
By sjtw69

Published on Apr 1, 2009



Hotel by Stephanie Silver

I nearly came in the elevator. Seriously! It was that good. And the elevator was only the start.

I'd been messing around online for, oh, about six months, I guess, when I met Mike. Mike's not his real name, of course. All names in this story, including mine, have been changed just to obfuscate the facts. Actually, a few of the facts were changed, too, come to think of it. But, what the heck. It's still a nice story.

Anyway, Mike and I started talking, and, yeah, we hit it off pretty well. He sounded like the kind of guy I wanted to take home to mother. Well... take home, anyway. Mother... probably wouldn't approve much of me bringing any guy at all home, actually. See, um... Mother, Mom, thinks I'm a boy. I don't have the heart to tell her I, um, don't really identify very well with that boy stuff anymore. It was fun for a while, but... now I've decided I'd just rather be a girl from now on. So, there you go. I'm still working out the details for making it a full time arrangement, but for now, and in the time that this story takes place, I'm a happy little transvestite.

So, Mike and I hit it off. You know how that goes. You meet. You talk for a bit. Eventually the talk turns to sex. (You hope it does, or else why are you there?) And eventually Mike is suggesting you get together for real.

Why not? He seemed decent. He had all the qualities prized by a transvestite gurl. Good looks - he described himself as 6'-0" and average build, with blue eyes and brown hair. And, of course... of "average" size and thickness "down there".

Not that size matters, of course, but... it did give us one more thing to talk about. And, I've learned that by asking for a few details in that area, a girl can show her interest in possibly having a physical relationship with a guy.

More important, he had those other qualities I like in a guy: fun and easy to talk to.

Okay, I can see where I might be on the verge of boring my audience so I'll get to the point: We decided to meet at a hotel on Thursday. So, I made my preparations, which I'll disclose as the story unfolds rather than subject you poor folks to a few paragraphs that most of you probably won't care about anyway. I know! You just want to get right to the good stuff. The post-elevator stuff.

But I'm still going to tell you about the elevator.

Okay, so... I drove to the hotel...

Oh, wait! I forgot the most important thing. The bombshell. All this time, we're talking, and... I know he's married, but... he doesn't exactly talk about his wife, you know. I mean, no big deal. I'm not exactly asking about her, either. So, he's telling me the details of where to meet, and when, and he says, very casually, "Oh, and my wife wants to be there to watch."


Okay, well, at first... that just sounds kinky and weird. But, he's serious. And the more I think about it... the more aroused I get by the idea.

And so I get to the hotel, about ten minutes early, 'cause I'm like that, expecting to meet both of them. Mike's wife's name is Rachel, by the way. So when I start talking about Rachel in a minute, you'll know who I'm talking about.

Um, well, ten minutes early... I decide to go in anyway, and check out the meeting place - the hotel lobby. Yeah, I know. Pretty clever meeting place, huh? It's... your basic lobby. Two chairs on the right, check-in desk on the left, a room with the lights out and a bunch of tables that looks like it draws a small crowd for breakfast from seven to nine-thirty. The elevator is off to the right around a corner, so I can't actually see it from where I'm at. Which doesn't matter, really, because at that time I don't yet know its significance to the story.

And I should quit mentioning the elevator for now because the poor thing is never going to live up to the billing I'm giving it.

Well, no one was sitting in the two chairs, and no one was clandestinely sitting in the darkened dining area as if they might be waiting for a third party to arrive for a sexual rendezvous. So I'm first. I think. Well, there are two people checking in, and one of them looks like he might be six-feet tall with blue eyes and brown hair, although from this angle it's a total guess as to eye color, but something in the way his left shoulder is lifted slightly suggests to me that his eyes are blue.

For a few seconds... I let my gaze sort of travel over his body... imagining... if he actually were Mike, what it might be like to have my arms around him, his shirt off.... his pants off... his obviously blue eyes... watching me...

"Are you here to meet someone?"

The voice came from behind me. Since I was there to meet someone, I figured there was a reasonable chance the question was being directed at me. So, I turned to see who was talking.

Brown hair, blue eyes, average build, 6'-0" tall (I have calibrated eyes) with a woman that could be his wife standing exactly two inches off his right elbow and a half an inch back, indicating through body language that, while she considered herself the man's equal or partner, she was going to let him do the talking. "Mike?" I asked with a slight hesitation.

He nodded and stuck his hand out for a handshake that, if you thought about it, was kind of silly, considering what we were planning to do later. "Yes. And you're..." His voice grew quieter, "...Keisha?"

I nodded and smiled as we clasped hands. "Yes." And that's about where it occurred to me that I was shaking hands with a guy that I was planning on having sex with in a few minutes. Well, so, I let the handshake linger, basically tempting it to turn into the two of us holding hands.

Okay, now... all of this took... What? Seven seconds? Meanwhile, I looked at Rachel, Mike's wife, acknowledged her presence as she acknowledged mine with barely perceptible nods, introduced myself as Keisha, the slutty girl in the emails which I was sure she'd read, got her response that, yes, she had read the slutty emails, and was okay with what we had planned, just as long as both of us knew who Mike was going home with at the end of the day and, possibly more important, who spent his paychecks. I gave her a look that assured her that was my understanding as well, and then held the handshake just a few fractions of a second longer than I would a real handshake to let her know I was planning to start borrowing her husband right then and there. I can't explain how a person can move without picking up their feet, but it happens. Her response was to move back a few inches, giving me her approval to take her husband.

All that in seven seconds. Seven seconds in which Mike thought all we'd done was confirm our identities and shake hands. Men! Although, to his credit, he did notice that something felt different about the handshake.

He introduced me to Rachel. We shook hands, acting like that was the first interaction we'd had. From there we moved over to one of the tables in the darkened dining area, setting down bags as if we were weary travelers anxious to find a place we could call home for the night.

Mike and Rachel exchanged whispers as to who should take care of getting the room arrangements."You go do it," insisted Rachel. And I sensed an unspoken thought being transmitted between them. Mike looked at me helplessly. Not helpless like he wanted me to do something, or helpless like he wanted me to understand his dilemma, but helpless like he didn't know what might happen if he left me alone with Rachel.

For just a second or two I was tempted to say that I'd go with him. I mean, I did feel partly responsible for helping with the room arrangements. And then, it was like... It was like tuning your radio. All the sudden it was like I could hear that unspoken message between them. "No, Mike, this is your party. I'm just here to watch this time. You go do it."

I looked at Rachel, startled, and she glanced back from the corner of her eye as if to say, "Yeah, you heard me."

I tell you, I'm not really into telepathy, but... there was a lot of it going around the lobby just then.

So... Mike slowly made his way over to the desk, occasionally glancing back to see if anything was going on between us. Rachel maintained her stern demeanor. I know that if she had softened it, he would have immediately come back.

It gave me the chance to observe her briefly. Short, dark brown hair, probably about 5'-6" and 140 pounds. Attractive, with a decent figure, but not stunning. Her hips were wider than mine, of course, and that gave me a small sense of pride. Her breasts, on the other hand, were much larger. I guessed her to be a 36C, compared to my 38A. Well, nothing much I could do about that, since I wasn't a real girl. Still, I envied what she had, and wondered what the chances were of seeing her topless before the night was over.

With Mike safely distracted by the hotel clerk, Rachel turned to me and smiled. "So is this your first time doing this kind of thing?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She gently placed her hand on mine, telling me not to worry. And then... I don't know exactly how it happened, but suddenly my hand was turned the other direction, and we were holding hands. Only, I'm telling you, it wasn't a woman holding hands with a man while her husband talked to the desk clerk. It was two women holding hands. I'm serious.

But, so, okay... we were holding hands. And she was telling me not to be nervous. And suddenly it clicked. What was it she had said? "I'm just here to watch this time." This time? As in... they'd done this same thing before? This time, as in... other times she did more than watch?

Well, I think I kind of figured Mike and Rachel out right there. They were swingers. Well, obviously they were swingers. But, it had probably all started with him wanting to watch her with another girl. And, maybe they'd done that more than a few times. And Mike had only watched. And now, it was Mike's turn. Only, fair's fair. If Rachel had to do it with another girl, then Mike had to do it with another boy. Only he'd discovered me, instead of a real boy, and... Rachel decided that might work just as well. Maybe better. So she said okay. She would get her turn to watch this time, only her husband would be doing it with a transvestite instead of with another woman or another man.

I don't know. It just suddenly made perfect sense. I mean, women can be very possessive when it comes to men. If I was a woman and married to a man, I don't know if I would let him fool around with other women. But I might let him fool around with another man. And, since I know he might like it better if it wasn't with another man, a transvestite would be like the perfect compromise.

Well, with this revelation suddenly hitting me, and still holding Rachel's hand, our eyes met, and.... And she smiled. Warmly. Genuinely. Not as if she might rip my head off as soon as my back was turned.

Well, what could I do? I smiled back. I gulped. And, accepting what she was offering, I said softly, "I'll be nice to him."

She squeezed my hand softly and whispered, "Just have fun with him, okay?"

And I sensed there was actually a great deal of love between her and Mike. She truly did want for him to have a fun time. I squeezed back and said, "I will."

There was a short pause, and then... our hands moved apart. Partly there was the sense that she shouldn't be seen in public holding hands with a man who wasn't her husband, especially with her husband mere feet away. Partly there was that feeling she'd given me earlier, when Mike had shaken my hand, that she was stepping back to let me take over for a while.

There was quiet for a while, and then I asked, "So is this his first time, too?"

She nodded, "Yeah."

"Is he nervous?"

"A little bit."

Okay, I had to ask. "Are you just planning to watch?"

She looked at me for a few seconds, as if trying to decide what I meant. "I think so. Unless you had something else in mind?" She narrowed her eyes, as if daring me to admit that's what I'd been thinking.

They say one way you can spot a lie is that the answers aren't spontaneous enough. Since I wasn't lying, my answer was out of my mouth before I even thought about it, preceded by a waving hands gesture to indicate how far from the truth she was as I said, "No, no, that's fine. I was just wondering."

She relaxed, slightly, but, as if to make sure I got the point, added, "No, I don't do trannies."

Okay, normally, I'm not witty. I mean, I might be, but it's like I think of a witty answer the next day, and by then it's too late. And normally, well, her words kind of hurt my feelings. But just as I was feeling myself sort of pulling away... I knew what to say. With an innocent smile, I said what I was sure I knew, "But you do it with other girls."

She took a moment or two to study my expression as she attempted to determine my meaning. Finally she smiled, letting go of the sudden animosity that had developed between us, and said, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

I shrugged and looked over at Mike. "Something in the way you said it was his turn just made me think you'd done this before, and... I got that impression."

She grinned and suddenly opened up to me. "Usually we do it with me and another girl and he gets to watch." She caught her voice level rising, and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. With hours to go before the breakfast crowd arrived, and a nearly empty lobby, I was the only one who heard.

"So this time it's his turn," I finished for her.

She grinned again. "Yeah. And you're the other girl."

Well, I think we both might have wanted to talk at that point about what I might do with her husband as the "other girl" but just then Mike finished his business at the hotel's front desk and came over to us with the key.

"Room 712," he said, showing us the key, which had an artist's depiction of the hotel on it but no room number. And a few seconds later we were waiting with our bags for the elevator to arrive.

Mike had ended up in the middle, with Rachel to his left and me to his right. At first, as we walked toward the elevators, he was closer to Rachel than he was to me. By the time one of us pressed the button to call for an elevator, and stepped back to wait, that distance had grown to well over a foot, while the distance between him and me was less than an inch. In fact.... I shifted my weight slightly to test my theory, causing my elbow to lightly touch his. Yes, we were that close.

Rachel noticed the touch and gave me a quick smile. Mike noticed too, and leaned in toward me, maintaining the contact. I guess I'm saying all these little distance things I keep talking about are symbolic of what we were thinking. Because, as Mike leaned in toward me, Rachel somehow moved back, and, I swear, it was like I looked over, and she's more like two feet away from her husband now, and seems to be moving away. She's letting me have him.

So, then the elevator came, and I'm sorry this story is moving so slowly. It's just all these details keep coming to me, and it seems like they're important. I'll try to get to the good stuff as quick as I can. Okay?

So, um, the elevator finally came. I mean, not like it took forever, or anything, but, when you're waiting, it seems like seconds are minutes. Mike and I were... touching. That's the only way to describe it. The hotel clerk was around the corner, so he couldn't see us without standing at one end of the desk and leaning way out. But, well, neither of us was quite ready to take it a step further in what still amounted to a public place, so we were just touching. But, it was a very firm and meaningful touch.

When the elevator doors opened, Rachel went in first, and stood on the far side of the car. I came in second, and stood opposite her. Mike was last, and took his place next to me, facing his wife, his arm touching mine. The doors closed, and... I don't know how it happened, but the doors closed, and I was holding hands with Mike.

Never have I prayed so hard for an elevator to take a long time getting to its destination. Second floor.... third floor....

I must have had my eyes closed - well, I was saying that prayer, you know - because I think Rachel signaled for Mike to kiss me there on the elevator. Suddenly I felt Mike take my right arm, turning me to face him. I opened my eyes, and.... before I could say anything, I was kissing a man between the fourth and fifth floors.

Between the fifth and sixth floors he put his tongue in my mouth. I think I might have opened my mouth to let him. It's hard to remember just how it happened. Well, obviously I did or else how would he have gotten his tongue in there?

Between the sixth and seventh floors, I felt his hand grabbing my ass. I think that's when I nearly came.

The bell rang, signaling the seventh floor. Like an alarm clock. And... immediately... or maybe not quite so urgently, we separated. Well, not completely. We stopped kissing, though. But Mike's hand was still on my ass. Holding, cupping, caressing. God... it felt so sexy there.

And Rachel was watching us. I know we were both thinking the same thing: I just kissed her husband, while she watched. And I wanted to do it some more.

So, the doors opened, and we kind of had to be careful, you know, in case someone was there waiting for the elevator. So we weren't holding hands anymore, and his hand wasn't on my butt anymore, and I couldn't remember when that had happened, but when the doors opened, I was glad there was no one there, 'cause it meant we could hold hands again. So, when the doors opened, and no one was there, I reached for my new boyfriend's hand again, and held it as we stepped off the elevator.

The hall was empty, and... Mike and I were thinking the same thing, 'cause I was guiding his hand back to my butt, and he was moving his hand back to my butt, and the final result was his hand was right away back on my butt as we walked down the hallway to our room.

Rachel was behind us. I think she liked watching. Well, I mean, yeah, she liked watching. And, truthfully, I liked being watched. I liked being the naughty little slut taking her husband. So his hand was on my butt, and I was leaning into him pretty hard, 'cause... I probably would have made out with him there in the hallway if someone had suggested it. I was pretty horny, that's for sure.

Um, so... we found our room, and Rachel had the key, so Mike and I kind of had to step back and wait, and he kissed me again there at the door while Rachel was unlocking it. And I moaned, probably a little louder than I really felt, just for effect. But the thing I did, the naughtiest thing, is I let my hand go down below his belt so I could feel if my boyfriend's cock was getting hard, and it was. Rachel was watching me, and I didn't try to hide what I was doing, so I exaggerated the stroking movement a bit so she'd notice, and moaned a little more.

By that point, I think all of us were pretty hot and horny, so we kind of tumbled into the room. For a moment I thought of just forgetting the whole dress-up-like-a-girl thing, and letting him take me straight to the bed for some serious fucking.

But Rachel remembered, and said, "Why don't you go get changed, Keisha?" as she pointed to the bathroom door.

So I did. I even took my time, making sure everything about my "gurl" was just right. I started by taking off ALL my clothes. Naked, I folded them neatly, and put them in the bag, in case anyone else used the bathroom, they wouldn't see them. I wanted the illusion to be as complete as possible.

Next I put on my bra and panties. My panties first, 'cause I was at least temporarily un-hard (soft wouldn't exactly describe it), and I knew I'd be able to tuck my five-inch clitty back between my legs and secure her there with my panties before she had a chance to come out and make a scene.

Then a quick shave, just to make sure I was as smooth as possible, and then moisturizer on my face to give me a fresh, clean look. I don't go really heavy with makeup. I figure... I just do what I can, and try not to worry about it. I put on a little bit of rouge later, and some clear lip gloss, but that was all.

Next I put on my stockings - black thigh-highs with lace tops. That was followed by my short black skirt and a long-sleeved yellow blouse - one of my best colors. I then finished my makeup by adding the rouge and lip gloss. The final touches were a necklace, a bracelet, earrings - I chose the big hoops 'cause they made me feel the sluttiest - and an anklet. Sorry, no hi-heel shoes.

And then I looked myself over. I had a wig, if I wanted, but Mike didn't seem to need it, and I found it unbearably uncomfortable, so I decided to skip it. Everything else looked perfect - or at least as close to perfect as I can get it, so I decided I was ready to go get screwed and opened the door.

I was a little surprised to see Rachel sitting on the bed, her crossed legs stretched out in front of her. I guess I expected that's where Mike and I would be, and that she would be watching us from the couch.

Mike was sitting on the small couch, and he patted the empty space next to him as I approached. He was still fully dressed, which also surprised me a bit, 'cause I halfway expected he might be in just his underwear or something when I came out.

I went to sit beside him, and then Rachel stopped me, "I think you should model for us first."

I halted, and looked at her. It was hard to know who was in charge of this event, other than I knew it wasn't me. I don't have a take-charge personality. That meant it was either her or Mike. Mike didn't seem to be arguing with her, but I had it in my mind that she was just planning to watch, so I halted, a tiny bit confused. Kind of like if you were a player in some sporting event, and someone in the crowd started telling you what to do. You wouldn't be sure if you were supposed to listen to them or not.

But if the referee, or your coach, was nodding their head in agreement, then you'd probably do whatever they said. So I paused, and slowly turned, letting Mike, and Rachel, get a good look at what I was wearing.

I blushed a little, 'cause there I was wearing a skirt and pretending to be a girl. I thought about the lacy bra I was wearing... And wondered how I'd feel if I'd put falsies in the cups. I decided that if I had, I'd be trying to show off my boobs as well as my tiny ass, so I thrust my chest forward a bit and pretended I had titties to show. And that little display of pride gave me confidence to be the gurl I wanted to be.

I finished my slow turn, and walked slowly toward Mike, a naughty grin on my face. I figured if Rachel wanted me to do something different, she'd let me know.

"Hi, I'm Keisha, and I'll be your slut this evening," I said, taking a seat.

Mike was on me in a moment. Kissing me, and pulling my skirt up so he could grab my butt. It was happening faster than I wanted, to be truthful, but I wasn't going to say no. To be honest, when I get in situations like that, I kind of forget that word. I know. That's why I'm a slut.

I pressed myself against him, letting him pull me onto him as he leaned backward onto the couch's armrest. Already his tongue was forcing its way into my mouth. I didn't resist. I opened my mouth and let him kiss me that way.

With my skirt pulled up nearly to my waist, I knew Rachel was getting a good look at my panties. "Yeah, I'm a slut who wears panties and makes out with guys," I thought, and kissed her husband even harder.

Actually, she probably couldn't see them that well, because Mike's hands would have been blocking her view. It felt like they were everywhere. His hands, I mean. I moaned. Something about being touched there just drives me crazy.

Let's see... We made out... on the couch like that... for... god, I have no idea how long. A few seconds? A few minutes? I wasn't exactly keeping track of the time. At some point I realized he was waiting for me to make some kind of move. Was he? I don't know. I mean, I love kissing and making out, but after a while, it just feels like the guy seems to be waiting for something. It feels like we're supposed to do something else. Maybe that's just 'cause I'm a slut or something, and don't know how to go slow.

Anyway... it felt like I needed to make a move of some kind, and I was pretty sure he had a hard-on, if I wanted to reach down and find it, and I did. Wanted to, I mean. Well, his hands were all over my panty-clad ass; I wanted to touch something of his.

So I reached down and started searching for it. I knew he wouldn't mind too much if it took me a while. I knew that just having my hand down there groping would be a turn-on for him. In fact...

Oh, there it was. God... it was... I traced its length through the thick fabric of his jeans. Yeah, that was definitely a hard cock I was feeling.

"Take it out," he whispered.

I kissed him softly, letting him know I heard, and then pulled back just far enough to find the fastenings holding up his pants. I could see the thick bulge that I'd just felt with my hand. I reached down and touched it again, slowly tracing its length. I realized that I'd be seeing it for real in a few moments, and that I'd be sucking on it shortly after that. I didn't think a whole lot past that point just then.

In the movies.... Movies just aren't like real life. You know? Pants come off like magic in the movies. In real life, there are belt buckles to undo, and buttons to unsnap, and zippers to find, and layers of clothing to go through before you get to that point. I mean, god, it's fun, and I love doing that part. I love the anticipation as you hurry to undo everything. And then you try not to hurry, 'cause you want to savor every moment.

And a long, long time ago, I learned how sexy it feels to a guy to have his lover slip her hands inside the waistband of his pants first, before she pulls them down, and let him feel her fingers touching him intimately before he's actually undressed. So I always do that when I undress a guy.

Oh, and did I mention shoes? And socks? So, I got Mike's pants pulled down to about mid-thigh... and that's when I realized he still had his shoes on.

Well, I kind of dislike the idea of giving a guy a blowjob with his pants only halfway down. I mean, in certain circumstances that would be understandable and acceptable. But a private hotel room is not one of those circumstances. I wanted them all the way off. So I helped him with his shoes. I figured the socks were okay. It's not the sexiest look on a guy, but I could handle it.

Actually, the sexiest look on a guy is levis with no shirt. But I'm getting off the subject.

Anyway, I took his pants off first, leaving him in his shorts. Guys' shorts always fascinate me. They're usually so drab in this way that looks like they're really trying their best not be drab, but just can't help themselves. Happily, for me, they weren't tighty-whities. I think I might have packed up and gone home if they had been. I don't know. I just... I just think guys are severely underwear challenged.

Mike's erection was now quite obvious, making a tent in his shorts. I smiled. I think. I must have. It made me happy to see it. I was flattered. It's what I wanted to see.

And then I climbed on top of him to make out some more, straddling my legs across him, and grinding my pussy onto his erection. Nice, dirty kisses that I knew would leave no doubts what I wanted him to do. And I wiggled my hips in a circle, making sure he knew what I wanted there, too.

And I thought about Rachel, briefly, watching, and I thought, "Yeah, I'm gonna fuck your husband! Right here on the couch if he lets me."

Well, he didn't. Not there. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I wiggled around enough on his lap that I managed to get his cock to slip out through the opening of his shorts. Maybe that doesn't take a great deal of effort. But I could tell it was out. I could feel the heat from it when it rubbed across my thighs. I could feel its softer, smoother texture compared to the heavy cotton of his shorts. I knew when I got off to finish undressing him that I'd be seeing the cock that was going to screw me later.

But I wasn't exactly in a hurry at that point. I sat back... pinning his cock beneath me, and letting my skirt fall down to cover both of us. And I grinned, 'cause I knew he liked that. I knew, because it was there in his eyes.

I took his shirt off, one button at a time, as I rocked slowly back and forth on his cock. When I finally did slide off the couch again, to finish undressing him, I was still fully dressed.

That didn't seem exactly fair, I guess, and I have this idea that when a girl gives a guy a blowjob, part of the pleasure, for him, is visual. So, without a lot of fan fare, I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off. I think I said something about it being kind of warm, just to sort of explain why I was doing it.

And then I kissed him again, without getting on top of him this time, before slipping my hands inside his shorts to pull them off.

Oh, yeah, his... cock was sticking all the way out of that hole in the front of his shorts. And it was sorta sitting there throbbing. Seriously. I could see his pulses in it. And once in a while... it would twitch. I love when guys do that: make it twitch without touching it. Talk about something that makes me horny as hell.

Let's see... how big was it? It was... it was average looking, I guess. A little bigger than average? I don't know. It was bigger than most that I've seen, but... I've only seen a half-dozen or so, so its' hard to say. It looked big enough to satisfy my needs, let's put it that way. And it had one of those mushroom heads... God, I love those. With the super smooth helmet. Glans? Whatever. It was sexy.

And... it just begged for my hand to wrap around it and stroke it. So I did that first, sitting beside him... and stroking his cock. And... looking at his wife... but pretending not to see her.

After a moment or two of that, I had to see more. See, maybe that's what I mean by how it seems like, when I'm with a guy, it just keeps feeling like he expects me to do things. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe it's just me. Whatever, I felt like I wanted him completely naked now. So that's when I took his shorts off.

Okay, completely naked except for the socks. Like I say, they didn't bother me.

Oh god! Completely naked! There he was.... a completely naked man, sitting back on the couch, hairy chest, a dark trail leading down across his stomach to... his hard-on... jutting out so proudly... waiting for me to take care of it, his balls dangling seductively beneath.

So I did. Take care of his hard-on, I mean. Well, first I played with his balls for a minute. Very nice. Much bigger than ... Well, bigger than average - my average, I mean. I'd say... they were the third biggest set I've ever played with. Oh, wait... that makes them average. I don't know. They were a pleasant surprise, let's say that. I like big balls. And... not too hairy. I like that. Just in case they end up in my mouth.

Which is probably a pretty safe bet, but I'm getting ahead of the story again.

So, I played with his balls for a minute or so, and then... Well, god, the thing was just begging me to kiss it. It was so... sexy looking. So long and hard! It needed to be sucked. I mean kissed. Kissed first. I meant to kiss it on the shaft... but.. when my lips got closer... that shiny smooth head just... attracted my lips to it.

I think I still had some lip gloss on my lips. Maybe a little. I need to start making a note to myself to take my lip gloss with me so I can freshen it up at key moments like that.

Anyway, I kissed it, right on the tip. And that's all I meant to do, just then, but... somehow... my lips opened and it went inside.

I sucked, softly, for a moment or two, annoyed that I had so quickly started sucking when I meant to kiss it and tease him a little first.

Oh, and I remember that I was supposed to let him watch. I moved my head, making sure he could see his cock going into my mouth. I opened my eyes, and tried to make eye contact with him.

Oh, and Rachel... Oh my God! When did she...? She had moved from the bed and was kneeling beside her husband, watching what I was doing to him. The two of them were kissing, softly, as Mike moaned about how good it felt. Okay, so... I decided to just keep doing what I was doing.

Well, there was more to what I was doing than just sucking softly. That was part of it. Another part was alternating methods. I'd suck slowly and softly for a minute, while I decided what to do next. And then I'd do a few strokes to get it deeper and deeper. My goal was to get it to go down my throat. So I'd try that a few times. And then I'd ease up, and do some licking. Lick the shaft. Swirl my tongue around the tip. Kiss, and suck, his balls. I told you there was a good chance they'd end up in my mouth. Rub his cock across my face. I just love having a guy's hard cock on my face. Especially if it's all wet and slippery from having been in my mouth.

I kind of wondered if Rachel might join me at some point, but she didn't. She was happy just watching, and kissing her husband as he enjoyed what I was doing. That was good for me, actually. I like being able to please a guy, and... I could tell I was pleasing him.

Okay, remember how I said I always feel like there comes a point where I feel like the guy is waiting for me to do something else? Well, only at first. I think I might have been content to just suck his cock the rest of the afternoon, if he, and Rachel, had let me. They had other plans.

"Do you want to go fuck her?" she whispered after another soft kiss.

Mike gasped his answer, "Yeah."

And a moment or two later, I was kneeling at the edge of the bed, my panties off - I had no idea where they went - and my skirt up around my waist. Mike, with a big, hard dick, was right behind me, putting on a condom. Rachel was to our right, sitting on the couch now, watching, and masturbating with her hand inside her unzippered pants.

"Are you ready, Baby?" he asked, as he placed the tip of his cock against my opening. I was, we hoped, already nicely lubed and prepped for the expected invasion.

"Yeah, just go slow," I said.

He did. Sorta. He was supposed to pause every now and then and wait for me to say it was okay to go further. He went slow, but he didn't pause. It was okay. It didn't hurt. I turned my head and looked at Rachel as her husband put his dick inside me. I reached back to pull my skirt higher, pushing backward a little at the same time. "Oh god," I moaned.

I had my stocking-clad feet somewhat wrapped around his legs, which helped to spread my hips wider, which helped to open my pussy further for the cock that I estimated was now two-thirds of the way inside me.

It wasn't until I felt the soft nudge of his balls against my crotch that I knew he was all the way inside. He had his hands placed softly on each of my hips.

"Does that feel okay?" he asked finally.

I wiggled my hips slowly, evaluating the feeling of his cock inside me. It felt okay. "Yeah, do you want to try fucking in and out?" I asked.

He did... and... oh god! I buried my face in the bed covers and swore a little until it got better again. Why does it feel so different when a guy starts pounding in and out?

Mike fucked me like that for a while, and then flipped me over to my back for round two. Before the flip, I felt his balls dangling down, slapping softly against my crotch each time he thrust forward. Yeah, that's a pretty nice feeling for me. I was a little disappointed to change position just 'cause I like that so much.

But, on my back, facing him... we could kiss. So that was nice too. Since I was already loose from round one, he went inside with no problem. Smooth as butter, you might say. Then, after a few dozen thrusts - it's not like I was counting them, you know - he put his hands on my chest, and pulled my bra up to expose my tiny little nipples, and then started giving them little tweaks and stuff.

Then he rolled me back onto my knees to do me doggy style some more, which is the position we were in when he came. I could tell he was cumming. I mean, other than the, "Ohhh ohhh ohhhh" sounds. He just pushed in extra deep and then went "Ohhh ohhh ohhhh." Well, yeah, I mean, writing about it, it sounds so obvious that he was cumming, but, remember, you're reading it. And you have the benefit of me telling you, and none of the little distractions of actually being there doing it and wondering if this particular set of "ohhh ohhh ohhhh" sounds has a different meaning than the last set of "ohhh ohhh ohhhh" sounds.

But, I knew. I felt his cock... kind of twitching and pulsing. No, I didn't feel much of anything, to be honest, other than him pushing in extra deep for a moment, but I still kind of knew it was the big moment.

And then we just kind of lay on the bed together, snuggling and cuddling, with his arm over me, and him softly kissing my neck.

And I thought that might be the end. But it wasn't. Suddenly Rachel was laying down right in front of me, and suddenly her face was right in front of mine, and I knew she wanted to kiss. So we kissed.

And then... Rachel was horny. Rachel who didn't do trannies was horny. So, she was kissing me with her mouth wide open and her tongue out, all wet and slobbery. I think I'm bisexual, but, honestly, sometimes really horny girls, or just girls in general, make me nervous. Or girls who tell me they don't do trannies and then act like they want to start making out with me make me nervous. They scare me, even. A little. That's how I was with Rachel. I wasn't sure what to do. Other than keep on kissing her.

She moved even closer, and I'd like to say that the kisses grew more passionate, but they were probably already so far past the point of being passionate that I'm not sure anyone could tell the difference. In fact... they might have actually grown less passionate, as Rachel's arousal, her ardor, settled into a slow heat.

For me!

Okay, well... it sounded funny to me. "I don't do trannies," she said.

Anyway, I kind of became aware of Rachel's boobs. I mean... I'm always aware of girls' boobs. But not in quite the same way that guys are aware of girls' boobs. I probably have an extreme case of boob envy. Probably? Okay, almost definitely.

Anyway, I became aware of Rachel's... Oh, I'm going to say they were C-cup breasts. I suppose I could have checked the label in her bra later to be sure, but... They were C-cup, I'm sure. Bigger than a handful, but not huge.

And... with her tongue halfway down my throat, and the way she was sucking on my tongue, I figured, "Why not?" So I reached out and started playing with them. At first I just felt them through her blouse, but then, when she started moaning appreciatively, I started undoing buttons and got my hands on them for real.

And then, after unbuttoning her bra and helping her out of her blouse, I sucked on her nipples. The whole time wishing I had boobs too. Yeah, I probably have boob-envy pretty bad.

About that point Rachel asked, "Do you want to fuck me now?" she emphasized the word "me".

Okay, sorry. I can't help laughing. Me? She wanted to know if I wanted to fuck her?

Okay, um, I actually did consider it. For a few seconds. 1.7 seconds, probably. More than one second, but probably less than two. I considered it. I didn't laugh at the time, though. I just, realized that... it wasn't going to work. I have the equipment, I guess. I just don't have the desire.

"Sorry," I said, "I don't do that with girls."

No, I wasn't mimicking her earlier tone with me in the lobby. I actually said it in a very nice, apologetic tone. I wasn't making fun of her. I don't do that with guys either, for that matter, but at the time it seemed important to let her know it was nothing personal against her, just her gender in general. I just don't do girls.

She sighed, and said, "That's too bad, because I'm really, really horny right now."

I briefly considered changing my mind. It seemed like the gentleman-ly thing to do. Can you wear a skirt and still be a gentleman? But no, it just wasn't something I felt I could do very well.

And, unfortunately, Mike was spent for a while, so I couldn't suggest him. For that matter, maybe the reason they liked threesomes was because they were tired of doing it with each other. I wouldn't begin to want to guess on that.

I finally offered, though, to lick her pussy. And so... Rachel stood up for a moment to take off her pants and underwear, and then laid back on the bed with her legs spread apart, waiting for me.

She was... a bit hairier than I anticipated. Why doesn't that bother me with guys? And dark, thick hair. Oh well, I thought, I said I'd do it. So I moved over to get between her slim thighs and started licking her pussy.

I'm not an expert at pussy-licking. The only thing I know to do is to trace all the letters of the alphabet with my tongue. But she seemed to like it, and was soon moaning and gripping the sheets as if she was about to cum. So I kept doing what I was doing, and pretty soon she squealed extra loud and said that was enough.

Mission accomplished.

She asked, a few minutes later, if I'd like her to return the favor, but I declined. Getting my clitty sucked just feels awkward to me.

So the three of us lay in a mostly naked heap. Mike and Rachel were both naked. I was still wearing most of my clothes, other than my blouse and my panties.

Mike was slowly getting aroused again. His hand was gently caressing my thigh, each time going slightly higher, pushing my skirt up, exposing my bottom. Now I was the horny one. I started moaning softly and pressing my bottom back into him. I wanted to be fucked again.

After a while that became apparent to him. "You want to fuck again, baby?" he asked.

"Yes," I purred. Or maybe I moaned it.

Mike pressed his not-quite-all-the-way-hard dick against my opening. "You want this inside you, baby?"

I pushed back hard, trying to coax inside. "Mmmm hmmm."

A moment later I was on top of Mike doing reverse cowgirl as his cock slid slowly and easily inside my pussy. We fucked that way, slow and easy, for several minutes, it seemed.

Rachel just watched, after putting her clothes back on.

Mike took a long, long time to come again. Not that any of us were in a hurry. I just liked having his cock inside me. And then we cuddled some more.

And that seemed to be the end of our afternoon at the hotel. I got dressed in the bathroom, back into my boy clothes, and left alone. Back down the hallway to the elevator where Rachel had watched us first kiss. Back through the lobby where the same clerk was running the desk and doing whatever it is hotel desk clerks do when they're not checking guests in and out. He gave me an appropriately deferential nod as a hotel guest, but otherwise seemed uninterested in my activities for the last three hours. I wondered, briefly, what it would be like to have sex with him.

And then I opened the door and left.

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