Hot New Roommates

By Swim Luv

Published on Jul 31, 2004


As always, don't read if you can't legally do so. Email me with comments and suggestions Enjoy!!

Part 4 of ???

"I've never done anything like this before Caleb. I dunno if I'll be any good." I said to Caleb, shocked at the fact he was still in the mood for an early morning blowjob after our amazing jack off session.

"Haha, you'll do fine." Caleb said to me while still slowly stroking his long, thick piece of meat.

"Yeah right. I bet you've never had to give a blowjob in your life. You were amazing in our competition earlier. And I bet you've never lost one of these competitions before. Besides, you're freaking hung, porn stars would be jealous of your cock. I'm not even going to get a quarter of it in my mouth." I said to a blushing Caleb.

"Well, complementing me is not going to get you out of this. But you are wrong. I've given blowjobs, and if you're lucky, you'll get a try at one of my "Caleb Specials". True this piece of meat is intimidating, but it's not that bad once you get started." Caleb said trying to urge me to give him his reward for winning.

"Easy for you to say. Have you ever had such a big cock stuffed in your mouth before?" I said to Caleb, still a little afraid of having his torpedo jamming into my mouth.

"My dear sweet Josh. You are so wrong. I've given blowjobs to guys with cocks just as big as me."

"No shit. You are so lying."

"You've never been in a locker room full of guys from a water polo team have you?"

"You've given your teammates blowjobs?" I said, not believing what I just heard.

"Of course man. We're teammates. Whenever someone needs some help, someone is always willing to offer a hand, or mouth or whatever. Haha." Caleb said laughing now.

"Man I could never have imagined. I thought you guys would just be banging pussies til next year." I said to Caleb, amazed at how I was going to be able to get it on with these two hot studs.

"Well, we do bang a lot of pussy. But sometimes with our schedules so unpredictable, no one is around and we just wind up helping each other out." Caleb explained to me.

"Oh man. I can't believe you guys would do that for each other."

"We do. So if you're up to it, you're welcome to come get a piece of whatever we get whether it's here or at one of my teammates' house. You'll share too right?" Caleb asked me as he picked up the pace of his stroking.

"Oh yeah man. Of course. We're gonna be like brothers right?" I said to Caleb.

"Good. I'm gonna get along with you just fine." Caleb said as he gave me a high five.

"Well, back to the real matter at hand. In your hand actually." I said to Caleb.

"You know what. I think I'll save the blowjob for a rainy day. I'm halfway there already I've been waiting so long." Caleb said as he continued to stroke his beautiful cock, as his hand just seemed to slide along. "You know what, let me tell you about the first blowjob I gave."

"Oh." I said as my eyes perked up, very intrigued as to what he was going to say.

"Well it was freshman year. At the time, I was just feeding my love stick to my girlfriend at the time, so I never really experienced anything else. I was a rookie and they paired me up with an older player. Kind of like a buddy system, so you have a mentor and everything. I was taking a political science class, man that just isn't my subject, so I asked my `big' to help me out since he's a political science major and he had taken the class I was taking. And this is what happened."


"How do you feel after your first night practice Caleb? Don't worry about not liking night practice, this only happens every so often." My mentor buddy says to me.

"Oh it's alright. Just a little tired. Man I gotta study for my political science midterm. I really have to read a lot but it's so boring dude, you don't understand." I said.

"Just not your thing eh? I love that stuff. I guess that's why I'm majoring in it."

"Oh really. You think you can help me out man?"

"Sure thing. That's what I'm here for. To help you out whenever you hot any problems. That is the point of this mentor system. Hurry and get out of the shower and I'll see what I can do to help you out."

"Alright dude." I said as I scampered out of the shower.

I was standing at my locker toweling off and my soon to be study buddy walked to his locker which was two lockers down from mine. I'm pretty sure he got a glimpse of my cock as I wiped it dry and I bet he was impressed. I put on some surfer style shorts and a t-shirt and was just going to wear flip-flops; it was a warm October night. I sat on the bench as I waited for him to change so he could tutor me for my midterm. But then I noticed how well he filled out the Speedos. He took off his Speedos and out came a cock that was as big as mine, but he was uncut. He ran the towel through his body and when he bent down to dry his feet, I got a good glimpse of his amazing ass. Then he reached his cock, he ran the towel by his cock a couple of times and gave his cock a few squeezes through his towel. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he was putting on a show for me. Then he pulled the skin on his uncut beauty and wiped. He put on a pair of shorts without any underwear on and put on a t-shirt also. I didn't put any underwear on either since I figured I was going to study a little and go back to my place and sleep. He put on some ankle socks and got his shoes on. Then he put his wet towel on the outside of his backpack and his wet Speedo through one of the outside straps as it hung through one of the leg holes, actually a lot of the water polo players like doing that and we were ready to go.

"No underwear eh?" I asked my buddy.

"Most of the time I don't like to."

"Freeballer. Well I guess we should head to the library."

"You know what, let's not go to the library. Follow me." My buddy said.

We walked a little from the pool to the main part of the campus. Then we walked into a small classroom where a lot of discussion sections are held.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked as I was confused why he brought me to a classroom.

"Study you doof." My buddy said as he gave me a little push.

"Oh. I didn't even know you could come here."

"People usually don't but I like studying here since no one is around and if you have to talk you can talk as loud as you want and no one would care."

"Cool let's get started."

"Take off your shirt. Gotta get comfortable before you study. I think you'll study better this way too, less restriction." My study buddy explained to me.

"Sure whatever you say man, you're supposed to know best."

We studied for a while. I was actually getting some of this stuff to sink into my brain. But I started to get a little tired. I stood up to stretch and my buddy pull my shorts off as a practical joke. So I decided to return the favor and do the same to him. He tried to avoid me, running behind some desks, but I finally got to him and yanked his shorts down. We started to wrestle on the ground. Our shorts had been off our ankles for some time. There was nothing separating our bodies except for a layer of sweat coming from our bodies. We had both become aroused too in our little wrestling match; both our cocks rock hard and dripping. Then my water polo mentor got to me. He had me pinned on my back, his legs straddling my upper body. I gave up and he moved up my body, his cock now resting on my face.

"Give it a lick. I saw you staring at it earlier when I was drying off."

I stuck out my tongue to lick the head. Then as I got more daring, I went from licking to getting his penis into my mouth. My mouth was a magnet for his cock. As he stood up, I made sure I still had my mouth on the cock; I repositioned myself so that I was now kneeling as he started pumping a little more of his cock into my mouth. I grabbed his muscular ass as I was giving him a blowjob, the first blowjob I had ever given, my first male encounter actually. I licked the length of his cock. Then I proceeded to suck on his balls. I worked my tongue around the beautiful mushroom head. Then I got the cock back in my mouth, about 4 inches out of 8. Pretty good for my first time. He pumped my mouth like I was a pussy. He started pumping faster and faster as he held onto my head, occasionally running his hands through my hair. Then abruptly, he pulled out of my sucking mouth and unloaded a geyser of cum onto my face, my hair, and my chest hands-free. A few ropes landed on the floor but most of his deposit landed on me. He pulled me up from my knees as his cum started to dribble down my face and chest. He then licked some of it up on my chest, working his way up to my face. Then he pulled our bodies together and stuck his tongue in my mouth as we both tasted his cum. We were both covered with his cum now. But I still was rock hard waiting to get off.

"I guess I'm going to have to take care of my own business now." I said to my water polo mentor, who I just gave my first blowjob to.

"Hey, I'm a fair guy, I'll return the favor. No need to take care of it yourself." He said to me as he sank to his knees.

He licked my cock all around and sort of lubed it up by using his tongue to coat my cock with his leftover cum. He bobbed his mouth up and down my cock. Then he did something that absolutely shocked me. He deep throated my cock all the may. I was shocked; I'm no small guy at all. His nose was in my bush of pubic hair. While my cock was lodged down his throat, he did things with his throat and tongue that amazed me. He aroused me like I had never been aroused. He would pull my cock from his throat for a moment but a second later, it was right back there. I was just rubbing my chest, playing with my nipples. His cum was like lotion, I just rubbed it all over my while playing with my chest. Then he did another thing that shocked me; he stuck his middle finger up my ass. I yelled out, having never felt anything like that before. Now he was fingering my ass while also giving me the best blowjob I had ever received. I was actually getting used to his probing of my ass and I was getting close to shooting my load. I held onto his head as he continued blowing me. Then I felt my baby cream ready to shoot as I felt it traveling up my dick. I pulled out of his mouth and held onto the base as I shot my loads onto his face, hair, and chest as he did to me when he shot his loads. I think that was the biggest load I had ever shot up til then. He stood up and rubbed my jizz all over his chest.

"Man that was amazing. You have an amazing mouth. I can't believe you did that. I'm pooped now." I complimented him for his job well done.

"Don't worry you'll be just as good one day. How can you be tired? There is still work to be done." He said to me as he held his hard cock in his hand.

"Whoa. Man you're ready for another blowjob already?" I asked in disbelief as my jaw dropped.

"Who says you have to give me a blowjob. I loosened you up." He said to me, still holding onto his hard dick.

He saw my opened backpack and saw I had a condom in there. He went over took the condom and opened the package. Then he slipped it on, his dick looking just as beautiful now wrapped up with rubber, as it was when nothing was on it except a layer of sweat and saliva.

"Well, you wanna give a go at it?" He said trying to urge me into giving in.

"You are my mentor, you know best." I replied.

He bent me over the big table in the front of the classroom. Then tongued my ass, licking around my hole. After that, he went to his backpack and got some lube and spread it all over my hole. Then it was time for him to take my virgin ass. He slowly inserted himself into my, sliding in and out, putting more into me every time. I screamed out as his cock was spreading my ass like it had never been spread before. But soon, he had made his way into me all the way. He pumped in and out, varying his pace for thirty minutes. Then he turned me over so I was on my back and my legs on his shoulder. He continued pumping in and out of me. He also started jacking my cock as I played with my chest. But he stopped playing with my dick and concentrated on pumping my ass. His thrusts were driving me into ecstasy as his cock was hitting all the pleasure spots in my ass, giving me feelings I had never before. Then I started shooting without his or my final touch, it just shot out like a rocket. My ass squeezed and milked his cock as I shot my load. I think the contractions of my ass drove him over the edge. He screamed out and thrust hard into my ass. I could feel him shooting his cream into the condom, numerous shots. He had bent over, his head lying on my chest, tired from just shooting his load. Then he took his cock out of my ass with a little popping noise at the end when he finally got out. He then took off the condom and its content spilled all over. Then he just tossed it on the floor and went to my mouth to give me a kiss. I couldn't believe he had so much cum and I couldn't believe how much I had stored up as well. I got off twice and both loads were humungous.

"You were amazing. I can't believe you made my ass feel so good." I said to him

"You were pretty good too. You milked my cock pretty good at the end there." He said to me, acknowledging my skills as being pretty good even for an amateur first timer.

We were lying on the table, covered in cum. But he was still rubbing my cock, as if he were trying to arouse me.

"So will I get a crack at your ass sometime?" I asked my mentor.

"I'm ready right now if you are." He said to me with a devilish grin.

"But I don't have any more condoms? You used my last one." I said to him, sad that I was going to miss out on his ass.

"Did I fuck you stupid or something?!?!?" He yelled, amazed at what I just said. "Do I look like someone who would ever go out unprepared?"

He walked over to his backpack and took out an unopened box. He took one out and tossed it to me. I opened it up and was about to put it on when he stopped me. He came over and took it out of my hands. Then we started our kissing session and he jacked my cock a little more. Without looking down, he put the condom on me and we were ready for more action.

We went at it for a couple more rounds. Condoms were strewn all over the floor, some of them leaking out cum. We were both covered in each other's cum, lots of it actually. A lot of cum had spilled over from either our body or from when we would take off our condoms to shoot our load onto the table we were fucking on, as well as on the floor. The room smelled like us as well, sweat mixed with cum. We were finally tired, both of us lying on the big table at the front of the classroom.

"Man that was amazing, you have truly taught me something tonight." I said to my buddy as our cocks were finally no longer hard as steel poles.

"You made it happen. I think you'll be ready for initiation later from the team. Let's just take a nap man. You were so good, you totally drained me. I'm so tired I don't want to move right now." He said to me smiling.

"Is it alright to just go to sleep here?" I asked, afraid we would get caught.

"Sure, they don't check on these rooms after they clean it at night. The next time someone will be here is when they have a class." He reassured me.

"Alright, I'm tired too, a short nap will be good." I said but he was already asleep.

So I drifted off to sleep as well. We just laid there on the table asleep, arms around each other and cum all over, neither of us caring. I woke up and looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 in the morning. I woke my buddy up since I knew we had to clean up, knowing there might be a class coming in at 8. We woke up, dried cum caked all over our bodies and hair. We decided to go to the bathroom and take a piss and get some paper towels to clean up. So we put on our shorts but decided against our shirts to go to the bathroom figuring no one would be here to see us this early. Both of our pairs of shorts had some partial tears on them from when we were playing around to get them off each other. We walked to the bathroom with just our shorts on and were surprised to see someone taking a piss at one of the urinal. This guy actually wound up being one of my T.A.s for a class of mine later on during the last quarter of freshman year. Well, we went to the urinals to take a piss. There were no partitions separating the urinals, so you could see everything. I think the guy was amazed at our cocks; he wasn't that bad but we were just there, taking a piss with nothing on except our ripped shorts. Since that was all we wore, it was easy for him to see our cocks and balls. Look he did, I think he was amazed at how hung we were. But I think the thing that dumbfounded him the most was the smell of cum coming from our bodies. And if he cared to look at all, he would've seen the cum caked on our body and hair. We stayed cool and the guy left after taking his piss. After he left, we both busted out laughing, amused at our situation. Then we got some wet paper towels to clean up the mess we made in the classroom. We went back to where we had stayed the night and were shocked to see the guy we had seen in the bathroom standing there, in shock at the scene, caked cum and used condoms all over. I think he probably thought there was an orgy in there, but it was the doing of just the two of us. We quickly cleaned up and left the room. But when I left and walked passed the guy, I saw that he had a hardon; guess the scene turned him on. We left and ran back to the pool so we could take a shower. What an amazing first time.


"Man I can't believe you did that." I said to Caleb.

"Well I am a wild guy." Caleb said as he stroked about to go over the edge.

That's all for now. Hoped you liked it. By the way, there is a reason why the name of Caleb's buddy is not mentioned. Remember to email me, definitely want to hear from you guys out there.

Next: Chapter 5

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