Hot Jock Roomie

By Michael

Published on Sep 23, 2017


A last minute school change prior to my sophmore year put me on campus without a dorm. I did have a few friends attending with whom I could crash till I found something permanent. Jessica was a friend of my sisters, although she lived in an all girl dorm with me being gay did'nt think the girls would mind. I got to admit I really enjoyed staying with these chicks, I enjoyed the "girl talk". I did however need to find my own place before to long, So I posted an AD in the library.

sophmore seeks room thru end of year.

Quiet, respectful gay male. I am comfortable

in most any situation..$200 per month max.

347-390-**** text pls. Cole

I had gotten serveral responses, but one I found myself reading over and over:" Cole, saw your Ad I live just of campus in a small two bedroom unit. name is Jason Stewart. let know if you wanna check it out. thanks". I had heard this name before, one the girls had talked about how hot he was, I remember her description. 6' tall, dark haired lacrosse god plus he was a senior. If im being honest I never thought this would work out, but I did want to go check it out. I responded to his text:" sounds great when would be a good time to check it out?". Jason got back to me very quickly:" any day after 4pm could work let me know when your coming and I'll make sure I'm here. 234 W. 8th apt. #4.". after I fantasized what a "lacrosse god" might look like. :" great tomorrow around 4:30 work for you?". Jason:" sure thing dude,I will be here.

I arrived at 234 W. 8th apt. #4 at exactly 4:29, nervously knocked on the door. Let me tell you a bit about myself before we go any further. I am 22 5'4" 110lbs. long blond hair, brown eyes. I have been mistaken for a chick more than once, which never really bugged me. I guess you call me a sissy and you would'nt be wrong. Back to the story. Jason promptly pulled the door open.

"Hey, you must be Cole?" Jason asked.

"I sure am, you are clearly Jason" I replied.

I wished I had chosen my words a little more carefully, but damn there he was. I now know what a "lacrosse god" looks like, about 6' probably 190lbs ish, black shoulder length hair and the most incredible Blue eyes. Jason was wearing the stereo-typical college jock attire, faded tee-shirt ,baggy gym shorts and a backwards ball cap. Let's just say he is fine.

" You find it Ok?, like the location?, wanna come check it out, dude?" He asked.

" Location is perfect, think it maybe out of my price range though. 200 bucks a month is all I can swing" I responed.

" check it out and we'll talk about the money if you're interested" He added.

Jason plopped down on the sofa and continued watching whatever sport it was, soccer maybe. I have to admit I had a hard time not staring, This fucking jock was smoking hot and seemed to be pretty cool too. From my experience that's a rare combination. I showed myself around the apt, He did say it was small and boy it was. It was your usual college place mismatched, slightly dirty and no style what so ever. I followed the hall that lead to the beds and bath, The first of the two rooms on the right was obviously occupied. Next was the bath, again small and could use a good cleaning. Last room on the right was the smaller of the two beds, but it would do. I was actually beginning to think this just might work!!. I headed back to livingroom.

" So what you think?, think you could call this dump home?" Jason inquired.

" Yeah I think I could, but like I said I can only pay $200 a month and just so we're clear. You know Im gay right?" I said.

" Did you imagine you somehow got that by me, Yes I know your gay and that's cool, just in case your wondering NO Iam not gay. Your AD said quiet and respectful those two qualities caught my attention" He said.

" so if Im quiet and respectful you don't mind me being gay?" I asked.

" exactly, now the money part. I could easily rent this room for $500, but if your willing to keep it clean,do my laundry and maybe a little cooking. What you think?" he said

"That arrangement would work for me" I said trying not to sound to queeny.

I was beginning to understand why this stud would have ever wanted a gay roommate. I was going to be his maid and somehow that was just fine with me. I moved in the next morning and had the place spotless by noon. I wanted to make a good impression and I had'nt planned on going into his room, but we did have an agreement. I needed to grab His laundry. Jason's room reeked of sweaty jock, a smell I find intoxicating. I got on my knee's to gather up his scattered mess of clothes, mostly shorts tee's and socks. I did'nt think he would want me to mess with his jocks, so I left those on the floor. I washed,folded and returned Jason's laudry to his room, 3pm now I was exhausted . A five minute break was all I needed, I layed back onthe couch and I was gone. I awoke to Jason nudging my leg.

" Cole...Cole...wake-up...hello...Hey dude". Jason said

I could hear what sounded like two male voices and then the unmistakable sound of two beer cans being opened.

" Oh...sorry..I guess I dosed off, Ive been pretty busy today" I said still half asleep.

" yeah dude, I can see that..nice work..I will get my laundry together for ya.. oh and this is Cody" he said heading towards his room.

Cody was a shorter guy, maybe 5'9", buzzed brown hair and the darkest eyes I've ever seen, He had an awesome gymnast build. Just then Jason returned from his room carrying his jockstraps.

" I guess you missed these" he said tossing me his his jocks.

I caught myself checking out his clearly free giggling package and realized the damp strap in my hand was likely just there. I wanted to bring it no my nose badly.

" I guess I could do one more load..anything else need washing?" I asked.

Jason was down to just his shorts in a matter of seconds and Cody tossed me his tank top. This was the first time I got a chance to see Jay with no shirt and Damn he is fucking ripped. He had the sexiest tattoo across his hairy chest T-E-X-A-S. When my eyes left his chest they were met by his, He seemed to enjoyed me ogling his body. My gazed moved to Cody, his pastey white skin and hairless upper body was beatiful. I snuck a glimpse of his bulge and I thought that shit wants out.. for sure. I guess Jason noticed I was getting a little bothered.

" look at the gay boy ,were getting him all hot and bothered" Jay says to Cody.

" He can look all he wants, but that's it" Cody says glaring in my direction.

I could tell these boys Enjoyed taunting me and probably had planned to do just that. It was clear that Cody was'nt surprised when Jay refered to me as "gay boy" so they must have had a conversation about me at some point. I thought this is pretty harmless teasing and to be honest I enjoyed it as much as they appeared to. With that I headed back to the laundry, arms full of sweaty clothes. Here's my chance to get a wiff and I did. My god Jason's jock was tantalizing in every way. I wished I could have Gotten Cody out of his, maybe another time. I climbed the stairs back to the 3rd floor.

"Hey Jay..Cody take off did he?" I asked

"Yeah..he needed to get some studying done for a test in the AM. I hope you don't mind us joking around with you, Cole" He said.

"'s all in good fun, I don't think theres a queer out there that would'nt like to be teased by a couple of well mannered hot jocks" I replied.

" think we're hot do you" Jay says laughing. " thanks for the well mannered part" he added.

" You guys know your hot, or you would'nt think you'd be able to tease me" I said.

" I'm gonna hit the sack, long fucking day. Oh I'm going to be needing a clean jock in the morning..Night Cole". and he was off

I was spent myself and bed sounded like a great idea. I could get up early and finish the wash before classes. Laying in bed I kept running the night's events through my mind, I think two can play at that game. I got up with sun and put down a quick cup of joe. I sat at the table in the skimpiest pair underwear I owned and folded that last bit of laundry. As I was admiring Jay's under gear for the second time, I heard the shower fire up. A few minute's later Jason emerged with a towel wrapped Around his smoking mid section.

" morning" I asked him as he sat on the sofa.

" Cole, that would be awesome since you asked" Jay responded eyes squinting in my direction.

" Here you go big guy" I said as he looked up to see my little panties.

I took the long way back to kitchen, hoping he would want to get a good look at my plump lil ass. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his stare.

" You can look all you'd like, but don't get any ideas" I said giggling.

Jason laughed, grabbed the stack of straps off the table and headed back to his room. I had finished my second cup when He returned wearing only a tight jockstrap. Damn he had managed to stuff what looked like a lot of junk into that thing. It was clear the game was a foot. I could'nt take my queer eyes of that fucking body and he knew it. He stood at the front window with his backside to me drinking his coffee in the morning sun, the perfect male physique. I thought he sure likes the way that looks on him and he should, I wonder if he'd like to see my meaty lil ass sporting one..hmm. Anyway off to class, I got dressed and headed for the door.

" Later dude, See ya after practice?" I asked him.

" yeah ya will..will I see you" jay said with a snicker.

On my way home I swung by Big5 sports and grabbed myself a little black number. I could'nt wait to get home and slide this thing on under some tight white shorts. I got the apt. heading straight to my room I glanced in Jay room, like I always did. There he was face down naked one leg hiked up giving me a view of his goodies, Found myself praying he would roll over. "please lord roll this hot jock over for me". I laughed at myself and went on my way. It was'nt easy getting my hard dick into the tiny pouch, but I managed. Digging through my top drawer found the thin white stretch shorts and pulled them up my legs. It created the desired effect. I don't mind saying I looked fucking sexy. Part of our rental agreement included some cooking, so I thought I'd make some man spaghetti. Man spaghetti consisted of Noodles,sauce and meat. The aroma must have drawn Jay to the kitchen.

"Your gonna make some guy a great lil wife one day, That smells fucking incredible" Jason said.

He was just inches behind me, trying to get a better wiff he leaned over my shoulder. I could feel the heat his body was emitting. As he walked toward the couch I took my routine peek, A thin pair of well fitting boxer shorts. I can't wait to see them from the front.

"It'll be ready in few, there's a game on I think" I said not knowing if it was true or not.

" I'll take a big plate and a beer when it's done..thanks Cole" He replied

I dished a giant helping, cracked open a cold one and handed them both to Jason. As you might imagine I got a decent look at his lap, I could see his dark pubes through the thin fabric. I might be mistaken, but he seemed to be giving me an unubstucted view. It could also be wishful thinking. I grabbed my grub and sat on the floor in front of the sofa. I was distracted by a huge strong foot at the end of an out stretched muscular leg. The site did has a positive effect on my appetite, I cleaned my plate in record speed. I was going to wait till Jay had finished and offer to take his plate, but he beat me to it. He stood facing me and giving me another great view.

"You all finished bud?, that was delicous..thanks again" He said reaching down for my dish.

Jay was still standing in full view when I answered " you".. he knew I was checking out his shit. Jason laughed and headed to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna grab another beer, You interested in a cold brew?" he asked.

I'm not much of a drinker, but it did sound good " Sure I'll take one"

I had moved to the couch by the time Jason returned. He handed me an open can of Bud, I had'nt realized how thirty I was. I put the entire beer down with one tilt of my head. Than it occured to me I don't really know anything about my new roomie.

" So Jason, what's your major? where you from? got a girl here or there?" I asked

" Marine biology, I'm pretty sure you've figured out I come from Texas, Fort Worth to be specific and lastly I have a girl there and not here. I don't have time to invest into another needy chick, with my studies and lacrosse" He opening answered.

my turn He says" where'd you grow up? what are you studying?".

"I grew up rural Oklahoma and I have'nt picked a mojor yet. Iam leaning towards a law degree, My highschool teachers all told me I would make a good litigator. I've always been pretty good with my mouth" I said.

"That probably explains the gay thing too" He said jokingly.

"Well I've only had a few complaints in that arena, You know the saying can't please everyone" I replied laughing.

Okay I got another he said " How did you know you were gay?".

I responded" probably the same way you knew you were straight, You saw what you liked and wanted it. Some people prefer to think it was a choice on my part and that I could un choose being gay, but nothing could be farther from's makes me happy".

"Funny..once you put it like that it's easy to understand, being honest I may have been one of those "some poeple. Sometimes things are just that simple, if your happy sucking cock than you should suck cock" Jay said quite seriously.

" You know to each thier own, What ever floats your boat...blah...blah" I replied.

" Is that what floats your boat, Cole?" He asked.

"Since you asked Jay, yes I like sucking dick. I also love getting fucked..hard" I was surprised how comfortable I was telling him that.

" I guess that should'nt shock me, I mean you are a bit of a fem boy. I imagine that would be the type that enjoys getting pounded" Jason stated.

" I am what they call a bottom in the gay world and go figure I look for straight acting hung tops" I said willingly.

" Once again, I should'nt be surprised the girly boy like big cock" Jay replied.

I could certainly tell Jason was struggling to keep his cock in his boxers. Its not surprising this almost naked jock was having a conversation about cocksucking, of course he's gonna get hard. What did surprise me was his willingness to have such a discussion with me, a queer. I just finished telling him what and how I like it, now it was my turn.

" Jason, you know my secrets how about yours. How do you like your sex?" I asked a little nervously.

" Well to be honest I like exactly what you've described, but with a girl of course. Love getting my big cock sucked and pounding pussy" He says.

" Your girl back home get into it like that?" I inquired.

He replied quickly " She does like to get fucked, but she's never gonna be the cocksucking champion..ya know?"

Not making an effort to hide growing meat any longer I could see it snaking down the leg of his shorts, In fact it's pretty damn close to getting it's head free. From what I could tell had to be close to 8 inches already and it looked pretty thick too. He did say he had a big dick, it's been my experience most guys lie about the size of thier cock. Jason is visibly not one of those guys.

" I been wondering since I saw you in the kitchen, Are you wear a black jock under those tight shorts?" Jason asked me.

" Well I saw how fucking hot you looked in yours, I had to get some of my own" I responded casually.

Jason said next what I hoped He would " that's true you have seen me in just my jock, You gonna show me yours?".

Before I realized what I was doing I found myself standing backside to Jay rolling my skin tight shorts down over my round ass, dropping them to my ankles and stepping out of them. I reached back and adjusted the lower straps with a "snap". I was pretty sure I had him at this point so I dropped to my knees layed my head on the carpet, arched my back and stuck my fuck hole up in the air. I could feel my cheeks open up as I got it further in the air. I slid my free hand down my back till it found my meaty ass, I gave it a big slap. This is how I usually get the straight boys to fuck me. Rocking front to back on my knees like I was sliding on and off cock. There's no fucking way this stud is gonna be able to resist.

" I gotta fucking tell you Cole, You have one sweet ass. I bet the guys love pounding that tight hole" He said.

"If you want to give it feel, have at it" I said invitingly.

" I guess that would'nt hurt anything..right?" He responded

When I felt his big hand on my available cheek I removed mine, giving him an open invitation to bring his other hand over. And there it was, Both Jason's massive hands massaging my chunky lil ass.

"You can slap it if you want" I said begging. I loved getting slapped in the ass, especially when I'm getting banged.

Jason gave each side a few slaps and then I felt his hands find thier way to my hips. He slid off the couch and was on his knees behind me, I could feel his swollen trapped cock on the back of my legs and ass. Honestly what the fuck was he waiting for!!.

" You want to fuck my boy pussy with your big manly cock?" I asked eagerly.

I could sense Jay was now standing behind me, I was wondering what he was doing. Than I saw his boxers fly past me hit the TV and fall to the floor. I thought at last this stud was finally naked and behind me with his big hard jock cock. As he returned to his knees his hands also returned to my ass. I thought yes..yes..he's gonna fuck me. I could feel a big cock head wandering all over my butt, ocassionaly brushing my hungry fuck hole. Jason was driving me insane, teasing my hole with what felt like a sizable dick that I have'nt even has the opportunity to set eyes on.

" Is that what you want, gayboy?" He asked

" You know I fucking do, please give it to me...please" I begged. The straight guys I've been with all loved to hear me beg for thier cock. I managed to sneak a hand underneath and found his cock. It was BIG I'm guessing a full 9 inches, cut and thick.

" Oh there you go gayboy, you like that big Texan meat?. What the fuck am I asking, Of course you do. You gonna treat it right?". He asked

" Please..Give it to me..please" I said. I still had my hand around his fat dick, I thought if I could just line it up with my cunt his cum covered head would slip in. Jay was quick to figure out my plan though.

" Nice try fagboy, You get my cock when I decide to let you have it?" I loved the way Jason continued to tease me. I could feel him stand, He stepped over my spread wide ass and headed toward his bedroom.

"Lock the door queer, and get the fuck in here" He ordered. I watched as strutted across the room, When he turned to enter his room I got a good profile shot. What a cock, maybe a bit bigger than my hand thought. It could be closer to 10 inches and hanged straight out, I fucking loved that. I sprinted to the door "click". My mind was running wild as I closed the distance to Jay's room. There he was on his back hands behind his head , his feet still on the floor and legs spread wide. He had a small corner of his sheet hiding his big stick.

" Get on your knee's gayboy" he insisted. I dropped to knee's immediately, He started laughing. Than I realized I was still on the other side of the room.

" Get between my legs and get on your fucking knee's faggot" Jay said. I gotta tell ya the view from here is awesome, His big nuts were hanging off the edge of the bed and I could see the outline of a big cock disappearing off the side of his right leg.

" Holy shit Jason, looks like your hiding a can of pringles. show it to me...please?". I asked hoping.

" Boy I really like the look of a cockhungry fag kneeled and drooling". he said. I could'nt take it anymore and begin to run my hands up his muscular hairy legs toward his huge hidden monster.

" Hold it gayboy, I'm thinking you've heard this before. The rules.." Jay said as he sat up and looked me in the eyes.

" I know..I know.. I won't say a fucking word to anyone..not to the girls and not to any of my cocksucking friends" I said quickly

Jason returned to his layed back position, hands behind his head and closed his eyes " alright gayboy do your thing".

I slid what little bit of sheet still covered him and could'nt believe my queer eyes. Hanging off the right side of his body was the biggest cock I had ever seen.

" Holy fuck Jay, It's fucking beautiful" I said as I wrapped a hand around it and stood it straight up.

" You think you get it down gayboy?" He asked

I began stroking slowly causing a fair amount of cum to leak out and run down the back side of his meat. I leaned in and ran my tongue the length like it was popsicle lapping up his salty juice. I noticed His eyes were no longer closed, But watching me enjoying his jizz.

" You like they way that tastes, queer" He asked.

" It's absolutely delicous" I replied.

" There's more if your willing to put some work into it" Jay said still watching my mouth.

" How big is this fucking thing any way?" I asked eyeing his cock like it was candy.

" 9.5 inches, 10 on a good day. you ever suck one this large faggot?" He asked.

" nope dude, biggest one yet and this big boy looks like he's having a good day" I repsonded. Of course this was a lie, I sucked off a black dude last year and he was about this sized.

It was time, I took the swollen leaking head into my hungry cocksucker. I ran my tongue along the under side as I took more cock in. It was pretty easy for an experienced throater like me to get most of it down. Jay was watching in awe.

" Damn dude, Your a professional" Jay said as he propped Himself on his elbows, This gave him a better view of my efforts.

With each plunge I took his entire cock, Jason was having the time of his life. I came off his monster long enough to ask him a question.

" Ya ever gotten deepthroat from a chick" I was wondering.

" Nope gayboy, I never came across one that was able to choke it down. Hell you got it all down without a single gag, Fucking impressive man." He said

I would have been happy to nurse this cock forever, But I absolutely had to have it in may ass. With out saying a word I spun around to my favorite position, head down, ass up and legs spread. When I was sure Jason was looking to my present location, I spit a combination of saliva and man juice into my hand. I reached back and buttered my hole with the slippery fluid. Jay watched as I fingered my own hole and moaned.

" Bitch wants big cock in his sissy hole, Does he?" Jay asked.

" Please fuck me Jay. I need a good pounding and I think your up to it." as I said I could feel Jason position himself behind me on his knee's once again. He began slapping my ass with his massive pole.

" You want this pipe baby?" He asked smuggly.

Before I could answer Jason's balls were resting my jock pouch, I was in ecstasy. This big jock cock has been balls deep on both ends.

" damn gayboy your ass takes cock as well as your cocksucking throat" He said as he placed his big hands on my hips.

" You ready for the pounding you so desperately needed fag?" He asked.

Before I could answer Jay was forcing me back and forth on his meat, I could feel the entire length slide in and slide out. The motions were slow at first, but quickly picked up pace. Jason removed his hands from my hips, one of them found the backside of my neck and the other my lower back. I thought hell yeah, here comes the hard fucking.. My fave!!

" Take that big cock bitch" Jason said while holding my face to the carpet.

" Fuck me like you hate me baby" I said. Jay's cock felt so fucking good, I had already cummed twice and to no wonder he fucked me so hard we were on the other side of the room now.

" I'm gonna cum soon, where you want it faggot..ass or mouth?" Jay asked surprisingly nice.

I slid myself of his monster took a moment to catch my breath and spun around on a rug burnt knee. Jay was sitting on the corner of the bed, waiting.

" Get over here queer boy and swallow my load" He said stroking his dick in my direction.

I found myself again between his strong legs and his fat cock head in mouth. Jay kept running his hand the length of the shaft.

" You ready it it up faggot" He said.

I took control of the situation and throated his meat for the 40th time. I could feel his nuts unload down my throat, I came back up hoping to grab a taste before he was emptied.

" mmmmmm.....mmmmmmmm" I said swirling his hot jizz in my mouth. I continued to stroke that breathtaking dick, hoping to squeeze a bit more seed out. Jay fell back on the bed, hands over his face. I licked his shaft clean.

" That was awesome my gay firend, now get the fuck out of my room" I happily heard him say.

I got up from my squatted position and directed myself toward the door. In a fucked silly daze I turned back to look at my stud.

" Thank you Jay.. I know I'm sworn to secrecy, but your not if you set me up with Cody I would be down" I said.

"Jesus gayboy, already thinking about more cock. Next weekend Cody will be staying here while his place is painted and I'll be home for a few days. I'd be curous to see if he takes the bait...Oh and your fucking welcome gayboy" Jason said as he gave me a wink.

hope you enjoyed

to be continued........

Next: Chapter 2

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