Hot Asian Roommate

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Apr 17, 2013


Thinking back on this story I find that it seemed a fantasy and even to have lived it somewhat unbelievable. Once we had accepted the fact that our relationship had changed to one that included a sexual component we still had a personal bond that was unbreakable. Following me providing oral sex to him, there was a long period of silence. For the next two weeks we went on as usual with no mention of what had happened. Being concerned that our friendship would go off the rails I confronted him. I wanted to know if he had regrets, if he wanted to change roommates or was he angry about what happened. His face fell and he wanted to know if I was crazy. Clearly we might have gone too fast too soon and were both stepping back by not talking about it. Like all wise students I knew the answer to this was a six pack of beer and pizza. His smile said I was right and off we were to score some beer and pick up pizza. That done we returned to the room.

The conversation that followed was unusual to say the least. Awkward is the word that comes to mind. I finally said that we should just stop talking. A deep breath and I said I want to ask a question and you answer, then you ask me a question and I'll answer. For the next two hours this is how we conversed with great success. In the end we agreed that we now were not just friends but have a sexual relationship that we both wanted. Our personal relationship was a fixed factor and got little attention. Sex on the other hand was more of what we could do, would do, and really wanted to do. We settled on fantasies to make our interest known. Sometimes our conversation sounded like diplomatic negotiations. Both being technical minds we were very specific and we actually made a list. Without being too graphic, we agreed to some bondage, that we had no interest in pain, anything involving waste was out, public displays were out and I think most important was that we both excluded a third party. Oral was good, anal was on the table but in the end it was all about giving pleasure to each other. Surprisingly we both wanted to keep our beginnings as part of our pleasure. The idea of touching and being touched never left the table.

Our massage's became more intimate and intense the fear and anticipation gone and replaced with teasing and withholding. The idea of making it last as long as possible until allowing a release resulted in an intensity of orgasm beyond belief. It was surprising that there weren't comments about the muffled screams originating from our room.

Our school life was good, grades well above average and our relationships with other students typical of college. In private our relationship took on a strange fragmentation. Our personal "friendship" was an entity apart from our sexual relationship. While we made love with abandon it was like the two were never mixed. Why that worked and why we were satisfied I couldn't answer. The remainder of the year went this way and when summer came and it was time for us to return home to different areas we shared tears of sadness. In parting for the summer we agreed to remain true to each other and stay in touch. This we did with email and the occasional phone calls each contact made not being together a deeper sadness.

The return to school in the fall was, shall I say, seriously anticipated. We arrived a day apart as last year. The difference was that when he arrived I was sound asleep and my first awareness was a naked body getting into bed with me. The joy was overwhelming. We hugged as friends until sex took over. As with the first time all it took was kissing and rubbing together for a few minutes and it was over. After we recovered, we started laughing and talking non stop usually at the same time. It wasn't long and I felt his hardon pressing against my leg. Conversation stopped, kissing began and a very messy 69 took over. The pleasure of this lasted longer and was more intimate and satisfying. While not the first time we had oral sex it certainly was the best. I loved his small size because it was a perfect fit in my mouth. He was pleased that I had decided to shave my pubic hair smooth. He liked the smoothness so well that the little he had was removed the same day. And yes, I took care of it for him and yes it did indeed lead to more. By the end of the day we actually found time to catch up before going to bed exhausted.

Our life at this point was good. In private we were lovers, in public we were best friends. The best part of our relationship was that we started to spend time thinking up new ways to give each other pleasure. I guess in the end he was a little more submissive and I a little more dominant in our taste. However we would play either part with great enthusiasm knowing that we were providing pleasure to the other.

Well into the year we had still only done mutual masturbation and oral sex. For a relationship that came out of the blocks fast it seemed to slow to a crawl as far as sex went. It seems we were both satisfied with the intimacy we had and the fact that it relieved our sexual tensions. That all changed with the Christmas Holiday season that year. Because we were both so far away and money being tight we had arranged a weekly rental at a small boutique hotel nearby since the dorms were going to be closed for the holidays.

Checking in to a hotel together seems to increase the excitement. After we stowed the gear we had brought we decided to strike out to score some beer or wine for the week. Surprisingly in a college town it is always easy to find someone who relates to underage students looking to blow off steam. Of course steam wasn't what we were planning to blow off. Like most college students, if we didn't eat in the cafeteria we would go with fast food of some type. Being lucky enough to score both a half case of beer and a five bottle box of wine, we headed back to the room. We started talking and drinking wine which immediately went to our heads. Wine, college kids so the next obvious step was a dirty book store. We had no interest in the books but were thinking about some useful toys we could use. Giggling like children we entered the store to questioning looks from the clerk who was happy to just ask if we were old enough to be in there. Our yes was all it took for him to wave us inside. Realizing that we had little money our hope was an emergency credit card Peter's Father provided. To this day I wonder if he realized what those charges from the down town book store were about. Without going into detail about the selection process, we purchased some ankle and wrist restraints, condoms, which the clerk helpfully pointed out the best choice for (little Asian guys), ouch. It was fine with me since I'm only slightly larger than he. Next some massage oil and some lube. When I suggested a small vibrator to Peter he just laughed and said "I have your small vibrator." Leaving the store Peter commented that he already had a hardon to which I admitted I did as well.

On entering the room still giggling peter got all butch and told me to face the wall and put my hands behind my back. Peter didn't do butch well and finally ask me "please". He fiddled with the cuffs and finally snapped them in place. I was shocked by my reaction. I was so hard it was painful. Turning me around he kissed me and said that he was going first. His fingers unbuttoned my shirt and his fingers found my nipples pinching and pulling. Suddenly there was no giggling it had been replaced by a very hot feeling. I had not been this hard since the first time we rubbed together. He kissed my ear and whispered I'm going to make you feel so good! With that he moved down and nibbled on my nipples making me moan.

I felt his hands fumbling with my belt, button and zipper. He soon had my pants around my ankles accompanied by my underwear. He knelt down and removed my shoes, pulled my clothing free and took off my socks. Before standing he took me into his mouth running his tongue along the under side making me moan. He took me over to the bed making me lie on my back in the middle. Using the ankle cuffs he pulled my legs up and out so that my knees were up and I was exposed for his pleasure. He next undid the wrist cuffs pulled my shirt off and tied my arms spread and pulled over my head. I had never been restrained before let alone naked and spread for display. My heart raced, I was gasping for air and making a whining sound from my throat. I don't think I had ever been as sexually excited as this. The next thing he did only intensified the feelings I was having. He pulled an old towel from his bag and tore it into long strips which he used to apply a blindfold. What he did next made me pleased that he had placed a hotel towel on the bed. I could hear rustling of clothes and realized he was taking his off. At this point I'm so hard and dripping I can feel precum running down over my tightly drawn up balls. Then there was silence, I couldn't see anything couldn't hear anything and I had no choice but to lie and wait for what he would do next.

I finally said "Peter please do something". I heard him move and the bed shook a little and I could feel something wet dripping on my chest. I soon realized he was oiling my skin. His hands felt so good actually hot to the touch. He pinched my nipples and proceeded to cover my body except the part I wanted him to touch. Next he moved up the bed toward my face and I could feel him pressing himself against my lips. I wanted this so bad I opened my mouth and pulled him in. He was likewise dripping. A quick taste and he was gone.

I didn't expect what he did next. I felt him release my ankles and felt his finger slippery with lube pushing at my hole. At this point I am so pleased that he is small. Nothing larger than my doctor's finger has ever been in there and I wanted this to feel good. By now I'm begging him to put it in me. I felt him press against me and gave a big sigh of relief when he just slipped in with no pain. He was long enough that each stroke I could feel him rub the special spot inside. Unfortunately I didn't feel it for long. This was more intense than the first time we came together. I was immediately struck by a fear that I would not be able to give him the same pleasure. With the blindfold off and cleaned of the massage oil he released my hands. We turned the lights off and we lie naked holding each other until sleep overtook us. After his display of dominance I started to plan what I would do with him the next day.

This is the end to part two of our story. If reader interest persists I will do one more chapter. Comments or criticism are accepted. Send to and please remember to help support the great service Nifty provides.

Next: Chapter 3

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