Horticultural Delights

By moc.loa@edulretnisretirW

Published on Feb 27, 2009


In The Allotment Shed, Unabridged. Copyright Alex Carr 2009

This guy, a friend of my Uncle's called Ned asked me to come help him with his allotment, he said he would pay me and so being unemployed and short of the dosh I went for it, but I soon discovered the help was much more than just digging up the shallots and tatties!

He said he needed to show me where the tools were and guided me into a shed. But I found his aim was to find my tool and tackle without a how's your father or even a slight hint of a request, he just went for it. I felt his busy fingers scuffling around me, he told me to bend over the bench in his allotment shed. My eyes watered as he squeezed me down there, he'd done that before, when I was younger and I scampered - but never in the confines of the shed. And anyway I took it like a one of - that maybe he was just joking with me, I was that naive!

"You like that, Lad? They're meant to be squeezed and teased - like this, feel it?" I closed my eyes and wondered when he would stop, his handling was quite rough and I felt any moment he may hurt me. But then he loosened my belt,

took down my jeans to the knees and took hold of my cock and stretched it back so tight, swinging me around for a good gander at it like he was a doctor examining his patient. "You know you ought to wash behind this?" he said. " It will get all cheesy if you don't and you will get nasty things wrong with you." He smiled at me now with that certain look about his eyes, I felt something more was going to happen.

"Ever seen a man's full grown prick or ever sucked one?" he asked. I must have flushed, because he assumed I had, actually my first taste of cock was just a month before with a guy in the park, he came and sat next to me on the bench, it was quiet and we were shaded by an oak tree, he made this suggestion and somehow I went for it, we sucked each other until we both spurted, said then it was 'see you' and that was that.

I stumbled with my words, not quite knowing what to say but felt he was going to show me no matter what I said. He did and no mistake, he lifted it up with his hand and I saw it growing.

"Now no need to be scared, Lad - it is just that I want to teach you some fundamentals, want to show you just how it feels with this lodged up your arse."

My senses were alert now, the size of it! And he wanted to that hulk inside me! But it was plainly obvious he aimed to and soon he had me perched over his bench again briskly opening the lid of a jar of Vaseline. "This will help first time, Lad. It's gonna hurt but I will be gentle at first, till you get used to it -then you'll see, you will love it - and then we can try all sorts of new games together."

I had often wondered how it would be, remembering my secret fantasies - like when I met the guy in the park, I went there several times afterwards just hoping we could strengthen our very brief relationship, but he was never around. There were often guys hanging around the toilets, but I never fancied that,

thinking it was the best way to get a disease - and anyway, fucking or whatever in the confines of a loo was a little bit like a small cell not to mention the risk of getting clobbered by the cops if someone reported you.

But now, seeing Ned's cock I was thinking like; "Oh My God. What could I do? " Ned was a big guy, six ft tall at least and I was only an eighteen year old

midget compared with him. I was beginning to realise why all the questions when I agreed to help him on his allotment for a fiver and hour, he'd found out I wasn't particularly interested in girls, but gay? When he mentioned that word and was I? Well I had never really thought about it. Does not liking girls always mean you must be the other way inclined! Obviously Ned thought so and now I was beginning to feel him stretching the cheeks of my arse wide, pushing a finger up there, wiggling it around, me wondering how on earth he could get his cock inside me if he was having a struggle with his finger, sorry two fingers - and yes it was stinging some, I discovered the meaning of what the saying refers to as a lamb waiting for slaughter, there was I, presenting it to him like it was on a plate and ready for his pleasure - he telling me to stretch my feet and legs apart, first I felt the warmth of his tongue which seemed to be trying to get inside me but in contrast to his bony fingers, the silky wet feel was so much better, then he anointed the opening to my passage with the Vaseline, it was making a squelching sound as he massaged it into me. "Now lad, you have a lovely ass, just grit your teeth and I will make your first time as easy as possible" - and already I felt the pain of his hard cock prizing away at my opening, entering me. stretching me until I thought he would rip me apart. He ventured to try me different ways, slightly to the side - gradually working it up me, bit by bit, it was a strange sensation something going into there when it should be something coming out. It was all I could bear and it was truly hurting me like hell!

"Ouch!" I yelled. That so hurts! He stopped awhile, inside me, I could feel it's throb, he complimented me on my ass again, saying I was a good fuck and how long he had been waiting for it. He wanted me to ball him as he fucked me, but it was awkward to get my hand around far enough to reach him, eventually, with a little bit of coordination, I was able to, his balls were hanging and warm, I sort of cupped and rolled them in my hand as he still remained wedged still up my ass. "That's nice, Lad - don't stop, roll those balls like crazy, feel me get harder inside you. It will be better when you get used to it, lad you'll see. You've got a lovely arse, I knew I wanted it first time I saw you, said to myself I will be fucking that `afor long. Now bend it a little more lad, let me slide a little deeper up inside you, want you to feel the full throb of hard hot prick up there, it's the only way if you want to be a fully fledged member of the Circle. Lets get the rhythm now, baby and it will be just fine." "Circle?" I asked. "Will explain later," he returned - for now I need to concentrate on fucking the ass off you. I'd lost hold of his balls by then, the way he was steam hammering me, "now move it for me, will help you and will help me get it right inside, where it needs to be for the climax! - come on, fuck me, fuck me hard, harder, harder!"

He began to thrust, in and out, gently at first. I felt the surge, the pain as he gradually worked it further inside me and the relief when he came away, he pulled my whole body with him and every time he thrust he shoved me against the bench again and I heard what seemed likened to the growl of an animal as he surged into me more quickly now, his hands beneath me, pulling my balls, nudging my inner thighs as I hoped he would soon be done, the pain was so much now, |I wondered if he had split me, it felt like it. But he was still yelling "fuck it, lad Fuck it" until with relief I felt the final surge, his breathing so strong as he jolted back and forward.. I was feeling the warmth of his fluid inside me, it seemed to also be trickling out of me, down the inside of my thigh - he had a tissue in his hand, wiping it clean and himself too. I was numb afterwards - I could hardly feel him wiping me there, he slowly took his thing out of me.

I was almost crying in agony - it was so painful, but now the pain had changed to a numbness, which strangely was quite pleasant.

"That was lovely, Lad. You are okay, you will see, you will want it more and more. Feel the pleasure now."

True it did seem pleasurable, perhaps I was gay after all, it felt too though he was still inside me but instead of pain it was sheer ecstasy now, feeling the stretching as he fucked me deep, wanting it more and more. I was still there, sprawled over the bench, gathering myself - and Ned seemed happy enough, simply stroking the contours of my ass, keeping on saying just how great it was, how fantastic a fuck I was, and then his mouth down there again, doing things, teasing my ring, he told me he loved to do that afterwards, when it was still so warm and stretched wide, a well fucked ass hole is a pleasure not to be missed and with that he gave me the most thorough deep probing with his tongue, still it felt numb, but it didn't hurt any more, I chilled loving what he was doing, I felt a sense of belonging, as if I had discovered my nitch with Ned, I was hoping it would go on and on, the feeling there, the way he was jerking my cock and squeezing my balls, cupping them as he sucked my hole.

Soon he was showing me how to suck cock, more specifically his cock as he went on to tell me about this so called `Circle' - a group of like minded guys who got together for a party once in a while, to meet perspective partners and have a fine orgy as he put it. Something which had once seemed repulsive to me became a delight and I really looked forward to being initiated and accepted by the Circle to which, Ned said, he would introduce me next Wednesday. "We will need an introductory video, you okay with that, Lad? Will mean a lot more fucking and everything, I will dhow you what it is like to be smothered, to sniff and taste me planted over your head, and you likewise with me, are you for it?" Everything seemed so thrilling and exiting with Ned. He said he wanted me dirty - and I was not quite sure how he meant that, but switching on the video camera inside the confines of the shed, the wondrous way he made it all happen, laying me down, crouching over me, it was all coming apparent to me just how naturally gay I was - and it was all so very wonderful and challenging. To have Ned smearing his hot cock and balls all over me as he crouched above me, gradually lowering himself, sniffing and tasting cock, then the thrill of my first time sucking his hole, and the way he rolled his ass for me, I was like and animal, sniffing, licking and sucking and enjoying every minute, and then his turn, showing me more tricks, so good and so heavenly. He ran the video afterwards, seemed more than pleased, "just one more thing, Lad" he said, "I want a good ten minutes cock sucking, they like that do the Circle." "And I bet you do too, Huh Ned?" I asked boldly. "Just get on with it" he said dropping his jeans, pushing on my head - from above to make me kneel before his steaming stiff cock bulging out beneath his boxer shorts. For a while I just enjoyed rolling him over his boxers, that felt so really sensual and stimulating, just playing with it, sniffing it through his boxers, watching the way it jerked to and from as I frigged it, and feeling its strong throb. Then I gently slipped my fingers beneath his boxers, gradually revealing the splendour of hard seven inches of cut cock waiting for its gobble, I couldn't wait any more, I felt the taste buds tingle in my mouth, remembering just how good it was to suck cock, especially Ned's. "Just for you, "he said, showing me that he had already pre-cum, glistening on the redness of his p-hole I presented my tongue. Gently licking it off, Ned watching intently and moaning, "I love what you do to my cock, ,Lad" he sighed and I wanted to make this the bestest ever - feeling the electricity of the moment, seeing the camera pointing to me, waiting for the action. After suckling his p-hole I gradually sucked it into my mouth, then deeper and stronger sucking, tasting it now, wanting it into my throat, taking a deep breath and feeling its surge at the opening of my throat as I took it in small thrusts, swallowing down his pre-cum, I sucked and sucked him, balling him too, letting my small finger run down to his ass and rim him, driving him insane, "I'm coming, gonna cum in your mouth" he yelled - I wanted that, told him so between breaths, a great experience to be sure, I had been sucking him for a time now, it still felt lovely in my mouth, complimenting the feel of my tongue wrapping around its end, then feeling the first spurt of his hot liquid, coming so very strong, how would it feel? I heard Ned yell out as he came, felt my mouth fill with his cream - it was like a flavour I had never known, remarkable tasting of the things at sea, sea salt, muscles, whelks and shrimps, all the sea food you could imagine , that how cock juice tasted. Thinking of my initiation at the Circle and what Ned had said, he was a real goner now, stretched across the settee, puffing and panting like a good'un - I was still sucking, feeling the new experience of what it was like to swallow, feeling it run warmly down my throat as I swallowed, turning to face the camera, just so it could clearly be seen what I was doing, my mouth full of Ned's swirling cream, divine. Like heaven. An experience not to be missed believe me, There is something very magical, I looked at the clock sideways with cock still in my mouth, another five to make up the fifteen minutes, I carried on until I had sucked it dry, then he came just a little bit more with two minutes to go, I gave it my all sucking him as strongly as I could, - the heavenly fifteen had passed, I let it out of my mouth we lay there just enjoying the after feelings, the wonderful soothing feeling of how it is after so deep and intimate experience. Ned said he would make it up, when we were at the Circle, when they were watching the video, they, the other Circle members could also watch him at the same time taking a fifteen minute session with my cock in his mouth. I'd go for that! "That would set the scene just right for a grand orgy afterwards" said Ned.

During the following days preceding the Circle initiation I `helped' Ned more at the allotment - getting used to the smell of shallots in the allotment shed, Ned too, that certain pungency of a ripe cock which I was craving for - to taste him again and feel his cock inside my mouth, then up deep inside, that truly heavenly feeling, no more pain now, just utter pleasure! . Always so good the way he stripped and stretched me, finding new and better ways across the bench to access me. And he even brought some cushions to make it more

comfortable as I bent my arse high for his enjoyment, feeling the sensation of his tongue licking and stroking my arse and balls, feeling his hand squeeze my cock to cum as I yelled for his deep fuck now, craving for it - hungry for it. I wanted to be of service to him, to give him all the pleasure my body could muster, to be all arse and balls for his. Soon he was up me again, his hands gripping my hip bones, holding me firm as he tried and experimented different ways, moving his cock this way and that way to get the sensation of his deep throbbing cock all ways. It was so lovely. And to suck him before the fuck was scrumptious, feeling his full firm balls and lapping up his firm round cock head, teasing his p-hole with the tip of my tongue until he shot his cum right into my face and mouth. Sometimes he ordered me to lay flat on the floor as he wanked is stiffly over my cock, sometimes over my ass, but I think he really preferred to see it drench my mouth and face, as I took it upon myself to swallow it all down again, I had grown accustomed to my dose of cock juice. When we got through all that, and the imminent Circle initiation I knew I had achieved what I wanted to achieve, now I knew the pleasure pf being gay, and how to share oneself in so many wonderful and delightfully different ways. Of course meeting new guys at the Circle was great, discovering new sensations, and how I enjoyed that orgy, the mass of tangled bodies doing everything with each other, they all seemed to love my ass, congratulated me on it, taking turns to feel my fuck inside, one cock after another it was, it was all very beautiful, but the most of all, I guess I had grown accustomed to the first guy who really set me off, and that was Ned. I will always be for him what he want me to be. I have actually fell in love with him, and we are living as a couple, and now each night I feel the warmth of his body close to mine, and even now, you know what? We still visit the allotment shed just to recall the magic of how it all started!

Next: Chapter 3: Taste and Fuck of Danny

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