Hotel Encounter

By B L

Published on Mar 2, 2008


He was inviting people to join us. Fuck. I pulled at my ropes but I wasn't going anywhere. He was snickering under his breath. "This is going to be fun," he said. "A hotel room orgy, you as the prize. I can't wait till my friends get here." And as it on cue, there was a knock at the door.

He opened the door and I heard two new voices. "Let me out, please," I shouted as the door the was open but it closed quickly and I don't think there was anyone around to hear anyway. "He's awfully loud," one of the new guys said. "Can we gag him?" At that, someone shoved the gag back in my mouth. "It's too bad," my original captor said. "he's a great mouth for fucking. Guess we'll have to just focus on his ass." "I have no problem with that," I heard one of the new guys say. He had a deep voice, rough like he was had been smoking for a long time. I couldn't see anything so I had no idea how old these guys were or what they looked liked. If they looked like the first guy, I had no problem with it but who knew who they were or what they looked like. I felt some fingers playing with my ass and the deep voiced guy asked, "good fuck?" "Damn hot ass," the first guy said. "But he likes safe sex, says he want us to wear a condom. I didn't when I fucked him. Do what ever you want, he can't complain." I wriggled in my bonds trying to object but all I got for my trouble was a burning where the ropes were digging into my back and the cuffs were digging into my wrist. I felt a slap on my ass and I heard that unmistakable sound of a zipper. At least of the new guys was getting undressed. I heard him spit and felt wet on my ass as he quickly plugged my hole with his cock. I screamed at the onslaught. "Well, who needs a condom anyway," he said as he started to fuck me. I moaned into my gag shouting for him to stop and the three of them laughed as the first guy began to explain what I had asked for initially. "I'm not taking out his gag," the guy fucking me said. "I'm going to cum in his ass." I shouted and squirmed trying to get him to stop. I really like like unsafe sex but I really didn't have a lot of control. "He making way to much noise." He said. I continued to get my ass raped and I started crying for him to stop to no avail. They couldn't tell what I was saying and I had no control. "Shut up," said my abuser and started smacking my ass as he fucked me. I stopped making noise and started to just enjoy the abuse. I loved it and I hated it at the same time. I got into the rhythm of getting fucked as the first guy started to explain to his friends about his new posting on Craigslist. "I put an ad out that says: Bound bottom waiting in a hotel room for cock, cum, piss, spanking and abuse. No limits. Cum get off in me. I think that will get some attention. I want to watch this fag get fucked by as many guys as possible tonight. If he'll shut up, maybe we'll take the gag out and let him eat some cum, otherwise his ass is going to get royally fucked." "Well, I'm about to blow in here," said the guy fucking me. He grabbed onto my hips and plunged deep into my hole and I could feel him tense up and shoot deep into my ass. I was screaming for him to stop but he just was shooting in my ass, breathing hard, panting and saying, "fuck yeah fag, take my cum." I was crying into my blindfold. I was clean and neg and was not ready for this bareback adventure. God, I hope they're clean. I was so torn between the ecstasy of the anonymous fuck and the danger of the bareback sex. I was shaking all over but my dick was rock hard. "Here," said the other guy. I found his cell phone. It has a camera on it. Should we take pictures of all the guys who fuck him as a souvenir for him?" "I don't know," said the first guy. "Evidence if he wants to accuse us of rape?" "He posted the ad, he asked for it. He's not coming after us. Look at his cock, it's rock hard. He's loving this. He'll want to see the pictures. Smile Frank," he said. So the guy fucking me was Frank. Who cared. My ass was filled with some stranger's seed. "You're turn Joe," Frank said as he pulled out of my ass. He spanked me for good measure on his way out. "He ready now for your big monster." Monster? Fuck, I couldn't take another one. "PLEASE STOP!" I shouted into the gag but they were laughing. "I'm starting to get some hits from the ad. I'm just giving everyone the room number. This boy is going to take anyone who wants it tonight." FUCK. I wanted out. But I felt someone, Joe perhaps, lining up his cock to my hole. I could tell he was thicker than the other two guys. OH FUCK! He was huge. Joe just impaled me on his cock, slowly sliding in. "Thanks for greasing him up Frank. This is nice," he said as he started to fuck me. "Smile for the camera dude." Joe fucked me and he fucked me hard. I could head Frank and the first guy talking but I wasn't really paying attention - Joe was fucking hot. His cock was amazing and it was hitting the spot that had me hard and leaking. I forgot all about not wanting to be fucked bareback and started really enjoying Joe raping my ass. That's what it was. I hadn't asked for this. I was going to play with one guy and now I had been fucked by two and the third was about to nut in my ass. But I was about to cum too, for the first time tonight. Joe rode me hard and I shot was he pistoning in and out of my ass. He pointed it out to his friends and they laughed. Frank took some more pictures. Joe shouted and pulled out and shot his cum all over my ass and my back. Thank god he pulled out. I really didn't want any more cum in my guts. But after the first volley or two he shoved his cock back into my hole until his breathing slowed down. "Thanks fagboy. Nice hole. too bad." Too bad? What did that mean. "I'm going to un gag you," said the first guy. "If you're quiet, we'll keep it out for awhile. Say one word without being spoken to and it's going back in AND I'm going to beat your ass so you won't be able to sleep for a week. Got it?" He had a much nastier tone in front of his friends. I nodded in agreement. He undid the gag and I stretched my jaw muscles. I could feel someone scooping the cum off my ass and my back. "Open up," said Frank. I loved his sexy deep voice. Anything for this man. I opened my mouth and felt his fingers go in feeding my Joe's cum. "Good faggot. you like that don't you?" "Yes, Sir," I said. Then I felt a cock, Joe's by the size of it replace Frank's fingers. I could taste cum and shit on his dick. God, he was big. I opened wider and took more of him into my throat. "I always need to piss after I cum," he said and I felt a hot stream begin in the back of my mouth. I swallowed hard but couldn't keep up with his flow. I could feel his piss running down my chin, my chest. I was trying to swallow as much as possible. And just as fast as it started, it stopped. He pulled his cock from my mouth and slapped my face, hard. "Stop wasting my piss," he said softly and he hit me again. "Ow," I said. "Please," I begged, not sure what I was asking for. "I told you no talking unless spoken to boy," said the first guy, who's name I still didn't know. "I'm sorry sir," I said and got slapped again. My head was reeling. "Did I ask you to speak?" "No sir," came my meek reply. "You've been very good so far. You've taken three cocks. We're clean. No fear about that bareback sex. You're safe. But I have no idea who's coming over. I've given your address to about six guys. But I don't know them and there may be more. When I let them in you're to say to each one - Hello Sir. Please fuck my sorry fag ass. Then please feed me your cum.' If you do that, I'll make sure they wear a condom. But fuck it up, and I give them free reign. Got it?" "Yes sir," I replied. "But please, I've had enough. Please let me go." "You should have stopped after Yes Sir.' Frank, hand me that belt. You may want to put the gag back in the pussy's mouth." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, anything you say," I pleaded but it was too late. Frank regagged me and the first guy, the hot one, started to whip my ass. Thank god for the gag. I was screaming as he cut into my ass and thighs. It hurt so bad my eyes were tearing up behind my blindfold. "NO NO STOP" I was shouting into the gag but they couldn't hear and didn't care. There was a knock at the door and the beating stopped. Someone opened the door and I heard a new guy. He was a little surprised to see four naked guys in the room. But it must have been a sight to see me strapped down, blindfolded and gagged with a hot man behind me holding a belt up to my ass. "Hot," the new guy said. "Can I fuck him?" Someone unstrapped my gag and asked, "can he fag boy?" Out of my mouth, quietly, I heard myself say, "Hello Sir. Please fuck my sorry fag ass. Then please feed me your cum." "He's all yours," said my captor. "Here's condom. He's all yours." The new guy went to work on my ass right away. He started fucking me while he complimented my captor on his fine rope work. I was reminded as he said that of the pain in my legs from being stretched and tied to the desk legs. But the new guy's cock up my ass distracted my from the pain. "Hey," he said from behind me, "it awfully wet in here. Did one of you guys cum in here? Why do I have to wear a condom?" "House rules," said Frank. I could also hear in the background the unmistakable sound of beer cans being opened. "I'll take one of those," said Joe. I could only imagine the scene, three guys sitting on the bed, naked, drinking beer watching some stranger fuck my ass as I immobile, blindfolded and exhausted. The guy fucking me slapped my ass. "I asked you a question bitch." "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't hear you." "Did you say to feed you my cum?" "Yes sir, please feed me your cum." "OK fag," he said. I could feel him thrusting harder into my ass and his breathing told me he had cum into the condom. I was so thankful for my captor making him put it on. He pulled out of my ass and walked around to my face. I could hear him take the condom off his cock and he told me to stick out my tongue as far as I could. "Clean this out faggot," he snarled at me as he stretched the dirty condom over my tongue. I licked the inside of the rubber and swallowed down all his cum. It was hot and salty and a little bitter. There wasn't much cum but I love cum in my mouth. "Clean me off too asshole," he said as he shoved his cock into my mouth. I cleaned him off. "Any more guys coming over," he asked. "I gave the room number to ten guys. Who knows who will show up." "Mind if I hang and watch?" "Nope," said the first guy. "Join in again if you like too." Dammit, I thought. I'm in for a long night.

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