Hot Rods

Published on Aug 28, 1998




by Anonymous

Hot Rods 1

Al and I grew up in a small town and were best buddies from grade school through high school. We did all the usual small-town boy things together: sports, boy scouts, cruising town in cars, and fantasizing about girls. After college, we went our separate ways, marrying, and settling down far away. We saw each other seldomly and didn't keep in close touch either. So, I was surprised to get a call from Al one warm summer night. He was in my city on business and wondered if I could come down to his hotel for a drink. I said sure, I'd be there right away.

I looked around in surprise at the suite that Al invited me into. I hadn't ever been in this hotel before despite living in the city for years. There was a large living room with couch and easy chair and a separate bedroom.

"Great to see you again!" I said, shaking his hand.

We reminisced about old times for a quite a while. Then out of the blue, Al asked "Do you remember those camping trips in boy scouts when we groped each other and jerked each other off?"

"Ha! Yeah. How could I forget, that was my first sex, such as it was. We sure were naive about sex when we were fourteen," I laughed. "But, at the time we thought we knew it all."

"Yeah," said Al, "We thought we were practicing for the girls we were too chicken to ask out then. How did you do the first time you kissed a girl?" Al asked.

"I don't remember--probably not too hot," I said.

"Me neither. We probably should'a practiced on each other in those days." "You know, so we could have impressed the girls when we finally got the nerve to try it."

"Yeah? Funny you should say that. I wanted to at the time, but I was afraid to bring it up. Thought you'd think I was crazy or perverted."

Al moved from the easy chair to the couch beside me. "Have you ever thought about what it would be like kissing a man?" he asked.

"I guess maybe in passing. I sure haven't dwelt on it. Have you?"

"No...but, suddenly I really want to try it," he said looking out the window.

That took me back a little! While I was trying to think of what to say to that, Al leaned over and kissed me lightly right on the lips. We both jerked back as soon as our lips met. But, we both leaned right back in and our lips touched for a few seconds. I still didn't feel much. We both surreptitiously moistened our lips and tried it again. This time lip contact was much fuller and warmer.

Hesitating after those three quick kisses, we were both a little dazed and unsure of what we should do next. It occurred to me then that kissing a man was like kissing a woman, only different. How so? Our first two kisses were so quick and dry that they were pretty much without sensation. But the last one was different. His lips were full, firm, sensuous... I felt a rising in my loins. Was it better than with a woman? Lesbians say that kissing another woman is better than kissing a man. I didn't know yet, but I was sure ready to find out.

Apparently Al felt the same way because we went into a clinch that continued for a long time. At first we still pecked nervously, quickly and lightly, but we soon warmed up and our lips began to mold together, deep and hot as our inhibitions melted away. Surprisingly quickly we were kissing like lovers, our heads in motion, lips sliding over lips in long lip locks. After one particularly intense session, we gasped for breath, and Al fell back with his head on the couch top feigning exhaustion.

I rose up on my knees and straddled his legs. He didn't move, so I leaned down and planted another one on his lips. He was still passive, so I went to work with my tongue, slowly massaging every inch of both his lips, starting from one corner of the upper and finishing on the same corner of the lower. Then I slid my tongue under his upper lip and ran it along the inside between lip and gum. I sucked his upper lip into my mouth and then did the same with his lower. Penetrating farther, the tips of our tongues finally met and his mouth opened in response. Our tongues twirled each other, tips circling, touching lightly, teasingly. Getting bolder and hotter, I inserted my tongue under his clear to its root. The slick underside of his tongue was blazing hot and tasty.

Suddenly Al came back to life clamping his lips over my tongue he drew it into his mouth as far as it would go with my enthusiastic help. He sucked it like a baby does its mother's tit. The sensation was incredible. Then it was my turn I took his tongue deep into my mouth and slid mine back and forth along it to feel and taste every bit. It was primeval, deep, warm, completely erotic. Al pushed me down on my back on the couch and came down on top of me.

Stretched out full length with Al on top, I could feel his hard dick pressing on mine through our pants. Now he was in my mouth probing, touching, tasting like I had in his. Our tongues couldn't get enough of each other. I sucked his, he sucked mine, over and over. We rotated our heads so that the slick undersides of our tongues could slip and slide over each other, then back so that the tops mated. We were out of our minds. We couldn't get our mouths open far enough, our tongues deep enough. Eventually, we had to come up for air again, and I reached between us to feel his penis through his pants.

I found just what I knew would be there. A long and hard prod. "I see you're in the same condition I am.."

"He replied, "Shall we get naked?"

For several minutes clothes flew as we moved to the bedroom where we jerked back the covers, hopped onto the bed, and tumbled together face-to-face. As we embraced, I lined our dicks up with my hand so they pressed together for their full lengths. Naked penis flesh pressed to naked penis flesh felt great.

We started to kiss again and he stuck his tongue deep into my mouth, but suddenly, I broke away, jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom. There I found a little bottle of hotel complimentary body lotion. I grabbed it and poured a dollop of the creamy stuff into my right hand. Then I ran back and jumped into bed where I reached down and coated the under side of my throbbing dick with the slippery lotion. Rolling toward Al, I inserted my now slick dick between his balls and slowly thrust it forward so that it parted his pubic hair to the base of his prod. I hesitated for an instant and then continued slowly pushing forward, sliding the head of my dick up along the shaft of his. Very slowly, I moved up his shaft until the frenulum of my penis (that super sensitive spot under the penis head) came into contact with the same spot on his. It seemed like sparks literally flew. Thousands of pleasure receptors were firing at once. Then, slowly, I continued my forward thrust so that the v-groove under the head of his penis slid down the shaft of mine retracing the path I had just taken up his.

Now Al caught the motion and began to thrust, slowly at first, back and forth. Our slippery dicks wouldn't stay together, so I grabbed both of them in my right hand, and squeezed the huge, throbbing tips against each other. Slick with the lotion, the heads swollen tight, the sensation was mind blowing. I squeezed and rolled them together, again and again, massaging his frenulum with mine. Now millions of pleasure receptors were firing. With my left hand, I reached around Al's neck and pulled his head to mine. Our mouths locked together wide open, and we tongued frantically.

Suddenly, we were completely out of control. Our hips jerked in quick, short thrusts rubbing our hot rods together, back and forth, relentlessly stimulating each other. We were tongue on tongue, dick on dick. Then, boom! Simultaneously, semen shot out of both of us, ran down our bellies into one big combined pool of cum, and then slowly slid down onto the sheets. We fell apart, utterly exhausted.

After many minutes of heavy breathing, Al said, "I guess a man can satisfy a man."

"I'm sure satisfied," I agreed. "But we should try again just to be sure."

"Same time, same place tomorrow?"

Hot Rods 2

I was driving to Al's hotel the next day. The day after our very unexpected encounter. Thoughts were racing through my head. What happened last night? We're grown men, life-long heterosexuals. How could we have ended up having the hottest sex imaginable? What is he thinking now? Is he completely ashamed about it and doesn't want to see me ever again? Maybe I should just go back home and call him and say good bye. But, I was at the hotel by then and thought that I might as well go see him and face up to it.

I hesitated several moments outside his door wondering what to expect. When I finally got up the nerve to knock, the door opened immediately and there stood Al buck naked with a huge hardon. My question was answered in no uncertain terms! Fortunately no one else was in the hall because I stood there immobilized in complete surprise. Al grabbed me and pulled me inside, fell against the door and locked it behind him. Before I knew what was happening or what I thought, he threw is left arm around my neck and pressed his lips on mine while his right hand fumbled with crotch.

I finally found my voice. "You have a head start on me," was all I could think of saying.

"I'll help you catch up," he hissed as he released my belt. I only had on shorts, a t-shirt and sandals and it took about 10 seconds to shed them. Standing naked belly-to-belly, we kissed passionately for several minutes bringing me to a full, hard, pounding erection.

Al grabbed our two dicks in one hand and began pumping them against each other until I slowed him down. "Take it easy. Let's make this last a while."

Trying to slow down the pace, we sat side-by side on the couch, and slowly stroked each other's erect penises and began what turned into a non-stop, ten-minute kiss. It started gently--lips softly touching, changed quickly into a pressing, gyrating, lip-to-lip crush, and finally became a tongue plunging frenzy. Temporarily we forget about our hot dicks because the kissing was totally mind boggling. Tongues were sucked, lips were sucked, tongues were probed and rubbed against each other as deeply as they could be inserted into mouths. Finally, we came up for breath. But Al wasn't going to lose momentum. He pushed me down on my back and came up over me on this hands and knees. I lunged upward trying to make contact but he pushed me back down.

"Just wait," he said.

Teasingly, he lowered the tip of his penis until it just brushed my frenulum. We both watched, fascinated by the sight and feel of our throbbing hot rods about to touch, his hanging down and mine straining upward to meet it. Slowly, he dipped down so that the bulging head of his rested on mine. Then he moved his dick back and forth so that our frenulums, barely touching, slipped over each other. This sensation was driving me crazy and I couldn't lie still. I thrust up as he came down, pressing the shafts of our dicks together. Being so hard and rigid, they kept slipping off to the side, and after several frustrating tries to keep them in contact this way, Al lined them up with his hand and let his full weight press them together. His face was now next to mine and we lay there, dick smashed into dick, kissing hotly and heavily as time seemed to stand still.

After a while, Al broke off and slipped down to where he could take my dick into his mouth. I've been sucked by women and it's good. But I soon found that a man knows just what to do to a penis to make it feel really good. A woman just can't know these things in the same way. The tip of his tongue raced over my frenulum and traced around the glans. Then he rapidly sucked the head in and out between his pursed lips. Pretty soon I had to stop him because I was going to shoot my wad, and I wasn't ready to end this yet. We traded positions and I learned for the first time what a dick felt like in my mouth. I worked him over thoroughly like he had me, sucking and tonguing around his penis head until I felt what I could tell would soon give me a mouthful of cum if I didn't stop.

"Lets move to the bed? I have a little surprise and it will work better there."

Al was very curious, "What is it?"

"Just wait a minute and you'll find out," I said as I retrieved my shorts and took something out of the pocket.

When I got to the bedroom, Al already had the bed turned down and lay on his back with his dick waving in the air, summoning me back.

I said, "Close your eyes and lay on your side facing me."

When he was in the position, I opened my little tube of KY surgical lubricant, took a glob of it in my hand and applied it to his dick which twitched and throbbed in response. I gave it a couple of fast strokes to spread the jelly and then did the same to mine. We lay facing each other, and I scooted in closer so that I could take both penises in my hand. They were amazingly slick and when I rubbed them together the sensation was about a thousand times better than it had been when they were dry. I remember thinking, I hope the boiling point of this lube is high because things are really going to get hot now. But, I wasn't through yet.

The other item I brought was a nylon stocking with a hole cut in the side. I slipped our penises through the hole and then wrapped the stocking around the two from base to tip. Now we were ready!. I rolled Al onto his back with me on top. Letting my full weight down, I mashed our dicks together. This time, though, they could slip and slide back and forth without slipping off even under pressure. I knew that if we started rubbing them together like this, we would come immediately. So, as I pressed my mouth onto his I tried not to move below the waist.

As our lips flattened and mashed together, we gyrated our heads from side-to-side, slipping our wet lips over each other, working every bit of sensation we could from them. Then our tongues got back into it. I sucked his into my mouth and probed its slick underside from tip to base with mine. He returned the favor, enthusiastically.

It didn't take much of that for our control to vanish into thin air. Our legs intertwined and locked behind the knees anchoring us so that our hip thrusts were powerful and coordinated. The sensations coming from my immense, throbbing dick slipping back and forth pressed hard onto his were like nothing I had ever experienced. Our mouths were locked over each other at right angles and our tongues were doing a wet tangled dance when suddenly I felt the unstoppable beginning of my orgasm from deep in my penis. I knew instinctively that the same thing was happening in his, because we began to thrust furiously. Our dicks felt even bigger, if that was possible. Just about to burst with the pressure, they performed an erotic massage on each other. Suddenly our orgasms exploded, spewing semen, and, in a few seconds it was over. We were spent. Our bodies went suddenly limp, that is all except our dicks. Still pressed together, they took a lot longer to get limp in their now very slimy nylon cocoon.

We probably dozed off for a while and when I came to we were lying face-to-face, our now very soft dicks still tied together. Surprisingly, because I'm not a teenager anymore, I started to harden up again as soon as I awakened. My stiffening organ must have awakened Al because his started to get hard again too. We didn't really have the strength for another go like the one we just finished, but it still felt good to slowly push our penises back and forth against each other. We did this for maybe 15 minutes before either of us spoke.

"I don't really know what to say about all this...," I started to say.

Al interrupted. "Don't try to analyze it. Let's just figure out how to do it again ever once in a while."

"You're on for that," I agreed.

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