Hot New Roommates

By Swim Luv

Published on Apr 25, 2006


As always, don't read if you can't legally do so. Sorry it's taken so long to come out with Chapter 5. I got lazy, so shoot me. With cum that is, hehe. Also, if you read chapter 4, there was some ambiguity with some names not being mentioned, well it took me so long to come out with this chapter that I forgot why I did it. And there might be some continuity issues since it took so long between chapters, hopefully not much though, I'm too lazy to check to make sure everything follows. I don't know when the next one will cum out, but hopefully not as long as it took for this one. Anyhow, email me with comments and suggestions Also, if you post this elsewhere, at least give me some credit, pretty please. I saw an earlier chapter of this posted somewhere with no mention of me whatsoever, maybe that's why I didn't want to continue writing for awhile. Enjoy!!

Part 5 of ???

"Well at least let me help you with that." I said to Caleb as I took hold of his cock.

"If you insist my man." Caleb said to me while groaning.

I decided that even though I wasn't gonna give him a blowjob right now; I would at least enhance his morning by licking around the tip of his cock.

"Oh yeah, keep going. I'm about to blow another big load. You really know how to make me feel good." He said to me while grabbing onto my head.

"Well remember you still have to train me on how to get this down my throat." I said seductively while jacking and licking his soon to be exploding cock.

"Ohh yeah. Don't worry; you'll get plenty of practice. Me and Carl are gonna make you a pro. Ahhhh yeah, I'm really close dude. Just a little more." Caleb said urging me on as more sweat beaded off his face and chest.

"Ooooh yeah, you like my tongue don't you. Gonna make you shoot an even bigger load than before."

"Ahhh yeah. Sooo good. Here it cummmms!" Caleb screamed out as he was ready to blast off.

I decided to be a little naughty and aimed his cock straight at his face. Shots one and two hit the target, right on his face as some of it started to drip down onto his sweaty chest. Then I quickly positioned my face over the cock to take the rest of the shots.

"Oh I'm sorry. I had such bad aim with your cock. I made a huge mess." I said seductively to Caleb as I licked my lips where there was cum from his shots to my face.

"Well it was this fully loaded cock that caused the mess. So I guess it's both our faults." He said to me smiling while fisting out the last few drops that remained. The cock finally started to deflate for the first time that morning.

"I guess I should help you clean up some of this mess." I said to him as I straddled his body and swirled my tongue on the spots on his chest that had cum on it and then up to his face. "And like you said, part of a protein packed breakfast."

Caleb returned the favor by darting his tongue into my mouth. We were locked in a hot steamy kiss with some cum in our mouths. As we were locked in the kiss, I decided to rub my ass up against his crotch.

"Are you trying to see how many times I can go in a day? Unless you want to stay here all day, I suggest you get your sweet ass off my crotch before I get hard again." Caleb said to me in between our kisses.

"I guess you're right. I better get going or I'm gonna be late." I said as I got off him and sat there next to him on the side and then finally got up.

"Yeah. And don't worry we'll have plenty of time to do stuff now that you'll be living here. Can you toss me my cum rag dude? Need to clean up this little mess we made."

"Why don't I just help you out a little more by doing that for you." I said to Caleb as I walked over and slowly licked up some of his seed while also wiping other parts of his body with his rag.

"Guess our little workout got you really hungry didn't it?"

"Yeah. I think that was the best workout I've ever had. I bet your body looks so good because of workouts like these, not from all that water polo."

"Haha. That may be partly true but I'll never reveal the secret as to how I got this awesome body."

"Alright dude, I'm gonna hit the shower before I leave."

"Cool. I'm gonna sleep a little more since I don't have practice today and my first class is at noon. See ya later man."

"Yeah, we'll definitely see each other later. And we have to talk about when I'm gonna move all my shit here." And as I was about to leave I purposely bent over showing Caleb my tight ass.

"Damn, that's one nice ass you got there. One of these days, me or Carl are gonna play with that and you'll learn a whole new workout routine." Caleb said with a devilish grin.

The rest of the day went by and every moment I was thinking of my two Greek god roommates. Stupid me decided to actually stay at my old place that night so I could pack up my stuff so we could move it on Saturday. It was an empty feeling not having big Caleb next to me, but at least I still had Carl's jockstrap, so I could take comfort in that I guess, and in time I imagined that I would have Carl's body next to mine as well.

Saturday finally came along and as luck would have it, it was the hottest day ever I swear. Both Caleb and Carl were shirtless with just their Abercrombie shorts on, and they really only had those shorts on as both were commando. The site of them made the temperature rise 20 degrees I swear. It took all of my will power not to just rip those two pairs of shorts off, I mean they were both sagging a little, so it wouldn't have taken much to get them completely off. But I was a good boy and just admired the top of their asses that was showing, watch their beautiful chests that were beading with sweat and stole glances at their trimmed treasure trails that would lead to the most precious treasures in the world. But of course I had my naughty fun too when I doused them with water from my water bottle and they tackled me and we played a little, but they knew that we had to get my stuff moved out so that I would be living with them. So we played a little but got back to work and continued moving my stuff. And thank goodness I had relatively little stuff and we were done by 2.

"Good job team. Now Josh is really part of the gang. I'd love to stay to help you get your stuff set up but I gotta do some water polo stuff til 6. But Carl will help; he's better at arranging stuff anyways. See ya guys later." Caleb said as he picked up a shirt but didn't put it on. He was probably gonna put it on later when he got to his water polo thing.

Then he stopped and remembered something important. "I guess I should put on some underwear, not that anyone would mind I'm sure but you never know who you might see." Caleb looked around and saw a pair of boxer-briefs on top of a pile of laundry and took a sniff at it. "Hey Carl, mind if I borrow these, there's cum but I think this pair is probably cleaner than everything else."

"Hah! Are you trying to be all polite just cuz Josh is here? You've never asked and you know what the answer is doofus." Carl said to Caleb laughing.

And with that, Caleb took off his shorts in front of both of us revealing his thick concealed weapon. I swear something as beautiful as that should not be covered up. Then he proceeded to put on the boxer-briefs with Carl's cum on them. Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't help with laundry so I too could wear Carl and Caleb's underwear with loads of cum on them.

"Alright see ya guys later." Caleb yelled as he was walking out the door.

"Later man." Carl and I both said.

"Man I'm so sweaty and stink too." I said to Carl.

"Nah you don't stink, nice smell actually. But if you wanna take a shower feel free. You know where it is still I hope." Carl said to me as he gave me a light punch in the arm.

"Yes I do know where it is, thank you very much. And I know where a lot of other things are too. Alright I'm gonna take a shower to refresh myself."

"Alright see ya in a little."

I stepped into the shower but before I turned the water on I took a sniff at my pits and I guess it wasn't that bad as Carl said. Then I turned the water on and the showerhead started spraying at my body. What a nice relaxing feeling with the water giving me a mini-massage. I was soaping up when I felt something, actually someone behind me. Carl!

"Oh hey Carl. I was expecting you in here." I said to Carl a little confused.

"I said I'd see you in a little didn't I. Besides what's the problem, not like we haven't showered before." Carl said to me. "Here let me get your back."

"Alright. Thanks man."

Carl's hands were magical. He really knew how to work them on my body, soaping up my back and moving downwards. When he reached my butt, it was like an electric shock went through my whole body. He proceeded to slide his hand into the crevice of my butt and soaped that up. Then when he reached my hole, I let out a slight moan as his hand glided past it. I wonder if he heard my moan. Then I felt some light jabs right at my ass so I turned around.

"Oh wow!" I said with my jaw dropping.

"I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind. All the moving today got my blood flowing and I'm so fucking horny. And that ass of yours, what a turn-on." Carl said to me kind of blushing.

"Why should you be sorry? Nothing wrong with being horny. You guys told me you two were always horny, why should I be surprised." I said to him as I grabbed hold of his thick, hard tube of man meat. "Why don't we finish up here and head back to your room."

"Sounds great. You always have the good ideas." Carl said to me.

We quickly finished our showers and toweled off. Then I led Carl to his room while I grabbed hold of his beautiful cock.

Once we got to his room, I flopped onto his futon. I was surprised he didn't have a big king-sized bed like Caleb, but whatever, who cares. Then Carl got on top of me and we started kissing. He proceeded to move down my body, kissing every part of my body. Then he lifted my legs up and spread my ass and went to work.

"Oh God that feels so good. Don't stop. You are a master." I yelled in ecstasy.

"You've got such a sweet ass." Carl managed to mumble to me.

"This feels so good." I screamed to Carl as he started to finger my ass.

Then Carl stopped and got up and said to me, "You think this feels good, wait til you have this in you." Carl was standing there fisting his cock back and forth.

"Oh yeah Carl, give it to me, I want it all." I said moaning wanting Carl to get back to work on my ass. I was on sex high.

"Well it'll be hard to get it all on your first try, but you never know I guess. But I'll go slow. I don't wanna hurt that sweet ass of yours."

"C'mon, let's do it." I pleaded with him. I wanted that cock in my ass so bad.

"Alright then, your wish is my command." Carl said to me. He went over to his desk to grab a condom, bit on the wrapper to help him open it up. Damn, he looked sexy even opening up the condom. Then he put that condom on his beautiful cock and lubed that and my ass up. He lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and positioned his cock at my hole. "Okay get ready, here goes."

"Ohhhhh. Aghhhhh." I moaned in pain and ecstasy.

"Oh yeah, so fucking tight. That cherry belongs to me. You've got the sweetest and tightest ass ever. Ughnnn." Carl said to me as he was inching his way in me.

"Ohhh yeah, feels so good. Stick it in me good."

"I'm almost all the way there. I can't believe you are taking all of this. Feels so good. Aghh it's there."

Once Carl was all the way in, he stopped and let me adjust to the feeling of having his log up my chute. He leaned down and we started kissing. But I broke the kiss and demanded that he start working that cock of his in and out of my ass.

"Unnn, you really know how to work my ass Carl." I moaned to him as he was pumping in and out of me. My cock was hard as a rock and leaking precum and I hadn't touched my cock at all.

"And you really know how to work that ass on my cock." Carl managed to grunt that out.

We were both sweating like crazy and yelling like crazy too. Good thing windows were closed. I guess we really shouldn't have showered before either. Oh well, hehe.

"Oh fuck Carl, I'm gonna cum. Aghhhh, here goes! Ahhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhh. Yeah. Feels so good. Didn't even touch myself. Your cock made me cum Carl." I screamed as I started cumming. Cum was flying everywhere. Some hit my chest. Some hit the sheets. Some hit Carl.

"Ah yeah. Your ass. Milking. My. Cock. Ughhhhh yeah." Carl was moaning as he began to shoot load after load into that condom. There was no way that condom could hold so much cum.

We laid there with Carl still in me. Then Carl softened a little and exited out of me with a little pop. And I was right, that condom did not hold all his cum. I saw that there was some spilled onto the sheets that gushed out the top. Carl then took off the condom and unload the goods that that condom had collected onto my chest. Then he attempted to throw the condom into the trash but missed and hit the full-length mirror instead. He was rubbing it all over my chest while kissing me.

"Man your cock driving up my ass felt so good. I don't think I'm ever gonna get enough." I said to Carl.

"Those are some pretty serious words. You can have it anytime and anywhere you want from me. And of course I'll let you have a turn at my ass when you want too."

I looked over and noticed that Carl never really got soft and was still basically hard. Damn, these two boys had sex drives that were off the charts.

"Well, no better time than the present. Round 2?" I said grinning at Carl and stroking his cock.

"Wise words, my man." Carl said to me and went to grab another condom.

We fucked and we fucked and we fucked. The mirror was keeping track of the number of fucks we had with the number of condoms stuck to it.

Carl was on his lying there on his back and I was on top pumping myself up and down, riding the cock like cowboy when we heard: "Well, well, well, look what we've got here."

That's all for now folks.

Email me I love getting feedback from you guys. Getting more might mean it won't take me as long to write.

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