Hotel Morning -- TG, TV

By John Noname

Published on Sep 23, 1999



I think most TVs dress up because they like it, not because someone forces them. This story reflects that belief. If you are into forced feminization, etc. look elsewhere. Otherwise, enjoy.

Hotel Morning Version of 9/99

It was still dark as the first thin threads of wakefulness began to call me from my sleep. I don't know how long I lay there in that in between state, but suddenly I was fully aware of where I was and with my eyes still closed I smiled as I remembered our passionate lovemaking of the night before. How you had sighed as I had first driven my cock deep into you. How you, bent nearly double with your ankles on my shoulders, had bucked and moaned as I slowly withdrew my dick almost its full length and then had plunged it back into your hot and slippery hole. How, just before you started to come, you had reached down to grab my trusting asscheeks and demand that I "Fuck me harder." As I opened my eyes the dim light coming in under the door from the hotel hallway and the light coming in around the securely drawn drape provided enough light for me to make out, even if somewhat indistinctly, the shapes, of the objects in the room. The clock on the bedside table read 6:30. To soon we would have to return to the real world.

Your slow and steady breathing said that you were still asleep. I wanted to reach out my hand and stroke your body under the covers, but I was afraid that would awaken you, so I lay there and thought of you instead.

Feeling the need to answer a "call of nature" I slipped from the bed as quietly as I could. As I tiptoed into the bathroom my long pink gown, which had bunched up around my waist during the night, swished back down my otherwise naked body, momentarily catching on my stiff morning erection. As I sat to relieve myself, my hands wandered across my nylon-covered body and paused to caress my nipples through the lace at the bodice. After peeing I filled the sink with warm water, and with some reluctance, slipped out of my gown and hung it on the back of door. Naked I was nothing more than another guy; no longer was I the special person I became when I was dressed to please you (and me). Using a washcloth I gently washed last night's now dried mixture of cum, KY lube and "boy pussy chocolate" from my now flaccid cock and gently patting myself dry in a properly ladylike way, even though in the mirror there was nothing feminine about me, other than my gown on the back of the door. Smiling to myself, I took the nightie off the hook and held it up to me before gathering it up, raising my arms, and letting it slip naturally and comfortably onto my body again. After quickly running a comb through my hair and beard, I turned off the light and tried to slip quietly back into the bed next to you. But you were no longer asleep. You had rolled onto your left side facing me, and with your right arm you lifted the covers. "God you look so sexy in that nightie. Come over here and kiss me lover" you whispered as I slipped under the covers and across the bed toward you. That was an invitation that didn't need to be issued twice. As you threw your arms around my neck to hug me, I moved in to savor you. First your lips that still bore the slight taste and waxy smoothness from your lipstick, now mostly gone, then your cheeks where your morning beard tickled my lips. Clearly you were going to have to shave this morning or your cute, girlish, almost passable looks would suffer a major setback. >From your cheeks I moved down to your neck where there lingered traces of your Laurent perfume. All the while, as you arched your neck to expose more of it to my lips, you were purring under your breath and trying to blow in and nibble on my ear.

Pulling the covers down, I kissed my way further down your neck and reached your shoulders and encountered the twin straps of your bra and gown. The night before I had told you that it didn't matter to me that you had small "ballerina" breasts, but you had insisted on wearing your bra and breastforms under your gown anyway. You had said: "A girl like me should have pride in her appearance, and besides, they're safety equipment, I'm going to give you such a ride tonight that you are going to need something to hang on to." How could I have argued with logic like that? This morning, however, you offered no resistance as I rolled you onto your back and pulled both pairs of straps off your shoulders and down low on your arms so I could free your little breasts and sensitive nipples to make them available to my yearning lips and mouth. As I kissed and licked and nibbled on first one nipple and then the other I could feel them become firm and erect between my lips, and I could taste on them the faint salty taste of the now dried sweat that resulted from our lovemaking of the night before. As I continued to pay homage to your nipples and breasts, you relaxed and used one arm to cradle my head and your other hand to hold and offer your breast to me. For long minutes I lay with my head against your right breast as I nursed like a baby at your left breast.

Finally, unable to restrain myself longer, I freed myself from your embrace and tunneled under the covers until, by touch and instinct rather than by sight, My lips found your soft inner thighs. Starting on your left thigh, and pushing the hem of your nightie up and out of the way as I went, I kissed up your leg and hip, around the edge of your pubic hair, across your lower belly, and back down your other hip and leg, again just skirting your pubic hairs, and the special treasure now standing erect in their forest, until I reached the soft inner thigh of your right leg. On the way across your lower belly I lingered at your belly button to explore it with my tongue and to savor the taste of your now dried cum that had collected there last night as you had reached your orgasm as I had emptied my load of cum deep within your ass. Then using my hand to guide it, and in one swift motion, I took your now fully erect cock into my longing mouth and began to eat you in earnest -- sliding back until only the head was still in my mouth and then plunging down on you until so much of your cock was in my mouth that I could hardly breath. With relish I fucked my mouth with your cock. On the upstroke I swirled my tongue around its sensitive head, at the top of my stroke I tried to slip my tongue into the hole on the end, and on the downstroke I just tried to take in as much of you as I could. I would have continued to eat you until you came, but you had other ideas.

Reaching under the covers, you took my head into your hands and pulled me up until I was again lying beside you. Adjusting your bra and nightie straps, you said, "I love it when you do that, but we are going to have to leave today and before we leave I want to give you my cum the same way you gave me yours last night. I want to fuck you darling, the same way you fucked me. With that you slipped out of the bed and headed for the bathroom saying, as you closed the door, "But first I have to do a quick wash and wax job." Then, the door opened again and said, in a husky, breathless voice, "Put your bra back on sweetie, I like a man with tits in his nightie." After complying with your request, and stuffing my bra cups with Kleenex before slipping the straps back up my arms and over my shoulders, I got back in bed to await your return; my body literally tingling with anticipation of what was to come.

As I heard the water running in the bath I looked around the room. Your red, full-skirted, shirtwaist dress that you had worn during our room service dinner was tossed across the chair across the room. I loved the way the skirt flared out when you spun around to model it for me. Your black pumps (with sensible, 2 1/2 inch heals) were on the floor beside the chair. And scattered on floor next to the bed, where we had tossed them in our haste, were your black slip, panties garter belt and stockings. My wing tips were near the wall on my side of the bed and on another chair were my sport coat, slacks, dress shirt and tie. Had a maid walked in at that moment (perish the thought), at first glance she would have thought she had interrupted to normal, very hetero lovers. But had she been observant she would have noted that that something was missing. No boxer shorts, no T-shirt, no men's socks were on the pile. Instead, on top of my outwear she would have seen the pink camisole and tap panties, and the pink garter belt and black stockings that I had been wearing under my "man" clothes when we ate out "in room" dinner last night, and that you had so quickly uncovered and commented on positively as we sat on the sofa after dinner enjoying each other. The pink lacy soft cup bra was, of course, no longer in the pile since I was now once again aware of its slight constriction around my chest with, breath I took. My lingerie was new and I had bought them especially for this trip.

When you came from the bathroom the light coming in around the curtains was strong enough that I could see you had put your wig back on (it has come off during the night) and had applied fresh lipstick. As you approached the bed I stood and kissed you, noting as I did so that your cheeks were again smooth and that you had also applied fresh perfume. Once again, to all external appearances you were an attractive, feminine woman. But under that cover you are still all male.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, and grabbing my cock through the material of my gown, you gently pulled me toward you and planted light kiss on the end of my cock, leaving a lipstick print on the semi-sheer nylon. I wondered if it would wash out, but even if it didn't it wouldn't matter, considering the source. Uncapping the tube of KY you had brought with you from the bathroom, you squeezed out a liberal glob and applied it to the head and shaft of your now rigid cock. Then, smiling, you said " Its time lover, get on the bed, assume the position, and spread your sexy cheeks for me." As I crouched in the position so familiar to older men who have had yearly prostate exams, there were a few significant differences. Never, during one of my physicals had I been wearing a floor length nightgown, which the doctor had to lift up and drape over my back, and never had the doctor said "Nice ass" and planted a kiss on each of my ass cheeks before applying the lube. Then, as I used one arm to support myself and the other hand to spread my cheeks apart, you used your fingers to apply a liberal dose of KY to my anal opening. Then as you capped the tube and wiped your hand on a tissue you asked "Are you ready?" My answer was straightforward and simple:

"Make love to me sweetheart, fuck me now."

Then kneeling on the bed behind me you gently began to ease your well lubed cock into my tight ass, feeling me relax and it stretch as you did so. Then, grasping one side of my waist and hips with each hand to steady us, you began to slowly rock your pelvis toward and away from my fanny, seeing as you did so the shaft of your dick emerging from and then returning to my hole, the seat of half of our lovemaking. At the deepest part of each thrust I could feel your balls mashing against that tender area between my asshole and the base of my balls and cock. Looking to the right, in the mirror over the dresser I could see us in profile -- you kneeling on the edge of the bed, your wig, breastform enhanced bustline, and gown creating the illusion of a woman, plunging her strap-on cock into nightie clad boyfriend's ass. But of course it was the real thing, not a rubber dildo that filled my ass. It was my lover's cock and not a pale imitation that filled me. And me, still on my knees, but now lying upon and hugging two pillows to my chest, my own gown haven fallen around my arms so my lacy bra was visible in the mirror, with me bare from the waist backward and downward. And, in contrast to my otherwise feminine and submissive position and lingerie, my stiff and seemingly lonely cock sticking out from my groin.

Removing one hand from my hip, you retrieved the tube of KY and handed it to me saying, "Go ahead and play with yourself. I love to see you play with yourself when I fuck you. I may even join you." I squeezed a glob of KY into my hand and reaching back under my belly I began to stroke my stiff shaft. Leaning forward over my back, and again abandoning one of my hips, you reached one hand around and joined mine in giving pleasure to my cock, all the while maintaining your slow and steady fucking of my ass.

Soon, from the increased speed with which I was stroking my cock, and the way I was clamping down on your cock with my ass muscles, you could tell I was about to spend and you increased speed and intensity of your thrusting so that we could climax together. And we did! With your balls pumping out spurt after spurt of cum, you held your throbbing cock buried deep in my asshole, and my cock pumped out its waiting load of cum into our hands until it overflowed and spilled down onto the rumpled sheets.

Slowly I eased my way down until I was lying on my stomach and you were lying on top of me with your cock still deep inside of me. We lay like that for several minutes as we regained our breath and some of our strength, and then fearful that your weight would hurt me, you rolled off of me, your now partially deflated cock making a satisfied "plop" sound as it slipped out of me.

As we lay beside each other and tenderly kissed after our lovemaking, you said, "We can stay in bed for at least another hour. Lets just lie here in each others arms like two contented lesbian lovers till it's time for you to get ready to leave." And we did just that, our feminine clad bodies cuddled up to each other. But under the covers our hands were quietly holding each other's now limp, but still very male cocks. In fact we fell asleep that way and I barely made my plane.

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