Hotel Slave

By John Elliot

Published on Nov 11, 2008




This is a work of fiction, and those people who are prevented from reading such fictional works either by age, by preference (homosexual content), or by law should stop reading and go back on your browser.

All of the characters presented here are fictional representations.

It's just a story. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1

I'm only happy between my master's legs, or under his ass. I live for his smell, his body heat, for his attention. At least this is what I've been trained to love. I've been a slave for years now, since I was a kid. I don't remember what it was like to have free will, thus I don't miss it. I intend to put my story down here for others to read. To learn about my enslavement. And while I do not wish to be free (and have you take this as a pity story), it's probably because I was conditioned to think this.

My last memories of being free were on a family vacation on some island. I forget the exact name because it was so long ago. I was with my mother, father, and younger brother. My brother was 5 at the time. My best friend was also there with his family. He was my age, and his name was Dan. It was a fun vacation. We played on the beach, went out to eat, and stayed in a beautiful hotel.

The service at the hotel was excellent. We were pampered from head to foot. Each hotel room had a servant's room, so that we received attention 24/7. I thought it was an amazing place. The swimming pool was great as well. While it didn't strike me as odd at the time, there was a young man at the pool around 17 years old. He had long brown hair and a toned body. His legs and chest were tanned nicely. I made eye contact with him several times during the trip, and he always gave me a grin. Now I know what he was thinking behind that grin.

The day we were leaving was very hectic. My family and my friend's family dragged all our luggage downstairs. My dad hailed 2 taxi's and we started loading the luggage. At the last second my mom forgot something and ran back to the room, I told my dad I had to pee, and I went to the bathroom. He told me to wait for mom when I got out of the bathroom. It was very confusing with who was in each cab, and I must have got lost in the shuffle. Mom thought I was in the cab with dad, and vice versa. When I came out of the bathroom, everyone was gone.

I ran back to the room, hoping someone would be there, but it was empty. There was a new family moving in. That's when the young man from the pool came up to me. He introduced himself as Tim. He had that grin upon his face. "I got you now", he said. He spoke with a slight island accent. He picked me up quickly and threw me over his shoulder. I struggled to get away, but it was no use. None of the hotel staff responded to my screams, and before I knew it, I was thrown into a dark room. There were hotel supplies stacked everywhere, and I figured I was in the hotel basement. It seemed like forever, but eventually Tim and a much older man entered the room.

"That's a nice catch", commented the older man.

"I was eyeing him for a while. The opportunity came, and I seized it", responded Tim.

"I'll tell you what. If you train him in the next few weeks, I'll buy him for the hotel. I'll even pay for the training too". said the older man.

"You got yourself a deal", said Tim enthusiastically. The older man handed Tim a shiny silver key.

"This is the key to room 101. Train him in there. I'll check up on you in week." The two shook hands and the older man exited the room. Tim walked over, and stood over me. He was skinny, but he had an authoritative manner about him that commanded attention.

"You're young, but you need to understand some basic rules. You're a slave now. Our economy depends on slave labor so that we can satisfy rich Americans, like what you used to be. My jobs to train you and sell you", said Tim matter of factly. I stared at him stunned. He let out a long laugh. "This is how I make money for my family"

Before I could make sense of the situation, I was thrown into a bag and carried through the hotel to room 101.

Over the next few days I began my training. I was depressed and lonely, but too scared to do anything. Tim had me strip naked and wear nothing at all times. The training started out simple. I learned to kneel whenever Tim walked into the room, and to always call him master. I had to ask permission to use the bathroom. I served Tim breakfast lunch and dinner, while he did nothing but relax and yell at me.

"Get used to the life of a slave", Tim would yell. "You are to serve, that's your role in life".

It's amazing how quickly one adjusts when one he has to. In just a few days I had gotten used to my role. I did what I had to in order to survive. My daily routine went something like this:

  • I woke up at 7 Am from my spot on the wood floor * I made Tim breakfast (usually toast or cereal) * I then stayed kneeling in the kitchen until Tim woke up and came for breakfast * When he was finished I ate what was left and cleaned up the table * While Tim got ready, I made the bed and vacuumed the floor * I usually spent the next few hours as a foot rest for Tim as he watched TV * I then spent the rest of the day cleaning or doing chores for Tim * If Tim had to leave (he was a big surfer), I was locked into a small cage in the bathroom. * I was allowed to go to sleep at 12 AM, which I was told was very generous

Looking back, this was the easy stuff. The hard stuff started in the second week. One day when Tim woke up, he told me he was taking a shower. Except this time, I was to go with him. When we were in the bathroom, he gave me a talk.

"Listen slave, you must satisfy every need of your master. Start the shower and wash me."

"Yes master", I replied. I started the shower and made sure the temperature was right. Tim slapped me across the face.

"Undress me", he yelled. I ran over to him and pulled off his shirt. He was now naked except for the underwear which he slept in. He slapped me again.

"Don't male me ask again slave". I slid off his underwear. His 5 in. flaccid penis stared me in the face. It was the same tan color as the rest of his body. Tim walked into the shower. I followed after him. It was the first time I had been in a shower since my captivity. I was told slave hygiene was not important.

"Use the body wash" , said Tim. "Make sure you wash every area." I grabbed the bottle and squirted some onto my hand. I proceeded to rub his body with the soap. I started at the chest and worked my way down. As he was not hairy, it was an easy task, I could feel his smooth skin, and his toned chest. I made sure to rub his shoulders and armpits as well. I got down on my knees in order to better clean the lower half of his body. I rubbed his firm buttocks, and went down to his legs. I was scared to touch his penis.

I spent a while on his smooth legs and thighs, rubbing them up and down with my hands. Finally all that was left was his crotch. I stuck a hand around his semi-erect penis and began massaging it with the soap. My hand slid easily up and down the folds of his penis. Soon his penis was sticking out a full 8 in.

"Why don't you use your mouth", said Tim. I was a little shocked, but I knew not to question my master. I stuck out my tongue and licked the head of his erect penis. It was a beautiful specimen, and I wasn't as disgusted as I thought I would be. "You're gonna have to do better then that", said Tim angrily. He pushed on my head, and forced me forward on his dick.

I gagged a little bit, but quickly adjusted. I started bobbing up and down on his shaft. I was having trouble breathing, but I didn't dare stop for fear of punishment. I could taste a slightly viscous fluid leaking from the head of his penis. Just then Tim hit me hard on the back of my head.

"Not so fast, Stop and lick my balls for a while". I removed my mouth from his shaft and starting licking his sack. It was very sweaty and tasted salty, but it had a sweet smell. My nose was thrust all the way into his dark pubic hair as I moved my tongue over the folds of his ball sack. "Now lick the head of my dick", said Tim authoritatively.

I moved back to his head, and rotated my tongue along his pee hole, and in a circular motion over the whole head of his penis. Tim then placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down on his shaft again. This time though Tim thrust into my mouth over and over again. I just kneeled there, trying to be as a good a fuck hole as I could. "You like that?", Tim yelled, as he thrust harder and deeper. I started to gag, but Tim pulled out just in time. I was now an inch from the head of his penis. "Kiss It", he ordered.

I moved my lips to his penis and kissed the head of it. His penis exploded, shooting streams of cum all over my face. I didn't know what to do, so I tried to catch as much of it in my mouth as possible. The cum trickled down my face and dripped off my chin. "It's a good start", said Tim. "As a slave you're going to have to learn to do it much better". With that Tim stepped out of the shower and went to get dressed. He made me stay in my kneeling position for the rest of the day. My knees became sore, and the cum hardened on my face.

"You have to get used to it", he said. "I'm doing you a favor". Tim laughed and went to watch TV. Over the course of the next week, I sucked Tim off 4 times a day. Soon I was an expert cocksucker. I was told I had one week of training left before I was to be sold.

I still missed my parents a lot, and was scared of what the future held in store for me. One day as I was kneeling as a foot rest for Tim, he got up and told me he had to take a shit. He made me follow him inside and suck him off as he pooped. I no longer felt awkward giving blow jobs, but this was a weird situation. I was forced to stare at him shitting, while I bobbed up and down on his penis. He came in my mouth and I swallowed everything.

"Here's a new lesson slave". Said Tim. With that, he let loose a stream of piss in my mouth. I tried my best to gulp it all down, but some leaked onto the floor. "Lick the floor clean fuckhead", yelled Tim. I dropped to the bathroom floor and began licking the whole area around the toilet. When I thought I got everything, I sat up so that my head was once again facing his crotch.

"Every part of your master is sacred", said Tim in an unusually calm tone. "I'm giving your foul slave body something from me! Tell me how thankful you are".

"Thank you master", I said

"Like you mean it",

"Thank you so much master for you bodily fluids", I said bowing my head.

"Now lick my ass". I hesitated, but told myself that I was just a slave. I stuck my head into the toilet bowl and licked along his ass crack. I repeated in my head that this was an honor, and I was lucky. When Tim was satisfied, he got up, flushed, and exited the bathroom. I ran out to resume my duty as a foot stool.

"You learn quickly". Said Tim as he flipped back on the television and placed his feet on me. "I think you'll be ready to be sold in two days. Maybe you'll get to see the outside world".

While in the beginning I followed orders out of fear, I found that I now followed orders because I was a slave, and I felt it was my duty. In fact, I noticed recently that I was only happy when my master was using me. Sucking his dick and giving him pleasure made me the happiest. I guess my training was complete.

Part 2 coming soon

Copyright 2008, X-Brand productions

Hope you liked it. I'll post Chapter 2 soon. Please e-mail with questions, comments, or requests at

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