Hot Asian Roommate

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Apr 22, 2013


Well I finally had experienced anal sex and really liked it. Peter's attempt at dominant behavior while not very effective did make me aware of one thing. I actually started to realize that one of the reasons we had an unusual relationship was that we both tended to be bottoms. We were not tough guys and the idea of making someone suffer so we could enjoy sex just didn't exist for either of us. I had enjoyed giving up control and allowing him to determine my pleasure. I guess in a technical sense that made me submissive but the care he exercised in giving me pleasure was obvious. We never discussed this until later and I found that he was in agreement.

After the hot bondage sex (we laughed at that phrase) we decided to take a day and just be friends. Considering it was only Tuesday and we had another week and six days left at the hotel we wanted to relax and rest from finals. Of course we slept together but kept our under ware on except for a quick peck on the cheek stayed on our own side of the bed. Surprisingly a day without sexual contact with him was difficult for me.

On Wednesday we spent the morning playing head games about what I was going to do to him. He went so far as to walk around in his under ware and playing with himself. I was hard he was hard but other than pinching his nipples a few times I controlled myself. I just love it when he gets horny and he was. Just for fun I threw all kinds of ideas at him and would inquire would you like that? I asked if he wanted to be restrained, would he like a spanking, even asked if he would like an enema? I could only tell his response by his level of embarrassment. While he was adamant about not wanting an enema I could detect a little interest. I nearly got the impression that he wanted exactly what he had done to me and we would do that but for his first time it had to be special. I wanted to take advantage of his shy nature and attempt to turn that into a sexual experience. While all this is going on he is nearly naked and horny. Even recognizing he was all guy his features were pretty to look at.

I suggested we go out and have a burger for lunch considering we had only eaten breakfast bars so far. We found a small hole in the wall place that said they specialized in breakfast, so breakfast it was, and walked in. We found a table for two at the rear and thought we would enjoy the privacy to continue our discussion of what was to come. After a short conversation with a very disinterested waitress we returned to our previous conversation. In frustration he finally said I don't care what we do I just want to get off. This was perfect, my hand slipped under the table and I lightly rubbed his crotch. This was contrary to our policy of public displays and he was immediately embarrassed. Add to that the waitress coming over with our breakfast and I think you get the picture. The only thing that amazed me was that even with her standing there he was hard in my hand. Mission accomplished, he was horned up and wanting. I knew this was going to be good for both.

By the time we returned to our room he was almost demanding that we do something. Wanting to make it even worse, I suggested he get us a beer from the refrigerator. That beautiful Asian face was capable of a dirty look and I got one. While he got the beer, I got lube, condoms and a towel to cover the sofa. When he returned he was once again smiling. He handed me a beer and stood looking at me. I took the beer and sat it down on the end table. Smiling I took his beer and did the same. I told him to take off his shirt which he did. His shyness is such a turn on for me. I wanted to make this difficult for him and said just loose you clothes, I want you naked. As much time as we had together he was still shy about just being butt naked in front of me. He finally dropped his under ware and stood trying to hide himself. Making it difficult was the fact that he was sporting as big a hardon as he could muster. He was indeed a beautiful sight.

As much as I wanted him, I did have a plan. I told him that I was going to stand and I wanted him to remove my clothes while I drank my beer. This part of the plan didn't work out very well. He nearly ripped my clothes off and wanted to jump my bones. That was not the plan. As I sat down I just looked at him and finally said you are really a bad boy and I think you need a spanking. He laughed and suddenly said are you serious. Just lie across my lap and let's get this over with. To describe his actions as tentative would be a world class understatement. I finally had to grab his arm and pull him down over me. Once in position I could feel that hard spike between my legs and he started to offer some physical hesitation. I used my left hand to hold him still and took a couple of smacks with my other hand on his beautiful bare butt. He immediately knew this was all for show and said can't you do better than that. I did and I swear I could feel his little hardon get stiffer. Five or six swats and I just started to rub his ass.

Tracing my finger down his crack I could feel his legs separate to give me access. I could hear a sigh and felt him relax. He knew that it was all about pleasure now. I picked up the bottle of lube and I'm sure he expected it to be used in the conventional way, which it was. With one finger I lubed him to be sure anything would slip in easily. What he didn't expect was that I poured a large amount over his butt and covered him including the inside of his legs. The sounds he made were delightful and I later described them to him as the sounds of pleasure. That complete I told him to stand. As he stood with legs slightly spread I took that stiff little spike into my mouth but only for a few seconds.

Next I told him to sit on my lap facing me and straddling my legs. As his knees hit my thighs all of the lube I had applied made sense to him. I was only seconds before he found me and guided it into his most private space. His smooth hairless things slipped perfectly into position. His mouth found mine and we kissed. His movements were not up and down but just a slight back and forth movement that did what he wanted. The lube made his movements fluid and sensual. The kiss broken, he sat back and exaggerated his movements. This gave me the chance to nibble on those beautiful nipples. Knowing this was not going to last long I wanted to see his face when he came. I felt his ass clamp down on me and I realized that I had forgotten the condom but didn't really care. When he came I knew this was really good. He hit my face my chest and stomach with long thin ropes of seed. I pulled him in toward the sticky mess he had just made and held him close. As he backed away and came forward to kiss me I exploded inside him. His ever present kindness again showed when he tried to apologize because he thought I had already cum. He got a shush and I said it was his turn not to worry. We sat like this for what seemed like an hour but was probably more life fifteen minutes. We just slid together back and forth enjoying the intimacy of being naked together. I loved to pinch his nipples because even a few minutes after coming he would always harden again.

Finally the cold sticky mess we had made needed to be washed away and it was into the shower. Since this was his day I washed him and rinsed the soap away. As he stood I sat on the edge of the tub pulled back his skin and sucked his perfect and very hard cock. I needed to finish my shower but I couldn't stop so knowing how sensitive he is to being fingered while I suck him I slipped my finger into his still slippery hole. My reward was nearly immediate with him filling my mouth. I was always surprised at his amazing recovery time after sex. I told him to go take a nap while I finished my shower because I had plans to tie him down and have my way with him after I finished. He smiled and said "please sir don't hurt me" and he laughed. I realized that I loved him so.

I did indeed tie him down and teased and played with him for over an hour before I let him have his release. When he finished I just sat and looked at him knowing that I would have two more years of his company which made me a very lucky man.

Reader response to this story has shocked me and of course pleased me. I promised three chapters and made good on my word. Now this part of my life is relegated to history. I would like to thank Nifty for the fine work they do and suggest that those who have enjoyed this story contribute to their continued success. As usual your comments are appreciated and can be directed to

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