Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Aug 3, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 8

I awoke nestled in a strong pair of arms holding me tight. I could feel rhythmic pulses warm air caressing my back every few seconds and a deep warmth behind me.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I wasn't at home; and I was a little confused. Sunlight poured out into the room through slightly agape window blinds and filled me with an intense need for more sleep.

"Ugh," I could feel someone move a little behind me. It was Justin, I had almost forgotten where I was! I mentally slapped myself across the face and settled back into the warm sheets. I turned to face him and snuggled up tight to his bare chest. His body heatn the sun could ever hope to emulate.

Looking up at him I marveled at how innocent his face looked while he slept.

Shrugging those thoughts from my weary head I placed one hand against his chest and closed my eyes.

Instinctively he held me tighter to him and we both drifted off together.

"Gaa," I awoke again with a start. I bolted upright in bed, sending sheets and a bewildered Justin flying in the air.

He landed on the floor with a thud.

"What!" he asked worried, "what's wrong? Are you ok?" I shook the sleep from my eyes and plucked a curly piece of blondish hair from the back of my throat.

"Gross," I complained as I yanked it from around my tonsils. "Oops sorry J," I added hastily bending down to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "You ok? I didn't mean for you to fall out of bed," I blushed and scratched my head.

"No big deal," I replied rubbing his sore hind end (hey it was still sexy don't get me wrong :P).

"No big deal?" I asked perplexed, "I hurt my little sweet cheeks," I cocked one eye brow provocatively. He laughed a little and tried to smile at the same time; but failed miserably.

His golden curls were thrown every which way which only seemed to push my desire and admiration to new heights. His lips brushed against mine as our tongues mingled back and forth. I could feel an air of passion arise from the both of us, from deep within and I knew that if I didn't move soon that I would never want to move ever again.

"Ugh....." Justin trailed off in mid kiss while I pulled away. "What?" his eyes conveyed a kind of childlike expectation and confusion that I couldn't bear now or ever.

"Shhhhh...." I leaned in, placing a finger on his lips to silence him. "I need someway to repay you," I said as sweetly as I could without making myself sick. Justin grinned provocatively and started sucking on my fingers one by one. "Ewwwww," I stuck out my tongue and pulled away in mock disgust, "you don't even know where....."

He swooped my feet out from under me and rolled around until he was on the top.

"What the??" was all that I could manage to get out.

"So what was that about repayment Ryan?" he asked gazing into my eyes and playing with my dark hair with his index finger. "Hmmmm?" I continued by nuzzling my ear lobe and licking up and down my neck. I purred in pure ecstasy under his touch and never wanted him to let go.

"Justin......?" I whispered.

"Hmmm?" he stopped what he was doing for a split second.

"I meant I was going to fix you breakfast," I replied.

"What!!??" he asked almost laughing, "all that stuff just to say that....."

I trailed off laughing. "Oh you little cock tease you!" he jumped back on me a started tickling me mercilessly.

"H...hah hahhah h hahah hah h," I was gasping for any amount of oxygen that I could manage to grasp but without much luck.

"Uncle?" he whispered in my ear as lustfully as he could manage.

"..........Never........" I licked up his lips and nose.

"Ewwwww," he recoiled back in a similar fashion to my previous antics. Now this was my chance to pounce.

I jumped on his chest and we both fell backwards onto his floor. I stopped dead in my tracks; I could feel a hard lump under my ass digging into my boxers. Justin was a little more than just excited, god he was near bursting. I could also feel the tightness and the confines of my white boxers as a bolt of liquid electricity passed between us.

Justin looked up at me with those clear blue eyes that carried so much force that I could feel my head start to swim.

"Ryan I..." Justin began but I silenced him with a passionate kiss.

"Now what about that breakfast?" I asked smugly. He just rolled his eyes and fell flat on his back. I couldn't help but laugh lightly as I got up and proceeded to hunt for a pair of pants. I gave up after about a minute because I had no idea where I had left my clothes the other night.

"Hey J?" I turned my head to face him not realizing my mistake.

Justin was changing his boxer shorts and I accidentally got a clear view of his, "plumbing."

"Sorry I didn't mean t.." I blushed turning back around.

"Hmmm," Justin asked obviously not understanding. "Oh," it finally occurred to him. "Hey sorry Ry. I just thought that..... you know it's never been a big issue with the guys before so I didn't even think about it."

"No Justin it's ok," I smiled to myself, "its not like it's anything that I haven't seen before right?" I shrigged. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"You mean that I'm not," he sniffled a little, "that you don't...... That you don't like it?" I turned around to face him once again.

"It's not that at all Justin!" I shook my head, "It's just that I...." I didn't manage to finish my last thought as my eyes were drawn to his swollen member. It was just perfect............ The right size, shape and the head........ I realized that he had been teasing me all along.

"You little prick," I smacked him gently upside the head, "you really had me going."

"Well you were teasing me too with the, 'oh how can I ever repay you Justin,' (he imitated me quite well :P) and besides who're you callen lit'le boy?" I looked him up and down and replied smugly.....

"I've seen bigger," I was out the door and half way down to the couch before he finally caught up to me (still naked by the way (yes yes the windows were all closed)) I could feel a, "hard body," pressing against me pushing me onto the couch. I fell over and Justin fell on my back I could still feel a certain portion of his, "hard naked body," pressing into my ass.

"A little excited are we?" I laughingly asked him. I looked at me like I was crazy.


"You're still naked dear," I casually reminded him. He turned beet red and ran back upstairs with a few cat calls close behind him.

After a while I joined him in his bedroom and got dressed myself.

"Anything planned for today hun?" I asked after kissing him on the cheek.

"Not much Ry," he smiled back at me, "I've got a few things to take care of at the studios and then we've got the night free."

"Few things?" I inquired. "Studios?" He sighed and fell back on his bed with a thump.

"Ryan, we're going back on tour in a few days," his voice was soft and full of remorse. I swallowed hard and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Well hey we both knew that this would happen," I rubbed his leg lightly. "At least........ you told me now rather than................... Well later." My voice had dropped almost to a whisper and it took every ounce of will power I had to not sound hurt.

"Ryan....." Justin sat up into a sitting position and reached over to give me a quick hug. "I've only just found you," he choked back a tear and wiped a stray strand of hair from my eyes. "I'm not about to lose or forget about you now," he hugged me to his body as if this were the last time that I would ever see him again.

"You know it's funny," I wiped my face with the back of my palm. "I've had dreams ever since I was little about you."

"Hmmmmmm?" he inquired, rubbing my shoulders.

"I could never see your face but I could smell your scent and I'd always remember the feel of your skin against mine."

"I think I know what you mean," he gave me a wide grin.

"That's how I know that's it's you Justin," I reached up and held his face in my hand. The blond curls sprawled out of my grasp and scuttled away from my tender touch.

He bent down and kissed me......................................

"What's the plan for tonight?" I called back from my car.

"We're meeting here at about eight," he replied through cupped hands, "We're gonna order out for pizza and watch a few movies."

"Sounds good to me J," I waved to him, "I'll see you at eight and try not to get mobbed by strange women until then, huh?"

"Humph," he crossed his arms in mock disgust, "I..... I guess MAYBE I'll see you later then."



'Justin..." We both laughed and waved until I thought that my arm would fall off. It's either that or I'd crash the car into a tree. And hey with this car you'd hardly notice that through all the other bumps.

"Tonight hmm?" I thought to myself while speeding down the intersection. I wonder what he's got in store? Damn I can't believe that he's real and that I finally found him. Last night I dreamt again of my mystery man but this time could see his face. It was him, it was Justin.

I wonder if the rest of the band knows? About Justin I mean. I would think that he would have told them. Wouldn't he? They do seem fairly close........

I brushed that thought aside and turned on the radio. Britney Spear's, "Oop I did it again," came blaring out of the speakers and I have to say it is pretty catchy. I kinda feel sorry for her, the world had her pegged as a total ditz; I mean what if she's actually nice? Oh well there's only one pop star that's on my mind right now. Correction Justin is on my mind, screw the whole celebrity thing. I couldn't care less about that part; although it could have it's advantages I guess.

The song finished playing and the radio personality came back on as annoying as ever.....

"That was Britney's, "Oops I did it again," and now we've just heard that Justin Timberlake of *N'sync has just proposed to Britney just the other day. It's reported to be a 14 thousand dollar ring, witnesses also claim that Britney skipped out early from one of her concerts last year to watch her Mikey mouse club sweetheart perform on stage. The date has n...............

I turned off the radio and tried not to swerve into on coming traffic while holding back the tears and self loathing.

"What the hell?" I sighed to myself and felt cheap and used. "Could it? Can it? Did they really?" I shook myself and put things back into perspective. "No," I told myself calmly, "I trust him, he'd never........ He'd never lie to me like that."

Despite my sentiment and hope a small voice inside me crept up. The voice of reality. He could have just about anyone, why me? Does that mean that he loves me............. I think I love him though. Sigh....

I'm falling hard and other thinking everything's getting me no where. He had given me his cell number before I left this morning so if I really wanted I could ask him and find out.

No; that's a dumb idea. I'd just have to wait until the right time to find out; if we're gonna make this work I'll have to trust him and not the media.

The voice was still there and I drove the rest of the way home in silence. I'll have a good time tonight, it was still early. When I stopped at the red light half way home I opened my bag beside me and took out the cell phone my cousin had given to me for Christmas. I dialed Emily's number with one hand and drove with the other.

"So?" she asked in her curious tone as I was mixing up the cake.

"So...... what?"

"How was he?" she shrugged her eyebrows and narrowly dodged my spatula from connecting with her head.

"You little...." I began

"What? Ryan you know I know you better that. But anyway after you finish with the cake what on earth will you wear?" she asked in her best drag queen impersonation. Again with the spatula......

"No clue," I called back as she walked out of my kitchen. "That's where you come in hun; you've always had better taste than me."

"Aww you're too sweet Ry," she cooed, "too bad you're gay." I just laughed. "But hey I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Em," I smiled to her through the little hollow window between my kitchen and my living room. I put the cake in the oven to bake, "God the house'll be warm tonight," and joined her in sorting through my sorry closet.

"RYAN!!!!!" a very excited Justin bounded through his front door and nearly bowled me off my feet. We shared a deep passionate kiss that lasted all the way into his living room. And me with my chocolate cake in tow. Barely.....

"Hey Baby," he breathed and kissed him back, "how was your day?"

"Oh you know," he cooed, "a little of this a little of that. A photo shoot, a promo etc etc." We both laughed.

"Um J?" I asked looking around, "Where's everyone else?"

"They won't be here for another twenty minutes or so," he said checking his watch.

"Oh so you only got me over here to have yer way with me?" I asked provocatively.

"Naaaaaa," he waved his hand at me. "I asked you over here to have my way with your cake! Oh my precious darling where have you been all my life?" he grabbed the cake and serenaded it all the way to the kitchen.

"Well maybe I'd better let you and your cake be alone huh?" I sniffed as if crying and started back out the door.

"Get yer butt back in here boy," Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me into another deep kiss. "I love chocolate......But Hey! I love you more."

"I love you too Justin," I kissed him back hard. "Umm Justin...... Can I?... What I mean to say is can I ask you..... I heard something on the radio today and I......" He stepped back and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Is this about Britney and me?" he asked flatly.............................

Well what do you think? I know it's been a while but I've been WAY too busy. Drop me a line at I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks again to everyone. You know who you are............... ^_^

Best Wishes

Next: Chapter 9

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