Hot Asian Roommate

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Apr 14, 2013


My second year of college following a freshman year of adjustment from high school to college level study was difficult but I ended up the year with a B average. But before we get into my second year I should explain that I'm nineteen years old and still a virgin. Worse than being a virgin I haven't even figured out my sexual orientation. I like girls have dated a few but never was comfortable with the level of excitement they would elicit from my well working parts. Guys on the other hand had always been viewed, as well, "guys". I knew at a minimum there was a probability that I was bisexual.

By the time I was fifteen or sixteen I knew I looked more at guys in the locker room and found my self masturbating to fantasies of some of the hotter looking guys. I especially liked the smooth thin guys with little body hair. Since I attended school in southern California there were a lot of Asians and I found the look a real turn on. There wasn't much I didn't like about them. Their eyes, their skin color, their trim bodies and most of all they had uncut male members. Being cut I could only imagine how it would feel to have that extension of skin.

Me? I'm just average. 5'10", 155 pounds, brown hair and a skin color that tans in summer and fades out in the winter. Been told that I'm good looking by a few girls but I think everyone has been told that.

On to my second year. I checked in a day early to get adjusted and found that my last years roommate had quit school and I had been assigned a transfer student named Peter Chang. My mind raced with the possibilities. I went to bed that night and couldn't sleep until I relieved my tensions, which amazingly took only a couple of minutes. Early the next morning I awoke to the sound of a key in the door lock to my room. No need to explain how he looked; just picture the best looking young Asian man you have ever seen. Wow, I stuttered and stammered a greeting and offered to help him with his bags. Without thought I had jumped from bed wearing only jockey shorts and a blazing morning hard on. Of course he giggled making me look down. I know my face must have turned beet read as I again stammered a quick apology while trying to hide my obvious bulge. He just laughed and waved it off. I retreated down the hall to relieve myself and returned to see a highly organized unpacking going on. When he finished he asked if we could get a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant because he had been flying all night and was starving.

After being seated at the restaurant we more formally introduced ourselves. He explained that he was originally from Hong Kong but had immigrated to Canada before the China took over in 1999. Still somewhat in shock I offered that his English was very good and he tanked me explaining that in Hong Kong English was the common language but that he also spoke Chinese. Noting my discomfort he said that I should lighten up a little. He went on to say that if it bothered me to room with an Asian he would understand and request another roommate. At which point I blurted out "oh God no I love Asians." I immediately realized that I once again had managed to make an ass of myself and just hung my head and covered my face. When I looked up he was laughing and said why are you so nervous? He then suggested that we return to the room and tell each other about ourselves. He then added you seem like a nice guy and I think we will do just fine.

Three hours later we were laughing and talking like we had known each other for years. He ran cross country and I ran cross country. He had a thing for pizza and well, I'm an American. He has strict parents and so do I. It seems we were the perfect match as roommates. He said nothing about girls or did I mention them.

After about a week of classes we decided that we were getting lazy and should start doing something for exercise. He suggested that running was easy but in winter not so much fun. We agreed to use the school pool where we could swim laps after 6:00 PM. This worked out great except after about a week I was getting stiff shoulders and when I mentioned it he said no problem. After we finish next time I'll give you a short massage to loosen up the mussels.

While this sent a signal to my groin I knew there were no sexual intentions involved. My response was that if he was going to do that for me then we should change off every other day and I would return the favor. For me that night was restless with my mind racing with the thought of him touching me and me doing the same for him. I decided that what ever he did to me I would do for him the next night. I he had something in mind I was certainly willing to follow.

The next night we returned to the room and had changed clothes at the pool and I wore jeans and a tee shirt. He immediately said lay down on the bed and let me see if I can loosen up you. Oh wow, you can imagine where my mind went. I lie face down and he sat on the edge of the bed. Starting at my shoulders he gave me a pretty good upper body massage. Sad to say it only lasted about ten minutes and he stood up slapped my butt and said tomorrow you do me. The next night I returned the massage just as he had done for me. I even included the slap on the butt.

I wanted this guy so bad it hurt. I hoped this was something that would progress to something more. The next night when we returned to the room he said we should throw a mattress on the floor so we would have a firmer platform for the massage. I agreed and he suggested that tonight I should take off my shirt. With my shirt off I lay on my stomach and to my surprise he straddled my upper legs and lower butt. His massage lasted a little longer and the movement of his crotch over my butt left an impression under me in the mattress. I was so hard I thought it would break. The next night I repeated what he had done for me. I also noticed when he stood that the front of his sweats was bulging. For the first time I thought there was a sexual component to "our massages."

The whole next day I was nervous wondering what my massage tonight would be like. Upon returning to the room from the swim he acted kind of nervous and I asked if he was alright. He said no problem, he then went on to say that he had another idea about our massage tonight and he was concerned that I might be offended. My heart started to pound and I said, I don't think you could ever offend me. What do you have in mind? When he said I think I think you should strip down to your jockeys so I can massage your legs my heart nearly stopped. I wanted this so bad but didn't want to sound to eager. I expressed some hesitation and he offered to strip down to his so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I nearly fainted and couldn't get my pants off fast enough.

I lie face down closed my eyes and listened to my heart race. As I looked up he had dropped his trousers and was wearing light blue bikini underwear. To suggest that my level of excitement was high would be the greatest understatement. However it increased when he straddled my upper thighs and I felt his bare skin on mine. I can't recall at this time but I think there was a slight moan. My only question was did it come from me or him? My thoughts were simple. I just didn't want to cum in my jockeys but I could feel the wetness already from precum. As he started on my shoulders I could feel him rock forward moving his crotch over my butt. The distinct feel of his hardness was pressing against my bum causing me to feel faint. As his hands worked down to my waist I could feel him role the band of my jockeys down for better access. Seconds later, he stopped and rolled off me saying he was going to start on my legs now. The first thing he did was push my ankles apart to spread my legs. His hands would start low and applying constant pressure move slowly up until I could feel his fingers brush against my balls. As he moved to my other leg I was moaning out loud. After two trips up my right leg I told him I think I was done. With that he slapped my butt and said nope. Now you need to roll over so I can do the front. He applied pressure to help me roll and noted with a smile the wet spot form on my front. When he straddled me we were crotch to crotch and as his hands ran up over my chest it wasn't a massage, he was pinching my nipples. He suddenly rose up and brought one knee between my legs forcing them apart. His other knee moved between my legs and he leaned forward with his crotch grinding against mine. I saw his facing coming toward me and closed my eyes. The next thing I felt was his tongue pushing my lips apart and him exploring my mouth. We ground together for only a couple of minutes until there was an explosion of sex. Our muffled cries muted by the kiss. The wetness and smell of sex was apparent as was the used up sexual energy expressed when he rolled over to one side looking at me with a shy smile.

After a few seconds I ran my fingers over his nipple and traveled down over his stomach lifting the band of his under ware. I ran my fingers down into the sticky deposit and wiped some on my fingers. Pulling my hand free I slowly placed them in my mouth and sucked them clean causing him to grin and do the same with me. After he had cleaned his fingers he moved forward and we kissed enjoying the mixed taste of our seed. We collapsed and fell into a satisfied sleep. We didn't wake until morning and time for showers and classes. We agreed to meet for swim at six and said good byes.

My classes that day were somewhat of a fog. My mind was reliving the evening before. At six we met for swim and following I suggested we just slip on our clothes and we could shower at the dorm. He agreed and we returned to the room to pick up towels. The mess and the smell of sex remained causing my already stiffing member to twitch a little more. We each secured an enclosed shower and stuffed our clothes in plastic bags knowing we would just wear towels around our waist on return to the room. We showered and returned to the room at the same time.

Entering the room I knew what I wanted. I reminded him that it was my turn to massage him. I couldn't tell if his look was surprise or pleasure so I move to him and snatched away his towel. I asked if he was gay and to my surprise he said no he couldn't be because of the shame it would bring to his family. I looked him up and down and said me also so then we will just be good friends. His nervous smile said a lot for him and I moved in and kissed him softly. Then not softly as my hand found the prize which started to grow in my hand. I pushed him down on the mattress already on the floor from the night before. His legs parted and my head found his small but very hard cock. Slipping the skin back I opened my mouth and pulled him in. He tasted clean from his shower and he made slight hip moves as I pushed his legs up and further apart. I knew he was not going to last and I wet my finger with my mouth and pushed slowly against his puckered opening. As it entered he let out a small gasp. On the small hard knot inside I pushed and rubbed until he convulsed and cum in my mouth with several long spurts of thin but tasty liquid.

I kissed my way up his body stopping to enjoy little bites of his perfectly shaped nipples. I then kissed him and shared the taste he had left in my mouth. Not being selfish he reached for my member to reciprocate but found it slippery and sadly limp since I had already finished.

We went on that year to spend a lot of time together and I have more to tell if readers are interested. Comments even criticisms are welcome. Send to Please remember that nifty does not run on solar power, please contribute.

Next: Chapter 2

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