Hostess at Ladies Night

By Samantha Burnett

Published on Dec 17, 2018


Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 3 By Samantha Burnett

--- This is a sequel to "Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 2", and you should probably read that story to understand this one.

This story contains: Lesbian, Humiliation, Objectification, Reluctance, Anal, CFNF

Not suited for minors. Copyright by owner. Please donate to things you care about, like Nifty.

Love feedback! ---

For a second, I felt very conflicted about how to respond, as I just ended the kiss with the butch lesbian I was straddling in that extremely nude, slutty collection of clothes you could call an outfit, and Debra waving a wad of cash at me as I looked over my shoulder.

I was speechless. Just as I thought I was nearing the end of this completely derailed adventure, she offers me yet more money, for something I, once again, didn't think through at all? This time, in my defense, I didn't actually have a chance to think it through.

Was she seriously expecting me to come with her, to her place? And for what, exactly? Not knowing what I was getting into seemed to become a trap I was falling into over and over.

Then Kath appeared right after Debra, already wearing her coat, her purse under her arm, apparently ready to go, looking at me expectantly.

Donna was softly, eagerly caressing my stockinged leg as I kept sitting there, straddling her lap, and looking at Debra with a sheepish look on my face.

"What, is there a problem?" Debra said, still having that piercing, almost forceful look in her eyes.

"No I.. ehm.."

"It's Kath isn't it. Yeah you don't like her, we know. You're such a fucking princess, aren't you, thinking you get to choose your customers all the time."

"Think you gotta go now, baby," the butch in front of me said, as she pushed against my leg, which felt as if she urged me to get off her lap, even though she smiled as she said it.

I just looked at her for a second, having almost forgotten that I was straddling some woman's lap, practically naked.

I just gave her a somewhat stupid smile. "Heh.." as I finally slid off her lap, and stood up carefully on the very high heels, and turned to face Debra and Kath.

"Is that it?" Debra continued in her accusing tone. "You hate Kath?"

"What? No I -" I defended myself, thinking admitting such a thing would be a very impolite thing to do.

"Well then how about you stop acting like it, and get dressed, like I told you like a year ago," she said.

I hesitated for one more second, looking into Debra's eyes, but she seemed very, very inclined to not let me go anywhere else but to her place.

It was Kath who then walked up to me and handed me my thong, the only piece of clothing I took off ever since I walked up to the woman at the end of of the room, the birthday woman.

"Say bye to the ladies," Debra said, as she then reached out to my upper arm, gripped it, and turned me that way, facing the others.

"Bye everyone," I managed to tell them, and even put on my fake smile mask.

"Bye sugar," Donna said, while her partner just nodded at me.

The birthday woman looked at me as if suddenly aware of the idea that I'd be gone in a second.

"So your name was Crystal, right?" she asked me. I nodded. "And you work at The Stiletto, at ladies night?"

"Yeah usually," I answered awkwardly.

It felt weird, admitting that after having worked there for one night only. But it seemed every person in the room had that idea about me by now, and it would seem strange to explain the actual situation. Especially after what just happened.

She nodded, and now seemed even nice to me.

"Thanks for the show, it was very nice," she said.

"Thank you," I answered awkwardly, not really sure how to respond any other way, but feeling as if I said something very contradicting. My 'show'.

She waved at me, and I finally turned. Both Debra and Kath then walked with me as I walked back to the bedroom I changed clothes in when I first came in, still wearing just those black stockings, high heels, the belly chain and the choker, carrying the small black thong in my hand, and my ass definitely still feeling sore. Sure, there was lots of lube, but still, jesus, that deep probing in that steady rhythm, lasting for minutes.

Walking down the hallway with these two, it almost felt as if I was captured by them, in a way. Even though from the outside, it must have looked consensual. I was just not assertive enough, or perhaps simply scared, to go against them. Becuase I was definitely not going along into this entirely out of my own urge for adventure this time.

"Here," Debra said, as she finally handed me the wad of bills.

Somewhat reluctantly, I took it. I felt that I had no choice. She was so pushy, so determined. I just couldn't find a way or a moment to stand up to her somehow. To simply refuse her offer. To make up some kind of realistic excuse. To explain that this wasn't what I was after.

I finally disappeared into the bedroom where I changed earlier, and closed the door behind me, separating me from Kath and Debra, who simply stood in the hallway, waiting.

With a tense feeling, I put yet another $400 in my wallet, next to the money I already earned in the last hour. Or at least, I think it must have been an hour. These amounts of money were ridiculous.

I finally got out of that extremely sexy, nude outfit I was wearing, and got back into my own, comfortable clothes. Once I got back into my regular underwear, jeans, sweater and sneakers, it was hard to believe that just moments ago I was walking around practically naked in front of a group of women I hardly knew, wearing just the black stockings, high heels, the belly chain and the almost decadent looking silver choker.

But this adventure was not over. I couldn't believe what I was going to do. Coming with Debra and Kath, the two women I first met in the club, and already treated me so possessively this afternoon, wanting me for themselves at last. I didn't even want to imagine what they had in mind, with their talk about wanting to teach me manners. Sure, it was all a game. But especially with Kath, it was sometimes hard to see what was her playing a game and what wasn't. I remember clearly that she said out loud that she didn't like me, and that she thought I looked arrogant. Was that part of a game? Or was it a very personal attack? And yet, I somehow didn't manage to say no to their offer to come along with them. This adventure was slowly getting out of hand. For the second time, I promised myself that when this was over, I really, really wouldn't let myself get into more of such adventures.

Once dressed, I took my travel bag over my shoulder, and opened the door to the hallway.

"Alright, let's go," Debra said as soon as I stepped into the hallway, and both of them immediately headed for the front door. I walked behind them.

It felt strange to let the front door fall into its lock behind me, and follow the two down the stairs of the apartment building, and onto the sidewalk. No one said a word as we headed to a small parking lot, and it felt as if everyone was staring at us. As if everyone knew what was going on, as if everyone knew why I came with them.

Debra unlocked one of the cars while we were walking, and the three of us stepped inside a decent looking family car, me on the backseat.

As we started driving, Kath finally started talking, to Debra.

"What time is Eve going to be home?"

"I think at about 6, I'll text her later."

I just sat there in the backseat, quietly, not being talked to, and watching the city area pass by.

"Do you want me to drop you off at Lincoln street when we're done, or can you go home by yourself?" Debra then asked, while looking in the rear view mirror.

"Oh, no, I took Uber, so I'm fine."

She just nodded.

"How long is the ride? Do you live far from here?"

"Oh I live near Southwestern University, not that far, it took about 20 minutes to get to Lincoln."

It was awkward to even make an effort to talk casually. As if this was something out of character. Out of the character they were paying for.

Kath didn't talk to me the whole time, and the two of them hardly talked to each other either. It was probably the most awkward drive I ever experienced. Here I was, in a car with the two women I ran into in a strip club, thinking I was some kind of stripper, where I didn't even think they were really approving of me, and just leaving a party where I was treated literally like some prostitute by five women, while all I thought would happen was stripping, or some fondling at most, on my way to yet another adventure which I was completely unsure of, and which felt almost against my will, even though I couldn't set myself to stand up to it. To simply refuse it. Which is what I should have done.

I sat there pondering, doubting, trying to find an escape, while staring out of the window of the car. I knew that they were serious, and that this was not going to be any softer than what I just experienced. In fact, the amount of money they paid, and Kath being there, and the vague indication of what they wanted to do, didn't give any indication of this being playful and fun. They were literally thinking of me as a hooker.

The car finally went up the driveway in front of a decent, spacious, suburban house, where we stopped. The three of us got out, and all of us walked to the front door, me following Debra and Kath. So this was Debra's house.

Debra unlocked the door, and I walked in after Kath as Debra held the door open. She locked it again, as we walked through the hallway, along a stairway, towards the living room. Everything was neat, clean, a typical family home.

Both of them set their purses on the dining table in the back of the living room, and Kath hung her coat over one of the chairs. Debra walked towards me, and pointed at my backpack.

"Can I see what else you brought?"

"Uhm, yeah," I answered with a polite smile.

I wish I didn't put on that polite smile so easily. That I would be able to stand my ground when confronted with people like her. That I could flat out refuse. That I'd be more upfront. More honest about what was really going on, and getting out of this mess that way.

She took the bag from me, and opened the zipper. She fumbled around in the bag, where my belongings were. She grabbed my small beauty case, and without looking into my eyes, she handed it to me. I took it, and she continued to go through the bag. Finally she held the very small pink bikini bottom in her hand, held it up, and studied it. As far as I could read her, she seemed pleased. She handed it to me. She then pulled out the very high, transparent platform high heels, one by one, and handed them to me as well. The ones looking like the ones I was wearing at the club. The second pair I brought. No mention of the bikini top.

"Alright. How about you go upstairs, take a shower, and come back down. And do your makeup real heavy, Kath loves that look."

She didn't tell me I should wear the clothes that were just handed to me, but I got the hint.

I nodded. "Okay."

Kath had walked off to the kitchen it seemed, while Debra instructed me.

"That way, and up the stairs, second on the right."

I nodded again, and walked towards the door, and soon disappeared into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I walked up the stairs in this place I really didn't anticipate to be today. This was so very much unplanned.

Carrying the ridiculously small bikini thong, the high platform stripper heels and my beauty case, I arrived upstairs, and walked straight to the second door on the right.

The bathroom, like the rest of the house, was tidy, clean. It was a bit cold, as it appeared the window was open. But it felt good, having a cool breeze over my body. I got out of my clothes, and laid them neatly on a chair next to the bath. I got under the shower, and let the water run. Where I'd normally relax a bit while taking a shower, I just couldn't, this time.

I noticed how sensitive, somewhat painful even, my ass still felt while I was cleaning myself with a cloth I found right next to the shower on a shelve. And to think I just got touched, fingered, fondled, by 5 women. Well, except one. It felt good to be able to at least freshen up a bit. But ahead of me, there was yet another adventure, and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be exactly innocent.

After taking the shower, I dried my body carefully, while it felt odd to realize that I was going to be seen naked again soon enough. In fact, I didn't have much to wear. You could hardly call this 'getting dressed'. While I felt the cool breeze from outside hit my naked body through the slightly opened window, I took the pink, tiny bikini thong, and pulled it up between my cheeks, and with some effort, tied the laces on both sides on my hips. The triangle in the front barely covered my blonde landing strip.

I started doing my makeup shortly after. As requested. My eyelids excessively dark, my lips bright red, a bit more foundation to look perfect, and I seriously looked like a hooker. I guess that was the look that they were after.

Finally, I carefully stepped into the high, transparent stripper heels with their platform soles, and my extremely slutty look was complete, as I assessed the complete picture in the mirror. This wasn't the look of an even remotely innocent girl. It was a bad girl look. A hooker, plain and simple.

I felt reluctant towards doing this even when I walked towards the bathroom door, and carrying my small beauty case, I walked down the stairs in that very skimpy outfit. In Debra's house. How did it even come to this. There was no denying that I would be seen as a prostitute. I wondered how much of this was still my own idea. For some reason, I still didn't want to admit that I was pushed into this.

I reached the ground floor, and my high heels knocked on the tiles. I opened the door, and peeked inside. When I saw both Kath and Debra sit on the couch in the living room, I walked in, closing the door behind me. They were quiet, while I walked towards them, seeing and almost feeling their eyes glance over my now very exposed body. My bare breasts dancing slightly with every step, my downright extreme makeup, the tiny pink thong drawing attention to my crotch with the laces seductively tied on my hips, my long bare legs accentuated by the incredibly high heels, and my polite, somewhat nervous smile.

"Come here," Kath said briefly, literally commanding me, as if I wasn't already walking towards them.

When I came closer, I saw what they had prepared for me. There was a towel spread out on the low coffee table right in front of the couch, which seemed to have been pulled closer to the couch than it was before. Looking closer, I saw the accessoires that were laid on the towel in a neat order. Two vibrators, a long, thin riding crop, a bottle of lube, and a thing that I didn't identify immediately, but which I figured out soon enough as being one of those.. gags. I felt a strange, heavy feeling in my legs while my eyes ran over it only briefly. This was going to be very, very kinky. A gag? Seriously? And what about that whip? They weren't seriously going to hit me with that, were they? But I felt as if I had to be prepared for the worst. I wouldn't even know how to prepare for something like that, even if I had the time.

"Here," she said as I came closer, and pointed right in front of her, to the small space between her and the coffee table.

I did as she asked, and then stood right in front of them, almost completely naked except for the small thong.

"Take your panties off slowly, while we talk," Debra then said calmly, while Kath reached out to my hand, to take the beauty case from me.

She just casually put it right next to her, as if all that matters was that I'd get rid of it right now.

Take my panties off? The panties she even requested me to wear, and they need to go right away? But that's what she commanded me to do, and it seemed the game they wanted to play had already started. As if this was the start of 'paid time'.

I hooked my thumbs under the tiny pink thong, while Debra continued talking. As she did, Kath already reached out to my leg, and started to brush her knuckles over my leg right in front of her, while I started to tug a bit on the thong.

"The way I see it, you've got some making up to do, for when we," but Kath interrupted her.

"Play with that thong you slut, come on, I don't see any pussy," Kath said with a sharp, loud voice.

Debra looked at her, but seemed indifferent to what she was saying. Embarrassed, I started tugging on the thong more, and made sure I was actually exposing my blonde landing strip as I played with it. Debra continued.

".. for when we met you at the club." She paused. "I mean, you didn't want to talk to us, you didn't want to show yourself off, while we did pay what, forty bucks?"

Kath, in the meantime, reached up higher. She ran her hand up my bare thigh while I was playing with the thong, exposing myself as she had demanded, and soon enough, she reached for my pussy, suddenly taking my outer lips between her index finger and her thumb, squeezing. Not overly painfully, but definitely letting me feel who was in control. I kept playing with the thong, which felt awkward, now that she was holding my pussy. It felt intimidating.

"But we were hoping that 400 bucks would change that. Won't it?" She looked at me sharply.

"Mhm," I could only answer awkwardly.

I shouldn't have.

"Mhm?" she mimicked me, in a mocking voice.

Kath looked at Debra.

"I told you, she's fucking arrogant. Even when she gets every little thing pointed out to her and gets paid top dollar, she doesn't make an effort," Kath said, while casually tightening her grip around my lips.

"Yes, I'm going to be a good little whore," Debra shot at me, now even seeming actually annoyed, telling me what she wanted to hear.

I started to feel awkward, threatened somewhat.

"Yes I'm going to be a good little whore," I answered awkwardly, but trying to sound as sure as I could.

It felt so weird. I never intended to be a prostitute. To be a.. whore. Yet, here I was. Both of them now looked at me, to my face, so very focused right now.

"And what happens when you fuck up?" Debra continued to ask, while Kath's hand now let go off my lips, and started to caress my butt, giving me a few playful slaps, although I knew that nothing was ever actually playful with these two. Threatening, was a better word.

I stared at her, not sure what to answer now.

"What do little bitches get when they fuck up?" she tried to give me a hint.

Still, I didn't know what to answer.

"Look behind you, can you see what's on the table? Any clue of what might happen? Or are you seriously just not very bright?"

I looked over my shoulder, as if I hadn't seen it yet. The riding crop, the gag, the vibrators, the lube.

"They get spanked..?" I tried to give the preferred answer, reasoning that the whip was an indication for what they had in mind.

"Oh, no, whores like you get spanked all the time. I bet you hardly even notice when you get spanked. No, you'll feel it when you get punished. Or else, you'll never learn, will you?" Debra continued to belittle me.

I just shook my head awkwardly. I shouldn't have. There was a sudden, sharp pinch of Kath's nails high up my inner thigh, near my pussy. And she held the pinch while Debra was looking up to my face.

"I should be punished when I'm being an arrogant little bitch," Debra said calmly, while the expression on my face changed into a very painful one, awkwardly.

"I should be - ahh.. punished when I'm being an.. arrogant little bitch," I squirmed. I'd have said anything to make the pinch stop.

Kath let go off my inner thigh.

"Why are your panties still on? Didn't you have to take them off?" Kath then said sharply.

I didn't know how quickly I pulled the thong down my legs, and off, while I felt Kath's hand run over my lower back, over my ass as I bent to take it off, possessively, threatening in a way.

I felt overwhelmed, tense, as the ridiculously small, pink thong was finally left on the floor, and I stood back up, wearing only these sexy stripper shoes.

"Show us your ass," Kath then took over direction of Debra.

It sounded simple enough, even though embarrassing, and feeling vulnerable while wearing practically nothing, right in front of them, in that small space between the couch and the table. I simply turned around, my back to them.

For seconds, I couldn't see them, and I didn't hear them. Then I heard Kath's voice again, talking to Debra.

"Is she serious?"

I then felt a finger, softly tracing my leg up from my right knee. But that soft feeling didn't last long. Suddenly I felt sharp fingernails digging into my flesh, on the inside of my leg, pinching, going up my inner thigh, pinching along the way towards my pussy, causing me to flinch and squirm at the same time.

"Are you serious? You're going to act arrogant again? Spread those legs and put your hands on the table, bend the fuck over," I heard Kath's voice behind me, calmly, while hurting me so intensely.

I stumbled on the high heels as I put my feet apart immediately, squirming with the so very meanly inflicted pain, and putting my hands right on the towel that was spread out on the table right in front of me. God, she was pushy. It was only when I had my legs spread wide that she would leave my thighs alone, still burning from the mean pinches.

Within seconds, I stood there like some porn model, some complete slut, bent over right in front of them, nude, my ass sticking up high, inviting, and so very vulnerable, right within hand.

"You were hiding your pussy again, weren't you," Debra said, while I felt a hand on my cheeks, pulling it aside slightly, as if wanting to make the point that it was so easily accessible now.

A small, possessive slap on my ass followed.

"Weren't you."


"Because you're an arrogant little bitch, aren't you."

I listened to her flat out degrading, taunting voice. Did she seriously expect me to answer that?

"Yes." I answered very much against my will.

"We want to hear you say it."

I felt myself getting pushed towards a boundary of humiliation. I couldn't tell anymore whether this was a game or that this was actually what they thought of me. But I didn't see a way out at this moment. In fact, it felt as if I was in over my head, if only for the simple reason that it was impossible to compromise or excuse myself from these two pushy women at all. I had to endure it.

"Because I'm an arrogant little bitch," I said with a strange, degraded feeling.

"And you need to be taught manners, don't you."


Jesus, there it was again. Manners.

"Say it. I need to be taught manners because I'm an arrogant little bitch."

I just reiterated what she said, trying not to think too much, and just go with the flow of their obviously kinky game. Because it was a game. It had to be. That's how I had to see it.

"I need to be taught manners because I'm an arrogant little bitch."

"Now turn around, sit on the table, and tell it to Kath."

I really wish I could just keep standing there, bent over, but at least not having to look into their eyes while being made to say humiliating things like this. No chance.

I finally stood up straight, and with my face flushed, partly from standing there bent over for such a long time, but that was obviously not the only reason. I turned to face them again, and awkwardly sat down on the table, my bare butt on the towel, and I just went to look at Kath, as I saw her reach her hand towards me. My knees were together, a small space in between them, just sitting there normally. Her eyes shot fire as she roughly pulled my knee aside, spreading my legs, followed by a very hard, mean slap on my inner thigh.

"Legs..." she hissed, followed by another very hard slap. "Wide."

I squirmed, as I immediately spread my legs open as wide as I could, completely open for them, like some total slut.

While I was looking into Kath's eyes, horrified, I felt Debra's hand softly caressing up my thigh, and without further hesitation, cupping my now fully exposed pussy, almost teasingly, running her finger softly up and down over my lips.

"Well? What were you going to tell me?" Kath said.

"I need to be taught manners because I'm an arrogant little bitch."

I felt myself going down this spiral of humiliation, deeper and deeper.

"And why did you hide your pussy again just now? Aren't you getting paid enough?"

I stared into her eyes, trying to think. Not wanting to invite another mean outburst from Kath. I had to keep her satisfied somehow, as I was terrified to be so meanly pinched or slapped so hard again.

Debra's finger, in the meantime, pushed right against my lips, and into my pussy. I was wet with fear. While she started to simply finger my pussy, I kept looking into Kath's eyes, forcing me to pay attention to her while Debra almost casually fingered me like that.

"Because I'm an arrogant little bitch."

I couldn't believe I said that. On my own initiative, just guessing that that was what she wanted to hear.

"That's right," she confirmed my answer immediately, and I couldn't believe I felt relieved for giving the right answer.

"Stand up, show off your pussy," Kath then continued.

I looked down, and somewhat expected Debra to remove her finger from my pussy. But she just continued to slowly, almost tauntingly finger me deeply, looking up into my eyes like Kath did.

I then just carefully attempted to stand up, and it was only then that she let her finger slide out. With an uncertain feeling I stood up straight, and I was already afraid of new expectations that I didn't know about.

I looked down on them, while they looked up my naked body. Their eyes glancing over my legs, my pussy, my blonde little strip, my bare breasts. Kath reached down, and somewhat roughly grabbed my ankle, and lifted my foot. I moved with her, while I didn't really know what she was intending for me to do.

"Here, put your foot here," she said, guiding my foot to the couch, right next to Debra, so I was standing there opened wide for Debra. "Show your pussy off to Debra," she added.

I just stood there, seeing Debra's eyes lock on my pussy. She just looked at it, not saying a word for a while, while I was standing there so open and exposed, so inviting, like a professional slut making her money this way.

"Nice pussy," she then said, not looking up to me.

I just smiled politely, awkwardly. I didn't know what to do with a direct, bawdy comment like that.

Kath, sitting on the other side of the high heel I carefully put on the seat of the couch, reached out to me, and slowly caressed my butt. Playfully, yet possessively, softly squeezing my left cheek as I stood there with my blonde, carefully trimmed pussy on display.

"That's what annoyed me the most about you in the club. You feel like you're too good to talk back," Kath then remarked in a confrontational tone. "We asked you to talk dirty, even paid you for it, hell, even explained how, and yet you behave like some princess and keep quiet. What's up with that? Aren't you getting enough money, or is it because you're just that arrogant?"

She started to squeeze my cheek a bit harder, rougher, as if she wanted to push me. I just stood there, while now Debra's eyes were looking up into mine as well. The options she gave me were just downright humiliating, both of them.

"Well? Which one is it?" Kath kept pushing.

I didn't want to choose between the two. I just couldn't do it. I'd either look like a greedy prostitute, or embarrass myself in front of them even further. But I had to answer something.

"I mean.. yeah, I didn't know you wanted that now too," I tried to just get the tension out of the conversation, as if I could do it, and that this was just a slight misunderstanding.

"No, today we want peace and quiet," Kath remarked sarcastically, while giving my cheek a condescending, soft slap.

I just grinned awkwardly, as if I understood the stupidity of my own remark.

"So? What do you say when Debra says you have a nice pussy?"

She slapped me again, softly, but so embarrassing. I felt like I was being reprimanded like some little girl. Again.

I blushed deeply, while I felt so insecure. I didn't want to sound like some ignorant fool, but not looking like an ignorant fool meant I'd sound like a complete slut.

"Thanks.. I'm glad you like my pussy" I then answered while I could feel the humiliation running through my veins.

I got feedback immediately, as Kath's hand then moved down slightly from my cheek, reaching around my leg, towards the soft skin of my inner thigh, and taking the flesh of my sensitive skin between her thumb and index finger, pinching it. Softly at first, but strengthening her grip every second, while she then dictated to me what she wanted to hear.

"Thank you.. would you like to.." The squeeze became tighter and tighter. "..finger my arrogant little.." The pain increased, and I closed my eyes, trying my best not to squirm, "bitch pussy..?" she then finished her sentence.

But she did not release my thigh from her incredibly mean pinch. I panicked, and my voice sounded almost like a squirm.

"Thank you, would you like to finger my, ahhh," I felt a tear burning in my eye. "ow..ow.. arrogant little.. bitch pussy" I finally managed to literally repeat her.

She finally stopped pinching my inner thigh, and tenderly caressed it instead, as if wanting to comfort me, but it was charged with the intent to humiliate me.

"That sounds a lot better," she continued to taunt me, as if she didn't just dictate the exact answer that she was expecting.

I was on the edge of tolerance. If I had known upfront that I'd end up here, with her around, I would never have agreed to it. But I couldn't run away. They were just too intimidating, too pushy, and the situation just became too complicated.

While she kept caressing my thigh, of which I'm sure would be bruised very shortly after this by the incredibly painful, mean pinch, Debra almost casually reached out to me, aiming right at my pussy, and cupping it while Kath kept talking.

"I'll make it even easier for you. Any answer without the words 'little bitch' in it, is probably a wrong answer," she said, while still so softly caressing my inner thigh.

Debra's fingers traced along my lips, and it didn't take long before she started to probe between them again with her finger, just like she did earlier, casually sliding her finger into my pussy as if I was some toy, some commodity, while Kath continued.

"From now on, you're going to act like the slut you are. You're going to walk like a slut, talk like a slut and look like a slut. You're going to make it worth our while. You're going to try a lot harder for 400 fucking bucks," she continued in her almost threatening voice, while Debra's finger slid in deep.

She kept quiet for a few seconds, right before withdrawing her hand from my thigh, and giving me a hard, loud slap on my cheek. It felt different than the other slaps. As if now that the contract was clear, they were going to level up their game.

"Even the stupidest little whores get this basic shit right." She paused, right before her hand once again moved towards my thigh, and before I knew it, she dished out a mean, hard pinch right above the spot she pinched me before.

"Haa.. ahh.." I squirmed, while my leg trembled.

"Don't you try fuck with us," she went on using that same threatening tone, as she kept pinching.

There was no escaping from that mean pain, while I wished badly she'd let go. My inner thigh was going to be bruised all over.

"What are you going to be?" she then asked, holding her pinch, while Debra slowly slid her finger out of my pussy.

"A slut" I answered desperately, immediately.

Just as I thought the pinch couldn't get any meaner, she increased her strength. I gasped.

"What did I just... fucking tell you?" She paused. "Are you actually stupid? Which words?"

I closed my eyes as I could hardly stand the pain, having trouble to keep my posture while standing on those very high stripper shoes.

"Ow.. ow.. " I squirmed, I gasped again, desperately waving my hands as if I wanted to push her away, but far from daring to even touch her arm. "A little bitch slut," I answered while barely being able to talk normally, and actually feeling a tear running down my cheek.

She held her pinch for yet another few seconds, before finally letting go. It felt as if my thigh was literally burning.

Debra reached out to me again, while Kath's hard pinch again turned into soft, taunting caressing. Debra started to just casually stroke over my small, landing strip, right before cupping my pussy again. But this time, she held my pussy lips in between her fingers, as if she was about to squeeze them. I felt myself getting worried, and looking down, while she looked up to me.

"It's almost as if you want to be punished, seeing how dumb you behave. Should we just keep punishing you? Or do you want to try again, and be a good little bitch? And you better give me a very good answer.."

She didn't need to elaborate verbally what would happen if I didn't, as her fingernails literally started tugging at my soft pussy lips.

"I'm going to try and be a good little bitch," I answered immediately, as anything would be better than getting pinched again, and getting pinched right there where her fingers were just seemed even more horrific than my still soar thigh.

"Yeah I bet you are.." Kath mumbled.

Kath's hand moved towards my butt again, stroking it almost as if she was petting it, giving it small, but oh so notable small slaps in between.

"I know arrogant little bitches like you think they don't need to try because 'oh, I'm so pretty, I just need to lie on my back', but when we pay top dollar, we expect you to fucking try a bit harder," she continued in her harsh tone.

"So here's what's going to happen. You're going to take your panties, go upstairs to fix your makeup, and you come downstairs again, and be the good little bitch you promised to be. And you're not going to be a crybaby when you get a bruise or two because you managed to fuck up again, because that's really all on you. It's really not that fucking hard."

She paused.

"You're gonna stop hiding your pussy, you're gonna offer and show off that pretty body of yours that, remember very well, we're paying a lot of money for, and you're going to talk like the shameless slut we want you to be instead of being a fucking prude all the time. I think it's pretty clear by now what we're expecting, and you're finally going to give us our money's worth."

Debra removed her hand from my pussy finally, and reached to the floor, where my ridiculously small, pink thong was. It felt humiliating when she handed it to me without saying a word. As if I had to try again.

I felt a condescending, harder slap on my butt from Kath.


With the pink thong in my hand, and wearing nothing but those stripper heels, I then walked away from them finally, towards the door to the hallway, and feeling so very confused and tense. I didn't know what to think anymore. Did I actually mess up? Was I supposed to know how this worked? Were they messing with me? Was Kath getting her revenge like this? And revenge for what? And what did people expect for 400 bucks? It seemed like a lot for sure.

Without looking over my shoulder, I walked back, through the door, and let out a deep breath when I was finally alone, and walked up the stairs. God, this was hard. And again, I didn't see any way out. They wouldn't even tolerate me wanting to back out of this. If I would offer them now to just take their money back so I could leave, they wouldn't accept it. They wanted me here, and they wanted me exactly the way they demanded.

By the time I arrived back in the slightly breezy bathroom upstairs, I tried to calm myself down. Talk some sense into myself. Make a plan. I figured that the only way forward was to once again go with the flow. What's an hour. And would it really hurt that bad to be this.. slut that they were expecting? I could just try it. Put my pride aside for just an hour, or what was left of it. That's what I'd do. And then after that, all of this was over, and I'd never let anyone pursuade me into doing something like this ever again.

After I fixed my makeup, I put on the pink, laced bikini thong again, and walked back downstairs, still busy talking courage into myself in my head. I would exaggerate all the things they asked for, I'd see it as a job, something that I got money for, and I'd act for that money. I wouldn't take it personally, I wouldn't let it get to me.

It even felt as if there was a spark in my eyes when I then entered the living room again, Kath and Debra both sitting on the couch as before, me dressed just like the first time I came in, in just that tiny bikini thong and high shoes. I walked towards them in a steady pace, wanting to come across as more assertive this time, and even feeling as if I was in control at least a bit while I assumed an attitude that was more upfront. My bare breasts were dancing with every step that I took, once again emphasizing my nudity.

I once again told me to not hold back as I got in between them and the low coffee table again, right in front of them. But unlike last time, keeping my feet apart a bit this time, and looking at Kath directly. If I managed to be direct with her instead of being afraid, I would be able to handle Debra. But Kath's piercing eyes were as strict as ever, and I knew I wasn't going to win this staring contest. I tried to not let it get to me, although I felt the tendency to look away. The severe dislike of me as a person was just so prevalent in her eyes.

"Show off that bitch pussy," she then said, simply.

I just slightly nodded, as if I immediately wanted to acknowledge her, to let her know that I understood what she meant, afraid of any reprimands, even if I didn't know what for.

I reached towards the pink, small thong that I was wearing low on my hips, and put my thumbs behind it. I managed to even move my hips a bit, as I slowly started to pull it down, teasing with it a bit, while I felt two pairs of extremely critical eyes on me. On my body, on my hands, on every move. Not a single word was spoken. I pulled the thong down while slightly bending through my knees, and carefully stepped out of it. I knew what I had to do next.

I stood right in front of Kath, once again telling myself that I had to try hard. I put one of my feet on the couch, just like I did in front of Debra earlier, giving her a full view between my widely spread bare thighs, one of them slightly bruised from earlier, and letting her look right at my exposed pussy.

She looked for a few seconds. Still, no reprimands. I actually felt relieved about doing things right. But I trembled slightly when I suddenly heard her harsh voice again.

"Well? Got anything to tell me?"

I knew I really shouldn't mess up now.

"Would you like to touch my little bitch pussy?" I then asked, feeling my face flush as I asked it, looking her straight into her eyes, as if I meant what I said.

Without context, this would have seemed like a really, really slutty thing to say. And it even seemed like that now. As if it was my idea to say that.

She immediately reached out her hand, right towards my widely exposed pussy, and for a second I thought I was going to flinch. But I managed not to. Her move was so very determined. She cupped it, but immediately probed her finger against my pussy lips, and continuing to do so before she then easily slipped into my pussy, and starting to literally fingerfuck me somewhat roughly. I tried to keep still as she groped and fingered my pussy as if she literally owned it, and I felt embarrassed about the wet sounds her pumping finger caused.

"Never thought I'd say this, but it feels like she's trying a little harder," she then remarked towards Debra, while she kept fucking my pussy somewhat roughly, steadily.

"I knew she had it in her," Debra responded with a grin.

"She definitely has it in her," Kath mumbled, while she probed me a little harder, exaggerating.

"You like it, slut?" she continued using that same harsh tone towards me. "And you better keep answering right from now on, or else that little bruise right here is gonna become a lot bigger."

She downright threatened me, and I couldn't stand the idea of her pinching me there again. I would have even done it right without her threatening me, but she felt as if she had to, apparently not believing I'd go with their flow now.

"I love your finger in my little bitch pussy," I answered as well as I could.

Kath looked up into my eyes for a second, as if even while I said it right, she was still looking for something I did wrong.

"That's right," she mumbled.

"Took you long enough though, didn't it, to get us our money's worth," she remarked. "Why was that again?" she asked, again having that taunting look in her eyes.

While I stood there, thinking of a good answer, a pleasing answer, I saw Debra reach towards me again from the side, and just casually starting to touch my round, peachy butt, petting it even.

"Because I'm a little bitch..?" I answer, very unsure now, with these open ended questions.

I suddenly saw Kath reaching towards me with her free hand, and gave me a sharp, short slap on my sensitive inner thigh, wide available for her. I squirmed quietly, but managed to keep a straight face.

"What kind of little bitch?" she continued, looking up to me.

"An arrogant little bitch," I said, desperately wanting to avoid another sharp slap like that.

She didn't answer, and just kept fingering me. The lack of confirmation was nerve wrecking.

Meanwhile, Debra was still just softly caressing my butt, lightly squeezing it. It could have even felt nice, but the whole situation just made it mentally humiliating.

"Nice ass," she simply commented.

And for a moment I actually panicked. Was I supposed to answer something to that? To a remark? But then I quickly weighed my options. Actually answering would probably be my best bet, even though it would make me look like an actual slut while it would seem like it was my own idea. But anything to avoid more frustrating, painful reprimands. I promised myself to go all out as far as I could, after all.

"Thanks," I paused for a split second, "I love getting my little bitch ass touched like that."

No response yet again, but to my relief Debra finally went with it. It seemed I chose the right option.

"I bet you do, how about you turn around and give us a good look at it," she then said.

Kath finally stopped probing me, and slid her finger out of my pussy. I was wet by fear, but still, I was wet, and in this picture, that made me look even more like some slut.

Once Kath removed her finger and I was free to move, I turned around. I knew that I had to try hard now. I gathered my courage yet again, and made sure I spread my feet apart, right before bending over deeply, sticking my round butt high in the air in front of these two women old enough to be my mom.

Almost immediately, I felt hands from both Debra and Kath's directions, squeezing my naked cheeks eagerly, and slapping me clear and hard, although not mean.

I felt a fingernail running down my crack, all the way from the top, down, over my anus, over my pussy lips, and then back up again.

"You need to get fucked, don't you, little slut," Debra then asked calmly, while by now, both of them were squeezing my cheeks, exposing my pussy and ass like that.

Once again, I thought it'd be best if I agreed fully.

"I need to get fucked like a little bitch," I maintained this slutty flow I was conditioned to be in.

"On your knees, on the table," Debra said, while she pushed against my legs, rudely.

I had no choice. I stepped forward, and lowered myself on the low coffee table, my knees on the towel. Wearing just the very high stripper heels, my back arched slightly, entirely naked, and so clearly ready to get actually fucked.

Kath stood up, and walked around the table, to face me. Under me, I saw Debra pick up the thin, scary looking riding crop from the table.

From behind, I felt the crop's thin leather pad sliding over my ass. This felt scary. What if she'd actually hit me with that? I'm not even sure it could be worse than the intense pinching, but it was just that the thing looked so dangerous.

Kath just stood in front of me, her hand then reaching to my face. She took my chin in her hand. It felt so very intimidating somehow. So bossy.

She then pressed her thumb against my lips, softly probing it, as if she wanted to push it in. Nervously, I opened my mouth. She pushed her thumb into my mouth, and slowly ran it over my tongue, as if she was testing me somehow. I just stayed there, on my hands and knees, my back arched, my butt up slightly, dead still while the crop caressed over my naked cheeks. Then I felt the crop be removed, and with a slight wooshing sound, right before it hit my butt sharply.

But it wasn't nearly as painful as Kath's hand, as she suddenly removed her thumb from my mouth, and delivered a very harsh slap in my face, leaving my cheek glowing. It felt downright violent. Then, acting as if nothing happened while a tear burned in my eye, she put her thumb in my mouth again, just like before, repeating the exact same move, running her thumb over my tongue.

Again I felt the crop crack on my bare ass, sharply. My hips wiggled slightly, and I squirmed softly, with that thumb still in my mouth. It wooshed and slapped yet again, right before it slid between my legs and the long thin thing started to caress my pussy, right in between my lips.

Then, as if I should have seen it coming, Kath's thumb slid from my mouth once again, and delivered yet another harsh blow against my face, right on the same cheek as before. Jesus, that hurt. My cheek felt as if it was on fire.

"I can do this all day until you start figuring out what that pretty tongue is supposed to do," she then simply said, coldly.

Scared, hurt, I then felt her thumb press against my now slightly opened lips again. I felt so deeply humiliated when I then started to nervously lick around her thumb. It must have made me look like such a slut. Her thumb then stayed in my mouth like that, apparently satisfied about what I figured out.

I felt the crop withdrawn from my crack, and Kath, while still holding her thumb in my mouth, and me obediently licking it, squatted down right in front of me, looking into my eyes, my one cheek still burning red.

"How about you give me a nice kiss, to make up for how arrogant you've been," she then said simply, a dead serious look in her eyes.

I didn't want to. I really didn't want to kiss this woman. This cruel woman, humiliating me further and further. Having to kiss this woman.

But her cold stare scared me. I just wanted to be done with it. She moved her face closer to me, and before I knew it, she kissed full on my lips. I clearly felt her tongue touching my lips, probing in between my lips. But just as quick as she started to kiss me, she withdrew herself again.

Then, while looking straight into my eyes, I felt her hand land harshly on my cheek again, even harder than before. I felt as if I almost started to downright cry. With a tear crawling from my eye onto my cheek, she hissed at me.

"Don't you fucking dare hiding that arrogant tongue from me again," she threatened sharply.

With such a degraded, deeply humiliated feeling, I then made sure I found her tongue immediately when she then simply leaned towards me again. I felt her breath. Smelled her breath. I hated her. But within seconds, I was french kissing her as if I meant it, so dead scared of another blow like that.

My tears were now running from my cheeks freely. I just couldn't take it anymore, the extreme humiliation, the very hard slaps in my face.

Finally, she ended the kiss, seemingly not caring at all about my tears. She was out to punish me, to get back at me for whatever reason. I'm not even sure it was personal.

"Now we're going to make sure you'll remember what an arrogant little slut you have been," she then said, as she reached next to me.

Before I could even think, she pressed the red ball gag against my lips. Oh god no. Not that weird thing.

"Open up."

Scared as I was, it was the only thing she had to say to me before I opened my mouth, and then smelled the rubber gag very clearly, even tasting it, as it was pushed in my mouth.

"You're going to remember how you're going to behave next time we visit you in the club," she added bluntly, while attaching the strap of the gag behind my head.

This felt so ridiculous. But once again, I didn't have time to think, as I then felt a cold, lubricated tip of.. something against my anus, and pushing against it. It felt thick, hard. Oh what the fuck. No.

I closed my eyes, and squirmed deeply, muted by the gag in my mouth, while apparently some big dildo entered my ass. Deeper and deeper. I breathed through my nose desperately, as the big thing filled up my ass completely, stretching it widely. I was seriously scared it would rip my ass. Oh god this was so painful.

And then while it entered completely, it turned out that the big dildo was actually strapped to Debra, who then started to slowly but surely fuck me with it. I couldn't believe it.

I squirmed, I drooled along the gag in my mouth. Debra was still squatting in front of me, looking at my face, clearly enjoying the misery I was in, even though she had that same cold stare. As if it was right here where she was getting her revenge. On girls like me. I couldn't believe it. I was being used, abused. This was insane.

As the dildo was pulled back and pushed back in a few times, she started to actually fuck me rhythmically with it.

"That's right, little bitch," Kath mumbled, while her face was right in front of me, seeing my despair from up close.

"No Jen to protect you now, is there," she went on, calmly taunting me with her voice, while Debra was fucking me deeply from behind.

They did it to punish me. They did it to show me that they could have what they wanted. They did it out of a grudge towards girls like me. I didn't even know what that was about.

At moments, I felt as if I was losing my conscience, as the fucking went on and on. But I was awakened brutally by yet another slap in my face by Kath as soon as my eyes even remotely closed, forcing me to look at her while I was being fucked deep into my ass like that.

"You better keep fucking looking into my eyes, I want to see how sorry you are," she only harshly commented.

Debra kept fucking me with a very steady rhythm, deeply. As if she was a machine I couldn't escape from.

Kath eventually stood up. But to my horror, she unbuttoned her jeans, right in front of my eyes. She kicked off her low boots, and took her pants off. Her panties followed, and I was staring at her hairy bush, right above her chubby thighs.

She couldn't possibly want me to.. But with a few rough gestures, she loosened the strap around my head, and removing the wet, drooled over gag from my mouth.

I'm not sure whether to be relieved or not when the dildo finally exited my ass, leaving me feeling as if I was left there on my knees with a widely gaping, abused, painful ass, because the very next moment, Kath grabbed my hair and forced my face towards her pussy, having lifted one of her feet on the table to give me access.

"Kiss my pussy, bitch."

I couldn't do anything but lean forward, and actually pushing my nose into her hairy pussy, while my lips pressed against her pussy lips, actually kissing her pussy.

"That's right, show me how thankful you are," she said, while I smelled her deeply.

"Keep kissing," she said simply, right after delivering yet another sharp slap on my face, causing my tears to crawl over my cheeks once again.

I kept kissing her pussy, scared, angry, frustrated.

"That's right.." she continued calmly. "I bet your mommy was too weak to raise you, wasn't she. You need a strong woman to raise you, don't you."

I felt the anger boil inside of me, while I kept giving her these humiliating small kisses on her pussy. Yet another harsh slap on my cheek, actually hitting my ear.

"I asked you a question," she commented coldly.

I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped.

"Fuck you!!" I cried out loud, while I finally moved her hand away from my head, aggressively.

Both of them stayed quiet, while I then stumbled off the table, trembling with fear, almost losing my balance on those ridiculously high heels. How dare they involve my mom in this. Insult her like this.

Furiously, I got out of my shoes, and while my tears were blinding me, I rushed to the backpack, grabbed it, and walked towards the door to the hallway at a high, intense pace.

I rushed up the stairs, completely naked, and once back in the bathroom I angrily put the tiny pink bikini thong and high stripper heels into my backpack, and got into my regular clothes.

I didn't even bother to put on my panties under my jeans, or my socks. I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

Still sobbing, I then rushed down the stairs again, along the door to the living room that was still open.

"Sure, be arrogant again," I even heard Kath put more oil on this fire from the living room.

"Fucking assholes," I only responded as my voice trembled, and I rushed out of the front door.

Trembling with intense anger, I walked as far away as I had to, until I finally stopped crying.

Minutes later, I sat in the back of an Uber cab, my ass hurting insanely, and promising myself to never, ever let myself get into a situation like this again.

Next: Chapter 4

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