Hot New Roommates

By Swim Luv

Published on Jun 25, 2004


This story comes from my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. Do not bug me about who these people may be, they may not even be real!!! Read this only if you're of legal age, etc. Email me if you liked it or disliked it, or if you want me to write more, or to give me ideas on what to include, that way I can get better in the future.

Carl is on the swim team and a damn good swimmer with the most beautiful body you could imagine. He's 6'5, 200 pounds, blond hair, blue eyes, perfectly sculpted chest, and legs that just go on forever. He is muscular in all the right places with a perfectly tanned body, built just like a Greek god.

Before I begin the story, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I consider myself bisexual. I like girls but I like hot guys even more. Up until now, I've only done stuff with girls since I'm too chicken to do anything with a guy. I'm 6'3, 190 pounds, brunette, not much hair on the body, 5 soft, 7 hard. People say I have the body of an athlete but I don't. I guess I'm just blessed with a good body.

I go to a big school in San Diego and by luck or my clumsiness I met Carl. I had decided to go swimming to relieve some stress and Carl was the lifeguard on duty and in charge of closing up the pool. I knew he was on duty, which was another reason why I wanted to go for a swim. He and I were the last ones left and he was just waiting for me to finish up so he could get out. As I got out, I decided to ask him if he needed some help closing up and he accepted my offer. Boy my heart was pounding when I was so close to his body and talking to him. So I helped him close up the pool and we headed towards the locker room.

Once inside the locker room we started showering and boy what a show I got. There were no stalls for the showers, just a row of shower heads, so I just took one right next to his. While rinsing off the chlorine, Carl decides to just take off his trunks and rinse up. I almost popped my load right there. Thank goodness I was wearing trunks that hid my hardon because mine was as stiff as it had ever been. His cock was just magnificent. It was a thick cut 6 inches soft with a perfect mushroom head at the tip. My cock isn't too shabby itself, but it's nothing as beautiful as Carl's. I just started dreaming about how big it would be hard and how I wanted to suck off that big lollypop and fill my stomach with his baby makers. He lathered up and soaped every inch of his body, boy I wanted to be that bar of soap. After soaping up his chest and cock, he bent over to soap up his legs, and what an ass he had. He had the perfect bubble ass for a guy. He was done and I was still showering and he started laughing at me for taking such a long shower, telling me how I was going to turn into a prune soon. But I just made up an excuse saying my muscles were sore. He just left it at that and left to go change. My hardon calmed down and I left the shower.

As I was walking to my locker, I tripped over Carl's shoes. Carl was in the middle of changing and I somehow managed to bring him down with me and we both landed on the floor with my face right at his freshly washed naked crotch, giving his soft tool a kiss. I could've just died right then and there and would be happy. It took all the self control I had not to stick out my tongue and start blowing this stud puppy.

"I'm so sorry about tripping and bringing you down like that" I said.

"No, totally my fault dude. Those size 15 shoes get in the way a lot." Carl said, laughing while helping me get up.

"Whatever, I'm just a clumsy ass." I chimed in.

"Oh by the way, my name's Carl. What's your name anyways? You helped me close up and made you trip and I don't even know your name."

"Josh. But a lot of people like to call me JoJo. You can call me something else if you really wanted to." I said while we got our clothes on. But little did he know that I had known his name for a long time. I would go to all the swim meets just so I could watch him swim.

"Ok then sweet cheeks, I'm gonna check to make sure all the lights are off in the other parts of the pool. Can you turn off the lights when you're done and wait for me in the parking lot when you're done. I wanna get you dinner for all the trouble I've caused you tonight." He said while leaving.

"Hah, funny. Ok, no problem man" I said while watching this stud walk away. I was dreaming how I wish I had been a little bolder and done something when he had his cock right in my face. From what I knew, he was straight, he always had girls hanging off him left and right.

As he walked away, I saw something drop out of his bag. I was gonna pick it up and give it back to him when I saw him again. But when I saw what it was, my cock just sprang to full mast again. It was his jockstrap. And when I picked it up, it was wet with cum and had some little hairs stuck on it. That bastard must've jacked off before his shift after working out. I knew it was wrong to keep it, but I had to have it. Finders keepers I guess. I was gonna jack off right then and there but didn't want to keep Carl waiting, so I just put it on instead, my cock laying against the fabric that held his cock and his cum. Man I was gonna blow a big load tonight with this, I thought to myself.

I turned off the lights and went out to the parking lot and waited for Carl. He got out and told me to follow his car and we would eat. I did as told, but was confused when Carl started parking in a residential neighborhood with no restaurant in sight. I parked and asked him why we were parking and he told me he was gonna make me dinner. My heart just melted, I was gonna eat a meal cooked by this hot stud and I was gonna get to go into his condo.

"Hey where are your roommates?" I asked seeing that no one was home.

"One just moved out and Caleb was on a trip with the water polo team, but he should be back, probably out finding some ass." Carl explained.

Man I wish I coulda lived in this condo. Caleb was the goalie for the water polo team and was a hottie just like Carl. He too was 6'5" with short blond hair and blue eyes, but he was a tad heavier at 210 and his hair was a little wavy curly, whereas Carl's hair was just straight, and both these boys had the most perfect tans. This place must be filled with sex and testosterone all the time, I knew they could have any girl they wanted and seeing them around campus, it sure did look that way. And when I smelled around a little, it did smell a little like some leftover cum.

"So whose gonna take the third bedroom?" I asked Carl.

"No one yet man. We've been looking for a third guy to take the room, but no one wants it. And it's kinda stressing me out, I can't afford to shell out that kind of money to cover an extra room." Carl said, looking a little depressed while telling me.

"Hey you know what man. My lease is up for my place, I could take over that extra room here." I told Carl. My lease wasn't actually up for another month, but hell, if I had the chance to live with these two hotties, I didn't care how much I had to pay.

"Awesome dude!" Carl said as he gave me a big bear hug. "You sure you want to live here dude? We're pretty clean, but as you've probably noticed by now it does smell in here."

"Nah man, just crack open the windows a little doofus and it'll be fine." I said to Carl as I gave him a little punch on his arm. "Why does it smell anyways?"

"Well, me and Caleb are pretty good about cleaning the kitchen and stuff since we don't want rats or anything, but we're just too damn lazy to do laundry cuz we're just so tired after school and practice." Carl explained

"Hey you know what, if you guys do the dishes and everything, I could help you guys out on the laundry. That way it won't stink as much and all." I told Carl. "But dude, when was the last time you guys did laundry, I've never smelled something like this before."

"Well, there's one more thing you should know that I hope won't cause you to back out or anything. Caleb and I are very open and very horny guys. We like to just walk around the condo with nothing on. That's how we scared away some people looking at the place, they just weren't comfortable with us being so open. Also, when we have the urge to unwind and beat the one-eyed snake, we just do it wherever: kitchen, living room, dining room, it doesn't matter to us. Plus we're basically best friends and we share a lot of our stuff, sometimes even the ass we bring back here Oh and when get some action, it's the same deal, we just do it wherever we want to, which is why we keep our windows closed, cuz when we get into it, we get pretty loud." Carl explained.

"That's why it smells, you little piggies. Nah, no biggie dude. We're grown ups in college now. Not like I've never seen a cock before or anything." I said to him while laughing. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cum rag that was just laying on the coffee table and a used condom on the floor that didn't quite make it into the trash can was right next to it. I was in heaven.

"Cool man. Caleb will be thrilled I found someone like you." Carl told me as Caleb walked through the door with no just a pair of Abercrombie shorts on with some flip-flops and a bag over his shoulder.

"Hey man, whose this you got here?" Caleb shouted to Carl.

"Dude, it's our new roommate, he's gonna take that third bedroom" Carl told Caleb.

"Tight. You got any food man, I'm starving man" Caleb asked Carl.

"Yeah man. I making food for me and Joshy, there'll be plenty left for you." Carl replied.

"Cool. I can always count on you for some home cookin." Caleb responded. "Let me just go take a shower and I'll be out for dinner."

"I'm the master chef of the house by the way. I can cook anything." Carl said to me. "Just go watch some TV. I'll call you over when I'm done."

I turned the TV to Sports Center. But my eyes couldn't stay focused on the TV. My eyes just kept turning towards the cum rag and the used condom. I just wanted to pick those up and jack off right then and there. But I knew I had to control myself so that the two studs wouldn't beat the living shit out of me. Luckily Carl was done cooking and called me over. Man he was a great chef, food smelled great.

"Man this smells great. Am I glad I'll be getting to eat more of your cooking." I complimented Carl as Caleb walked in with nothing on, naked as the day he was born except for the light blond patch right above the cock and the treasure trail. He was hung just like Carl. Thank goodness I was sitting down, there was no way I was gonna be able to hide this boner. When he sat down, I noticed that he did have a light dust of hair on his body just like Carl, but he must've shaved it all off too since that's what swimmers do.

We sat down and ate. Caleb asked Carl how we met and Carl told him. And we just talked about a lot of random shit. We were done and started helping put away the dishes when Caleb stood up with a semi-hardon and stopped me. " I do the dishes, so just leave it to me." Caleb explained.

"Alrighty then. I guess we're just gonna be one big happy family. Carl cooks, you clean the dishes, and I do the laundry."

"Hey Josh, it's late. Why don't you just stay the night here. The couch is pretty comfortable and I'll give you my blanket. Or if you want, you can sleep with me or Caleb." Carl said to me.

"I'll just sleep on the couch. Thanks dude." I told him.

I went to use to the bathroom while Carl got the couch ready for me. He too had taken off all his clothes and his cock was just kind of swinging. He threw the cum rag aside and put the condom in the trash can. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing those two items would be close by at night along with the Carl's jockstrap which I was still wearing underneath my shorts. I figured since I was going to be living with him and doing his laundry, I'd give it back to him, but I wanted to have some fun before I gave it back. He finished getting the couch ready and I thanked him. He and Caleb both said good night to me and walked away together while I watched their perfectly tanned bare asses flex as they walked. I was in heaven.

I waited a little before getting up to get my jackoff material: the condom and the cum rag. Finally I got to release my cock from the jockstrap. It had been hard for a while now and just getting slick and wet from Carl's leftover cum on the jockstrap. I held up the condom, with a big load that was dried up inside and wondered which magnificent cock was wearing this love glove. Then I started to inspect the cum rag. Man, this rag was caked with dried cum, I bet these two boys have beat off together and used this to wipe each other clean. I sucked on the cum rag to see how these studs tasted, yum is all I have to say. This was getting to be too much for me as I started to slow down my stroking to try to make this last a little longer. I couldn't take it anymore and bit into the cum rag so I wouldn't scream out and wake up the whole house. I shot and shot the biggest loads I've even shot in my life. I tidied up by wiping myself off with the cum rag, but while doing so, I decided to scoop some of the cum and put it onto the jockstrap. Tired out from all of this I decided that I would finally go to sleep.

This is it for now. No sex yet. But there will be if enough people want another part to this story. I have some ideas in my head. So email me if you want more or have suggestions.

Next: Chapter 2

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