Horticultural Delights

By moc.loa@edulretnisretirW

Published on Apr 8, 2009


Ned's gone but memories are sacred. Copyright Alex Carr 2009.

Poor old Ned died last week. I shall miss him dreadfully and his potting shed in his allotment. I wonder who will take it now? The allotment that is. I guess I could and start anew, I could even do what Ned did and invite people inside. That's how it started for us. And then it came to the point, with his pals sharing me - and sometimes at the same session, the shed just wasn't big enough, being shagged in such a small space by three buxom guys was a bit too

much. So what did need do, he got a bigger shed of course - and Wow what a rumpus we used to have in there, happy days - and now he's gone, he was just fifty but at least he died happy and I will always remember his fucks, sometimes long, sometimes quick and rough, but he always made the best of me, and I shall indeed miss the taste of him.

That's what I'll do. I enjoy a bit of gardening anyway, will grow all my own veg. - and there are still Ned's pals around for the occasional highlights, or to be honest, I would like to start anew and this time for me to be the host. See how it goes.

I got the allotment anyway, and the shed that went with it. It's funny, every time I go into the shed no I get a thrill just being there inside, looking at the bench and thinking the number of times Ned must have had me over it - and I laugh now to think he got me inside on the premise he wanted to show me how to prick out - and me in my innocence, thinking he meant the new seedlings. And he wasn't slow to show me his selection of dibbers, from small ( to prick out seedlings) to big (for planting out potatoes and cabbage and things. It ended up him usi8ng them on me when he couldn't get inside me with his huge erection. The small one was fine, well greased with Vaseline, it went into me a treat, and although I was nervous at the time, looking back I did come to enjoy those notions of Ned, in gradually initiating me with upward sizes until, eventually a week or so later, me astride the bench, he wedged the big one into me. It stung at first, but he was always kind, stopped awhile to let me get acclimatised to its bulk, but it was a lot better than before - when, experimenting with myself in the bathroom, I stuffed myself with the handle of a large screwdriver - bad idea because I did not lubricate and I really suffered going to the Loo days after.

When eventually I felt his cock inside me for the first time, it was so wonderful, after the feel of the rigid wooden dibbers with no give at all, his cock would bend and manipulate my hole inside, and it was absolute ecstasy, I just wanted his fuck more and more after that, and when he realised he could not give me enough, he brought his pals in, one being a big black guy with a cock twice the size of Ned's biggest dibber

That's when the bigger shed came in. - it wasn't just fucking over the bench any more, it was me bent on all fours taking Jed the black guy at one end and Ned the other, his cock firmly placed in my mouth as Jed let me have it up the ass, his strong hands holding my hips firm and solid so he could get a good stiff thrusting movement into me. It was so frantic I didn't realise I was

biting Ned - until he yelled complaining, but he looked at it, saw it wasn' t too bad - in fact he came to like a bit of gentle biting, and being fucked the way Jed did it, so tight inside, the reaction was to bite, like I was gritting my teeth to take the initial pain of his eleven inch cock going right up me.

"That's a fine way to treat your master, Pete!" said Jed - meaning how I had bitten Ned. "I think I will have to punish you for that" and that's when for the umpteenth time, I got the feel of his rough hands a cross my bare cheeks. Sometimes he liked me in tight jeans and stretched fully over his lap, my head touching the floor one side, other times, in my briefs (black preferably) he liked to pull them up tight to separate my ass cheeks, to poke between with his big fingers, balling me and then the full spank, sound and firm, it would usually be ten of those, he'd feel and squeeze me after one or two, and then come down on me harder, until finally I was so numb I could not feel any pain, only the ecstasy which usually culminated in a nice long cock suck, finding ways to take his eleven deep inside, sucking and tasting his pre-cum , before he bodily grabbed me, pushed me over the bench and gave it to me until I could not breath, him neither, we were both breathless and Ned standing there looking, getting great joy and thrill out of that, and soon I knew I would be getting off him, the result of that thrill in his `rising' which was always wonderful and lasting.

Those were the days. And now I must start anew. Now there is this young guy called Jason I know, he has taken interest, he is a blonde guy with a gorgeous

smile. Watch this space .... We have to keep up Ned's tradition after all!

Next: Chapter 14: More Allotment Tales

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