arms and let him fall asleep holding him. Now what was I supposed to do.


Author note: This happened last night. "Chris" (obviously not his real name) left this morning to get some stuff at home and is coming back for the weekend after asking if he could stay for a couple of days. Truth is clearly stranger then fiction. comments always.

Next: Chapter 3: Straight Senior Cock 3

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