Hot Jock Roomie

By Michael

Published on Nov 26, 2017


Well Sunday came and left, much Like Jake. Cody didn't return the apartment that night. He did however have my number and I have a feeling I'd be hearing from him in the near future. Monday meant classes back in session and surely they were a few things I couldn't learn in the confines of this building. After my morning commitments I panned to swing by Jessica's place, You know to do some catching up. I knew my trip to girl's dorms would send me directly by the athletics facilities, Lunch time seems to bring the hot boys out to sweat in the sun. This day would be no different, I took a familair spot in the bleachers. I had definately watched some of these guys before, but not all. There is a new stud running the track today, He was on the taller side maybe 6'2", Lean athetic build a runner's body for sure.This sexy jock had an interesting style about him, Shaved head and a well groomed brown beard. I had seen this look on guys before and it wouldn't typically draw my eye, but in some way it really works for him. I looked into my book till He rounded the corner heading toward the finish line, I'm pretty sure these guys all knew why I was here, While passing in front of me he flashed a big smile. I wasn't sure it was meant for or not, I continued to gaze as he came to a halt. I was definately getting more bold in life, I ogled as he peeled off his tank and wiped his sweat covered body down. This guy was fucking HOTT, His thin running shorts didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. His package was held snugly in place with probably a jock strap, but it sure looked as if he had to stuff quite a bit off shit in to that little pouch. The track God leaned his head back to put down half a bottle of water and poured what was left over his head and chest, I watched as it ran down over his tight white stomach and of course I was fucking busted. He knew I was watching him the entire I suspect. I looked on as he passed by me for a second, I had gotten used to these hot jocks acting as if I didn't exist, But this boy was a pioneer.

"Hey..Names Tony I'm a friend of Jakes" He said stopping briefly and adjusting his jock contents.

Of course my uncontrollable eyes enjoyed him tugging on his junk "Hey yourself" I replied watching him walk off.

Why the fuck did I say that, of all fucking things I could have said "Hey yourself" What a fucking Idiot. Let's be fair though, This smoking stud actually spoke a word in my direction. I needed to give myself credit for being able to say anything. I must find out who this dude was, What are the chances he had my number passed to him. He didn't come off like the typical jock, He seemed nice.

I finished out my classes for the day and headed home. Jason was gonna be home maybe I could get my hunger fed, I needed fucked. Upon entering the apt I heard a female voice and found Jay and a girl watching some chick flick.

"Hey Cole, This is my girl Amy...She's gonna stay a few days..I hope that's cool?" He asked.

"HI Amy, I've heard a lot about you (a total lie)..Stay as long as you'd like girl" I responded.

I gotta admit Jay had caught me a bit off guard. I had planned on some big Texas cock and it now looked like Amy would be getting it for the next few days. There goes that fucking idea, Maybe Cody had some plans for my ass.

"I'll leave you guys to it, I've got a paper to write...Amy nice to meet you" I said from the hallway.

"Alright bro, We'll keep the noise down" Jay added.

Found my phone and plopped down on the empty bed, Hoping to find a message, text or a missed fucking call. I wasn't looking forward to hearing Jay pound his lil girlfriend in the same room I got pounded. I need to get out off this place for few hours, Guess I could try to visit the girls again.

"Kids, I'm gonna take off for a few...Don't do anything I wouldn't do" I said passing through the livingroom.

"Well, If everything I've heard is even half true..That won't be a fucking problem dude" Jason said smiling.

I grabbed my packed and out the door I went. I hadn't taken an oppourtunity to memorize the campus, So the big moon in the sky tonight would come in handy. I took the same route as always past the athetics building. On the off chance my sexy track stud would be doing laps naked, I sat on the bench for a few moments and fiddled with my phone. I considered shooting Jakey a text, Begging for cock. Than I got a strange text from another unknown number. "Where are you?"..hmmm I replied "Who is this". "Where the fuck are you right this minute" I got back. "I'm at the track..Who the fuck is this?" I sent. I heard a voice in the distance it sounded like a one sided conversation and it was gettin closer. Out of the shadows came short black guy with a phone attached to his ear. He sat on bleachers a few feet from me finishing his phone call. I didn't intent to eaves dropping, but I really coudn't help it. "Yeah dude I'm on my way...I know..I know...Yeah I'll get it..Just chill bro" He said and hung up. He got up to continue on his way, I wasn't certain he noticed my presence.

"Sup bro?..Nice fucking night..huh?" The hot lil black guy asked me.

"Yeah man..friggin georgeous" I replied.

"Names James" He asked

"Cole...James nice to meet ya dude" I stated.

James was a hot little guy for sure, 5'6" 150lbs or so and a nice build. His white tee-shirt offset his smooth brown muscled arms. I did suck off a black dude once last year since then I I've awlays found them hot.

"I'm meeting a couple of wanna come along and hang out bro?" James asked.

"Sure dude..where we heading..I got some beers in my pack" I said quickly.

"West end dugout...Let's fucking go dude..Hey if you play your cards right you may get laid tonight man" He said.

Funny I was thinking the same fucking thing, Ya know. I followed James across the diamond Toward the dimly lit bunker. I could hear at least two voices and neither was coming from a chick, One did sound a bit familar though. I entered the dugout behind James and saw a face I definately recognized, It was the track stud.

"See bro, told ya I fucking got it" James said to Tony

"Yeah man thats him..he's definately the queer who was checking my shit out earlier" Tony said.

The other guy I learned by listening was Jeff, I had seen him around. 5'8" nice athletic build, I think he's a baseball player.

"Who gets to go first" Jeff asked laughing.

"Why don't we let the fag pick" Tony said.

"Hey Faggot who you wanna suck off first" Tony asked me.

I was nervous to say the least, So I kept looking at my phone pretending I'd hadn't assumed he was talking to me. Than a text came in.."Hey fag who's cock you gonna suck first". This made me look up.

"I see I got fuckin attention now gay boy" Tony said.

"How'd you get this number?" I asked him.

"You know exactly how I fucking got it...I've heard some great stories about this" Tony said as he ran his index finger across my lips.

All three guys now having me cornered on the bench and rubbing their junk. They looked at me like drug addicts and I was a fat line of coke. I kept quiet and looked a the ground.

"Come on wanna suck this cock first..don't cha?" Jeff said making the outline off his meat very visible through the thin gym shorts he was wearing. I took a quick glance and returned my eyes to the concrete floor. What came out of my next even surprised myself.

"Don't I get to see all my options before deciding" I spit out.

"Fuck dude everything we've heard is true..Definately a cocksucker" James said to Tony.

James dropped his shorts revealing a thick 7.5 inch black piece of meat, It looked pretty fucking tasty. "You want this black dick first baby" he asked.

"I dunno" I said trying to sound uninterested, Which I fucking wasn't. I did want to suck that dick.

Jeff was next to free his swollen cock, another nice chubby 7.5 incher."You can start right here gay boy" Jeff demanded taking a step toward me waiving his shaft back and forth. It was difficult resisting the urge.

I looked to Tony still hiding his meat "Well" I said.

"Oh.. you wanna see the big un do you faggot?" Tony said.

Tony kicked off his shoes and put a foot on my knee " Take my fucking socks off fag" He ordered.

I rolled off his damp socks to reveal the biggest feet I've ever seen "Damn dude, You should have been a swimmer" I said.

"You know what they say bout guys with big feet don't cha fag?" He asked.

"Big shoes?" I answered. Of course I knew exactly what he meant, I've seen the pattern.

Tony let out laugh "That's right gay boy, Big fucking shoes" He said rubbing his package.

I watched intently as Tony slowly pulled his shirt over his bald head "I know you like my fucking body gay boy" He said flexing for me.

"Yeah man, Your smoking hot" I said.

Tony seated himself next to me and the other two guys filled the gap he left. I could smell his jock aroma. He put his big arm around my shoulders.

"I think you wanna suck me first faggot" He said as He slid down his shorts and kicked em off.

I could tell Tony had a big piece hanging between his legs, but I couldn't get a look at it. Tony leaned over and whispered in my ear "9 inches and your gonna love it gay boy..I hear your good with BIG".

I nodded my head up and down "I am" I said.

I felt Tony's big hand find it's way to the back of my head and pushed me down on his crotch. "Go ahead faggot, Show me what you can do with that" He said.

I finally got a great view of Tony package, I looked at him and asked "Geez, You must be from Texas".

"El Paso faggot, Now fucking suck me" He ordered as he grasped his pole and directed it toward my out stretched tongue.

Tony's other hand was full of my hair "You can let me go, I know what I'm fucking doing" I said.

Tony didn't seem to like the idea, But released his tight grasp and spread his legs wide apart "All right queer..Do your thing" He said closing his eyes.

I slid off the bench and got between his big legs, I loved this fucking view when sucking dick. I didn't waste any more time and wrapped the head of his manhood with my eager lips. Tony and Jake had very similar sized pipes, But Tony's meat was a bit thicker. I needed to work a little harder to get him down.

"Fuck yeah You know what your doing baby...Suck it...Take it all cocksucker" He said.

Jeff and James of course needed to pipe in "Suck that fucking cock bitch boy...Suck it..Deep"

It didn't take Tony very long "Your gonna swallow my spunk faggot" He demanded as he placed a hand on each side of my head and forced himself down my throat causing me to gag a bit.

"That's it baby..Choke that cock down..Your fucking throat feels awesome" He stated.

I could feel His hot jizz sliding down my throat "Don't worry gayboy, I know you want a taste..You'll get it when I'm done with your throat" He said.

Tony pulled me off his big dick, Dragging it across my tongue as it passed "There you go faggot..Eat it up" He said.

I had just a moment to enjoy his sweet juice before harped the next order " Clean that cock off real nice baby" He ordered as he pushed my mouth back toward the fat pole looking right at me. Tony watched intently as I licked his meaty pole clean.

"You really love cock don't cha queer?" He asked.

After I finished licking this shaft clean I responded "I live to suck straight hung cock".

"All right who's next" Tony asked looking in Jeff and James' direction.

Jeff dropped down on the bench "Me next fag..Suck my cock bitch".

I shimmied to Jeff's waiting dick and bobbed up and down. I could hear James "You gonna save your choclate for desert bitch".

"We got ourself's a pro faggot here boys..Get that sauce baby" Jeff said.

I wanted to get Him off as fast as I could, So I stroked and ran my tongue around his head. This usually does the trick.

"I'm gonna shoot fag..Suck that fucking dick..come on fag get me off" Jeff said.

Jeff shot his hot wad in mouth "Savor my flavor bitch" He said. I did savor it.

James was leaned against the wall, Stroking his schlong "Get over here gay boy..My fucking turn..Ever suck black before" He asked.

I crawled over to his location, James was holding his thick meat and aiming it for my incoming mouth.

"Get on that fucking cock cock faggot" He ordered.

James was pretty fucking thick, But I managed to get his nuts on my chin. Something about black cock, I loved it.

"You like that big dick..don't cha fag boy" He asked.

I ran my hands up his sexy body and played with his nipples. "hmmm..mmmm" I replied.

"Your not making love to me gay boy...get your fag hands off..and suck that fucking black snake" He demanded.

I could feel his cock swell in my throat and knew he was gonna shoot. I kept his head in my mouth and stroked his thick black pipe.

" want it your mouth bitch?" He said.

James shot three big loads on my tongue "Swallow that shit bitch know you want it" He ordered as he slapped my face with his big dick.

There had to be a way I could get one or all of these guys to fuck me and it's been my experience you don't get what you don't ask for.

"Who's up for fucking my hole" I said thinking that's the first time I've ever said that to a group.

"We ain't queers..faggot" Jeff said laughing.

I sat on the dugout floor and watched the guys get dressed. Jeff was first to leave "Thanx cocksucker" He said.

James was next "You got my cum all over your face gay boy" He said on his way out.

Lastly was Tony He leaned down and whispered in ear my again "Think you could take this big cock bitch?" He asked.

"I think I could...please fuck me" I begged.

"Please...Please...I fucking need it" In a last ditch effort.

Tony snickered " fucking bet you'd love this fat cock in your fag pussy" As he tucked his still swelled cock in his shorts.

Feeling a bold and horny as fuck to to get banged I quickly got to my knees and stuck my ass in the air. Resting my head on the cold cement I managed to get my shorts down far enough to give Tony a look at my hole. "Please fuck me..Please" pleading as I reached back and slapped my ass cheek. I was hoping he wouldn't be able to resist.

"Damn gay boy..You must really need a good slamming, But Jake made me promise I wouldn't loosen up your hole or he'd tell my girl I fucked a fag..So sorry bitch no can do" Tony said as he passed me by. "I'll see you around queer thanks for the head" He added and was gone.

It could have been the moment, but I wanted Tony to fuck me more than any other dude. I imagined him whispering in my ear, from behind of course "You like that big cock in your hole faggot". Than I remembered, I've got his number now!! Feeling a lil rejected I pulled up my shorts and headed for home.

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 5

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