Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Dec 20, 2001


Hot and Humid 12

All the legal stuff. If you're here and you shouldn't be please leave. None of the characters in this story are real. They are in no way meant to portray or insult people/celebs that are alive or dead however the case may be. Etc etc.

(Some of the plot information has been overlooked and changed. It has been a while. Thanks).

"Ugh," I groaned sitting down in front of my pc. These past few days have just been murder. I called up my browser and checked through a few stray emails without much thought. "Junk. Junk. Increase the size of my penis. Get out of dept. Burn any DVD etc etc. Nothing but the same old crap.

Hmmm? What's this? I had glossed over all of my mail a little too quickly at first. There, third up from the bottom of the list was a strange message. "Jcold," was the name that came up. There wasn't a title to the message.

Puzzled, I briefly clicked on the name hoping not to hear about some kind of new straight porn site that would put me to sleep. The message took a while to load. I clicked my newly cut nails against the top of my desk in frustration, when finally the screen changed. My breath caught in my throat and my heart beat a little faster. It was from him.

Dear Rich,

Hi, how are you? I'm so sorry that things have to be this way. You know that if I could change things I surely would. I hope that life has been treating you well these past few months. I'm also very sorry that we haven't been able to see much of one another since that night at the large hotel. It was one of the most amazing nights of my life.

Briefly my mind washed over that night many months ago. We went out to see a movie together. Josh dressed in a baseball cap and dull clothes while I dressed normally. Things have sure changed since that fateful day that he pulled me from the traffic. We went to see a horror thriller movie that night, one that wasn't too popular so that we could have some time alone.

I sat back in my chair and brushed a small tear away from my left eye. We were both so lucky to have found one another much the same way that Josh's friends have mostly found themselves partners recently. I've only really met a few and remember even less. I remember Joey's girlfriend, I think, but I can't place her name. The only other one that comes to mind is Justin's boyfriend Ryan. He seems like a nice guy but I've only really met him once or twice. I can't even think of which movie we went to see, probably because I didn't really spend much time concentrating on the screen. After dinner and the movie Josh and I went back to his hotel room.

There was a flutter of clothes brushed away from taunt and toned skin. I touched his built chest and ran my fingers through his dark hair. Our eyes were filled with so much passion and love that night. The room was filled with a spark of electricity that shook us both each time that we embraced. Josh then bent down and slowly removed his pants and boxers. I was all ready for him when we landed on the bed in a mixture of body parts all moving in unison. The combined sweat mingled from our bodies and into the sheets. Josh braced himself over top of me and pushed himself inside until we were joined. A continuous, primal rhythm rocked the bed and we both cried out as the passion rose and intensified. I kissed him on the neck and ran my fingers through his dark hair. His body went taunt and every part of him shook as he emptied his hot love deep inside. We both cried out as I followed my beloved over the edge of ecstasy.

For a long time we simply lay in bed, talking and conversing about everything. Finally we both got up and had something to eat all the while remaining naked. That morning he had to leave early to get back to work. I remember asking him when we would see one another again and he just looked at me with those eyes and kissed me one last time.

That night was so long ago, I shuddered and remembered all the times that I had seen him on television and wished that I was there with him. But we both have our own lives to lead and sometimes they don't mesh all that well.

I sighed and continued reading the last half of his email. I truly expected a Christmas email and nothing more. I wonder how the others manage this kind of relationship?

I love you so much and I want o be with you. In the next few days I will be in town. I have a small amount of free time that I wanted to spend with you. Please reply as soon as possible. I need to know when I can see you again. These past few months have been torture that could not have been avoided. I know have a new email account so things will be different very soon.

He relayed information about where to meet that I hastilly copied down on a scrap piece of paper.

I love you and hope to see you soon.


I could hardly stop my hand from shaking as I clicked the reply button and began writing back to him. Maybe this christmas won't be so bad after all.

Three o'clock came and went that Saturday afternoon. I sat and waited by the front of the store watching the bustle outside. Christmas decorations were hung all around the store at noisome. Don't get me wrong; I love the christmas season, but these's just something about getting stood up that brings out my inner Grinch.

Briefly I caught a glimpse of something black out of the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to be swept off my feet and twirled around in mid air.


"Merry Christmas!!" I was just about to slug the daft Santa reject escapee but I stopped.

"Josh," I mouthed. "Oh my god," I hugged him warmly. He was wearing his usual disguise but that still didn't mean total freedom to kiss him in public. I stopped short. "I thought that you were going to stand me up," I said.

"Sorry," he replied, "the plane was a little delayed with all the increased security right now." He rubbed his hands together and smiled at me. My heart tried to melt and reform spontaneously at the same time. Love jumped from my throat and choked out all my words.

"Come on," he said, "let's go get something to eat so we can talk." We went to a wonderful restaurant that day and greatly enjoyed ourselves. Josh was very tired and needed to rest a little so that day was resting and relaxing.

All too soon, however; it was over. We exchanged Christmas gifts and I went with him to the airport. He still had a lot more work to finish before he got his true Christmas break. Which, by the way, he was spending with his family this year.

"I've got big news to tell them," he winked at me near the airport terminal, "maybe next year you can come too."

"On one condition though."

"Oh?" he stopped, looking back at me.

"The year after that you're coming over to my parents place."

"Deal." With that he mouthed the words, "I love you," I nodded to him as tears started to swell up in my eyes. I blinked them back in time to see his pass through the prebording doors and out of my life once again. Christ, I love him but I have to let him go every now and then. He has a life to lead and so do I. It's kinda like that song from Enya, "Only time".

Who can say if your love grows, as your heart chose, only time.

I brushed the last tear from my eye and began to make my way through the gathering crowd. I was happy for him, I loved him, and somewhere deep inside I knew that I would see him again if only on TV.

Author's note: Hmmmm. I went back recently to see my story and some parts of it were really crappy. I'm not sure if this is the last installment of my story but I'm sure that it's close. Thank you to everyone who has read or is reading my work I hope that you've liked it. I can't say that if I write another story that it will be a boyband one. Writing about a band based on reality was easy enough because you have preformed characters to work with. They in no way insinuate or identify with the people in reality that they portray.

Thanks again. Oh and sorry that this part took so long.

Best wishes.

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