Hot Winter Knights

By The Gryphon

Published on Jan 5, 2006


Standard disclaimer: These stories have detailed depictions of sexual acts between males... which is probably why you are here reading it. But if you are offended by reading such things or it is illegal for you to read such things, than have some common sense and don't. Also this is a fantasy world, so while the characters in it may have unsafe sex I am not saying any of my readers should. Again use common sense and make that judgment for yourself after considering all the risks. Also while there will be moments of steamy, wild sex in the story there is a plot too... if your not into the "plot thing" then feel free to skip ahead; though your going to miss a good story if you do.

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Hot Winter Knights - Winds of Change part 2 by: the Gryphon The first thing I was aware of was a strong, pungent smell; so strong I started to cough. Some where in the back of my addled brain I recognized it as smelling salts. I cracked open my eyes and found myself staring directly into a pair of brown eyes... eyes so brown they almost seemed black. Slowly I was able to focus on the rest and smiled up at the face above me. "Hey Jake, what are you doing here?" Jake gave me one of his incredible smiles in return. "I had been on my way to see if you wanted to go to lunch. Things got a little crazy though." It came back to me in a rush, and I remembered everything that had been going on. "Is anyone else hurt?" I tried to sit up, and got very dizzy as I did so. "Easy, Damian... you took a nasty bump to the head. You're lucky I had gotten training as a paramedic before I took over my dad's company." With that he helped me sit up. With his help I was able to make it to a fully upright position, and looked around at the office. It was empty except for the two of us, and I could see some other light fixtures had also come down. I put a hand on one of Jake's chocolate colored, very muscled forearms. "Where is everyone? Did anyone else have a light fall on them?" "Everyone is outside staring at the thing out in the bay, no one else was hurt. Krissy said you pushed her out of the way as the fixture came down." "I pushed Krissy out of the way? I don't even remember doing that." Suddenly there was that sound when your power comes back on. Lights flickered to life in the office, and there was a slight crackling noise from some of the light fixtures that were dangling by the power conduit that was the only thing holding them up. Jake looked around the office. "Think you can stand? If they follow suit here like they did in Chicago this area is going to be swarming with military. If this is some sort of freaky alien invasion we should get some place safe." I nodded to Jake as best I could with my throbbing head, and with his help I was slowly able to make it to my feet. I was a bit wobbly but Jake was able to keep me upright. Moments later, Krissy came into the office and looked around. As soon as she saw up she made her way over to us. "Good to see you awake again, Damian. Listen with power coming back on everyone is clearing out. We don't want to be here if things get nasty." "Jake had just said the same thing. Though I don't think I can drive at the moment." Jake grinned and said, "That's alright, I'll drive you back to my place. Since its Friday we can stay there until things look safe, and then I can bring you back to get your car. I can also keep an eye on you incase you need to go to the hospital." "Ok," I answered, "let's all get out of here. Krissy you'll need to lock up, and turn off the lights before one of those broken fixtures starts a fire." Jake's grin widened. "Please note that the plumbing is perfectly fine, and take that into consideration the next time you are processing my bill." Krissy laughed as she went off to take care of the office. I chuckled softly, because anything more would have been painful. Jake helped me walk outside, and that when I got another look at the spire. It stood a good 10 stories or so out of the water, and as I got a really good look at it I was reminded of the tower at the end of the Dark Crystal. Now that I thought about it the one in Chicago gave me the same impression, but of the tower before the crystal was healed. Ok... I'm a fantasy geek. So sue me. Jake helped me maneuver through the crowds to where his truck was parked. It wasn't a legal parking spot, but since it looked like he had pushed it there after power died across the city was I doubting anyone was going to complain. I was finding that although my head still hurt I was beginning to walk steadier and felt less woozy as he helped me climb into the passenger seat. Jake then went around to the other side and climb in. We heard the sound of helicopters, and looked up. Flying over head were two Cobra attack helicopters and a transport; probably out of Homestead Air Force Base. They landed in Bay Front Park, and several military personnel got out of the transport and began to clear people out of the park. "Time to go," Jake said and then started up the truck. He pulled out carefully into the chaotic traffic, and began the slow journey to his place in Miramar. We turned on the radio and listened to what was happening in the world. It seemed that the military had formed a perimeter around the spire in Chicago and would be doing so in Miami as well where the second spire had appeared. People were being encouraged to stay in their homes and away from the areas that had been cordoned off. It took him triple the time to get to his place that it normally did due to various accidents. During the drive, Jake spoke very little – which was a clear sign of how worried he was. Once we got to his house he pulled into the driveway. I found I was feeling better enough that I could get out, and was able to go inside with any real help. Though I did let him open the door for me, but that was mostly so he could deal with Warden. As I had counted on, Warden was at the open door very happy to see Jake. The Rottweiler was the sweetest dog I had ever met, but he could knock a person over with his enthusiasm. Jake thumped the side of Warden, and the dog wagged its stumpy little tail. "Hello, my minion," Jake said to the dog with a grin. He then grabbed Warden's collar and directted him inside. "Come on. Damian isn't feeling well so I'm putting you out back tonight." At the meer mention of going out back the dog's tail wagged even faster. As Jake led Warden out back, I went in and sat on the couch in his living room with a sigh of relief. Moments later Jake came back in and looked at me. "Let me get you something for that headache you probably have." He walked down the short hall to the master bedroom, coming back to hold out two Motrin. "Here you go, what would you like to wash them down?" "Just some soda please." He nodded stepped into the kitchen and got a soda while I watched him from the couch. I loved the way Jake's house was laid out. When you first came into the house, the dinning room and living room were right there to the right. Then there was the wall that separated the dinning room from the kitchen and family room. The only separation between those two rooms was a counter and breakfast bar. There was a short hall way on the other side of the house that led to the master and guest bedrooms. Jake returned after a second and handed me a can of coke. I opened it, popped the pills, and washed them down with a drink from the can. As I leaned back, and closed my eyes I felt Jake sit down next to me. His muscled arm went about my shoulders and I moved so that I was leaning against him. "Is it me, or has it been one really bizarre day?" I asked. Jake chuckled. "Tell me about it." As I lay there against Jake's chest with my eyes closed I felt him shift and then his lips were touching mine. I returned the kiss, our lips parting and our tongues playing against each other for several moments. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes to look into his. "I'm not really in the mood at the moment, stud." Jake flashed that grin of his that always melted me. "Well I wasn't exactly planning on ravishing you right this moment. Though if we hear that the world is coming to an end all bets are off, and your ass is mine." I laughed, "Yeah, well if we hear the world is coming to an end, it might be a race to see which of us gets naked quickest. Turn on the news, let's see what's going on in the world." Jake gave me another kiss, and as our tongues swirled around each other I heard the TV click on. The taste of him filled my mouth as we separated and we smiled at each other. For the rest of the afternoon, we sat together and listened to the events going on in the world. Which seemed to be getting stranger and stranger by the moment. As we watched the news it seemed like several smaller occurrences were happening all over the northern hemisphere of the world. The ground would swell up at some location, and then several small spires of either shinning white or shimmering black would sprout up from these mounds. The mounds always seemed to resemble crowned heads, and they were no where near the scale of the massive spires in Chicago and Miami. Each times one of these occurrences took place it would be announced by a power outage covering about 2 miles in radius; as opposed to the 20 miles that were effected in Chicago and Miami. The other interesting thing of note was that all of these black spired mounds were in northern areas, while the all of the white ones were in southern locations. So far nothing had happened at any of these locations, though there were unconfirmed reports of the Chinese attacking one of these mounds. If they had, no one knew what the outcome was and there had been no response from either of the spires or other mounds around the world. By eight that night, there were no more reports of the spired mounds appearing, and only those first two spires had ever appeared. There was something very creepy about all of what was happening, and when it seemed nothing else was going to happen Jake and I decided to go to bed. Warden was let back in and given food, Jake and I made our way to the bedroom; making sure the door was closed tight. We did that every time we planned on being in the bedroom after one night when we had been having fun and a cold wet nose interrupted things as they were coming to a peak. Before we climbed into bed, Jake took me into the master bedroom and checked the bump on my head. "It looks like the swelling has gone down quite a bit." I grimaced as he gently touched just above my forehead. "Probably going to be tender for a few days. Are you still feeling dizzy at all?" "No, and my headache is gone. It just hurts where I was actually hit." I turned and looked in the mirror at the slowly purpling bruise. It's a good thing the power cord held it up... if that thing had come down completely it would have been a whole lot more serious." "That's for sure," Jake said as he moved to stand behind me. His hands moved under my shirt and ran over my chest. I leaned back against him and watched in the mirror as he tilted his head down to start kissing and nibbling at my neck. I felt myself being to grow aroused, and my jeans were starting to feel too tight. I feel him begin to lift up my shirt and I raise my arms so he can pull it off. He tosses my shirt to the side, and his hands return to caress me. I watch as his dark skinned hands move over my white torso, and I moan softly as his fingers play over my six pack. I stand at just a half inch under 6 foot tall and I weigh in at 180 of solid swimmer's build; and yet I look puny compared to Jake's well muscled body. He seems to just loom behind me as I watch the two of us in the mirror. His hands move up and pinch my nipples, and I moan in response. As I watch in the mirror Jake's hands drift teasingly down over my torso to the waistband of my jeans. "It looks like there is more swelling I need to tend to," Jake murmurs into my ear as he begins to nibble on it. I roll my eyes a bit, as he loves to make corny little comments like that, but then I moan again as I feel is fingers underneath the waistband of my jeans. Jake then unzips my jeans and opens them up. After which he pushes them and my underwear down, freeing my 7 inch erection. I kicked off my shoes, and worked my jeans and jockey shorts off as he continues to caress my body. As I watch his strong hands move over me in the mirror I spin around in his arms. I feel his hands begin to stroke my back as I now look up into his face. I pull his head down into a kiss, and I run one hand over his shaved head as the other begins to undo the front of his jeans. Our kisses become more heated and filled with hunger, as I literally suck on his tongue. Jake wears button fly jeans, and I open them easily. He also wears no underwear so his thick 9 inch cock is soon free and pressing against my own. Jake also kicks off his shoes and steps out of his jeans. I begin to lift his shirt up, as his hands move down to grip my ass cheeks. We break the kiss as I lift the shirt up over his head, and then it quickly joins the rest of our clothing on the bathroom floor. I run my hands over his smooth black skin as I enjoy every contour of his chiseled chest. He leans in and drags his tongue across my throat before nipping at where my neck meets my shoulder; softly biting while his hands begin to knead my ass. I moan a little louder in response. He pulls back, leaving a dark mark there. "You taste..." he starts as he grinds against me, his erection thick and heavy. "...delicious." "Yeah?" I ask as I let a hand drift down to grasp his steel hard shaft. His response is to grin at me, and then to lean in for another passionate kiss. Jake's strong hands move to my waist, and lifts me up to sit on the bathroom vanity. I let his cock slip from my hand as I move to grip his shoulders, my legs wrapping around his waist as we continue to kiss. Jake then moves his head to begin to attack my throat and shoulder again. I lean my head against his muscled chest as he does, gasping and moaning at the sensations. I inhale deeply. "I love the way you smell and look... and feel," I mutter as he keeps biting on my neck and shoulder. I can feel Jake's grin against my skin as his hands move around towards my firm ass. I begin to lick his chest as I move to take a nipple between my teeth. I listen to him moan as I work first one and then the other. When Jake pulls back I have two more hickeys beginning to darken my skin, and I lick my lips as I admire the view of his god-like body. "Like what you see?" he asks me, and then when I nod my response he leans in to begin kissing his way down my chest. I moan as Jake kisses my chest; the heat of his lips against my flesh sending slight shivers through me. He continues to kiss lower and lower, letting his tongue trace around my navel and then he slides even lower. He tugs at what he calls my happy trail with his teeth. My grip on Jake's shoulders tightens as he moves down to nuzzle at my balls; moving lower still. His strong hands grip my legs and lift them upwards; spreading them apart as he does. I help by spreading my legs wide, and all the while I continue to moan at the incredible sensations Jake is giving me. Jake smiles at the noises I make, and then licks along my crack, slathering my tight hole with his warm, moist tongue. A shiver runs through my whole body. Jake's tongue then digs deeper into my hole, as his tongue forces my ass lips apart and snakes into me. I groan even louder as I feel his tongue in my ass, and I shiver in excitement. "Oh, Jake... that feels so good!" He suckles at my rim a bit, nibbling at it even as he pulls his tongue out and works a single thick finger into me. Another groan of pleasure escapes my lips as my grip on his shoulders tightens even more. Jake laughs a little and then pulls back before he pulling his finger out of me. He then sucks on his two fingers before he inserts them both slowly into the tight embrace of my hole. "You think you're up for my usual standards of performance?" I open my eyes, which I had not even realized I has closed as Jake had been rimming me, and I look down at him as his fingers work in and out of my ass. "As long as I don't take any knocks to the head, I'm pretty sure I can handle taking you." I grin in response. "You sure," he asks with a smirk. He licks his lips and rises up with his fingers still inside of me. As his hard cock comes into view he is stroking it with his other hand. I make a sudden gasp as his fingers press against my prostate, and I look at Jake's large, thick black cock jutting from his loins. I nod to him, "I'm sure." Jake smirks again as he begins to work his fingers in and out of me harder. He spits into his other hand and reaches down to coat the head of his cock with the saliva. A couple more times he does it, until his cock shaft glistens from the moister. His fingers leave my ass then, and gripping my legs and holding them spread he steps forward. I feel his fat, blunt cock tip rub against my puckered hole. "Time to make your white ass mine." He presses against my anal ring, and drives into my forcefully. I cry out, partially in pain at how rough Jake entered me, but also in pleasure as I again feel his 9 hard inches sinking into me. He keeps a stead drive into me, until his balls rest against my ass. "Oh, yeah baby... your ass feels so good wrapped around my cock," he utters as he grinds himself into me. Jake then leans back in again kissing and biting on my throat as he begins to move in me. His thick shaft slowly drawing out, and then slipping back in. My body shudders as the flared edge of his glans runs back and forth over my prostate, and I moan my pleasure. Slow at first, he quickly builds up speed until Jake is pounding his large cock into me with the full force of his massively muscled body. Pre-cum runs down my own cock shaft as I feel Jake ram himself up into me again and again. I moan and grunt with each thrust as his breathing becomes almost pants. As I hold on during his rough fucking of my ass I can feel his muscles begin to tighten. And then with one last savage thrust into my hole, his cock swells and pulses within me as he begins to shoot his load of cum deep into my bowels. When he begins to cum, he growls in an animalistic way, and grinds himself hard against me. The sensations I feel from the rough love making, sends me over the edge as well and several thick ropes of cum blast from my cock to coat his stomach. The whiteness of my seed a sharp contrast to the color of his skin. We then collapse against each other, and kiss deeply and passionately. We remain joined like that for several moments, until Jake begins to soften. He then pulls back, drawing his still partially erect cock from my well used ass. Jake looks down at the mess that has been made as our bodies pressed together in the after moments of sex and my cum got smeared over both of our stomachs. "I think a shower might be in order," he says with a grin. Jake then picks me up and takes me over to where his shower is. It's a nice large shower, that is mostly open to the room and you step down into. Once in the shower he sets me down, and I stand. This time my legs are wobbly from the pounding I just took and not the blow to my head. He turns on the water, adjusting it and testing it with his foot under the lower faucet until the temperature is just right. Jake then presses a button and warm water begins to cascade over us, as we continue to hold each other. It is several long moments before we break the embrace and actually begin the process of washing each other. The sex and the warm water help to sooth away the tension we were both feeling over the strangeness of the day. But for the moment, all of that was forgotten as we only thought of each other. Eventually the water begins to run cooler, and I shut the water off. Jake reaches for a couple of towels, and handing one to me we begin to dry each other off. After we are fully dry, we hang the towels up and make our way into the bedroom. Jake turns off the light in the bathroom and then we both slip into bed. I snuggle up against Jake, and we hold each other. Sleep is not far off for either of us. * * * It was the sound of small whines and scratches at the bedroom door that awoke us the next morning. Jake got out of bed, and went to open the door. Warden was immediately standing on the bed, licking at my face as I laughed. I gave him a bunch of good thumping pets like he liked, and told him to lie down. With a chuckle and a shake of his head, Jake walked into the bathroom and I could hear him relieve himself into the toilet. He then came back into the room, and crawled back into bed with me, giving me a kiss before he checked out the bump on my head. "The swelling has gone down almost all the way." "So I'm going to live, doctor?" I asked him with a grin. "I think so, but let's get a second opinion." He turned to Warden, "Hey, do you think Damian is going to survive his injury?" Wardens only response was to wag his tail and lick my face. Jake laughed and scratched Warden behind his ears. "I would say that it was unanimous that you are going to live." "I wouldn't count on it with his dog breath, whew!" We both laughed and cuddled under the covers as best we could with Warden laying in bed with us. It was about an hour of just lounging around in bed before we both decided to officially get up. Jake and I spent a good portion of the rest of the morning just puttering around his house. Neither of us were in a hurry to turn on the TV; I think we were both afraid that things would have gotten worse. Finally though we couldn't resist and the TV was turned on. Much to our relief nothing had changed during the night, though the whole world was still in an uproar. It wasn't until about noon on that Saturday that the next event happened. Jake and I had just settled down to eat lunch and watch the news when it happened. The media went live to the Miami spire as soon as it started. Growing from the side of the spire was what looked to be a four foot wide crystalline bridge. The strange bridge grew closer and closer to the land. "Damian, sit back before you fall off the couch," Jake chided me. I hadn't realized that as we sat watching this crystalline bridge form that I had moved to where I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat. I sat back, and Jake put his arm around me. Warden, sensing something was wrong, had moved to lie at our feet. Once the bridge was complete an opening started to appear in the side of the spire. The view on the TV showed several of the soldier's, behind some quickly erected barricades in Bayfront Park, lifting their guns in readiness. A figure stepped out of the opening, and looked around. It was dressed in fanciful robes and had long silver-blond hair. As the camera zoomed in you could make out the lean, slightly just too perfect features of the man's face... man was the only way I could describe him since he looked very human. With the camera zoomed in close, we could see one obvious feature that showed the man was not a human; he had gracefully pointed ears. "First Contact actually is with Vulcans?" Jake commented in surprise at the sight. The man stepped forward a few steps, and looked at those gathered on the shore. "Mortals," he said in a loud booming voice that clearly carried across the water and was easily heard, "I bring thee news of great importance. The mists around Avalon have parted once again, and we return. I am the ruler of the Summer Court, I am the King of Ash and Oak... I am Oberon." "Jake... I don't think they're Vulcans." The end of Winds of Change part 2

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