Hot Freshman Kid

By Steve Storyman

Published on Feb 12, 2005


Hot Freshman Kid - Chapter 3

by Steve Storyman (text only) Copyright 2005 Steve Storyman February 11, 2005

DISCLAIMER: This story is for adults only. If it is not legal for you to read erotic stories, or you are not of legal age either where you reside or are accessing this page, or are offended by male to male sex or incest, then do not read this story. Other standard disclaimers apply. _________________________________________________________________

NOTICE: Names and places used in this story are entirely

fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons or

places is purely coincidental and unintentional. _________________________________________________________________

All of the above disclaimers and the notice apply equally to all chapters and/or parts of this story. _________________________________________________________________


I write in "real time." There aren't any pre-written chapters. Your email is my only motivation for writing.

Your email address and your words are confidential and secure. I am not associated with any web site, and do not and will not give out, sell, share, print, nor copy--or anything else you can think of--your address or anything you send me. NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE, AND NO 'IN LINE' PICS OR OTHER MATERIAL. I CAN ACCEPT TEXT ONLY.

Thanks to each of you who wrote to me.

Steve Storyman (text only)

I'll reply to all substantial. (If you have a privacy issue and would prefer that I don't write back, please tell me.) _____________________________________________________________

PLEASE SEE UPDATED LIST OF MY OTHER STORIES AT END OF CHAPTER _____________________________________________________________

Mark Wrent, 17 Kyle Connolly, 14 ____________________________________________________________


We lay on our sides in Kyle's bed--each hoping the other would make a move, it seemed. I was getting nervous.

"Let's wait," Kyle said tensely.

"Okay!" I said, snapping at his suggestion like a mouse trap going off, "Good idea!"

That seemed to release the tension that had built up so slowly, I hadn't noticed it till that moment.

We clung to each other as if in fear of some sudden danger. The fear was that anal sex scared me as much as it scared him, I was sure.

"That feels nice," Kyle said as I rubbed his bottom.

"Yeah, it does--I mean, my hands are having a good time," I said, blushing badly. My dick was having a very good time, but he knew that because it was poking into him and throbbing badly.

"Uhhh," he said, and pulled away from me. We both looked at our cocks.

"Wow," I said, "pre-cum already. Nice."

I slid down and licked it up, mostly from his dick, but some from his balls, too. My tongue confirmed that he had delicious pre- cum, and that his balls were perfectly smooth.

"You like that?" he asked in his timid boy voice.

"Your pre-cum? Yes, it's good, like your cum was, Kyle."

"I was going to ask you about that, but I was embarrassed."

"Naw, don't be. Your cum was very sweet, and your pre-cum is even sweeter."

"I think I have too much of it, and it sort of bothers me."

"I love it, Kyle. Don't ever think that pre-cum is a problem-- it's sexy. It says, 'Hey, I'm turned on like you wouldn't believe and I need to come.' It turns me on just to see it."

"Okay," Kyle said, grinning widely. "Since you like it, um--" Then he looked down at his dick again. I followed suit. "See. There's so much of it."

"Mmmm, let me have some," I said, sliding down again to lick up the precious stuff. My tongue lapped with long, hard strokes all over his stiff cock, not just the tip and the underside, where the pre-cum was. My tongue made circles around the flare of the head.

"Urrrfff, oo!"

I slid myself back up to him and whispered in his ear, "If you're close again, why don't we jack each other?"


"Jerk off."

"Oh--yeah, sounds good." Kyle stretched himself toward the nightstand and reached for something. "Here," he said, handing me a tube of K-Y jelly, "I can only jerk if I use this stuff." Kyle blushed very cutely.

"Cool--I use lube, too, when I jerk off," I said, blushing back.

We got on our sides, facing each other. Kyle's hands moved so fast to lube my cock and get started--it was like watching a blur.

In a few seconds, we both had our hands pumping each other's dick. His hands were doing an expert job on Mark Junior--his technique very similar to my own.

"Oh, yeah. Uhhh! Mmm! Yeah!" he said.

After about 10 seconds more, Kyle shuddered. His dick looked so ready, and his face so cute, I was about to come just looking at him and hearing his sexy moans.

"Uhhhrghh, oof!"

And he came. Six feet across the room most of his shots went, hitting the back of a chair, and Kyle moaning loudly the whole time. It was the most powerful and longest distance shooting I'd ever seen. My cock throbbed at the sight, and I thought he was the sexiest kid in the world.

Kyle's face was a deep red. I had the feeling he was not pleased with himself. He let go of my cock.

"That was beautiful, Kyle--"

"I'm sorry," he said, looking troubled.

"Sorry? For what?"

"I come so easy--and I don't like that it shoots so far and so hard."

"Oh, God! Are you kidding? I love what you just did! I wish I could come like that." Then Kyle's cute grin slowly appeared.

"You mean that, don't you."

"Yeah, I do! That was beautiful--and very sexy."

"I never thought about it that way," he said, trembling, "I have a hard time--I think it's gross that it shoots out so much."

"No, trust me, Kyle, it's very sexy."

"Okay," he said, grinning and giggling softly at me.

I could tell I hadn't convinced him--he still looked embarrassed --but it was clear I'd pleased him.

We stayed facing each other on the bed. As Kyle slowly caught his breath, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the intimate sound of his breathing. I thought of many times that I'd seen guys out of breath, but never was I this close to any of them at the time.

Kyle was easy to be close to--as if he'd been looking for someone like me and was happy to find me. I knew for sure that's how I felt about HIM.

Kyle's hand on my cock took me out of my thoughts.

"I have to take care of you," he said, grasping my hardon.

"Sure, okay, but--not yet. I want to experience more of you first."

"More of me?"

"Yes--to hear you wind down completely after your climax. To let myself try to feel what you feel. I'm not sure what to do exactly, but--"

"I want to hold you," we said at the same time. That was twice that we'd spoken the same words together.

Kyle giggled sweetly again, and I watched him in his glee as I laughed, too, at the coincidence.

Then I took him in my arms. I don't know why, but I didn't just reach over and slide my arms around him--I grabbed him, almost forcefully, and hugged him close.

"Oh, yeah!" Kyle said in intimate, breathy tones--as if my taking him and suddenly holding him close to me like that was exciting and gratifying to him.

We licked each other's neck, squirming slowly and taking our time experiencing the wondrous feel of flesh on unfamiliar flesh; the thrill of another boy's dick sliding over mine, pressing against me, and my cock finding new sensations against his beautiful, hard body--my erection sliding more than once through his thin pubic hair, and his through mine. Miraculously, his erection did not go down.

"Mmm, I can tell you work out," he said, pressing his hand into my arms and pecs, sliding over the muscles and savoring them.

I did the same to his legs and told him I enjoyed his muscles, too, I ended up with his penis in my hand--hot, hard, wet.

"This," I said, squeezing and gently shaking the hot shaft, "needs more!"

"No--really, I--" Kyle started to blush.

"No embarrassment now. You need it, and I want it."

But from the look on his face, I could tell he was not comfortable.

"Okay," I said softly, acknowledging his unspoken want, and hugged him again, pulling back for a second to look at him. At that second, electricity passed between us as our eyes met in a moment of sudden mutual understanding. I was not going to pressure Kyle about anything.

"Mmmm," he said, as my tongue explored the side of his face.

"Mmm, is right, Kyle."

"No!" was his response to my tongue invading his ear. "Please-- I'll come!"

I quickly went back to his neck. "I love that your so sexy and horny, Kyle. You see what it does to my dick?" I said as my cock throbbed against his. I rubbed his neck as I kissed it.

"I love that you're gentle," he said, suddenly sounding very content and relaxed. "You know how to respond to me."

"I'm slowly getting to know you, and I want you to be happy with me."

"Oh God," he said, sounding as if ready to cry, "I am falling in love with you."

"Kyle, sweet Kyle--is it okay if I do the same?"

"You don't have to ask. I want you, Mark." This time I didn't think he meant having me penetrate him.

"I want you, too!"

He didn't cry. We held each other for a long time, and just enjoyed our bodies touching and the sounds of our breathing.

There was the sweet scent of Kyle, too--something I hadn't expected. But more than just exciting, for me it was a new degree of intimacy between us--the feel, sounds, and scents of him moved me to new places in my physical and mental realms of knowledge. More than the sweet engagement of passion, I felt a blending, a deeper thing--the intermixing of selves, spurred by sexual desire, but continued and deepened by this new, indefinable thing.

Though we weren't moving, our hug wasn't an idle holding of bodies. An unspoken exchange filtered through my mind and body in a way I had never imagined. And I was sure Kyle experienced the same silent intercommunication. I thought his slight shudder and energetic sudden squirming confirmed this.

We were on our sides again. It was easier to pull back slightly and see his face this way.

"Oh, Mark! Anything you want. Don't hold back. Make me yours."

Damn. I knew Kyle was smart and sensitive, but he blew me away with that.

"The whole time in that classroom, Kyle, I thought of one thing I wanted very badly."

"What was it?"

"We're doing it now. You're giving me what I wanted--to hold you."

"You really mean that, don't you."

I nodded, my chin rubbing his collarbone. It was the single most significant thing I ever communicated with a nod.

"Mark--but that just makes me want to . . . to have you take over . . . even more."

I knew he meant to yield to what I wanted sexually, but I wasn't ready to take the lead so strongly. I didn't mind the idea of being the leader, but not to the point of dominating him. I wanted Kyle to be Kyle--to bloom into whatever he was, and whatever he was meant to be.

"I'm happy just know you the way you are," I said, my voice echoing the intimacy and tenderness I felt with Kyle. "What you want counts just as much."

Then Kyle put his lips close to my ear and whispered so softly, "Fuck me." He said it so sweetly, it seemed to bear no resemblance to the vulgar 'F' word. It was a new word now. He quickly pulled his head back to see my face. His was fast going through all the known shades of red.

I looked right at him and felt a hot surge go through my body.

"I can't Kyle. I want to, but--like I said it would hurt you, and then sex wouldn't be love.

"Love me, then." At that moment, Kyle's face brightened with a new, apparently happy thought. And the hot surge melted me.

"I do. I love you so much, Kyle!" I had sworn I would wait a long time before telling him that, but the words, my feelings, would not stay inside me.

Kyle's facial response was the most beautiful thing I ever remembered seeing.

He went limp in my arms, his mouth dropping open sensuously, and mine went for it, allowing his to engulf my lips, while my tongue sung its passion for this unbelievably wonderful boy. The feel and soft sounds of our tongues pressing and sliding inflamed me.

Eventually, I slid down Kyle's body, and my mouth found his balls. I tongued them with long strokes, and worked my way up to his penis--hard, pulsating, hot, and flooded with pre-cum. The poor kid would likely have blue balls if this kept up with no release for him. His sex drive was beyond anything I ever expected or experienced myself, but that added to my excitement and love for him.

"I love you, Mark," he said suddenly.

"I feel your love. And since you love me, and you know I love you, please make love to me with this," I said, sliding my tongue on the sensitive nerve under the head of his cock. Let my body make love back to you as it receives you.

"Oh, Mark," he said, grabbing my neck and practically squeezing the air out of me.

"You NEED it Kyle. And I need to feel you taking care of that need. I want to know that I did that for you--that I CAN do that for you, that we can love each other that way."

"I'm afraid--" he said so openly.

"I know."

"I'm afraid that I need it so often--"

"It's okay, Kyle," I said lovingly, "You can tell me anything."

"Anything," he said, not asking--but I knew he was asking.

I was full of happy thoughts and jokes, but this was no time for jokes--not for Kyle, not for the sensitive and difficult spot he was in. His discomfort showed, despite the love I felt from him.

"Kyle--do you want me to put your briefs back on and take them off with my teeth?"

"No," he said with a slight giggle. I was relieved to see a little smile on my sweet loverboy's face. I slid up to get closer to that face, and grasped his penis at the same time. He may have a smaller body than mine, but this 14-year-old boy was a stud, and that was secondary to the indescribable tender emotions that came from him. Sexually, he was a man with an incredibly stiff, probably aching penis.

As I gently fingered his balls, the tightness of his sac told me there was a good chance that he was hurting there--probably a good case of blue balls. I wouldn't stress him by bringing it up and calling his attention to it. I needed him to get ready to penetrate me.

That one act would be a phase of giving our virginity to each other. As much as I wanted to make love to him that way, I needed him to express himself that way even more.

"I'll tell you," he said almost desperately. "I'm afraid I'll scare you away because I need to come so much. "I'm so horny!"

"It's not just okay, it's exciting. It's wonderful. You could never scare me away, Kyle. I'm already hooked on you."

"Oh, wow."

"Okay, Kyle, you can do this," I said softly and confidently. He knew that I meant him to get ready to fuck me.

"But I don't know--"

"It can't be that complicated. I'll lube you up--no, maybe you better lube yourself," I said, thinking my hand might make him come prematurely, "and just push your beautiful penis into me."

"You think that's beautiful, too?"

"Yes," I said firmly. "And it's time you started thinking that way about it."

"Yes, sir!" he said, responding affably to my assertiveness with his normal smile, finally. I was very happy to see that.

"Let's just take it a step at a time," I said, hoping to appeal to his logic side, that I was getting to know more and more, and careful to include myself so Kyle would get the idea that we were doing this together, and that this would not be a performance thing that he had to do for me. "First, we get you lubed up."

"I can do that."

"Right. Good. Then we'll get into a comfortable position, and line your nice hot dick up at the right angle."


"Then, I'll let you know when to push," I said, not having a clue when the right time would be, but I said it that way to give Kyle as little pressure and as much confidence as possible.

"Okay," he said, clinging to me.

"Hold out your hand and I'll squeeze the lube."

The poor boy's hand trembled as I put a big puddle of K-Y in his palm.

"I'm nervous," he said, amazing me again with his sweet openness.

"It's okay. I am too--but we're going to do this together. Now put it on gently."

Kyle treated his erection so tenderly--as if it would explode if he got aggressive with it. He slid the lube around with his fingers--avoiding the whole-hand approach that I'm sure was more natural for him.

I lay on my back, and lifted my legs some, holding my knees with my hands.

"Just come forward now. I'll guide you," I said, putting my right hand on his very stiff cock.

"Oh, that's good."

"Okay. Push now."

"Uhh," he said, sliding off center.

"I'll hold tighter this time. Push again." I could feel the pressure as the stone-hard head of his penis pressed against my stubborn opening.

"I--it won't go."

I held his cock tighter. "Push harder now."

"Ahhh!" he shouted, as half his erection propelled itself into me.

I bit my lip from the pain, which was worse than I expected. "Okay," I said, my voice straining, "you're fine. Just hold yourself right there for a few."

"Okay," he said, his whole body now trembling. "I'm afraid I'm just gonna come."

"I wont let you," I said, to his total confusion, I was sure. I concentrated on relaxing, on Kyle's sheer beauty and gentle mature, and the pain lessened. "Kyle, just let yourself slide in slowly."

As he did, I felt something fantastic, and soon Kyle's pubic bone pressed into me. I put my hands on his ass and squeezed him tight to me just as he instinctively went to pull his hot shaft back. His very warm, solid cock felt so exciting now. The feeling of connection was unbelievably good.

Beyond that, he was thrusting--giving me a part of him--offering his most precious organ to me. It was an act of trust and giving, as much or more than it was self-gratification.

"Ahh! I can't move."

"I told you I won't let you come right away. It'll be like teasing yourself when you jerk off." His throbbing hot pole stirred my insides like nothing I had anticipated.

"I never did that."

"Okay, well now you can." I released his firm buttocks. "Oh, Kyle--you feel so good. Now slide yourself back real slow, and take one stroke in. Just one."

"Ahh . . . oh!" he moaned, the sound itself making me throb. He slid in very easily now. I held him by his butt, making sure he would not take extra strokes.

"Your pre-cum kicked in. It's making it much easier on me."

"Oh, Mark," he said breathlessly. "It feels so good." Even unacknowledged, I knew telling him it was easy on me would help him relax. He could have no idea how good he felt to me.

"Ready for another stroke?"

Kyle nodded vigorously.

"Wait now--only do it if you feel it's safe. Can you stroke in me again without coming?"

"Arrhh. Not sure."

After a short wait, I released his bottom and let him take another stroke. I held his beautiful butt afterward-- immobilizing him again.

"Mark--I can't--It's torture! I gotta come now!"

I was not going to argue or make this difficult for him. I was happy he was going to let go. I released him, and put my hands on his back, rubbing it gently.

Sweet, tender Kyle suddenly switched on. He thrust with monumental force--pounding me madly. Gentle Kyle was a little wild animal now, forcing his penis into my welcoming body--his entire frame animated with fierce power, forcing his hungry cock in deep, jarring my body with each massive shove.

The heat, friction, and pure primal motion of him thrilled my insides. I was more alive now than at any other moment in memory. He was making love to me, and I made love back with my body, as best I could. If I'd had any doubts, there was no doubt left that I loved him now.

"Ah! OH!" he screamed, as I felt his liquids stream into me, the hot seed unmistakable to my aroused insides.

"Kyle--yes! Oh, baby!" I never felt so good in my life.

Kyle continued to scream, his body kept up a phenomenal rate of thrust and convulsion, until he shot his full, potent load into me.

I felt my balls pull up, but willed myself not to come, as Kyle gave a final shout and went limp, falling suddenly onto me, his breathlessness more sensual and sexual than before--each intake of air went to my dick and I felt my own pulsation as Kyle recovered, coming slowly down from the mountainous high of his awesome first lovemaking.

"Mark--oh, my God," he said, the rest of his body now releasing the heat that built up in him during his beautifully intense act of love. His desperation now subsided, he began whispering such wonders to me.

I held him a long time, thrilling to the feel of his body as it went through the changes--from excitement to utter relaxation.

"Kyle--you're so good."

"You!" he said. "Now it's your turn."

More? --Steve (Please scroll down for a list of my stories) (text only) Comments welcome. I'll reply to all substantial.

STEVE STORYMAN'S STORIES AT: (Approximate Age Ranges represent current and future characters)

  1. hot-little-brother-series 10 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Incest/Athletics

A slim 18 y/o athlete wants his 16 y/o brother; caring;

some football & locker room fun; no long game-scenes.

Kevin & Josh. (Ages 15-22)

  1. i-wanted-my-big-brother 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Incest

A hot 15 y/o admires and pursues his brother--a sexy,

17 y/o high-school quarterback; caring; no sports scenes.

Chad and Adam. (Ages 15-19)

  1. hot-teen-brian 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Adult-Youth

A cute, smooth 17 y/o and some of his older friends

discover a liking for younger guys; hot fun; all


Goes deep into Brian's thoughts.

Brian, Peter, Matt & friends.

(Ages 10-32; Most action: 13 to 19)

  1. boys-joys-and-sorrows-at-sex-ed-school 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Adult-Youth

Teens trained for mutual sex; some spank, paddling, etc;

no cruelty; some orgasm-delay teasing; exciting;

individual and classroom/group punishment scenes;

all consensual; group and couple's sexual scenes.

(Ages 13-35; Most action: ages 13-20)

  1. hot-freshman-kid 3 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty High-School

A good-looking high school senior, 17, becomes fascinated

with a cute freshman, 14; story of discovery; tender;

caring; depicts several aspects of high-school life as it

relates to their friendship.

Mark and Kyle. (text only)

Next: Chapter 4

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