Hot New Roommates

By Swim Luv

Published on Jul 21, 2004


Sorry for taking so long to come up with this new chapter. Laziness and writer's block will do that to you. As usual, read this only if you are allowed to do so. I don't want to be responsible for your hot roommates coming in and catching you. So enjoy and if enough of you out there write back that you want more, I'll work harder to get the next one out.

Part 3 of ???

I woke up feeling like a million bucks and with Caleb's hard cock grinding on my ass. If anyone knew I was in bed with the mighty Caleb, star goalkeeper of the water polo team, they'd be jealous. When the water polo team auctioned themselves off for dates, Caleb was the top money getter and he didn't even have to strip down to his Speedos. But I digress, let me get back to what happened. I did not want to get out of bed, especially not when Caleb was sliding his hard cock up and down my ass crack.

Finally, I decided to get up, reluctantly though. I slowly lifted Caleb's arm off of me since he had his arm around me the whole night. It had been a warm night and the covers just wound up on the floor some time during the night. I got up with a hard on of my own, which wasn't surprising considering how horny I got with Caleb's cock running up and down my ass crack.

When I got out of bed, Caleb rolled over onto his stomach. He was now humping the bed. I was mesmerized by the site of his muscular ass. Even though I was supposed to take my shower and head out, I decided take in a little more of Caleb's private show. I even decided to be even bolder than before, I was gonna jack off right there and take care of my morning glory. I found Caleb's cum rag and a pair of his undies and sat down on his chair. Caleb was still in bed fucking someone's brains out in his dream and I was pulling on my hard meat. I had his cum rag in my mouth so I wouldn't yell out and wake him up. Every so often, I would also take a whiff of his underwear too. Caleb's show was getting to be too much and I stroked faster and harder. Then I erupted. Squirt after squirt of cum was shooting out of my cock and landed on my chest. Man that was even more amazing than my little session yesterday night. Thank goodness for the cum rag silencing me, I would've woken Caleb up for sure. I wiped off the cum on my chest and took a whiff of the cum rag. Man it smelled great. Then I put it back.

As I was getting up to go take a shower, Caleb turned over. He was still asleep though. But now he was thrusting upwards. Now I had a magnificent view of his beautiful cock. It was simply amazing. My dream did not do his cock any justice at all. I was just mesmerized by that beautiful thick 8 and a half-inch cock. My jaw just dropped at the site and I just stood there and my cock getting hard again. Then suddenly Caleb woke up.

"Oh hey Josh. You're up early." Caleb said to me while casually stroking his cock.

"Um yeah. Remember I had to get up early and go to school." I replied.

"Looks like you're thinking about someone special too."

"Heh yeah."

"Why don't you get back here and take care of it." Caleb said to me.

"Well. ummm." I couldn't really think of what to say.

"C'mon. You'll thank me when you take care of that so you can take a piss later" Caleb said, egging me to get back onto the bed.

"Sure why not. I need some relief." I said to Caleb, but little did he know, it was he who had caused me to get my second hard on for the morning.

I climbed back into bed with Caleb. Then I started stroking my cock again. Caleb was stroking his monster as well. I just wanted to reach out and touch his magnificent piece of manhood. Then Caleb came up with and idea that shocked me.

"Hey Josh, wanna have a little competition?" Caleb asked me.

"Ummm. Maybe." I replied hesitantly.

"Whoever can hold their load the longest wins." Caleb said to me.

"Umm sure." I started to say.

"Hey hey, hold your horses. I'm not done explaining our little competition." Caleb said.

"Well, what else is involved in this competition?" I asked.

"Loser has to give the winner a blow job." Caleb said.

"Umm.. Alright." I replied to Caleb, trying not to sound too excited. Win or lose the competition, I was still going to come out a winner. I was either going to sucking this stud's fuck stick or he was going to give me one.

"But one more thing. We stroke each other's cock. Too easy to cheat if we handle our own meat." Caleb said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but no way was I going to pass up this opportunity. In my mind, I was pretty sure I was going to win this competition since I had blown a load earlier already. Guess Caleb's gonna be giving me the best blowjob ever was all I was thinking about.

"You're on" I said to Caleb.

I placed my hand on Caleb's cock and a rush of electricity just shot through me. His meat felt amazing. I was so aroused, I think I almost shot my load. Man, this stud sure has a way of turning me on. Being around Carl and Caleb in this house, I don't think my cock is ever going to be soft again. And the competition began. We were stroking each other's cock.

"I must say this is probably the strangest competition I've been in." I said to Caleb.

"Heh. You've obviously never hung around the water polo team." Caleb said.

"Oh dang, you do this with the rest of your team?" I asked as I was getting even more turned on.

"Yes sir. I sure do." Caleb said to me. "After practice and games, we just go at it. I mean, we've got our adrenaline pumpin after games and practice. You've got to release some of that energy."

"Crazy water polo guys. Always thinking about your cocks." I joked.

"Hey now. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." Caleb said to me smiling and giving me a light punch in the arm with his free hand.

"You didn't have practice or a game. So what got you so horny." I asked Caleb.

"Josh my man. You really don't know me do you. I am always horny and ready." Caleb said to me.

"Man, how is anyone gonna keep up with you?"

"Haha. Now that is where you are wrong my man."

"There are plenty of people who can keep up with me. Carl for example. He may not seem like he would be as horny as me. But he is always ready as well. Living here, I'm going to train you until you are hot and horny 24/7." Caleb said to me with a devilish grin.

"Yeah. Sure Caleb. I really believe you now." I said not really believing what Caleb said.

"Well, you may not believe me now. But you'll realize that I'm telling the truth in a few weeks." Caleb said.


"So why are you all horny this morning? Dreaming of that someone special?" Caleb asked me.

"Ummm. Yeah. That someone special." I said to Caleb.

"So do I know this someone special?"

"Yeah you do." I said to Caleb.

"Well. Don't keep me in suspense. Who is it?" Caleb said getting anxious to find out who the mystery person was.

"You. I was getting hot and horny over you and you body." I said to Caleb.

"Haha. Funny dude. Really funny. I'll find out who it is sooner or later." Caleb said not believing what I had said.

"Sure. Try and find out." I replied.

We continued stroking each other's cocks. Caleb was truly an expert. I used some of his pre-cum and spread it all over his cock and balls. Then I decided to give his crown jewels a little massage. That seemed to get Caleb's attention. He started upping the pace on his strokes to my cock.

"Oh man. You're a professional Caleb. You sure know how to make my cock feel good." I said to Caleb.

"You're not too bad yourself. I haven't had anyone as good as you in awhile." Caleb complemented me.

Caleb had somehow gotten me ready to shoot another load. I also felt that Caleb was getting close as well. Caleb's cock pulsed a little more every time I stroked it, I could feel his cock getting a little bigger. I guess it must've been the cum that was filling up his tube of meat and waiting to shoot out at full force.

"Oh man, you are great Josh. You are a master." Caleb said while groaning.

"Oh yeah, same to you man." I said breathing really heavily.

"Oh stroke it man. Stroke my big fat stick." Caleb said, getting into it even more.

"Oh yeah. Cum on. Oh shit. I'm gonna cum. Oh yeah." I yelled.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum too. Keep stroking my man." Caleb said panting.

"Ahhh, here it cums. Ahhh yeah." I yelled out as the cum just gushed out of my dick.

"Oh yeah, me too man. Ahhh yeah. Oh shit. Oh man. You are great." Caleb said as the cum erupted like a geyser out of his beautiful cock.

"Oh yeah, this feel so good man." I said as my cum landed on my chest and a little of it landed on Caleb's bicep.

"Yeah, shit this feels good. I haven't had such an intense blow in a long time." Caleb said to me short of breath as he shot his jizz all over.

A puddle of it was concentrated on his chest. I had turned Caleb's cock in my direction as he was shooting his load so some of it landed on my chest as well, mixing in with my load of man seed. In Caleb's most powerful shot, some of his cum hit me right below my lip and dribbled down my chin. Our little jack off session was finally done.

"Man that was intense." I said to Caleb.

"Yeah man. Look at us. All covered in sweat and cum." Caleb said as he leaned over licked the cum off my chin.

"Oh man that was hot. Man you just licked your own cum off my chin." I said to Caleb.

"Don't worry man. I'm clean as a whistle and I taste great. And it's part of a protein packed breakfast." Caleb said jokingly to me.

"Haha, you are too funny man." I said to Caleb.

"And you know what my man. You are going to get a taste of me soon seeing that you lost our little competition." Caleb said to me braggingly.

"Yeah yeah. Brag all you want. I'll give you a blowjob later when you are ready for another go at it." I said to Caleb.

"Who says you have to wait. And who said I'm not ready for another go at it." Caleb said to me as he grabbed his still hard cock.

"Holy crap dude. You're still hard." I said as I just stared at the monster cock Caleb was holding in his hand.

"So I think the question is whether you are ready for round 2 or not. It takes more than one round to get this monster back down. In fact I don't think I'm ever completely soft, I'm always ready for more action. I think if the scientists can clone my DNA, they wouldn't ever need Viagra, I bet you I'm a million times better than that junk. So what do you say, you ready for this?" Caleb said to me.

I just sat there silently. I stared at his beautiful cock that Caleb was slowly stroking as he waited for my reply. Then I shifted my eyes upward and saw the giant puddle of cum that he had just shot out a minute earlier on his beautifully sculpted chest. Then I looked up at his beautiful face. His beautiful eyes were just staring at me, making me melt and he had a beautiful smile almost as if he were trying to seduce me. What was I to do?

"I.." I started to say.

That's it for now folks. Remember to write me if you want more. Again, sorry for taking so long to get this out. But I do write faster when I know you guys want more. So write to me with comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 4

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