Hot Tin Roof

By Story Plotter

Published on Aug 24, 2006



I haven't written for a while, so I hope that you enjoy this. All comments welcome and can be sent to me at

Hot Tin Roof

I could see him looking out of the corner of my eye. Admittedly, it was just an outline, but I knew it was a person and I was certain that it was him. Our houses we separate, but the garages, to the right of my house and to the left of his, butted up against each other. He was on the top of his garage. Again. I'd just rinsed the soap out of my eyes and for a split second I could make out his form just across from the open window.

It was a bright morning in August. A change from the usual dreary grey weather that seemed to have set in after the blisteringly hot days of July. I was staring down the barrel of just two more weeks of freedom before, like a magnet, I'd be pulled back to school and all the monotonous boredom that entailed. It hadn't been such a bad holiday. I'd had a lot of fun with my mates, maybe our last carefree summer together. Gone to a lot of parties, got in a lot of trouble with my parents for not going out and finding a job, spending too much time in bed, getting home too late, being too loud, making too much mess. The usual stuff. But I'd enjoyed every minute of it.

I'd heard stories of the lad next door. Then again, I hadn't taken much of an interest. Just another bad boy. So the story goes, he'd got in with a bad crowd. Got himself high on weed, trashed the house; even threatened his parents with a baseball bat at one point. I'd slept through that though. Too wasted from the night before to care or take any notice of the police van that came screeching to a halt outside our driveway and then carted him off. My sister said that he looked a lot younger than he is in those handcuffs. White t-shirt, track pants hiding a supposedly lithe, but tanned frame. The hot sun had done it's work. His close cropped blonde hair reflected the rays and the light had glinted off his deep brown eyes in the same was as it had sparkled and reflected off the shiny metal of the handcuffs as they put him in the van.

I'm told that it was after that incident that his parents had started locking him out of the house when they weren't home. I'd heard noises coming from the side of the house a few times while I was in the bathroom getting ready to go out to the next party, but never thought anymore of it. Until my dad pointed out that it was him next door, climbing up onto the roof of the garage and going across to get into their back garden. There, according to members of my family who I reckon spent too much time considering the goings on, he'd either try to break into the house by the back door or else sit in their garden shed.

As the hot water splashed onto my skin, rising away the soap, I looked down and saw it swirling around and away down the drain. My right hand idly brushing against the top of my cock and lifting it up to let the water run over my balls. My mind wandered to last night and how close I'd come to getting Lisa Roberts on her knees in front of me. My dick jerked and lengthened a little at the thought of what I'd nearly landed. The furthest thing from my thoughts was that guy next door. But it was unmistakable as I rubbed my eyes, rinsing the soap out of them; he was stood on the garage roof, looking in through the slightly open window, watching me in the shower.

I think I must half half froze. I wasn't sure what to do. I mean, I'd been in the shower with the guys in school after sports plenty of times. I'd seen them all naked and they'd seen what I was packing. But somehow, I thought, this was different. I still hadn't moved. My cock gave the answer to why this was different. It seems that unconsciously, this whole thing was turning me on. My right hand had returned to my cock that was already a little aroused from thinking about Lisa Roberts in her skin tight top. I started stroking it. Gently back and forth. I pulled my foreskin back, exposing the sensitive red head underneath, both to the air of the bathroom and the open window. Then I rolled it back over again. Just a gentle rhythm backwards and forwards and my dick responded. Edging its way up, getting longer, thicker and harder in my hand. My left hand ran across my chest. Tweaking my nipples, pinching them and making them stand out almost as hard as my cock. I ran my left hand down my wet body. The steamy hot water still pounding against my skin. As my right hand continued to stroke my now fully erect shaft, I used my left hand to play with my balls. Feeling the smoothness of my shaved nut sack and rolling my heavy balls around between my fingers.

My cock was throbbing in my hand. My senses were being pounded by the hot water hitting against me, the sound of it splashing into the tub and running down the drain, the smell of soap, shampoo and shower gel still hung in the air. Above everything, I could sense his eyes fixed on my naked body. I drew a huge breath of air into my lungs and felt an electrical shiver course through my body, down my spine, running the length of my cock and enveloping my balls. My wrist jerked back against my cock, my foreskin pulled back as far as it'd go and my whole body went rigid. At that moment, my whole body was centered around my nuts. I could feel the cum in those heavy orbs welling up and exploding through my long cock and shooting, wave after wave of sticky juice spraying from my piss slit. I groaned with every spurt that ejaculated from me.

After what seemed like forever, I started to regain my senses. I could feel my cock slowly softening in my hand as the water in the shower started to cool down. I opened my eyes for the first time since I'd seen that shadowy figure. I heard a noise. Footsteps on a tin roof.

I shut off the water in the shower, grabbed a towel and slung it around my naked body. I went back across the hallway and into my bedroom. I looked at myself in the full length mirror that hung on my far wall. My dirty blond hair was wet and tousled, the colour on my broad shoulders and my slightly defined chest showed how much I'd been enjoying the summer. My hands went to the white cotton towel and pulled it away. There was a discernible tan line at my waist, revealing a white patch that covered my crotch and ran down to just below the tops of my legs, which were firm, nicely covered in a light dusting of hairs. My cock was still semi hard after my exertions. I'd only trimmed the hair around it the day before. Cut really close. You had to be as close as Lisa Roberts had threatened to get yesterday to see that there was any hair there at all. From a distance, say roughly the distance between the edge of next door's garage roof to the shower in our bathroom, it would have looked like I was completely smooth. My balls certainly were. I shaved every last remnant of hair from them. I liked them that way. I loved the feeling when I oiled them up and rolled my nuts in my hand as I jerked myself off.

I could understand the attraction in looking at me as I showered.

It was about seven thirty in the evening when I got back home. Getting out of the car, I could see a group of lads hanging around in the driveway of next door's house. I felt a momentary tingle run through my body and a dryness in my mouth as I locked the car and walked up towards my own front door. I definitely saw him looking at me as I put the key in the door and opened it.

I walked into my room and over to the window. I glanced out as I drew the curtains closed. The group that was outside in the drive way was just dispersing and I saw him hanging around outside by the front door. The was no car either in the driveway or at the front of the house. I guessed his parents must still have been out. That's when the idea kicked in.

Shouting downstairs that I was going to have a quick shower before dinner, I walked into the bathroom. The window that had been open this morning was now closed. I opened it again. The light from outside streamed in, no longer being diffused by the frosted glass. Looking out over the ledge, I could clearly make out the top of the garage roof. I opened it wider still. The perch that my admirer had used this morning came into view. Still not enough. I opened the window about three quarters of the way. This morning may have been accidental exposure, but if this guy really wanted to get an eyeful of me, I was going to make it a lot easier this time around.

My fingers trembled as I started to strip. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and casually rubbed a hand across my chest, feeling my smooth body. I tweaked at my nipples and started to feel those familiar feelings as the hormones started to race around my body. I could visibly see myself shake as I bent down to pull my shoes off and clasped at the belt on my jeans and unbuckled it. The sound of the metal on fabric as I popped the button open excited me, almost in the same way that metal on metal of the zipper did so close to my growing cock.

The jeans fell down to my ankles and I stepped out of them. In the bathroom mirror I could just about see the whole of my body. I admired myself standing there, just in a pair of tight A&F boxer briefs that I'd bought for myself on holiday last year.

My mind was pulled back from the look of my body in the mirror by a noise from outside. The clattering of the bin as it was being dragged up to the garage doors and feet on metal. Undoubtedly the sign of him scrambling up onto the roof. Had he seen the window being opened? Was he just going to go straight over and into the back garden? Was I seriously getting turned on at the idea of being watched by another guy?

As this morning, the answer was obvious and in my boxers. Quickly, I pulled them down, my erection sprang out. Nerves or not, my cock was responding to the situation and enjoying every second. I got into the tub, my back to the open window and turned on the water. Quickly the temperature when from luke warm to hot and started pummeling my skin. Above the noise of the water splashing down into the tub and the whirring of the shower I could just about make out the sound of those footsteps again.

I turned around. Half closing my eyes as the steps continued, getting closer. I could could make out that shape again and my body tensed. This time I was looking more closely, the window was open wider, I could clearly see the edge of the garage roof. The figure edged closer, hesitantly. I could make out his legs. Again, edging back and forth, not sure of how far to go. He moved along and crouched down. His legs splaying apart as his torso and then his face came into view. I must have been doing a good job of looking like my eyes were closed. He didn't move. I stayed where I was too. My body fully exposed to him. My cock was sticking straight up. The foreskin pulled right the way back by the force of my erection and the veins on my cock sticking out, clearly aroused.

Putting my back to the window, I knew I was giving him a great view of my firm ass. I reached for some shower gel and pumped it into my palms. I was still shaking, horny nerves tingling, heightening my senses. I pushed my hands down to my cock, smearing the shower gel all over my throbbing shaft and started to wank myself. It must have been obvious what I was doing.

No turning back now as I moved around to face the window again. Still doing my best to appear that my eyes were closed. Squinting I could just about make out him looking around, apparently checking that no one was walking down the street. He quickly ran a hand across the front of his pants. That's when I knew I had him.

I opened my eyes and looked straight at him. Startled, he almost fell backwards, putting out a hand to stop himself from toppling over completely. He made to get up and run off. But me coming up to the edge of the window ledge and crouching down stopped him. In a whisper loud enough for him to hear I told him "If you don't want another police van outside the door, you'll get your backside in here now!".

I had no idea where these feelings where coming from or what I was going to do. But my cock remained hard and kept throbbing. I put a hand down onto it and played with the head. Rubbing a finger across my piss slit, it was hard to make out with the shower gel and water whether it was precum that I was smearing over the head and down the length of my shaft, but whatever, it felt good.

Standing back under the spray of water to rinse myself off, I watched him closely as he looked around again, and walked across the roof of his garage and onto mine. He looked nervous as he walked across. No more than 5'5", giving nothing away under that baggy t-shirt and joggers. Another quick look and he hauled himself in through the window. I guessed that he'd done that before, although probably to make out with the contents of the house. I had something different starting to swirl around in my mind.

He scattered deodorant cans and toothbrushes as he pulled himself through the window and into the middle of the bathroom. I stepped out of the shower and he took a step back as I moved towards him. I laughed quietly to myself and whispered straight at him: "you like watching this don't you?", as I grabbed hold of my thick shaft. He didn't say anything. I waited for an answer "I think you really enjoyed watching me this morning." I told him. This time I grabbed the front of his joggers and my hand was met with the unmistakable feeling of a hard cock. It was only the third time I'd got hold of a cock that wasn't my own and all excitement of doing something forbidden and dirty came flooding back. He was into it too. Quietly moaning as I stroked his cock through his joggers.

"You picked the right day to start being a pervert, Dan." I told him. His name coming into my head at just the right time. He looked at me with those big deep brown eyes. Not the kid I remembered annoying people in the street anymore. But that was years ago now, I just hadn't taken much notice of the intervening years when he started to become a bad boy and started realizing how to play for real. He was still a bit shorter than me. Perfect height as I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him to his knees.

My cock was in the ideal position. Directly in front of his face. I took hold of it and guided it towards his lips. Maybe reality struck him at that moment but he pulled back and, a little louder than I liked with all of my family downstairs, "I ain't no fag." I wasn't in the mood for playing these games now, especially when I'd given him two and a half free shows already today. "Me neither." I told him as I pushed the tip of my cock firmly against his lips.

Fortunately, to anyone else outside the bathroom, the noise of the shower would have drowned out the sound of my moaning as my cock sunk past his lips, into his mouth and down his throat and the sound of him gagging slightly on my solid cock. I put my hands on his head and started bucking my hips. Lisa Roberts didn't know what she'd been missing last night I thought to myself. Then again, would she know how to suck cock like this guy, I wondered as Dan started to get into it. He swirled his tongue around my shaft and began to suck my cock as I pounded it in and out of his mouth. I was throbbing and I know that I filled his mouth with precum as I pushed it right the way in, pulled it all the way out and back again, over and over. I pulled it out of his mouth. The shaft glistening in the light of the bathroom as the sound of the shower and hot water hitting the tub kept going. "My balls too." I told him and I didn't need to tell him twice. He put his face right between my legs and worked his tongue over those heavy nuts of mine. Lapping at them and then taking each one into his mouth, sucking and working his tongue over them before doing the same with both. His mouth full will my balls as I jerked myself.

If he hadn't done this before, he was a natural. I could feel my balls getting tighter and tighter as his worked his tongue around them. I pulled my balls out of his mouth quickly and put a hand on his forehead. "Open your mouth." I told him and he did. Not looking up at me, straight at my crotch and the big cock that was waving in front of him. I gripped hold of my dick and aimed straight into his open mouth. It didn't take long. My shaft was lubed up nicely after his work and my foreskin slid back. The head was throbbing, purple in colour. I look down straight at him as my body tensed. My teeth clenched together as I stifled a loud grunt as shot after shot of my hot fluid sprayed into his mouth. He choked slightly as more and more of it shot onto his tongue and started dripping down his throat. I smirked to myself as I watched him close his mouth and swallow. I wiped my wet cock against his lips.

Looking down at him, it was obvious he didn't know what to do next. He looked like he wanted to get out of here and yet keep doing it all at the same time. I had pretty much the same feeling. And yet I knew we weren't quite finished. The obscene bulge in the front of his joggers reminded me of that. I had a mass of feelings. I was pissed off that a young punk like him had been spying on me, but incredibly horny that he'd done it. I could have made him get climb back through the window, onto the garage roof in front of anyone walking by with his huge hardon leading the way or I could finish this properly.

I went for the second option. I told him to stand up, which he did straight away. He didn't say anything. I think it was obvious that this was his first time. So I grabbed his crotch and took hold of his shaft just to let him know where this was heading. I pulled his t-shirt off and threw it down on the floor. Sure enough, he was a little skinny, but had some definition to his body. He was tanned. All those holidays that he kept going on I thought to myself. I ran a hand across his completely smooth body and felt him shudder. He let out a moan and almost jumped back at my touch. I pinched at his nipples and made him groan. I saw his eyes roll back, taking him completely out of it. The noise of the shower was becoming mesmerizing and the steam cranking up the humidity in the room.

Next I pulled his joggers down. His legs were completely smooth. I left them around his ankles as my hand went instinctively towards the big bulge in the front of his boxers. Blue and white stripes and a huge wet patch near the tip of his cock gave the game away. He was so into this. I grabbed hold of his dick through the material and gave it a squeeze. I had to tell him to keep the noise down as he moaned. His cock was definitely thinner than mine, but it seemed like he was matching me for length. I grabbed hold of the waistband and yanked them down too to join his pants around his ankles. His cock sprang straight up and into my hand.

He had a mass of black curly hair around his cock and a dusting of hair along his balls. Not a trimmer I thought to myself. Still it felt great, stroking his cock and having the ball of my hand cushioned by his pubes. I used my free hand to play with his balls. Loving the feel of his hairy sack against my fingers. His body jerked at my touch so I knew this wasn't going to take very long at all and I also knew exactly how I wanted to do it.

I moved behind him and pressed my body right up against his back. For a split second I think he must have thought that I was going to fuck his firm, rounded little arse. Maybe I'd have liked to, but I had no protection with me and with all the stories I'd heard about what he'd been getting up to, I decided that I couldn't go in there uncovered. So I stuck for pressing my still half hard and wet cock up against his ass. I pushed firm against him so that my cock was nestling between the cheeks of his backside as I pushed my hands to the front of him.

We stood in front of the bathroom mirror and I took in the sight. Dan was looking straight ahead too. His naked body on display and my hands all over his crotch. Me pressed up against him, my head closely touching his as I drank in the sight. I pulled one hand up away from his hairy balls for a moment, unable to resist rubbing his stomach and chest again, pinching his nipples, making him jerk as they were ultra sensitive. I clenched my fist around his cock and whispered in his ear for him to fuck my hand.

That's exactly what he did. His moved his backside back and forth, thrusting his cock against my grip. At the same time his ass rubbed my cock with every movement, bringing me to full hardness again. Quickly I positioned my cock right between his legs, so that the tip of my cock pressed against his hairy nut sack as he continued to thrust, having his cock wanked by my hand and wanking my cock at the same time. With the feel of my cock in that zone between the back of his balls and his ass and the feeling of my hand on him, he started to buck and jerk pretty violently. I tensed my fist harder around him. He pushed his cock into my hand one more time. In the mirror both of us were fixated on that view of the head of his cock, bright red, piss slit gaping slighting. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. His body was rigid against me. Then we watched as jet after jet of his hot cream shot from his cock, splattering on the tiled floor in front of us, eventually tailing off into weaker shots with the cum falling straight down and into his boxers.

We stood like that for a while. My arms under his, almost holding him. I pulled back from him and slapped my cock against his ass. I was ready for more, but knew that this couldn't last. Deliberately I reached down to his boxers, still wet with his precum and now containing some of his mess and pulled them up over his still wet and sticky cock. If he was going to spy on me he couldn't expect to get away with just a wank; he was going to have to wear the mess. He laughed weaky as I did this. He pulled up his joggers and got hold of his t-shirt and put that on.

It was a weird, nervous atmosphere. Neither of us said a thing. He went over to the open window. Just as he was about to pull himself onto the ledge and through, he stopped. We both heard it. Footsteps on tin.

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