Hostess at Ladies Night

By Samantha Burnett

Published on Dec 27, 2019


Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 6 By Samantha Burnett

--- This is a sequel to "Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 5", and you should probably read that story to understand this one.

This story contains: Lesbian, Humiliation, Objectification, Reluctance, Anal, CFNF, NonConsent, Racism, Violence

Not suited for minors. Copyright by owner. Please donate to things you care about, like Nifty.

Love feedback! ---

I fell into a restless sleep that night. I wasn't sure I was even asleep during what must have been about 3 hours. 3 hours, because that's when I suddenly heard my phone buzzing right next to me on the night stand. I was wide awake instantly. Who was calling in the middle of the night?

I reached to my phone, and pressed the green icon on my smartphone.

"Hello?" My voice must have sounded tired.

"Hey baby, how are ya, got some sleep?"

It was Gab, and I was immediately awake again.

"Well, a little bit, I -"

"Listen up. We need you at the house. The Russian wants you. Pack some of those money makin' clothes you got and wait for me outside in 10 minutes, alright baby?"

I felt my heart sink a little. Oh god. What? After all that just happened? They want me at.. what? The house? Their house? Didn't they realize I had a normal life outside all of this? And that I needed sleep just like any other person? Did they deliberately try to stress me out?

"Aight." She didn't even wait for me to answer.

And just like that, Gab ended the call.

"Shit, no, no, no." I reached to my forehead as I slid off my bed, and started to walk around in circles.

I felt a deep panic inside of me. They weren't going to let me have my life back. They were making me theirs. They could claim me whenever they liked. Those promises that T made about being able to have a life next to this, I was really starting to doubt them.

"FUCK!!" I screamed desperately, while tears burned in my eyes yet again.

I thought I was going to faint, but my survival mechanism must have been taking over, because getting ready in 10 minutes was probably not optional, and I was scared shitless.

I absent mindedly got into my gray Adidas sweat suit, with white sneakers, and found those two incredibly slutty outfits that I got before going to that birthday party of Kath and Debra's friend. That party that I so regretted going to. That's when I should have refused.

I got the idea about my desired appearance by now, and slipped the incredibly high platform heels, which I had been wearing for long enough in the last twelve hours, in the bag too.

Just as I grabbed my keys, my phone and my wallet from the counter, I heard a car horn outside, being hit for way too long, some 10 seconds in the quiet night. I felt ever so stressed, as I walked towards the window. There was no doubt it was her. I swear it had only been about 5 minutes since she called. But I started to doubt myself at the same time.

Worried that she'd wake up the neighbors, I hurried towards the door, turned off the light, locked the door, and literally ran down the stairs of the apartment building, on my sneakers, and with my bag over my shoulder.

Despite my lack of sleep, my eyes were wide open while I opened the blinded door on the passenger's side. Immediately that strong smell of weed blew into my face again. But I didn't have time to even think about that.

"Hi," I even said in an attempt to be polite, still worrying that I actually showed up too late.

Gab didn't seem to care. She just looked at me without saying a word, and waited for me to close the door, and we left off, out of the street I knew so well, and she now knew too.

She didn't worry about speeding at all, as she drove through the quiet streets at a ridiculously high speed, ignoring traffic lights, while seemingly calm as ever. My heart was pounding on more than one occasion where she couldn't possibly have seen that there was nothing around the corner.

"I got somethin' to fix you up if you want it," she then said out of the blue.

I thought for a second, before I realized what she was actually offering. Drugs.

"Oh, no I'm fine," I rejected her offer immediately.

"Well you look like shit."

"I've brought makeup, and with some caffeine I'll be fine," I assured her, almost boldly, defensively, trying to do my best to assure her I'd be fine.

I'd be fine to perform. Because that was what I was very likely going to have to do. Perform.

Gab didn't respond. Just when I needed some kind of validation, some kind of reassurance that I was going to be fine, she just left me hanging.

I just sat there quietly, next to her, while we got onto highway. I grew worried about where we were going. Far beyond midnight, on what was supposed to be a regular Wednesday early morning, or night, where I would still be sleeping, I sat there next to this gangster woman in a car with tinted windows. Apparently not having a say in what my life looked like anymore, while my body was still tired from everything that happened before.

I saw the lines and marks on the road fly by, while Gab answered one phone call after the other, although even though she put all of them on speaker, I could hardly understand what was being said because of the heavy use of slang. I wasn't even sure I wanted to understand. Gab certainly didn't make any effort to keep things secret from me. She must have figured I was just too trapped to even make an effort to hide anything from me.

Then the car took an exit, and things went fast from there. The car drove onto a lane up a hill, and suddenly the car stopped in front of a gate, where in some flashes of light, I saw two women holding machine guns. Actual machine guns.

I was feeling so very much on edge, as Gab opened her window, while my hands felt cold and sweaty at the same time. It's as if my nightmare reached a whole new level yet again.

One of the women walked up to the car, and greeted Gab casually.

"'Sup, 'sup, yeah.. all good, all good," I heard her side from the conversation while she leaned towards the opened window, greeting each other with their fists touching.

Then suddenly, the woman bent forward, sticking her head through the window frame, looking directly at me with her big white eyes.

"You a cop?" she then literally shouted at me. I cringed.

Gab started to actually laugh out loud. That was a first.

"Yeah she a cop fo' sho," Gab responded, while patting my knee.

"Hey, I gotta ask!" the woman responded to Gab with a comical face. It was such a sharp contrast with the deadly weapon she was holding.

She was mocking me, and I just sat there, forcing myself to smile politely at her little, misplaced joke.

"Yeah she's a cop, now open the fucking gate already," Gab snickered.

"Aight well that's on you then, bringing cops into this motherfucker," she kept joking.

"Fuck.." Gab shook her hand with that smile still on her face as the woman then took a step back, gave a signal to a few others standing in the dark with their guns, and the high doors in front of us opened automatically.

Gab drove straight ahead at a slow pace, and for the first time I saw the large mansion behind it. I could see some lights in the garden, but it was too far from where we were to see what was actually going on. Gab drove the car onto a parking lot, where about ten other expensive looking, huge cars were parked.

"Home sweet home, baby," Gab then said, clearly in a better mood than when we left my apartment, or at any other time she had been present.

As I didn't want to look completely brainless, I got out of the car following Gab's lead closely, and walked with her to the entrance. Another guard. And, my second time seeing an actual machine gun right in front of my nose. She looked a lot more serious than the one at the gate. Gab didn't say a word, and neither did she, as we passed and Gab opened the door.

We walked into a hallway, and then finally into a large living space, which looked like a large living room with a kitchen area attached to it, divided by a counter. But given how large the house was, it was probably not even the only living room.

Gab casually walked towards the kitchen area, and opened the fridge, where she fetched two cans of beers, suddenly throwing one at me, which I just managed to catch. I didn't even drink beer, but I did not want to refuse anything at this point.

Reluctantly, I took a few sips of beer, while Gab walked away from me.

"Yo, Alexa! Alexa!" she shouted. "Wait here."

She looked at me over her shoulder before heading outside through one of the terrace doors, only to come back seconds later with a woman probably somewhere in her thirties, her hair dyed black, tattoos everywhere, tall, clearly too skinny for how tall she was, and wearing just the sluttiest outfit. I was sure she was a hooker, and she might even be a drug addict. Pink fishnet stockings, the highest platform heels I had ever seen, black short hotpants barely covering her skinny butt,and a tight tank top was all she was wearing. Her makeup was way too heavy, and she was holding a cigarette in her right hand.

"This is Princess, ghetto her up, she's gonna entertain."

She looked at me with a bored look, and I stared back at her awkwardly.


Even though I only heard one word, I could immediately hear her Eastern European accent.

"Come," she said after taking another drag of her cigarette, and gestured for me to follow her.

I followed her, my bag over my shoulder, to a room which looked a lot like some kind of dressing room.

"Clothes off," she gestured at me, while she went on to choose some makeup from the huge collection on the dressing table in front of the large mirror, and jewelry from one of the drawers, while occasionally seemingly measuring me up with her eyes.

While the smoke of her cigarette filled the room, I awkwardly put my bag on the floor, and bent to take off my sneakers and my socks, my head filled with all sorts of doubts. Where was I, exactly? And what was going to be expected of me? How long was I going to stay here? How was I going to get home? Would I be on time for college tomorrow, or today, since it was already so very late, at all?

Once I was naked, Alexa then handed me a tube.

"Lube first," she simply said.

The questioning look in my eyes as I stood there seemed to downright annoy her. She reached out, and grabbed the lube right out of my hands, as she sighed.

I was just too overwhelmed to anticipate what happened next. She opened the tube, squeezed out a large drop of lube, and without any warning, reached between my legs. Having no time to overthink what she was going to do, I spread my feet apart slightly, and nearly a second later her hand was spreading the lube not only over my pussy lips, but also reaching all the way in between my cheeks, generously spreading the cold lube through my cheeks, over my sensitive anus.

"Or else, hurt," she mentioned in that same bored voice once she was done.

I couldn't believe she reached out just like that and felt all the way up my crack in seconds, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. And hurt? What was I even in for this time?

She walked to a few clothing racks in the corner, and over some choices that didn't seem to please her too much, she got an outfit. She was carrying jeans shorts and a top when she returned to me.

"You have shoes?" she pointed at my travel bag.

"Mhm," I slightly nodded, thinking of my high platform heels.

She pointed impatiently at the bag.

"Open, open."

Still not used to that slippery feeling in between my legs and between my cheeks, I bent down in a slight hurry, and unzipped the bag. I took the high platform heels with the silver colored straps out of them. The shoes I once bought for my harmless little adventure, that apparently was about to escalate even further.

She took a look at them, seemingly evaluating them. She then walked towards me, taking one of the shoes from me, and walked back to the clothing racks. She studied the shoe, and took another pair in the same size from under the racks. About as high, but gold colored.

She literally threw them in front of me, on the floor.

"Put on." she said while she pointed to the clothes she picked earlier, and the shoes now in front of me.

Awkwardly I reached to the clothes, and put on what appeared to be jeans shorts. The kind you'd sometimes see girls wearing in public - certainly not me, showing a bit of cheek. Except these turned out to be showing a lot of cheek. They were cut up very high, ragged, and ran between my cheeks almost like a thong, pressing against my lubed up crack slightly. I couldn't imagine anything more slutty looking.

The top was just a cut off white t shirt, so short that it showed the lower part of my bare breasts while standing up straight.

The gold colored shoes finished the look, although not as far as Alexa was concerned. In her impatient manner, she put wide, gold colored bracelets around both of my wrists, consisting of chained rings, and a matching one around my ankle. Brushing my hair away as if I was some sort of doll, she put large round earrings in my ears. All gold, which looked so unlike me when I took another look in the mirror above the makeup table. I always wore silver, and definitely more subtle things, too. But this clearly wasn't about looking subtle. This was about the opposite..

She then looked down at my exposed belly button, even reaching out and grabbing some of my skin there between her thumb and index finger.

"No piercing hole," she mumbled while looking into my eyes, as if she just found that out and wanted to notify me about it or something. As if I didn't know.

She searched in the drawer of the makeup table, and finally returned with a clip on fake belly piercing. It looked somewhat odd I found, but she didn't seem to care.

"Sit." She pointed at the chair in front of the makeup table.

I sat down, and Alexa used whatever she chose for makeup on my face. Lots of it.As I sat there I watched my lips become bright red, my eyes darker and darker, applying rose blush on my cheeks, and she even removed a few excess hairs from my eyebrows. She was quite an expert at it, doing all this at an unbelievably high pace.

Just as she was about to finish, the door behind us opened, and I could see in the mirror that it was T.

"Almost," Alexa said as T walked in, as if she knew what T was going to ask.

T was still wearing that black outfit she was wearing what literally had been five hours ago, when we were at the restaurant with the Russians.

"Hi babygirl," T said, while looking into my eyes through the mirror in front of us.

"Hi T," I answered nervously, again feeling the effect of that sharp, piercing look in her eyes.

"Welcome to your new second home.." she said, talking more to herself than to me, while she came to stand right behind me, and laid a hand on my shoulder.

After a short, friendly rub of her hand on my shoulder, she casually lifted the loose white shirt just barely covering my bare breasts, now exposing my left breast while Alexa was still working on my makeup.

"Mm.. I missed looking at my girlfriend's young white titties," she then said crudely, even though her tone was soft, casual.

I was embarrassed about Alexa being there, hearing how T was treating me, and how I let her treat me, even though I wasn't even sure that she'd understand, or whether that seemed strange to her at all.

"There, done," Alexa then said, taking one more look.

"Aight," T said. "Stand up babygirl, let me take a look at you."

I stood up from the chair, and turned around, now directly facing T, who in turn took a seat on the chair I was sitting in, looking up at me. I saw her eyes wander over my thighs, my ridiculously slutty shorts, the very short white shirt.

She then noticed the fake piercing, and the look on her face gave away her dissatisfaction.

"What? I want none of that fake shit," she said.

At the same time she reached out, but instead of carefully opening the clip, she yanked it right off my naked skin. I gasped, and it was shock more than pain that I felt.

She then raised her hand, and without any warning, without any reason, she dished out a hard slap in my face, right where she hit me before, and I really only managed to not let any tears flow. Alexa sighed.

"Princess baby.. look at me. That hurts, doesn't it."

I nodded, and my face must have been looking like some scared child.

"See, I'm going to hurt you a lot more if you don't perform here at the house," she continued.

"See.. this ain't about being a hooker like in the club. This ain't about getting paid. This is about us getting paid back what you took from us. Ain't it, cheating little Princess."

I just nodded again. I even heard her anger. I felt it. It was too humiliating to even answer, and I really didn't have the luxury to protest. To tell her that it wasn't fair. To tell her that I could give her the money I made outside the club. I knew very well that it wasn't even about that. This was all about cornering me. Claiming me. And yet, the anger in her voice was so very real. I didn't know what to make of it.

T looked up to me, into my eyes, with that scary, angry look in her eyes. I felt my stomach ache, as I knew something was about to happen. Something bad. I wanted to apologize, but I didn't know for what.

"Get on your knees," she said, while she sat on the chair in front of me where I just received my makeup job from Alexa.

Embarrassed, I got on my knees in front of T, with Alexa probably watching us. I didn't dare to look.

"Open your mouth," she said in that same flat tone, while her eyes seemed furious still.

I opened my mouth, and I felt slightly sick because of how vulnerable it made me feel to something that would clearly come.

T then reached towards me, and slid two fingers in my throat. She felt inside, in a way that made me desperate. Roughly pushing her fingertips against my palate, into my throat, back to my palate, pushing against my gums, while she just kept looking into my eyes, and me barely being able to breathe normally.

"I expect an answer from my girl when I'm clearly asking her something."

She then suddenly removed her hand, and landed a slap on my cheek. Not as hard as the previous time she did that, but enough to hurt and humiliate me deeply.

"Yes T," I then answered, nervous as hell, my knees shaking while I was sitting on the floor.

"See, when you go out there," she continued, while her fingers, now three, then casually slipped between my lips again, and her nerve wrecking ritual continued, "you are going to behave like entertainment. You've already been paid for, and now you gotta pay back, you know what I'm sayin'. No more forgetting to give sugar, and no more walking like a prudish white bitch because if I see that shit one more time you get acid in your pretty face," her eyes shot fire, and she raised her voice, "like I know you did when you just walked in. I ain't having that. Ever. Not in the house, not in the club. Ever. You got that, Princess?"

She removed her fingers finally, leaving me trembling with fear, and I had to endure yet another smack on my cheek, even a bit harder than the previous one.

"Yes T." My voice trembled.

She, or whoever, maybe one of the women working for her, was keeping an eye on me even if I didn't notice. I promised myself to really pay attention to that from now on. I'd rather sacrifice some dignity than.. that thing she mentioned. I remembered the girl's ear in the club all too well. She was not kidding around. No one here was.

Her painful ritual continued, and this time I felt as if I had to throw up as she pushed her fingers right back into my mouth, wildly moving them inside my mouth.

"No one here will fucking tolerate you acting like a stuck up little bitch, and anyone will fucking punish the fuck out of you if you don't act like a good slut, and trust me, it will get worse when they hear you're a little cheater," she continued rubbing this nasty situation in my face.

"Here, you are free pussy, free ass, free well deserved entertainment, a free little white bitch for everyone to use, so you -" she removed her hand once again, and I felt it on my cheek, "gonna start-", smack, "acting-" another smack, "like one."

My left cheek was burning by now, and I just barely managed to hold in my tears.

Her hand then ran through my hair, softly, while she kept looking into my eyes, even though the look in her eyes softened a bit compared to seconds ago.

"It ain't that hard, baby, just look at what the other girls are doing. But you gotta remember to be the best, you know, you're my girl and all, and I don't want them thinking I ain't keeping my girl in line, you know what I'm saying, right baby?"

I just nodded, while I had so much to process.

"Yes T," I managed to then add quickly, my heart beating faster even because of the short pause I took before acknowledging her.

To my relief, she seemed too caught up in her story to notice.

"They look up to me, and my reputation is also your responsibility, baby. So you gonna show them why T picked you, that's right," she continued as she tapped slightly against my cheek.

That moment, the door to the room opened, and Gab stormed in.

"Yo what the fuck is taking -" she stopped. "Oh, hey T."

"Gab, just teaching my girl a few things about paying back her debt, know what I mean," T said calmly.

"Aight, sure, yeah," Gab answered. "Russian's fuckin' drunk and high like shit wondering where the American girl is, so I gave her Tara to keep her at least fucking quiet."

"Tara can handle her," T responded.

"Yeah, except her second keeps fucking going on about how a deal's a deal and shit, insisting her boss is gonna get Princess," Gab slightly nodded into my direction, while I was still sitting on the floor in front of T.

"Yeah sure, no problem, give her Princess for a while and some shit to make her pass out, and that's that, tired of that shit."

I wasn't sure whether to stand up or not, but T leaned towards me, and before I knew it, she kissed me on the mouth.

"You gonna remember what I told you, baby?" she said, after breaking the kiss.

"Yes T," I answered again, while my nerves started to spin through my body like crazy.

"Aight get up and follow Gabs. I don't want no complaints." Her look was serious again, while I finally stood up, as T reached out and once again caressed over my bare belly, slowly. "Don't make 'em beg for that white pussy, this ain't no club. And I will fucking know."

I nodded, while feeling so on edge about what was going to happen. I didn't know what to expect at all. Yet, there was this crazy emphasis on how I was to behave.

"What are you gonna be around here?" She kept caressing my naked skin with her dark skinned knuckles.

"Free pussy, T."

I could see Gab impatiently playing with her phone, while T once again took her time to rub it all in my face again.

"And what happens when you start acting like a prude, stuck up little bitch again, Princess baby?"

I kept quiet, not immediately knowing what to answer.

"You get a little acid spray in your pretty face, don't you baby," T said in a threatening voice, even though calm.

"Yes T," I answered, while my voice was trembling. I didn't want to think about that.

"Proper posture, sugar greetings, eager pussy and ass. Say it."

I felt so embarrassed about Alexa and Gab being in the room. But there was no way I was going to refuse anything T said.

"Proper posture, sugar.. greetings, eager pussy and ass."

I was blushing while she cupped my ass, squeezing it gently, and even though soft and playful, I felt scared at the same time.

"I think you'll do good."

It seemed as if Gab now really lost her patience as she took the opportunity to finally get this over with, because she immediately stepped towards me, and I felt her strong hand grip around my upper arm, as if she wanted to literally drag me away from T, losing her patience.

"Aight, you gonna go to the bathroom first," she said. "But hurry the fuck up."

Alexa walked towards me and handed me the bottle of lube. I even understood that I had to use it after I had been to the bathroom.

It was the first time back in the larger, public space of the mansion wearing this completely slutty outfit. Gab finally let go of my arm, as we walked along the kitchen space on one hand, the living room on the other hand, through a large open area towards the toilet, and already I saw people looking at me.

There was a group of three gangsters looking at a phone one was holding, and one of them definitely looked up. I became anxious, as I remembered all too well now what T had rubbed in. It felt as if I was on my own now, and that I had to make it all happen. I nervously started to move my hips a bit more by putting one foot in front of the other as I walked. I felt on the spot as then suddenly someone was looking up from the phone and at us, probably triggered by the clicking sound of my gold colored high heels on the tiled floor. I was noticed. Noticed as being a gang slut.

"'Sup baby," the taller one said as we headed to where the bathroom apparently was.

She was looking at my legs so very obviously, probably even at my butt, partly exposed because of the ridiculously high cut booty shorts. I think I recognized one of them from the club. Now all three were looking at me.

"Not now, aight Stabby, she's preppin' for a job," Gab was quick to mention. As if Gab knew they'd immediately claim me, even when just greeting me.

"Aight, that's cool, well bring that sweet ass to us later then.." she said, very clearly looking into my eyes now. "Get to know each other a lil' bit, know what I'm saying," she said.

I just nodded slightly, so very nervously. I didn't know whether I should even respond, or whether Gab would respond for me.

"Well I sure fuckin' hope she won't be acting like a scared little bitch later," she then said in a harsh tone.

"I'm sure she can be taught many things.." Gab answered with a grin.

The woman didn't even smile.

"Yeah we got ways.. stuck up bitch. Don't forget. Look for Bee's crew."

Jesus god. I didn't even know what I did wrong. Or what I was supposed to do.

Gab gently pushed into my lower back to go into the direction of the bathroom door. While I walked there, she kept talking to the group of three.

"Her name's Princess, she's new."

"No shit she's new," the woman answered aggressively. "Hate those victim playing bitches, thinking their protection is free and freeloadin' cocaine from us, bitches gotta learn."

I couldn't hear what else was being discussed, as I went into the toilet. It was as if everyone wanted something from me, and at the same time I had no idea what. I didn't belong here. This was all a big mistake.

Uncomfortably, I started to pee and wiped myself carefully, and applying more lube afterwards just felt so crazy. As did pulling up those scandalously slutty booty shorts afterwards.

I flushed the toilet, and opened the door again.

Gab was waiting outside and ready to take me wherever I needed to be, when a door to the side of a hallway to the right of us opened.

I had to get used to the sight of what happened in front of my eyes. A short, old, black woman with short gray afro hair came out, wearing a long red robe and red slippers, while a tall, completely nude brunette was walking with her on her high heels, smiling and moving like some top model, as they rushed towards us, the old woman having the most intense, fierce look in her eyes that I had ever seen. Like T, but even more intense.

"Who the fuck are you. Who the fuck are you." she repeated in a very confrontational tone while she walked towards me, the tall girl holding her hand rushing to keep up with her, while wiggling her wide hips, arching her back in such an exaggerated way at the same time.

I felt intimidated. I wasn't sure whether she was even talking to me. I felt as if that was not good news.

I was too overwhelmed to answer, while she came closer, the girl right next to her. She stood in front of me, looking up to me. I was taller than the short, old lady in front of me, about as tall as the naked girl standing next to her. But despite looking up to me, I could tell she didn't respect me for one bit.

Then suddenly, in a split second, she reached out to me, and before I knew it, she held my left nipple in a firm grip between her thumb and her index finger, pulling hard through the tiny, thin shirt I was wearing. I gasped as I bent down slightly, my face closer to hers.

"Who the fuck are you, talk bitch!"

"Ahh.. I'm.. Princess," I gasped.

"How old are you."

"Nineteen..hhaa.." I squirmed in pain because of the very intense, tight, mean grip that only seemed to intensify.

"Get on your knees and kiss my goddamn feet," she said, talking fast, still firmly tugging on my nipples through the thin, cut off shirt.

I looked in the direction of Gab while my face was flushed, but she just stared back at me with the most neutral expression on her face.

Awkwardly, and in deep pain, she finally let go off my nipples as I bent down in front of the short but fierce woman with those intimidating eyes.

I felt so very humiliated while I then leaned forward to her left foot, and kissed on top of her foot, on the skin that was left bare by her slippers. Nervously, I switched to the other, while everyone stayed quiet, and I knew that they must have been looking down on what I was doing.

Not knowing what to do next after kissing both her feet, I just paused, right before I actually felt a firm, painful hit against my right cheek. Her foot against my cheek, and not even just in a taunting way. There was real aggression in her whole attitude.

"Keep kissing, you stupid bitch!" I heard the woman say loudly, and I was sure that everyone who happened to be near heard and saw what was happening here. It seemed as if she was furious by nature.

With my cheek stinging, a tear burning in my eye once again, and feeling slightly broken by the deep humiliation I had to go through, I kept kissing her feet, fearing every move this woman would make.

"Hey Mama," I then heard Gab say, in her ever so relaxed, low voice.

Apparently Gab stepped closer to the woman in front of me, whose feet I was kissing, alternating between her feet, and Gab gave her a slight hug right beside me.

"Gab. Why ain't this bitch marked anyway."

Her voice sounded calmer, but still aggressive. As if she was out to attack me. As if she felt she could treat me like dirt.

"Yo Mama, she's fresh, one of T's girls, got a job with the Russians tonight."

"You fucking KNOW how I don't like exceptions."

"'s all cool Mama, tomorrow, aight? Them Russians are fuckin' unpredictable with this shit, you know how it goes."

The older woman kept quiet after Gab's explanation, while I kept kissing her feet, and feeling so very insecure even in the presence of this woman. As if being around her meant danger.

"One of T's girls. No fucking surprise, my daughter going after those skinny white bitches all her life. Shit fucking started when she was little already."

Another sharp stomp with the side of her slipper against my cheek almost made me cry.

"Use that tongue, hoe!"

I couldn't believe how aggressive she was, as I was trembling while sticking out my tongue, and awkwardly running it over the top of her feet, one by one. The degradation was so terrible that for a moment I felt dizzy, and thought I was sitting there sobbing. But I wasn't, I was able to contain myself. And her.. daughter? This was actually T's mother..?

"Yeah I bet you ain't used to old school pimps like me, huh. Thought you deserved a VIP treatment cuz T picked you?"

I kept quiet, which definitely seemed to be the safest thing to do.

Apparently she turned to Gab after that. I could tell, because her voice was much calmer.

"T still on the Chinese thing?"

"Yeah, just waitin' for the whole thing to get rounded up, know what I'm sayin'. Some soldiers headin' there. Again. T's coordinatin' the whole thing herself."

"Up, hoe. Enough with lettin' our Russian friend waitin'"

Another tap of her slipper against my cheek. With my face flushed, and barely daring to look at the older woman, I stood up again. I towered above the woman with my height and on these heels, but I was terrified of her. And especially now that she turned her face towards me again, her eyes so bright.

"You coming to my room for hoe training tomorrow when you wake up, bitch."

I swallowed my fear while I just nodded. She didn't expect an answer, apparently.

Then she turned to the girl standing next to her, completely nude. She raised her hand, and gave her a firm slap against her left breast. And another one. The girl didn't make a sound.

"Fine ass bitch, let's go to bed," she said to the girl and laid her hand on the small of her back. Off they walked, the girl's hips shaking like a true pro.

Gab did the same with me, indicating we were going to walk again.

"That's Big Mama, she's the big boss. She started this gang. She's old school."

I just nodded while we walked, and she explained, and didn't feel comfortable even talking about her, remembering that she just told me to visit her in.. the morning? That meant I wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon?

I didn't even have time to think all that much, as we then seemed to go into the direction of a group of people sitting on some kind of terrace. I could already hear the heavy beats of hip hop playing there. That's where we were heading.

Still moving my hips like I was conditioned to do by now, we were approaching, and I could see more clearly who were there.

There were benches in a square, and on one side I saw a few gangster women sitting, accompanied by the young looking driver of the car, Alyssa, bringing us to the restaurant earlier, who was so very much into me, and even got to stick a finger in my pussy in the back of the car after roughly parting my thighs. I immediately saw her bright eyes pointing at me curiously, while she leaned to the side of the bench having a smoke.

A pale skinned, young redhead in a pink bikini and high red platform shoes was straddling one of the older gangster women sitting on the bench, slowly riding on her leg to the rhythm of the music. She seemed a bit too skinny to be healthy, like this Alexa woman,especially while compared to the much bigger, bolder gangster women.

Another girl in black hotpants, a top, and her high stripper heels pointed up, was laying across the lap of the gangster sitting next to the other one, her ass pointing up, and I could clearly see three white lines laying there on her ass, waiting to be snorted up by the gangster. The girl must have been in her thirties, tanned, brown dyed hair, curvy, tall. Pretty in the stereotypical porn way.

Across them, on the other bench, there was quite a scene going on. The Russian women were both there. The red haired boss and her quiet, tall, pale sidekick. The tall, quiet woman was having her cold stare as always, and didn't move a muscle. The red haired one was very, very obviously drunk, and had a black, completely naked, somewhat chubby girl lying face down over her lap, wearing diamond studded heels, and jewelry comparable to what was just put on me in the dressing room. Her thighs were spread, and the red haired woman held a finger dipped into her pussy, motionless.

"Hey! hey!" She held out a shot glass to the pale looking, tall Russian woman sitting next to her, and I could see she was drunk beyond belief by the way she moved.

The tall Russian woman reached towards the table aside of her, and poured her another glass of booze. Her face seemed about as red as her hair. She must have done some very heavy drinking. She didn't even notice me. Until she did.

She just stared at me, as if she saw something interesting, but she couldn't find the words to explain what it was, still holding her finger inside that girl's pussy laying over her lap.

"Aight, you go introduce yourself and entertain her, make sure she got a good time. And act like you fuckin' like it, and don't forget to give her some fuckin' sugar."

Her pushy words were accompanied by a slow, but firm push in my lower back. But she yelled the moment I started my nervous stroll towards the Russian woman.

"Hey. Fucking smile."

She didn't smile at all herself when I looked over my shoulder at her. I just nodded, and tried my very best to put a smile on my face.

The basses of the music were deep, and the volume was high, and it was just enough to hear her voice.

"Is that her? That's her, isn't it?" she asked the woman next to her, and she nodded.

I knew I had to go through with it. I had to introduce myself. I walked further to the woman who was looking at me curiously, with her drunk eyes, and watching out to not touch the black girl draped over her lap, I put my knee on the couch next to her, leaning into her. I could smell the alcohol on her breath, as I then leaned in further.

"Hi, I'm Princess," I introduced myself, right before my lips touched hers, and feeling like such a total whore. As if this was a common routine for me. And she expected it, even.

But I was wrong to think that I would give her a quick little kiss. She reached out to me, and held her only free, slightly shaky hand against my cheek, holding my head that way, while she stuck out her tongue, and I couldn't do anything but allowing her inside my mouth. I literally tasted the alcohol as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, while I was sitting there with one knee on the couch, my booty shorts probably making my ass look as if I was some kind of slut already, sticking it out like that. The way her fingers ran over my ear felt intimate, intrusive right from the start.

"Give a nice striptease first," she then said simply, while she then ended the kiss abruptly and pushed against my face, rather than holding it.

I stood up straight, awkwardly, and while looking into her eyes, I started to dance on the music. So she wanted me to strip naked? Right here, right now? With all these people around? But judging from the attire of the girl over her lap, or the lack of it, it seemed pretty clear that she wanted me to strip all the way.

I started to play with my short cut top, and soon enough pulled the top up above my bare breasts, while I started to feel like I was really becoming one of the girls there. One of the hookers, gold diggers, or whatever they were. I wondered how many of those girls were here out of their own free will, while the Russian woman stuck out her arm, as if she wanted to touch me.

I walked closer, and she gestured me to come even closer to her. While I was then finally within arm reach, she reached out to my waist, squeezed my ass casually, and let her finger probe in between my legs for a second, in between my cheeks, touching my barely covered skin hardly an inch away from my lubed up pussy.

And with the same casual attitude, she let go of me. She was probably even too drunk to keep leaning towards me, and sat back on the couch again, staring at me. Still, I was afraid enough to disappoint, and off went the shirt.

I turned around, actually giving her a show as I started to slowly unbutton my shorts with my back to her, while moving my hips to the beat of the loud music playing there. Other people were watching me. The gangsters on the couch were definitely watching me, including Alyssa, with her ever eager eyes pinned on my body.

It was so embarrassing to be made to look like one of the gang sluts. To strip right in the presence of that group, where it was considered normal for girls like me to entertain the others, the gangsters.

And there it went, my last piece of clothing, the high cut booty shorts, off my bare ass, my hips, and down my legs. I was standing there completely naked, wearing just the gold colored shoes, and the gold jewelry I was given by Alexa. The gangsters were still just casually watching me, as if what I was doing was completely normal, and the only reason they were actually looking into my direction was probably because I was fresh meat. But my nudity was not at all unexpected for anyone here, it seemed.

Then I noticed Alyssa actually holding up her phone, and seeing her camera light shine brightly. I looked in front of me right away. The idea of her filming me, having this material in her hands, frightened me. I didn't even know whether she was out to blackmail me, or that she filmed me because she was apparently so into me.

I tried not to think about it, while I kept dancing, my shorts and shirt on the floor, wearing that slutty gangster style golden jewelry, and just these very high heels, and turned around to face the Russian red haired, drunk woman again, my blonde landing strip now in full view for her. She stared right at it, not even a change in the expression on her face.

I kept moving, slowly dancing for her on that loud, deep bass music, while I didn't know how to feel. Despite my earlier adventure, willingly or not, I never became used to this kind of exposure. This feeling of being on display. And in this context, this feeling of unmistakably being seen as an actual slut. Everyone here saw me that way, I was very sure of it. They didn't see me as some girl looking for adventure. They saw me as a slut, someone who would give her body, no matter the motivation.

The Russian woman then gestured for me to come closer. I wasn't even sure if it was a gesture at first, or just some drunk spasm. But I did know that this wasn't the time to take risks, and I stepped forward to her. She vaguely reached upwards, and for a second I didn't know what to do. Did she mean she wanted to..

I bent slightly, and then the second I was within hand reach, she put her sticky hand on my breast. I couldn't do anything but cooperate, and then leaned into her a bit more. While her other hand was still stuck in the pussy of the black girl laying over her lap, she started to fondle my breast. And I had to allow it. In fact, I was pressured enough to even make an effort, even when she then let go, and reached for my other breast. It was as if I literally offered my breasts to her sticky, shaky hand, one by one.

"Go. Here."

She motioned along the back of the black girl laying over her lap. I wasn't sure what she meant, and hesitated.

"You mean.. over her?" I asked her, nervous about asking her anything really.

"Yes, here." She repeated the motion of her hand, while she finally removed her finger from the black girl's pussy. The girl stayed where she was.

Awkwardly, I then walked to where the girl's feet were, and very carefully, draped my naked body over that of the black girl, feeling her naked flesh against my own flesh, while I was then stacked on top of her.

The moment I laid still on top of the other girl, I felt her hand again, this time squeezing my cheeks firmly. She was pulling my cheeks apart, only to let go the next second, then squeezing again. But it didn't take long before her hand reached in between my thighs, and stroking my pussy lips. I'm not sure whether she noticed that I was lubed up, or maybe wet as far as she knew, but her finger then easily found its entrance into my pussy, starting to slowly but deeply finger me.

"Look at me."

While I was draped over the other girl's body, over her lap, with the woman's finger in my pussy, I looked at her awkwardly.

She looked at me, with those very obviously rolling drunk eyes.

"I take you to Saint Petersburg, what do you say."

I kept quiet, while she continued talking, and fingering.

"You get nice house there. I treat you good. What do you say."

I just smiled at her awkwardly, having no idea what to answer to that, if she even meant that as as serious question.

"Hm? What do you say," she kept repeating herself.

She then suddenly removed her finger, and motioned again with her finger.


I got up on my feet again, and stood right next to her feet.

"You, get up," she grabbed the black girl by her arm.

The girl got up, and I could finally see her completely. She also was wearing just her shoes. She had a voluptuous, thick figure, and was maybe my age, perhaps even a bit younger. Her makeup was done heavily, and she was wearing the same style of jewelry I was wearing. My eyes met hers, and I noticed she had a stressed look in her eyes. It made me wonder if I should be even more stressed than I already was. That I should know things that she knew and I didn't. But I didn't get the chance to look at her for much longer.

"You, here," the woman pointed at me, and then at her lap again.

Without hesitating, I bent over her lap again, getting in the same position as before, except this time there was no naked girl under me.

"Lick her ass," she then simply commanded the other girl.

I felt all my muscles tighten. Did she actually say what I thought she said? But it was only seconds later, until I suddenly felt someone behind me pull my cheeks apart, and for the first time in my life I experienced the sensation of a tongue against my asshole. I sighed as I felt my legs tremble. She didn't just lick it. No, she basically french kissed my anus. This wasn't her first time doing this for sure, and she put a serious effort into it. It sent goosebumps all over my body. I didn't want to think about how many people could potentially be witnessing how I got my asshole licked, while I heard the woman's voice above me again.

"Look at me I said," she said with a stern voice.

I looked at her again, and my face must have been deep red by then. And while the girl was licking my ass as if her life depended on it, running her tongue over my cheeks, into my crack, long strokes from my pussy to my asshole, giving sensual kisses, long licks, probing my ass with her tongue, she was literally working it.

"So how much money do you want. What do you say. You go to Saint Petersburg with me. What do you say."

I couldn't even believe I was talking, while that girl was between my legs, working my ass from behind me. She really looked like she expected an answer.

"I think I belong here.. I'm sorry.." I answered, nervously, insecure about saying the right words, and making it sound as if I was there out of my own free will.

But she acted just like she didn't hear me. Maybe she didn't even hear me. Maybe she was so drunk or high that it didn't matter what I said.

"What do you say, hm?"

She then reached under me, to my breasts just aside of her thigh. She fondled them, gently squeezed my nipples, fortunately. But even while the touch wasn't harsh at all, it felt all the more objectifying. I had trouble concentrating on anything still, with the girl doing whatever she was doing between my cheeks, making love to my ass, literally.

"You want to come with me to Russia?" She paused, as if she didn't hear me at all. "Pretty girl? Hm?"

The way she rolled her 'r' made it all sound even more weird. She was so very drunk. She just kept playing with my nipples, alternating between them, softly.

At one point, I felt someone grab my left ankle, and simply spread my legs way further. I had no idea who it was, and I would never find out.

Once in a while, people walked by. Or at least, I could see their feet from time to time, from my position. Twice, there were bare feet in high heels, other times they were sneakers with baggy jeans, making the difference ever so clear. And to think I was being seen by so many people by now, laying there completely nude, having that girl work in between my ass cheeks. There was nowhere to hide from looking like a complete whore to whoever passed by.

Her fingers then finally let go of my nipples, and moved towards my face, pressing against my lips. I could smell the smoke, the alcohol, and I felt how sticky they were. But despite all that, I knew I couldn't refuse opening my mouth when she pressed against it. With a feeling of deep humiliation, I felt two fingers slide into my mouth. I knew I had to do it. With a grossed out feeling I started to lick her fingers. I could literally taste the alcohol, the smoke.

No one seemed to care. This was all assumed to be normal here. I couldn't even see who was watching, or who noticed anything that was happening here. I was still shocked by what the girl behind me was doing, even though she must have been at it for god knows how long by then, kissing, licking, probing my ass.

After what seemed like minutes, she finally removed her fingers from my mouth, and with her fingers still wet, she started cupping my breasts.

At one point, from above me, I felt a hand running over my lower back, which then gently just cupped my ass, while I was still being licked there.

I didn't know who it was, and I'd never find out. The hand left me alone seconds later.

The hand under me just kept cupping my breasts, one by one, gently squeezing.

Then suddenly, I saw a pair of basketball shoes approaching in our direction, and while my heart was beating faster, I felt a very harsh tug at my hair, causing me to almost scream, and I looked right in the face of the gangster woman from the other couch, looking at me so very aggressively.

"Arch that ass out right now, bitch." She spoke loud and clear.

As far as I was not already doing that, I arched my ass out even more. She then tapped against my nose with her free hand.

"Next time I fucking see you act like some prude bitch I'm ma smash this fucking nose in."

I felt a cold shiver down my spine, as I kept looking in her eyes, while she was still holding my hair. I couldn't nod, as my face was held right in position. The girl behind me didn't even seem to notice, as she continued to lick me like nothing was going on.

Then finally, after another intimidating, bullying stare, she let go off my hair, and walked back. I looked down, now concentrating solely on how I arched my back, and pushed my ass out.

The position was tiring, and I was left there for at least fifteen minutes like that. The woman's hand was no longer cupping my breast, but just resting against my bare breast.

Again, I could only see shoes passing by from time to time. Jeans, sneakers. Heels, bare feet. Gangsters, hookers. Some paused when they walked by, others just kept walking.

At some point, I saw these same basketball shoes that I saw before coming closer, right before that intense threat, and I felt like I wanted to cringe, yet I was too scared not to do the opposite. I nervously kept my legs spread, pushed my ass out, letting the girl behind me make love to my anus ever so freely.

I suddenly felt that same hand grabbing my hair, tugging my hair so painfully like she did before.

"Someone seems to be fallen asleep in this motherfucker."

I heard her voice, and even then I cringed because I suspected she meant me. But she didn't. She meant the Russian lady who was just resting her hand against my bare, right breast..

"Get the fuck up, Bee crew tells me you got a job to do with them." She pulled my hair harshly, and I couldn't do anything but standing up, finally freeing myself from the passionate tongue of the black girl behind me, licking me until the very last second that she could.

I stood up while she was holding my hair, finally seeing the lounge terrace again where we were. There were more people there by then. Gangsters I hadn't seen before, but who had seen me. I didn't want to think about how many people had seen me.

The black girl was getting the same treatment as I got, and got pushed to a few people sitting on a couch, and I could just see the fear in her eyes. She didn't hesitate at all, as she started crawling across the gangster's laps, completely nude. But most eyes were fixated on me.

I felt a harsh push in my lower back, as I was pushed towards the main area nearby.

"Freshen the fuck up, wear something real, I'm ma be waiting for you."

I heard her voice behind me, while standing there completely naked, wearing just these hooker high heels.

I was just starting to walk, nervously, towards where I came from. Gab was nowhere to be seen, which, for some reason, felt even more unsafe.

I remembered that tap against my nose well enough to exaggerate moving my hips, pushing out my ass, as I walked into the direction where I first changed while being in this house.

I felt somewhat of a feeling of relief in my body when I saw the woman who dressed me before, Alexa, sitting lazily at the kitchen table, smoking a cigarette. She had to help me.

Completely nude, I walked up to her, while she didn't even seem surprised.

I felt my mouth run dry, as I reached out for help.

"Can you help me.. like.. they want me to wear something real..?"

She sighed, and she seemed annoyed.

"Come on." She sounded tired, her Eastern European accent making it even worse, but she was leading me to the same room we came from earlier, where I changed into those ghetto slut clothes earlier.

Before we entered the same room again, she pointed to a door further down the hall.

"Freshen up, then you come." She pointed to the door of the room where we were earlier.

I just nodded, while feeling as if I was a nuisance, and walked to the door she was pointing to, and opened it. There appeared to be a bathroom with a shower behind that door. I took a deep breath, as I finally took off the high hooker shoes, entered the shower cabin, and let the water run.

It felt as if I was at Kath's place, when the water then ran down on my naked body before I had to come downstairs. This strange mix of relief and anticipation.

I made sure I washed my body thoroughly, while trying not to think too much about what was possibly going to happen after this. But I couldn't withstand thinking about tomorrow, where I had to attend college, where I wanted to call my parents, just to hear their voices and made them believe everything was fine, where I had to pretend nothing was going on, while I was in over my head.

Taking off the jewelry I was still wearing, I stepped under the warmed up shower. When running my hands over my ass after I felt accustomed to that very nice, soothing feeling of the warm water, and even cleaning it with the cloth that was hanging over the shower cabin, I felt a strange sensation through my body. Was this really where this girl had been licking me all the way and so very thoroughly, pushing her tongue deep into my ass, and even without having seen my face, she had been going all out all the way back there?

The warm water at least had a slightly calming effect on me, and I tried to tell myself that I just had to go through this, and that tomorrow all of this would just seem like some crazy dream. I had to lie to myself to make all of this bearable.

After having dried myself, I walked down the hallway completely naked, and walked into the room where I changed earlier. The door was still open.

"Six, right?"

The woman looked at me, pointing at my feet, barely interested, as if she had to something she really didn't want to be doing.

I just nodded.

"Put on, make quick, Bones waiting for you." She pointed to a chair where she laid out some clothes for me. She looked at my face, and the expression on her face changed into a disgusted one.

"Where is your jewelry. Put on back."

She left the room as soon as she could. Bones.

I looked at the skimpy outfit on the chair, and I knew it was going to be at least as bad as what I was wearing before.

Once into the fishnet stockings, the ridiculously small thong she laid out for me, barely even covering my blonde, cutely maintained landing strip which I now even regretted I had kept on because it seemed to only emphasize my pussy. A similarly skimpy bra, and even higher black, strapped sandals with heels that were probably easily 7 inch high, excluding the platform height, completed the outfit. It just screamed "hooker".

I gulped as I looked right into the gangster woman's eyes when I opened the door of the room again, looking at me deeply, her posture intimidating. It was as if she was criticizing me even though I didn't do anything wrong as far as I knew. She was glancing over my body as if to make sure I was going to be presentable, for whatever I was about to do at, what was it, 4AM?

She grabbed my upper arm, and off we walked.

I immediately started to move my hips, as exaggerated as I could, while walking next to her. I knew how serious she was about it. Every person in this house seemed to be so extremely demanding about everything.

We walked into a different direction from the one we were going into before, while she gave me instructions. Preached to me.

"When you walk, ass out. When you crawl, ass out. When you stand, ass out. When you strip, ass out. When you get fucked, ass out."

She talked with a harsh, threatening voice while she walked in front of me. She then suddenly turned.

"And when someone ain't happy, you report to me. And I'm ma fuck your face up. I got eyes everywhere, bitch."

I couldn't do anything but to nod agreeably, submissively, while making sure I was actually sticking out my ass as I was just standing there, listening to her threats, my toes curling with fear for a second. I didn't want to think about whatever she was capable of doing to me.

"Walk, bitch."

She was taller than me, even with me wearing these shoes.

I walked, and I was ever so nervous about her seeing me from behind, with that criticizing look.

I moved my hips to a point where I thought I looked ridiculous. But there was no comment, and no comment was good.

"You should be getting some Big Mama hoe training, bitch," she said, addressing me like that as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"I'm going to her tomorrow," I said in an attempt to even look like I was putting in an effort, to please her at least a little bit, in hopes of her tone getting a little milder at least.

"Shut the fuck up and move that ass."

"In there." She then talked, and I looked over my shoulder where she was pointing to. She was pointing to a door at the end of yet another hallway in the big mansion.

I opened the door. No loud music this time, but there was definitely some kind of party going on.

"Fucking entertain. Give 'em sugar." She again gave me a rude push in my lower back, pushing me into the room, and following me into it.

The room looked like a small, but luxurious hotel room. I immediately saw one of the gangster's sharp eyes on me, the same woman I ran into on my way to the Russian lady, where Gab told her I had a job to do first.

She was sitting on the couch together with another gangster about her age, and across them, on the bed, were two blonde girls, on their knees facing each other, definitely a few years younger than me, kissing, making out in between giggling in their jeans, tanktops and bare feet, performing in front of a few equally young, black gangster girls, laying back on the bed lazily, looking stoned. Next to them, on the bed, were a few mirrors with white lines of powder on them. Cocaine. I was very sure it was cocaine, for some reason.

I felt particularly nervous because the only one knowing me at least on some level, was this Bones gangster woman behind me. I didn't know what was expected. There was no hint. But what I did know, was that I had better not forget to greet them. To give them sugar.

"Oh what party did she come from," one of the blonde, young girls giggled, when she noticed me. I was the only one in the room dressed like a complete slut.

I walked towards the two gangsters on the couch, the older looking ones, and feeling so very embarrassed doing this while all eyes were on me, I even put my stocking clad knee on the couch, sticking my ass out in the process, exaggerating it with Bones watching me from behind, and kissed her on the lips. She received my kiss casually, and I went on to the next woman, doing the same. I felt so very much on display.

"She's one of our hoes baby, we own a sex club," the black woman answered.

"Like a real sex club?" The other girl asked, looking curiously, first at the gangster woman, then at me, and then back at her.

"Like a real sex club baby, now how about you continue kissing, maybe you both be gettin' another few lines.." The black gangster woman on the couch elaborated.

I didn't want to take risks, and actually walked towards the bed, bending over to kiss the young gangster girls too. They also, were probably even a few years younger than I was, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered how they ended up in a criminal gang like this. They smiled, seemingly even enjoying this more than the older gangster women in the couch.

"Sup, baby." One of them greeted me with an amused grin on her face, and I just smiled awkwardly, having no clue how to respond to that.

"Nice legs, baby," the young gangster girl continued, while shamelessly glancing at my stocking clad legs, running her eyes over the tiny black thong I was wearing.

"Thank you," I just said awkwardly, really not wanting to take a risk this time by insulting them by not responding.

"Sure yeah, we want a few more lines, right Amy?" The one girl asked the other, right before sensually kissing her on her lips after the other girl nodded with a smile, running her hands over the other girl's hips slowly.

The young gangster girls were not even looking at the blonde girls kissing passionately while smiling, in front of them, but right at me, with a sarcastic look on their faces, as if they were enjoying the sight of me better than the blonde girls in front of them. There was no loud music in the room, like at the terrace I was performing earlier, making it all even more intimate, with every sound to be heard, and it felt as if everyone was staring at me. Bones was just observing the whole scene from the hallway, her arms crossed, looking at me very critically, following my every move.

"She looks like she likes a lot of lines," one of the girls giggles, while peeking at me.

"Well that's probably why she's in the business. How about you keep kissing, and then those lines right there are for you," the older gangster woman on the couch answers them, but then turned to me.

"Fuck are you waiting for, fucking entertain, bitch," she then snapped, harshly, at me, sending a shiver down my spine. One of the blonde girls smiled, the other one giggled, probably because of the language the woman used, and me having to accept it.

I awkwardly walked toward the two gangster women in the couch, while I could just feel the younger gangster's eyes on me as I walked off, careful to move my hips as the other woman, this so called Bones, rubbed in my face very clearly.

Then, as if I knew how to do it, I started to dance for them. No one looked surprised. This was what was expected, yet again. I made sure, nervously, to arch my back the whole time I was dancing, making it look as if it was my own idea, my bare, uncovered as sticking out invitingly, as if I wanted it. As if I wanted to get fucked.

"Take them panties off, show that hoe pussy," one of the older gangsters said to me harshly, her choice of words so very crude. Another giggle from the young blonde girls.

"And show off them legs, you fucking heard her, didn't you," she continued, scolding me, and scared as I was, I just nodded.

I nervously reached down, and hooked my thumbs behind the skimpy black thong, and with what seemed like all of them watching, I peeled it down, right over the black stockings, and towards the towering high heels, speeding it up, scared of more reprimands. Stepping out of the tiny thong, I then bent over to the couch, putting my hands on them, in an attempt to show off my legs, slightly parting them, and effectively sticking out my ass in such a sleazy way.

There was no confirmation that I did well. They just expected me to obey.

"Titties too. What the fuck are you, stupid?"

Without even waiting for me to unclasp the sexy bra, the gangster woman turned towards the girls again, while reaching out towards me, immediately triggering my nerves again. I stepped closer to her, only to receive a harsh, condescending slap on my bare ass, so loud in room, while I unclasped my bra, and dropped it to the floor, right in front of the couch.

"Hoes ain't as smart as you girls are, know what I'm saying."

The girls just kept kissing, peeking at me, and the gangster woman from time to time, probably slightly confused, but both probably so high that they couldn't think clearly at all.

"Mmm... do we get those lines now?"

"How about show some skin, then you can have 'em," one of the younger gangster girls said, looking at the blonde girls in front of her, with a bright smile on her face.

"Like this?" One of the girls immediately lifted her shirt, showing her bare belly, not even close to how exposed I was back then.

"Yeah like that.. how about you both take off the top, then you can do those lines y'all want so bad."

Meanwhile, I was standing there completely nude, just wearing those black, sexy stockings and crazy high heels, the two gangster women in front of me looking at me very closely, their eyes on my pussy without any inhibition.

"Crawl over here, hoe," one of the gangsters then snapped again, pointing at her lap, and her quiet fellow gangster woman, just looking at me.

I nervously walked towards the side of the couch, just slightly peeking at where Bones was standing, moving my hips ever so slutty, so very exaggerated, making me look like a natural whore even.

I didn't even consider hesitating at this point, despite my nerves. I bent forward, and with my naked body on full display, within reach, I kneeled, and then crawled over the older woman's lap, on to the other gangster's lap, while feeling a condescending, harsh slap on my bare ass.

"Back and forth, bitch, why the fuck are you stalling."

But then, from the corner of my eye, I saw Bones approaching, that very fierce, aggressive look in her eyes again. I immediately stuck out my ass as far as I could. She just looked at me, right into my eyes, but stopped. As if she approved of what I just did.

I kept going, my ass out as far as I could, literally inviting them to look at it, to touch it, while it was pointing right up, right under their eyes. I felt the other gangster squeeze my ass as I crawled over her lap and onto the first one again, condescendingly slapping it as I moved on, and repeated what I was doing, nude, in just that little slut outfit.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the young blonde girls bend forward, and snort up the lines of cocaine on the mirror. I couldn't believe people actually did that. And girls as young as them.

"This party is much more fun than where we were, we only got like a little bit of X," one of the girls giggled, and the other one giggled with her. They seriously looked a bit dumb, in my eyes. But there I was, not dumb, but in that hooker outfit, crawling over these gangster's laps. like some complete slut. This humiliation was ridiculous.

"Well now you know where to go when you wanna party, baby," one of the younger gangster girls remarked. Another harsh slap on my bare ass echoed in the room.

"Finger that ass, bitch," I then heard the gangster I was just crawling over say, while she was cupping my breast casually with her other hand. Another giggle from the girls, looking at me curiously.

"Oh shit, she's actually doing that?" She then laughed, as I had no option but to reach back, slide my finger between my cheeks, and with my face flushed, putting my index finger against my anus, right before pushing it in, probing myself.

"Mhm," the gangster responded, while I started to awkwardly finger myself in my tight ass, while being on my hands and knees in between them, feeling their hands casually run over my legs, over my back, over my shoulders.

"Hoe better not refuse, she knows who she belongs to.." the woman remarks again, rubbing it in my face once again that I really don't have an option.

"So does she have like, sex with everyone all the time?"

"You know what a hoe is, don't you? How about you girls continue making out real sexy."

The gangster woman seemingly grew a little annoyed by the blonde girl's questions.

The girls giggled, and there they were again, softly caressing each other's hips while kneeled on the bed, kissing each other passionately, while I was there fingering my exposed ass like some cheap slut.

"How about you girls take those pants off, maybe you can get even a bit more," I heard one of the younger gangsters say to the girls.

"Ohhh well but I'm not a hoe like her," one of the girls giggled.

"Ain't saying you're hoes, but it ain't wrong to show some appreciation, is it baby," the gangster girl responded.

"Weelllll I mean, we could do that right?" the girl giggled while looking at her friend, even though I could sense the doubt in her voice.

I slightly peeked at them, and saw how they were getting out of their jeans, leaving them in their girly panties, very much unlike the stripper clothes I was wearing. I quietly tried to imagine how they were picked up at some party, and wondered if this was going to be a huge trap for them, as all of this was for me. I was woken up from my thoughts with a harsh slap on my ass.

"Keep going, bitch. Fucking entertain."

"Aight have fun, send her to T's room when you're done," Bones then said, and I could hear the door close shortly after.

I kept crawling, pausing from time to time to finger my ass still, as well as I could, occasionally feeling the gangster's hands over my body, cupping, squeezing, slapping my ass casually..

"Give some sugar on the bed," the gangster woman sitting right of the couch then said, while gently squeezing my ass cheek.

I then carefully got off the couch and onto my feet, and wearing just the slutty fishnet stockings and shoes, I walked towards the bed, where the two young girls were kissing still, without pants this time, and the young gangster girls were just lazily watching. Being completely exposed this time, it felt even more embarrassing. I felt the older gangster women's eyes on me, as I leaned over one side of the bed, kissing the one gangster girl, sticking my ass out as I did, really not wanting any trouble about my behavior, making myself look like a complete slut in the process.

The gangster girl just briefly brushed her hand against my bare ass right before I left to walk around the bed, to kiss the other girl.

"So are you gonna show off those pretty legs for me or what," the other young gangster then said in a pushy way before I approached her to kiss her, just before bending down and leaning towards her, sounding as if I should have known.

Embarrassed, but nervous at the same time about getting any more reprimands, I turned around, and bent over deeply, sticking out my ass like before, and showing off my legs wrapped in the black, slutty fishnet stockings, only accentuated by the very high hooker shoes.

"Bitch you can be pretty stupid, can't you."

I heard her talk behind me while she softly brushed her fingers against the stockings.

"Look at me and tell me you're fucking stupid," she then continued in that aggressive tone.

"I'm stupid," I then answered, feeling so very humiliated, and hearing the girls laugh again, while looking back to her from that bent over position.

"You're a stupid hoe. Say it."

"I'm a stupid hoe."

The blonde girls laughed out loud by then, and I could just feel my face flush. This was so degrading.

"Fucking don't just stand there, be fucking creative showing them pretty legs off," she then reached out, and gave me a harsh smack on my bare ass.

"Fuck kinda hoe are you," she continued scolding me, as I then turned to face her, putting my feet slightly apart, giving her a pose, both the young gangster girls looking at me as if they were expecting an answer of some kind, but I couldn't think of one.

"More like it, bitch. But you need to be fucking trained."

I kept my position like that, as she glanced over me, not even all too interested.

"Show that ass again, hoe."

I turned, and even made an effort to bend over. Deeply, this time, and with my feet slightly apart. I didn't want anyone to complain about me. But god, this was just so deeply embarrassing.

I didn't hear anything for a few seconds, which even got me worried. Then I just heard some chuckling.

"That's some pretty ass. Think you gotta drop by more often. You'd like that baby, don't you."

"Yeah.." I said awkwardly, while blushing, feeling so very humiliated about admitting something which is so very obviously a lie.

"Yeah I know you do, you fucking slut." She smacked my pussy with the back of her hand, making my body quiver, and feeling ever so naked.

"Yeeeaaahhh... oh-em-gee what a slut" one of the blonde girls giggled, mocking me.

All the while, the gangster women on the couch were just watching, quietly, observing every second of what was happening.

"Hey so we kinda gotta go home though, or else my mom will flip."

"Sure, sure, yeah, we gonna make sure you get home, don't worry," one of the younger gangsters said, while now softly caressing one of the girl's asses through her girly, white panties.

For a while, nothing happened. I was there posing next to the one gangster girl, and the girls were making out, being petted gently by the other gangster on the bed.

"Aight, put your damn clothes on bitch," one of the older gangster women then said while standing up, walking into my direction.

"You can take those nice blonde ladies home," she then turned towards one of the younger gangsters, making it clear what the chain of command was.

I got off the bed, feeling relieved for finally being let off the hook, for the tension being cleared. The blonde girls put their pants back on, and kissed both older gangsters on their cheeks, thanking them for the nice party.

"Thank you... that was really fun," one of them laughed.

"Welcome anytime, pretty girls, come back soon, we'll take good care of you, know what I'm saying," one of the women responded while saying goodbye to the girls.

"Bye hoe," one of the girls said to me sarcastically as they went off. I didn't answer, and for a second I seriously wished they'd get in deep too, just because I hated them.

As soon as I was dressed, or whatever passed as dressed, the other woman took me by my hand, and walked me out of the room. The house seemed to be quieter overall, as we walked back through the main area, and moving my hips, putting my one foot in front of the other as I walked, seemingly becoming second nature, scared as I was because of all the threats.

The woman didn't say anything, as she delivered me in front of what apparently was T's room, at the end of a hallway.

"Aight, be nice to your mommy, baby," she just said, as she knocked the door for me.

But there was no answer. We quietly stood there waiting for a while, before she knocked again.

Then she opened the door carefully, and switched on the light, revealing T's room. A large round bed with purple sheets, red rugs throughout the room, a jacuzzi and a shower cabin in the corner, all covered in dimmed light, everything here seemed to breathe sex.

"Aight, go to sleep then."

She left, and I finally took a deep breath, while, finally being alone, I took off the high shoes, and the skimpy outfit, leaving it on a chair near the door. Naked, dizzy, slightly nauseous I then climbed into the bed, my legs feeling extremely tired. I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

It must have been about 10 AM when suddenly the door opened, and Alexa, the skinny older woman who helped me with my makeup and clothes, stood in the door opening and looked at me, seemingly in some sort of a rush. I was barely aware of where I was the first few seconds, but it didn't take long for my mind to wake up, and to realize I was back in what seemed like a never ending nightmare.

"Hurry up, you have to get ready for Big Mama," the woman said. "Take shower, then come." And with that, she left again.

"Okay," I said, still slightly confused about what this was about.

Big Mama. Oh god. The very aggressive, old, small black woman I had an encounter with in the large main area. And I was actually going to have to go to her? For what she literally called whore training?

I took a hot shower in the cabin of T's room. T apparently had not been home last night at all, or at least, she didn't sleep here. I dried myself off, and left the used towel hanging over the shower cabin door, then left T's bedroom completely naked. The room where I changed yesterday was at the the other end of the hallway, not too far from here, but it still felt strange to walk around here naked, with all these predators around me.

"Hi.." I said quietly as I peeked around the door.

"Sit." The woman pointed at the chair in front of the mirror.

As soon as I sat down, she started to work on my makeup. I watched in the mirror as she did my makeup in that same exaggerated, doll face way as she did last night. Dark eyes, bright red lips, brushing my face into an equal color, , applying blush, it felt like a makeover.

She took a last look, critical of her own work, and then handed me my own skimpy, pink bikini, the one I brought, and wore when being with those two evil women, Kath and Debra. Well, this time it seemed I got to wear the top, too.

I realized she had been going through my stuff. I wasn't even surprised, even though it seemed as if my privacy was invaded even further. I didn't say a thing, as I put the skimpy bikini thong on, with the matching top, while she put a pair of super high white, strapped platform heels in front of me. And even though white might look more innocent, these just screamed hooker.

I put them on, and strapped them tight, while sitting on the makeup chair, and then stood up, yet again in probably even higher shoes I had been wearing so far.

"Ok, go," she said, rushing still, as she opened the door, gesturing me out.

"Where do I go?" I asked, while apparently she assumed I knew where to go.

"Across kitchen, first door right," she answered in her strange accent.

There were people in the kitchen when I entered. Gangsters. They barely seemed to notice me, as I walked through the main area, through one of the living rooms in the large house, my heels knocking hard on the tiled floor. Apparently a girl walking in a skimpy outfit like this was completely common here.

I approached the door the woman mentioned, and started to become nervous. What did this whole training thing even mean?

I hesitated, but right when I wanted to knock on the door, the door was opened, and the girl who was accompanying Big Mama last night walked out, completely nude still, just wearing her shoes. She was much taller than the small, black lady, who was wearing a long purple gown and on her bare feet, and she bent down to give her a sensual kiss.

"Thank you Big Mama.. for pleasing you."

I just stood there, and suddenly she noticed me, her eyes suddenly fierce again, as if she wanted to attack me.

"Bitch you're late! Take your goddamn clothes off right now, are you kidding me, wearing clothes in front of Big Mama!"

I trembled on those super high white shoes,, and without saying a word, I rushed to unlace the skimpy bikini top, dropping it to the floor, and my thong followed, leaving me naked on those white strapped heels in the hallway. Just like that.

The girl who was with her just smiled at me, and I didn't get the meaning of it, right before she walked off. Big Mama stood in front of me, looking up to me, into my eyes, and it felt as if she was criticizing me by even looking.

"Get on your fucking knees and say hello to Big Mama!" She literally shouted at me. Without a doubt, people in the main area were able to hear her, to see us, in front of the door to what was apparently her room.

I nervously bent through my knees, and sat on my knees in front of her, literally scared of her.

"Hands and knees, bitch." And before I knew it, I felt her bare foot kick against my upper arm aggressively.

I rushed to get on my hands and knees, still in the hallway outside of her room, and even putting in an effort to arch my back, knowing better than to hold back. But it wasn't enough.

"Ass up!" She shouted, kicking my arm again, in that very degrading way.

I arched my back even further, and stuck out my ass in a completely exaggerated way. Some gangsters were walking by, while I was treated so very crudely by that old, petite, black woman.

She went to stand right in front of me, and I didn't even dare to look up.

"Fucking kiss my feet and say hello, whore. You ain't worthy to give Big Mama sugar yet."

I awkwardly leaned forward, and with my ass pushed out high, I kissed both her bare, black feet, while wondering deeply what she was actually expecting me to do when she said I should say hello to her.

"Hello," I said awkwardly, so very nervously.

"Hello Big Mama," she said, while I felt her foot kick against my cheek in such a condescending, harsh way.

"Hello Big Mama," I repeated quickly, closing my eyes as if I would feel that foot against my face any second again.

"Now crawl into Big Mama's room, and better make goddamn sure you show off that ass like Big Mama wants to see it."

There were afew gangsters standing still in the hallway, watching the scene apparently. I couldn't see their faces, but I could tell by their sneakers and baggy pants..

I started crawling, while making every effort to move my ass left and right, moving my hips, as if seducing her like some kind of slut. Seducing that lady old enough to be my grandma.

With the high hooker heels sticking out towards her, and my skimpy bikini left in the hallway, I crawled into her room. Naked and at her mercy.

"Mhm, pretty white young ass, that's your money maker right there," she remarked from behind me. She didn't sound nice, she sounded as if she was scolding me, as if she wanted to put me in my place with everything she said.

I said nothing, as I walked into her room. It looked like a one room apartment. Carpeted floors, a table with two couches, a large bed, a dining table with four chairs, a large clothing cabinet and a small bar dividing a small kitchenette from the living room area, and what seemed like a bathroom door in the corner. Apparently she had everything she ever needed right here.

She finally walked into the room as well, closing the door behind us, leaving it a mystery what was happening inside for those outside. I felt scared being alone in this room with her.

"Sit on the table, on your knees." She kicked against my ass with her bare foot.Harshly, as was every move she made, it seemed.

Feeling very much on edge, I carefully climbed onto the small table in between the two couches, and went to sit down on it on my knees.

She came walking to me, and I literally trembled when she reached out to me, giving my nipples a very harsh twist, causing me to squirm as I felt the painful wave through my body.

"Spread those thighs, white bitch. Fucking seduce me."

She just stood across me, while I looked into her eyes, as I spread my thighs wide, not even daring to hold back, offering her a very good view of my pussy.

"Use those whore hands on your thighs while we get to know each other."

I started to nervously caress my naked, wide spread thighs in front of her, so very afraid that I'd do something wrong. It was only then that I noticed the thick black stick with a golden knob lying next to me on the table.

She finally sat down, in front of me, while I still caressed my thighs seductively for her.

"You know who I am, Samantha Burnett?"

Her using my actual, real name sent a shiver down my spine.

I carefully shook my head.

"No Big Mama," I answered, making sure I sounded polite, obedient, hich seemed like the best idea.

She put her bare feet on the table, in between my widely spread thighs.

"I'm Maria St. Clair." she said, as if introducing herself formally.

"But you don't know who that is, do you."

I carefully shook my head again. But that was not enough. She crudely kicked against my bare thigh, more to make a point than to hurt me.

"No Big Mama, I'm a dumb little teen whore." she spelled out for me.

"No Big Mama, I'm a dumb little teen whore." I repeated, feeling so very humiliated by her use of such humiliating language.

"I'm an old school pimp. You know what that means, bitch?"

"No Big Mama," I answered, nervously looking at her.

"That means I raise bitches the old fashioned way, like they need to be raised."

She looked at me, as if wanting to confirm I heard her.

"See that stick next to you?"

I looked at the black stick with the golden knob right next to me on the table.

"Yes Big Mama."

"I'm gonna hit you with that stick every time you don't put in a goddamn effort. Do you understand that, teen whore."

I felt a wave of fear going through my body, with the thought she was actually going to hit me with that thing. I didn't even want to imagine it.

"Yes Big Mama," I said while my mouth ran dry.

"Give it to Mama, bitch."

I reached next to me, and picked up the heavy stick, reaching it to her.

"Push that goddamn ass out when you do that!"

I immediately arched my back, sticking out my ass even just to reach the stick to her.

She took it from me, and kept looking at me in that very criticizing way, as if she would always be able to find a little thing that wasn't to her liking.

"Don't forget to pushthat ass out when you do anything, you hear me, whore?"

She ran the smooth, thick, cold stick against my bare thighs, leaving me so very afraid of actually feeling it hit me.

"Yes Big Mama," I answered, and promising myself that I'd really, really never forget it.

"Turn around, show off that pretty ass."

I carefully turned on the small table, and sat down on my hands and knees, and this time really going the extra mile to arch my back, and push my ass out as far as I could, giving her a view inside my bare crack easily.

She didn't confirm that I did well. I'd quickly find out that not hearing anything from her, meant I was probably doing okay.

She was still playing with the stick, running it over my legs, over the inside of my thighs.

"Look at me, bitch."

I looked over my shoulder, looking into her fierce, aggressive eyes, while sitting there doggy style, my ass sticking out invitingly as far as I could to the old, small woman.

"Your parents probably remember me from the old days." She paused, while she kept playing with the stick.

"When they hear Maria St. Clair, they remember how I was the biggest ring leader in the game, before I did my 20 years.."

I didn't want to think of my parents.

"Maybe you should ask them. Are you going to ask them, whore?"

"Yes Big Mama," I answered obediently.

"Better not tell 'em you're her whore, or they'll get a heart attack, don't you think, white bitch."

"Yes Big Mama," I answered again, not being able to do anything against how she was taunting me.

"Stroke that ass. Make me want it."

I reached back, and seductively started to stroke my bare ass, pulling my cheeks apart a bit, while she was watching, and I was still looking at her.

"Yeah they probably won't appreciate that you're in Maria St. Clair's room wearing those fuck me shoes, showing off that tight ass of yours and learning to be a good whore. Will they, Samantha Burnett."

"No Big Mama," I answered, while feeling literally the amount of power she was having over me.

"Stand up, you're gonna show me how your pussy loves my pimp stick."

I nervously stepped off the table, careful to make sure the high heels didn't scratch the table in any way, and stood up in front of her, not even sure what to do. But she helped me. She reached out the black stick in front of her, and pointed at my pussy.

"Rub that white whore pussy on it, don't be shy."

The heavy makeup probably masked my blushes, as I then stepped forward, and nervously, embarrassed, I let the stick slide under me, feeling the smooth, thick, threatening material slide against my soft pussy lips. I then slowly started to move back and forth, with her looking ever so strict to what I was doing.

But then, in a spit second, she withdrew the stick, and hit me hard against my thigh. Tears burned in my eyes, as I squirmed. Jesus, that hurt so very bad. It felt as if I was going to have trouble walking for a while, as I felt the deep pain in my leg.

"That's what you get for not sticking your ass out. Stick it the fuck out. All the goddamn time, no matter what the fuck you're doin'."

With a painful expression on my face still, and knowing now that she won't hesitate to actually use that stick, trembling on those high heels, I arched my back yet again, feeling that smooth, hard stick between my legs, against my pussy, actually rubbing my pussy against it.

"What a dumb little whore," she remarked crudely, degrading me in such a deep way.

"I bet your mom will like it when you're finally being raised properly, won't she, whore."

"Yes Big Mama," I answered, barely making a sound, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I like your ass, and you will always stick it out for Big Mama. And for everybody else in the family. When you stand, when you sit down, when you walk, when you kiss my fucking feet, when you lick Big Mama's pussy, always. You know what happens when you don't?"

"Yes Big Mama," I answer, knowing very well now what happens when I don't.

"Did no one tell you you gotta stick out that ass?"

"N.. yes Bones did, Big Mama."

"And you forgot?? Huh?"

I swallowed my fear.

"You need some serious training bitch."

She waited for seconds, as if she wanted those words to sink in with me.

"Open the door and let Big Mama play with that slutty ass like a whore lets her pimp play with her ass. You like to be watched, don't you."

"Yes Big Mama." I so badly wanted to say that I preferred the door to be closed, but that was definitely not an option.

I carefully let the black stick slide away from under my pussy, and felt as if at any given time, this woman would notice me doing something wrong..

I'd never been so very aware of showing myself off, when I then walked to the door, my ass sticking out seductively for that small, old black woman.

Completely nude, I then opened the door completely, giving a view into what happens here in this room, between me with that much older woman.

I walked back like a complete slut, ashamed in how far I'm pushing this, but really, really not wanting to feel that stick again. My leg was still hurting, even though I attempted to walk as if nothing was wrong.

While walking back, I wondered how I was going to do this, but one thing was certain, I need to go all out. I needed to seriously show no inhibitions.

I stood in front of her, turned around, with my back arched as far as I could, and actually used my hand this time to caress my butt, softly pulling my cheeks apart, showing her my pussy and my ass.

Soon, I felt her fingers slide right in between my cheeks, trailing over my anus, and softly over my pussy.

"Look at me, bitch. Look at me when you're seducing me. Do you need me to make you feel that you should look?"

Scared to death, I looked over my shoulder at her, at how the petite black lady with her fierce eyes looks into my eyes so very strictly, while her finger trailed along my defenseless pussy softly.

"I thought so. Dumb bitch."

She kept trailing along my pussy like that, as I felt so nervous. I couldn't really look at the door, I didn't dare to look away from her.

"Sup, Mama." I heard someone say from the direction of the door.

She didn't answer.

"She fresh?"

"Yeah she is.." she said, not looking up, while her finger once again softly traced over my anus, giving me a slight shiver.

"Heard she did some shitty entertaining last night."

"She'll learn.. Big Mama always teaches well."

"I know you do Mama."

"Been a while since I've owned a pretty little white bitch like this."

Owned. She said it.

"She told me her mom would be real proud to have a well trained whore daughter. Wouldn't she, white bitch."

"Yes Big Mama," I answered quietly, while I was careful not to let my eyes wander off from hers, and feeling her finger tracing in between my crack ever so gently while she humiliated me harshly like that.

"You're gonna learn to entertain like a good whore today. So there will be no more complaints about your white ass."

I just stared at her quietly, knowing someone was still watching from the door opening.

"What happens when Big Mama gets complains, little bitch?"

I swallow my nerves.

"I get hit with the.. stick, Big Mama."

"See, she is already gonna make sure there's gonna be no more complaints. Not here, not in the club, not anywhere. She's gonna make sure she's everyone's favorite little white hoe. Don't you, bitch."

"Yes Big Mama."

"'Cause if you don't, we're gonna have a nice little session here at the house. Where I'll teach you not to be a bad little hoe. And you can fucking trust me I got eyes everywhere. So you're gonna try hard for your pimp Mama, ain't you."

"Yes Big Mama."

"Crawl around like a good little bitch while we talk about your training."

I could hardly believe how casually she was pushing me like that, humiliating me as if this was just the way things were. And I knew I had to make it good, too.

I bent through my knees, and I could barely believe I was actually forced to completely let go of my dignity, and crawl around the woman's room, on the carpet, making a real effort to push my ass out with every move I was making. She didn't disapprove, which could only mean she approved so far.

"See, the problem with young little bitches like you, is that they're so fucking passive. And passive don't make money."

She was just talking as if we were having a conversation, while I crawled on the floor, in nothing but those white stripper shoes. I could now peek outside the door, and immediately saw two gangster women looking at the scene inside. I felt so very ashamed, crawling around here like this, making such a real effort to look like a slut, them witnessing how I was reprimanded, scolded, taught.

"But you ain't gonna be passive from now on. You gonna surprise everyone with showing off that tight white body. You gonna be Big Mama's little moneymaker, ain't you."

"Yes Big Mama," I said obediently, while I crawled.

"Come fucking closer," she suddenly said harshly, and louder.

"You hiding that body from me, hoe? Huh?" She continued, making me very nervous, as I crawled in her direction, knowing I had to manage still doing it sexy, even though she obviously wanted me to rush.

"Huh?" She said in that same pushy tone, and as soon as I was within hand reach, giving my ass a smack so hard it almost made me jump.

"No Big Mama," I answered, and I really, really didn't want her to reach for the stick.

"Yeah you did," she stated, while dishing out another hard smack on my ass, making me squirm deeply.

It was so humiliating, being reprimanded like that, accompanied by those harsh slaps. She really was a pimp, and the idea itself of being handled by a pimp was so very extreme.

"Lying white ass." She roughly squeezed my bare butt. "You gonna seduce like a good hoe from now on?"

"Yes Big Mama."

"Why the fuck should I believe you."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what was safe to say, or what she wanted to hear. Fortunately, she didn't wait too long before she continued talking.

"Get on the table, seduce Big Mama."

I stood up straight again, I climbed up on the table. Desperately, I sat on my knees, making sure this time I was arching my back as far as I could while I was kneeling. I started to caress my inner thighs like I did before, while her fierce eyes critically followed every move I made.

"And you better remember what you learn, cuz you gonna practice real hard. No more arrogant shit, not here, not in the club. You got that, bitch."

"Yes Big Mama."

She then kept quiet, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Alyssa standing in the door opening, watching us, an amused smirk on her face.

"You're fucking boring me, bitch."

I was rudely woken up from my thoughts.

"Hand me the stick." She pointed at the table, right next to me.

I cringed. Should I try begging? Should I do anything and everything to avoid it? But she looked so very convinced, that I didn't dare, and just reached next to me. With a weak feeling, I reached the stick to her.

"Sit the fuck up, unless you want to feel it in your face."

I shivered, deeply scared of this very extreme person. I sat up on my knees, and within seconds, I screamed and quivered from yet another harsh hit of the thick, smooth stick against my thigh, just millimeters away from where I was hit before. Tears were burning in my eyes, and I barely managed to breathe normally.

"Ow.. ow.." I squirmed, my hips twisting from the extreme pain.

"Now try again. Dumb hoe."

I had no option but to be inventive. I hated that stick so bad. It was so extreme, what she was doing. My outer thigh was burning red, and I was very sure there were going to be some very deep bruises very soon.

Scared to death, I changed my position, squirming once again as my leg hurt so much, while I got on my hands and knees again, my ass pointing right at the old, tiny woman, as far as I could. I looked over my shoulder while I sat there doggy style, and I used my hand to play with my cheeks, pulling them apart slightly, teasing her, letting her look at my crack, a scared look on my face, and so very much on edge about doing something, anything wrong.

"See pretty bitches like you may be fun to look at,, but you got shit to learn about seducing. People hate passive little bitches who think they're all that, without making a goddamn effort. Hoes gotta seduce."

I nervously even changed my position once again, sitting on the table with my legs spread wide, and nervously caressing my pussy right in front of her, feeling like such a slut. She was making me into a slut. Another gangster stood next to Alyssa watching from the door opening, watching curiously about what was happening inside Big Mama's room.

She didn't comment on what I was doing, but once again, when I didn't hear criticism, or worse, when she didn't want me to hand her the stick she put back on the table, I figured I was very lucky.

I kept posing right in front of her, inventing new poses as I went, while she talked, now leaning back, and raising one leg in the air very much like a professional stripper, my high heel pointing at the ceiling, giving her yet another open view on my pussy.

"Hoes like you just need a good pimp. You're lucky, you got the best pimp. Ain't you lucky, hoe."

"Yes Big Mama," I answered, while feeling so humiliated about the two gangsters witnessing how I was made into this small black, old woman's bitch completely.

"Come closer white bitch, so I can feel that young hoe pussy."

The way she was referring to my pussy, and to my age, completely objectifying my pussy, made me cringe in humiliation.

I didn't know how quickly I had to get off the table, but I knew she was watching every move, and I had to be careful about all the demands she put on me before.

"And you better not be hidin' that sweet pussy and that pretty white ass from Big Mama, you hear me bitch?"

She didn't even let me answer her.

"We got this bitch a few months ago who was acting all shy and shit, playing miss fucking innocent, and she ain't so pretty now, lemme tell you. Hoes don't get to play innocent, they get to be hoes. You know what I mean, hoe? Or do you want to get the stick again? You like getting the stick, don't you."

I took a few steps towards the black woman, and I felt my body tremble by the thought of getting hit with that harsh, painful thing yet again.

"No please, Big Mama," I even found myself begging her, while I stood right next to her lap, and posing like a complete slut. My ass towards her, arching my back as far as I could, my feet slightly apart, giving that old woman a perfect, seductive view on my naked body, accentuated only by those slutty, white high shoes. And to think she could literally be my grandma, age wise.

"Well then you better not be boring, bitch. Are you gonna be boring?!"

She sounded as if she snapped again, as if she was angry at me suddenly, like she did before, intimidating me so deeply. As if accusing me of something I didn't even yet do. And with it, she gave yet another hard smack on my bare ass with her hand, which could probably have been heard far outside Big Mama's room. I heard the gangsters chuckle from the door opening, and saw that Alyssa was still there watching.

"No Big Mama." I quivered.

"Those are just goddamn words, and coming from a lying white bitch like you, that don't mean shit. Fucking prove it. You gonna be working at least as hard as everyone in this motherfucker, you hear me bitch?! Fucking answer."

Another harsh slap on my ass.

"Yes Big Mama."

It all felt so very overwhelming. She was literally drilling me to be a hooker, using such harsh violence, and it definitely worked.

"Gimme that hoe pussy."

She didn't even mean for me to make an effort, as she then groped right in between my legs, squeezing hard, possessively. I moved my feet as I tried to keep balance on those ridiculously high heels, that's how hard she was squeezing me. When I looked down, I could see her wrinkled, but so very strong black hand right in between my legs, holding my pussy as if she owned it.

By now, there were three gangsters at the door, curiously looking inside, amused smiles on their faces.

"Bitch is getting it fo' sho." I heard from the door opening.

The grip between my legs loosened, but she didn't give me a second of rest. Another hard smack on my ass, for all the gangsters to hear.

"Move that pussy on my hand, lazy bitch. Move it." Another slap followed. I started to rub my naked pussy against her hand, and couldn't possibly be looking more like a slut, standing there with my back arched, and riding on her hand slowly, seductively.

The moment Big Mama finally let go of my pussy, I got nervous. It was as if she was expecting something, and I could already feel another threat with the stick. I had to please her. I just had to. I remembered what the gang members had required of me before, and I turned, to get on the couch with her, but on my hands and knees, and bent over her lap.

But instead of a compliment, I felt her hand suddenly grab my hair in a tail, and smacked my face so very hard.

"Don't forget to use them hands, hoe."

I gasped, and while I felt the burning feeling of the mark that her hand left on my cheek, I nervously started to move my hands, over my bare breasts dancing slightly under me, cupping them, even squeezing my nipples, and my ass sticking out ever so far, crazy scared of more reprimands. My bruised outer thigh hurt so very badly in that exaggerated position.

"That's a pretty ass."

She slapped it, not very gently, but very obviously not meant to hurt me this time. It was her way of petting me. It still sounded, and felt, like a condescending slap.

As soon as she then ran her hand in between my legs, I immediately parted my legs, very obviously giving her space to feel my pussy. It was the right decision, because I didn't hear any criticism, while I then once again started to ride her hand slowly. I knew very well I didn't want to make that same mistake twice.

"Any of you soldiers got time to get this bitch inked later?"

I cringed quietly. If that meant what I thought it meant, things were about to turn even darker.

"Yeah I can take her." I couldn't see who said it, but it sounded like one of the older gangster women.

"Alright now close the door, bitch needs to get fucked. Don't you bitch."

"Yes Big Mama," I answered, confused.

"Every time after hoe training Big Mama's gonna fuck you. You like that, don't you hoe. It's your goddamn job after all, you like your job don't you."

"Yes Big Mama."

"Then get the fuck off me, and get on the bed," she pushed harshly against my hip, and I almost fell off the couch.

I managed to hold on to the table before I actually fell on the floor, and awkwardly then walked to the large bed in the room, while the gangsters closed the door. At least no one was watching this crazy stream of humiliation anymore.

She started walking through her room, while taking her long gown off. She was completely naked now, and I could see her wrinkled, black, but somehow so strong looking body.

"On your back bitch, end of the bed, knees up and spread those pretty bitch legs."

I awkwardly went to lay on my back, and pulled my knees up, my thighs spread wide. When I saw her walking past me again, she had a black strap on around her waist. She was actually going to fuck me.

I trembled when she then casually threw the black pimp stick I hated so much right next to me on the bed, and was holding a bottle of lube in the other.

From there on, things went so fast. As if it was a routine she had been repeating many times, she lubed up the strap on, took another finger of lube, and reached right for my ass, rubbing my anus with the lube. Oh dear god.

But in a split second, the plastic cock was pushing against my anus, and with a rough push, the smooth thing entered my tight hole. I closed my eyes, as the expression on my face changed from a nervous gasp into a painful one. But that didn't take long, because I felt yet another harsh slap against my cheek.

"Eyes on me, dumb hoe. Look at me while I fuck you."

I nervously looked into her fierce, aggressive eyes, as she then started to fuck me. Deep, steady, so very hard, pushing extra even when the whole thing was inside of me. I closed my eyes, as the expression on my face changed from a nervous gasp into a painful one. But that didn't take long, because I felt yet another harsh slap against my cheek.

"Better get used to it hoe, 'cause this is the only way Big Mama's gonna be fuckin' you. And she gonna do it every fucking time. Unless you've been a bad hoe forgetting what you are and messing shit up."

She kept pumping deep inside of me, hissing as she told me how it was going to be.

"Because if you mess shit up, bitch, you gonna get ass fucked with the stick. So you better hope for Mama to fuck you with the strap on, because I've been told that hurts like a motherfucker. Don't you think that hurts like a motherfucker, white bitch? Huh?"

She reached out yet again, and gave me another rough slap in my face.

"Yes Big Mama." My voice trembled with fear, on the rough rhythm with which she was fucking me. It really felt as if it was a routine for her, and in the middle of so many thoughts, I wondered how many girls she had fucked like this. How many girls had been laying there, literally being fucked into submission as she took control of their lives.

Suddenly, she then reached to my pussy, while she was still fucking me in that same rough, steady pace. She opened my lips easily, and reached for my clit.

"I think you're one of those.."

I didn't understand what she was saying, as I was too overwhelmed, and in too much pain to realize what she was doing.

But then she just casually started to rub over my clit, with her still lubed up thumb. I felt myself becoming dizzy, I started to see spots in front of my eyes. My body responded so heavily to this. And the confusion between sexual arousal and those fierce, demanding eyes right in front of me while she fucked me was so intense. I saw flashes of what I had been through. From the innocent, naive first night at the club, where I was already confronted with the gang, without knowing their intentions, to where T so harshly started to accuse me of cheating. The very humiliating adventure at Debra's place where I freaked out and ran off. To then being lured into this huge trap, where more and more it seemed as if there was no way back. Tears started to run free over my cheeks, while the old lady, the pimp, fucked me in my ass without mercy, every thrust feeling as if she started to own me more.

She fucked me in a way that was barely sexual, but like she wanted to make a point. But that finger on my clit did its work. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop her. My legs were shaking. I wanted to push her hand away. I didn't want to cum. I didn't know why not. I was so scared for some reason. But I didn't dare to push her hand away. I didn't dare to look away from her, even though I was crying, and feeling so deeply miserable. So deeply trapped.

Then, with my body shaking, trembling, shivering all over, I held my breath, and came so incredibly hard, that it felt like I was going to pass out.

"That's right. Some scared bitches cum easy. They fear with their pussy."

Finally, she slowed down, and eventually, while I was still trembling all over, and my makeup smeared all over my face, she pulled the strap on out of my ass.

"Thank Mama and give her some sugar, then get the fuck out of here."

With a painful, deeply tired feeling all over my body, I then had no other option but to rush off the bed. I didn't have any clothes to put on. They were outside the door. I stood up while she waited, the strap on still around her waist.

Awkwardly, I bent down to the petite, gray haired black woman, as I was much taller than her, and whispered, still half crying.

"Thank you Big Mama," and I gave her a soft kiss on her lips. She must have felt the tears on my face. She knew I was in pain. She wanted me in pain.

I felt one last degrading push in my lower back, directing me towards the door, and I awkwardly stumbled on my heels. Nothing was optional anymore, and I had an actual pimp.

Next: Chapter 7

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