Hot Night with a Nice Kid

By Steve Storyman

Published on Feb 27, 2005



Hot Night with a Nice Kid - Chapter 1 by Steve Storyman (text only) comments welcome Copyright 2005 Steve Storyman February 26, 2005

DISCLAIMER: This story is for adults only. If it is not legal for you to read erotic stories, or you are not of legal age either where you reside or are accessing this page, or are offended by male-to-male gay sex, then don't read this story. Other standard disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. _____________________________________________________________


Alan Vincent, main character


It started when I went to college. I was only 18 then, but my first roommate, Rob, was cute as hell. I started thinking about him when I jerked off--that's what had started, and it was new to me. I experimented with a guy in high school, but that was mutual jack-off stuff, and nothing like I was thinking, jacking off over Rob.

Soon after Rob became the focus of my sexual thoughts, I lost interest in women, and stopped dating them. I was a little scared about this new turn of events.

I didn't have the nerve to date men, and I wasn't sure I could, but I drooled over Rob and one other guy in my dorm I thought was hot, and masturbated about them. Mostly Rob, though.

Rob dropped out after the first semester, and I never saw him again. Never got to do anything with him, either.

I had better luck with my second roommate, Tim. He was a blue-eyed blond. I was a brown-eyed guy with dark brown hair. Blonds were my thing.

My classes were over at 2:00 p.m., but Tim didn't finish till 3. That meant I was usually in the room when he came in. First thing he did was strip to his briefs, read his email dressed that way, and touch himself the whole time at the computer, reading emails. That alone drove me nuts, because by then, I was into fantasizing about guys.

But then, he'd get up from his chair--hard most days--and do little chores around the room. He never seemed embarrassed with me around, and him with a boner, or half of one, walking around in plain sight. It was all I could do to have something around to cover my erection while he did that. Most of the time, I curled up on the bed, in a near-fetal position, to hide my tent from Tim. This went on for many weeks.

I guess I was so worked up over Tim's antics, I just got brave one day. When he got in from his last class, I had only my underwear on--boxerbriefs. Not as sexy as Tim's little white ones, but that didn't matter.

"Hey, Alan." he said, still in the doorway, raising his eyebrows, "Whoa! Going real casual today, I see." He stared at my underwear.

"Hey, Tim. Yeah--I'm gettin tired of doing laundry, so this is it."

"Cool." I expected him to say more.

But this time, I looked at him the whole time he read his email--I looked at his bulge. He boned up right away. He got up before he was finished reading, and stretched. This gave me a very good view of his hard cock bulging his briefs to the ripping point.

At first, Tim stared straight ahead. We were sitting at an eight-foot-long table that was our shared desk. Then he looked over at me. He'd caught me gawking at him.

"It's now or never, Alan."

"Huh?" I knew exactly what he meant, but all I could do was gulp, and play dumb.

"Alan--do you like it or not?" Tim said, looking at the wall again. I suppose he could have meant anything--he wasn't touching himself.

I didn't have the nerve to say what I was thinking, so I just stood up, letting him see the big bulge I had in my boxerbriefs. I stared in his direction. By then, he was looking my way again.

"Well," I said. I'm sure I blushed.

"Yeah, you like it," he said with a cute grin. "Shit, I had a feeling! Come on, Alan."

I had no clue what to say, but obviously, my secret, and Tim's, was out on the open.

"Yeah, Tim, uh--I'll do what you do."

"He, he--you might be sorry you said that. Okay," he said, dropping to his knees. He pulled my underwear to the floor. "Yeah--let's get this horrible thing off you."

"Horrible?" I said, shaking now.

"Yeah. They make you look older. You look much cuter now, without those on." I had stepped out of them.

"I'd like to see you without yours on," I said, thinking I was brave as hell to say something like that.

"You said you'd do what I do, Alan. So, um--take em off for me," Tim said, standing now.

He watched my trembling hands as I grabbed his white briefs and pulled them down.

"Fuck, that's hot!" I said without thinking, staring at a really nice-looking hard cock--my hands full of Tim's waistband, stalled at his knees. He was about six inches--a really pretty dick.

Finally, Tim's eyes caught mine--I was staring forever at his dick.

"Not as hot as your big bone," Tim said, smiling a bit, finally relaxing with me. I was still tense, but his smile helped.

"Thanks . . . um--thanks, man," I said, my voice almost cracking.

"I think you need this as much as I do," he said, dropping to his knees, and taking most of my cock in his mouth."

"Aw, fuck! Holy shit, that feels good, man!"

"Hey, Alan--I haven't even started yet. Is this your first blow job?"

"No--well, yeah," I said nervously. I wished I would've lied, but the truth is better.

"Way cool. Hot as hell! Come on, let's get comfortable," Tim said, going over to sit on his lower bunk.

I walked over and he grabbed my hips and started sucking.

"Fuckin hell! That feels incredible."

"Feels incredible to suck. I'll bet you got seven inches, man--nice and thick, and tasty too."

Damn! He was so relaxed about this. One minute, we're roommates, the next, he's sucking me telling me how good my dick is.

I relaxed some--until he stood up and looked at me expectantly. I knew what he was thinking. I hesitated.

"Hey, it's okay, Alan--you don't have to, if you're scared."

"I'm not scared," I said. Whether he knew it or not, he'd challenged me, and my ego took over. I went to my knees and just held his cock. I'd done that much before.

I was close enough to his hardon to know it smelled good. So I put the tip of it in my mouth.

"Ohh, yeah," Tim said softly.

That was encouraging, so I slid my lips down his hard dick a few more inches. Then it was like something came over me. I liked the feel of his cock in my mouth right away, and sucked his the way he'd sucked mine.

"Oh, God, that's good. Fuckin-A good! Better stop or I'll come. That was your first time?"

"Yeah," I said my face hot, my hands shaking worse than ever.

"Incredible. You're good, Alan," Tim said, lying down invitingly.

I got on my side next to him on the bed. It just seemed like a natural thing to do. I thought I couldn't go wrong copying him, so when he started playing with my balls, I did the same to him.

"Feels good," I said, not knowing what else to say. It was true, though.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're cute as hell, Alan?"

"N-not really. I think you are." How I got the nerve to tell him that, I'll never know.

"Shit. Lucky me! You're hot, Alan."

"Thanks. I guess that's two of us," I said with a nervous laugh.

"You really are hot," he said, getting closer to me. We were face to face on the bed, our bodies touching now. The feel of his bone was very warm against mine.

His hands rubbed from my shoulders down to my elbows. He kept doing that. It was like a silent message for me to slide down his body. That's what I did, and took his cock in my mouth again, sucking it with fast strokes.

"Uh," he said, getting out of breath, "do you want to make it last, or do a quickie?"

"Quickie," I said--mostly because I hadn't jacked off for a day, and I was way ready to come.

"Okay, go for it," Tim said anxiously.

Now I was in a tough spot. I was about to give my first blow job. To completion!

So I did. I think I copied Tim's expert sucking exactly.

"I'm gonna cum!" Tim said, but it just didn't register.

I knew what he meant, but I never thought about a guy coming in my mouth. But it came quick. And hard. And lots of it!

At first I was taken by surprise, then I got my bearings. I really hadn't planned on taking a guy's cum, but after it started, I thought I'd get sprayed in the face if I took my mouth off him, so I let him shoot.

Tim's shots were fast--one after the other with less than a second between. I was pretty sure I came a lot slower. It tasted pretty good, so I let it build up in my mouth. It wasn't long before my mouth was full.

At that point, I didn't want to make a mess by letting the stuff drip out of my mouth and run down, all over me, or insult him by spitting his cum on the floor. That left me one choice. I swallowed it.

I was so wrapped p in giving my first blow job and liking the feel of Tim's dick in my mouth, that when I started coming out of my thoughts, I realized I had my hands on his ass, holding him.

That's when his voice finally registered again. He'd been saying, over and over, "You don't have to, Alan, it's okay. You don't have to take my cum."

"Oh, God," I said after my last swallow, "I guess I got carried away. That was good, man."

I was blushing like hell. Now that I was coming out of "the moment" I started to feel very strange.

"DAMN! I'll say it was good! I never come that fast!"

"That good, huh?" I said, totally mortified now, but not wanting to rock his boat--he'd been so good about all this. And he was so damn cute.

"Fantastic!" he said, helping me crawl up the bed, and get on my back with my head on his pillow. "Dude--you are hot every which way!" He rubbed my chest.

His hands were relaxing. His face was still angelic to me, and I felt a twinge in my dick looking at him, thinking that I just sucked off this really cute guy. The sincerity in his face gave me the nerve to speak a little more freely.

"I liked it. I thought you were hot, too," I said.

"No SHIT?"

"Yeah, no shit."

"Well, lay back and relax, sexy dude," he said.

And nothing ever felt so good on my bone as Tim's hot mouth.

"I'm cummin!" I said, after only seven or eight strokes of his hot pumping mouth.

After that, we were a natural together. Ten minutes later, both of us still horny, we did a sixty-nine. The next day, I fucked him. Man, was that good. But he didn't want to fuck me, and I guess that was okay.

Every night he'd bring it up--wanted sex, and we did it. A few times, I played a little hard-to-get, and I was pleasantly shocked when he begged for my cock. He wanted to be fucked really bad. He loved it, and as far as I knew, he didn't have any other partners. I didn't either.

We discovered what we both liked, and it became a nightly ritual. It would start with him sucking me enough to get me hot, then I did the same to him. He'd lie down and lift his legs for me, and I'd fuck him good for about five minutes, until I was ready to blow. That was the time to suck him off, and while he had a few shots of cum left in him, I'd plow his ass good with my very hungry cock, and pound the hell out of him. That made him shoot really far--up to the top bunk. He loved it. I did, too.

Now here I was, in September of 2005, 24 years old, and still a junior in college--I'm a slow learner, but having fun. At least I had fun last year.

This year my roommate was a dud. That turned my attention to the local teen club--a place only for 18 and 19-year-olds. I knew the owner, and he was very strict about proper ID. But, once in a while, a boy of 16 or 17 would get in, with a fake ID.

It didn't bother me--16 or 19--all these kids looked good, although 16 was getting a little on the young side for me. I was pretty hot-looking, myself, so I had no trouble getting in.

But many a guy in his early twenties was turned away. For that matter, a lot of 18 and 19 year-olds were turned away, for lack of looks. The owner didn't let just anyone in. You had to be hot looking, or be dressed just so--something flamboyant that would please the crowd--to get in. "Club Aster Two" was the name of the place.

It was known to have a mixed crowd of gays and straights, but there were never many girls there. A few fights, mostly between a gay and a straight guy who took offense at being approached, but nothing drastic ever happened at the club, or anywhere else in the mid-sized Southern town.

Ninety percent of the guys were 18 or 19. Most of them never gave me a second look--they had each other. But those few who did usually came by my table, or got my attention in one way or another.

One night, the most stunning kid I ever saw walked in. His outfit was cute, but he was cute as hell. I got all shaky inside just watching the boy. He got his drink, and walked around a bit, looking over the crowd--most of which was dancing.

As soon as he saw me, he came to my table, and just sat down. I may have clenched my teeth so my jaw wouldn't drop, but I honestly don't remember.

"Hi! My name's Peter!" he said, all tingly and excited-like.

"Hi, Peter--I'm Alan. Nice to meet you."

"Wow, um--really nice to meet you, too."

And for the second time in my life, I would have reason, much later, to say, 'That's when it all started.'

More? --Steve (Please scroll down for a list of my stories)

STEVE STORYMAN'S STORIES AT: (Approximate Age Ranges represent current and future characters)


  1. hot-little-brother-series 11 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Incest/Athletics

A slim 18 y/o athlete wants his 16 y/o brother; caring;

some football & locker room fun; no long game-scenes.

Kevin & Josh. (Ages 15-22)

  1. i-wanted-my-big-brother 6 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Incest

A hot 15 y/o admires and pursues his brother--a sexy,

17 y/o high-school quarterback; caring; no sports scenes.

Chad and Adam. (Ages 15-19)

  1. hot-teen-brian 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Adult-Youth

A cute, smooth 17 y/o and some of his older friends

discover a liking for younger guys; hot fun; all


Goes deep into Brian's thoughts.

Brian, Peter, Matt & friends.

(Ages 10-32; Most action: 13 to 19)

  1. boys-joys-and-sorrows-at-sex-ed-school 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Adult-Youth

Teens trained for mutual sex; some spank, paddling, etc;

no cruelty; some orgasm-delay teasing; flogging;

individual and classroom/group punishment scenes;

all consensual; group and couple's sexual scenes.

(Ages 13-35; Most action: ages 13-20)

  1. hot-freshman-kid 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty High-School

A good-looking high school senior, 17, becomes fascinated

with a cute freshman, 14; story of discovery; tender;

caring; depicts several aspects of high-school life as it

relates to their friendship.

Mark and Kyle.

  1. hot-night-with-a-nice-kid 1 CHAPTER


A good-looking 24-year-old college student

finds a hot guy at a local area college hangout--

a teen club for 18 and 19 year-olds.

Alan and Peter. (text only)

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