By D One

Published on Apr 6, 2017



Guys were always horsing around. Being physical wasn't presumed to be anything but that. Gym class, wrestling practice sessions, locker room antics, and even fully clothed buddy play was allowed.

Sammy didn't mind, in fact he loved it. His shorts, pants or towels displayed his reactions. He would laugh when arms would surround his torso, or butt was grabbed or patted. Glancing at the others involved, he saw their eyes glancing at his obvious reaction.

He wished when a hand would grab his basket, they'd hold on but usually they grabbed and released making him bend over and others nearby laugh.

"So we cool?" Tucker asked on afternoon as he sat next to Sammy so close their thighs touched.

"Yea" Sammy said.

Tucker had made fun of Sammy's erection in the shower making everyone laugh and Sammy blush.

"I guess" he added.

Sammy felt Tucker's thigh press and rub against his.

"Didn't mean anything man. We all get em" Tucker said "Look"

Sammy glanced where Tucker was holding his cock between his legs so only the two of them could see. It was thick and apparently growing.

"Go ahead man you can tell em" Tucker said.

"Naw" Sammy said "but that's a nice one"

Tucker laughed.

"It's not all, it gets bigger" Tucker said "allot of good it does us huh? One of these days I guess we'll find other ways to have fun then jacking off"

Sammy laughed "one of these days" he added "we're cool man, no problem"

Tucker stood and pulled on his jeans. Sammy noticed the boy didn't put on any underwear.

"No shorts?" he asked before realizing his mouth was saying what his mind was thinking.

"Naw, shows it off better, don't you think?"

Sammy looked at the bulging jeans.

"Nice" he said

"Thought you'd like it" Tucker laughed.

Sammy laughed along as he too dressed.

Dressed, they closed their lockers and turn to join the others leaving the locker room.

"Hey" Tucker's word and hand on Sammy's chest stopped them.

"You ever want to uh get together, you know, talk, jack, whatever?" he asked as his eyes darted downward towards Sammy's lower half.

"I guess" Sammy tried not to look at the still bulging jeans Tucker displayed.

"It's ok man, just between us. I got a car, meet you after the bell" Tucker said as he smiled. "We both need it"

Sammy watched as Tucker turned and left. The boy's buttocks separated by the seam in his jeans moved up and down as if to beckon another fantasy Sammy would have sitting in his next classroom.

The bell rang and Sammy shouldered his backpack of books for the homework that would occupy some of the weekend ahead.

He replied to classmates jokes and greeting as he joined the crowds in a rush to escape the confines of their independence...at least for the next couple of days.

Like sperm escaping from his narrow penis tip's slit, the students burst from the doorway ..taking Sammy with the flow.

He was on the sidewalk and turned to walk the distance home as usual when Tucker's car horn got his attention.

"You coming?" Tucker asked.

"Not yet" Sammy smiled at his own wit. He had accepted the torture of avoiding his usual after school masturbation in the privacy of his own bedroom to socialize with Tucker.

Sitting in the old 1955 car as Tucker sped away, Sammy wondered about where they were going and what did Tucker want to do.

"Shit man had to get out of those jeans" Tucker said alerting Sammy to the fact he was once again wearing his gym shorts.

"You can do it to if you want" Tucker's hand was in his own lap adjusting.

Sammy wanted to stare and see if the boy's penis was hardening again.

"I'll wait" Sammy answered "where we off to?"

"My place. Folks aren't home until late so we got the place to ourselves"

Tucker's hand was still under his shorts. Sammy wondered what would happen if he reached there too. The front seat was old style so it would be easy. And Tucker might think he was joking around. But the desire to feel that thick cock displayed for him earlier was tempting.

Before he could get the courage to do it, they turned into the driveway.

Tucker's place was a typical ranch house. Tucker's old car easily took part of the driveway in front of the closed double car garage.

Sammy saw Tucker's shorts were indeed tented. He figured they were about to jack off together. He had read stories, seen pics on the internet of guys jacking off side by side. He once thought his cousin suggested doing it. He had been tempted but didn't respond thinking the guy was just horsing around.

"So let's strip and relax" Tucker entering his bedroom tossed his books and peeled his shirt off.

Sammy hesitated because he was both nervous and wanted to watch Tucker. Sammy's waiting was rewarded as the boy kicked off his shoes and yanked his shorts off.

His totally naked form stood for an instant with his erect penis jutting in front like a human peg, shelf or finger waving "come here"

"Shit man you are hot" Sammy once again said what was on mind. "I mean you're uh out there"

"Yea" Tucker turned and reached to pull Sammy's te shirt off.

Sammy didn't speak at first. "It's ok, I can..."

"No let me" Tucker unbuttoned Sammy's jeans and peeled them down. Then he reached for Sammy's boxers and peeled them down as well.

"I thought you'd like this" he said seeing Sammy's penis rise to the occasion. "It's ok man"

Tucker's hand rested under Sammy's erection as if to cradle it.

"You're gonna love this" he said as his fingers closed around the stiff stalk.

"Do me at the same time" he instructed.

Sammy's stomach was trembling. He had never touched another guy's penis before, soft or hard. Now his hand engulfed one. He saw Tucker's wet dickhead. It felt good in his palm. The blood was pumping as if in synch with his own heartbeat.

"Shit man that's nice" Tucker moved closer as his hand rubbed.

Sammy was breathing faster and deeper. It didn't matter where they were, when or how. They were two bodies enjoying the touch of each other.

Tucker moved so close now his body heat melded with Sammy's. His available hand reached and guided Sammy's head to the crook of his neck. Tucker too leaned forward so his own head rested against Sammy.

Their breaths were loud, their throats uttered little unintelligible sounds as their hand stroked each other as they had stroked themselves over and over again.

Moaning, groaning, whispered curses, thighs touched, chests rubbed, hands moved faster and faster.

"Shit" Sammy wasn't sure if he or Tucker uttered the word but he felt his gut explode and his hand felt moisture as both boys gushed their sperm over the other.

There was a moment they stood there, resting their heads on each other, their wet hands holding their softening penis and their lungs slowly recovered.

"Shit man that was...." Sammy said

"Yea it was" Tucker laughed moving backwards. "Let me get a towel"

He returned before Sammy knew he had left the room. Tucker was wiping his crotch with it and then tossed it to Sammy.

"Want to do some Hunt Chronic?" He asked grabbing two video game controllers and turning on the large screen TV.

Tucker, still naked plumped down on the floor and patted beside him.

"Come on, we'll do this until we're ready for more"

Sammy sat down and felt Tucker shift close enough for their hips to touch. The video game started and soon the two naked chums were intent on killing graphically created monsters.

"Fuck you killed me again" Tucker said after unknown time had elapsed.

"It's almost dark; the folks will be coming home soon. We can go get a pizza or ...." His hand moved between Sammy's legs.

The touch stimulated the blood flow making Sammy's preference known immediately.

"Me too"

They stood without discussing it and moved to the bed. There were no words spoken as their naked bodies moved closer and their hands explored each other's ball sacs, their fingers moved deeper between their respective thighs poking at their as yet secret buttholes. Their hands returned to each other's erection and they recalled their earlier learned mutual satisfaction.

As their action replenished their desire, heads got closer, Sammy expected his and Tuckers to once again rest against each other's bodies.

Instead Tucker moved his face directly at Sammy's and their lips touched. Sammy felt the kiss and returned it. His hand massaged, his body undulated in rhythm to Tucker's stroking. They kissed again.

The third kiss was more intense as Tucker's tongue moved inside Sammy's. It was as if Tucker was tongue fucking his mouth. Their tongues moved around and against each other.

It distracted Sammy's focus on the mutual masturbation at first, and then it became part of what their hands and bodies were doing.

Sammy lost control. There was only the need to fuck that his body knew. Their hips began to bounce against each other as they began to fuck the hands that held them.

They inhaled each other's breaths as their open mouths and invading tongues sought for new pleasures.

The orgasms came too soon for Sammy. His body had its own agenda as did Tucker's. Their hands were once again covered in each other's fluids as their bodies began to relax.

Still in the hold of each other's arms, their deep tongue kissing changed to less intense attacking. Tucker kiss Sammy's lips then his throat and chest, pausing over each nipple to lick it.

"Shit man" Sammy said

"Yea guess we better save something for next time" Tucker sat up. Sammy looked at the sexy naked form beside him.

It was peaceful, erotic, and beautiful. He wanted to reach over and take the spent penis in his mouth as he had seen others do on internet videos.

"Yea there are lots of things we can do" he said

Tucker smiled. "Yea"

The sounds of someone closing a door mixed with the announcement that his parents were home, urged the boys to become clothed friends instead of their new found definition as something else.

"So does this make us fuck buddies?" Sammy asked as he shouldered his backpack.

"Not until we really fuck each other" Tucker replied and smiled.

"Will we? Or were we just horsing around?" Sammy asked, losing his smile as he asked the real question that was on his mind.

"Horsing around" Tucker said as he followed Sammy out of the bedroom.

Sammy felt the hand on his buttocks.

"-For now" Tucker squeezed his answer.

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