Horny Sod

Published on Oct 29, 2003


Horny Sod 2

*Part two of a collection of stories I'm thinking of writing considering I'm having so much trouble sleeping lately, all the legal stuff is at the end but this is a FANTASY! NOT reality!

Hopefully you've read part one before this, if not check "horny sod" Under the college section, enjoy.*

I went to my job working in the bar, and basically it wasn't something that I loved! You might think that working in a fuck bar is something that people find totally hot, hardly. The barmen are not allowed to play with customers! Even off duty!!! I got told by the guy on bar duty with me that most of the time he just went into the toilets and used one of the glory holes in there, but for some reason that didn't really appeal to me. But I learned everything I could on that night, and went home extremely frustrated!!! Since I had given my jock to the earlier fuck, I went in a pair of extremely tight boxer briefs which seemed to do the trick just as well!!!

I worked my half shift, and got home roughly around 12 midnight, not nice. I also had a "gift" from the trick earlier, my jock strap, fresh with his load in it! Sonofabitch! Just when I needed a fuck as well, I went to his door and started hammering on it but only succeeded in waking up the neighbours next door, was NOT very happy!!

I figured that I had two choices, I could stay in and have a wank, or I could go out cruising or clubbing, not sure which I preferred just yet. So I got a shower, wiped off all the sweat, and made up my mind to go to a bar, or cruising, whatever presented the first opportunity! I got into some clothes to go out, and decided to forgo the effort of picking up some shorts to wear! Hell, why not go commando; I had been at least half hard all night so this would keep me on the threshold all night!

I walked down to the local gay bar, it was dead as it was a Monday nite but there were a few people I knew from around Uni, all gay and all of them thought that they were "all that". Personally, I wouldn't have touched them with a very large and dirty barge pole. However, they were two guys with them, some very good looking guys wearing typical "jocks" gear. As I've said I don't have a footie gear fetish but on the right man it can be totally FAB! LOL. They also looked completely pissed off, the guys they were with were, in my opinion, a butch of queens and quite possibly the worst ones. They only wear label clothes, talked in some very annoying high pitched voices, and also could stand to lose perhaps 30 or 40 pounds!!! All in all, I don't think that the sports guys were terribly impressed. I figured str8 guys, or at least bi guys stretching their wings!!!

They looked ready to leave, so I got my typical drink, walked over to them and in front of the annoying queens, asked them if they would interested in getting out of here without their "friends", if looks could kill then I would be dead several times over!!

The guys looked shocked at me, then smiled each and both agreed, without evening say goodbye, we all finished off our drinks and went back to the flat of one of them, I never really did bother finding out who's. We managed to find a taxi to take us home, and within seconds of getting into the cab there was plenty of over the trouser action, but most surprisingly the taxi driver really didn't seem to mind. We were getting really raunchy on the way to their flats, and the worse we got the more the taxi driver peeked in! I swear this guy was really getting off on this!

After fifteen minutes off ball busting foreplay, the driver knocked on the divider and told us to get out, I went upstairs with the really good looking one while the nice one stayed to pay the driver. We barely managed to stumble instead we were kissing and groping so much that I didn't really notice that the other guy was gone, after a few minutes he started to rip off my trousers and I got my first good look at him outside the bar and in good light. He had golden looking skin, with black eyes, a cupids bow mouth and had golden high lights in his jet black high he also looked dead sexy in his open top shirt! He managed to rip open my top, throw it across the room and started to work on opening my jeans, from just how well he done it; it looked like he had lots of practice!!!

I dragged him up and tried to kiss him but he turned away, so I went down and started to slowly lick and nibble the side of his neck, and I asked him just were the other half is? He just laughed and laid me back down on the couch ripping off my jeans and trainers in one v. swift motion! Youch, this boy was good. He started licking his lips, and moved his head over my very erect cock! He moved his tongue over my quivering head, making my cock jump up and down, thrusting my hips up and down, I REALLY wanted a blowjob at the moment! He licked his tongue v. gently over my head, following my circumcision scar, sending lil' tingly feelings up and down my body, even eliciting a drop of pre-cum out of me!!

I pulled him up, and asked him again where the other half was, he giggled (how manly!) and told me not to worry, the taxi driver was a friend and he was paying him off. Well, that sounded interesting, he went back down to my cock, licking my head, moving his lips lower and lower down on my dick making me moan. I moved my hands to his head and tried to force him to go lower, the basturd was REALLY making me horny!!! He told me to stand up; I thought "why not?" I shucked him off, and stood up. He got down on his knees in front of me, and started to tease me again with his tongue, I was really moaning now! I just wanted his lips around my COCK! He was still teasing me as the door opened; I wasn't really paying much attention at that point, honestly. I thought to myself "fuck this" I moved both my hands around his head, and slowly, but surely started to thrust forward, ah YES! Now this was good!! I started to go further and further in, when I was halfway in I felt the other guys hand stroking the back of my arse, ohhhh, this was nice! I heard him move down to his knees, and v. aggressively thrust my ass cheeks open and ram his tongue up my arse! YOW! That was over stimulation! I started to thrust in and out of Matthews (?) mouth while Greg (? I never really caught their names) really started to tongue me!! This continued for several minutes, I was so close to loosing all control and I think they noticed this so they stopped. Matt gave my cock head a kiss and Greg licked his tongue up my crack one last time, and they threw me down on the couch, bi curious boys huh? Yeh Right!

They started to strip each other, giving me a very erotic show! They were kissing non stop, running their hands thru each others hair and generally just being horny lil' basturds! They slipped off each others clothes and started grinding against each others body, wanking each other off and heavily kissing each other, I was sitting down on the couch jerking off watching them, slowing down, I wasn't ready to blow a nut just yet! But this was damn good watching!

They both looked at me and motioned me to come over and start to play as well, I gladly agreed! I walked over, kicking my clothes out of the way, again I tried to kiss them but to no avail, so I went to my habit of nibbling their necks and softly caressing their necks. This was so HOT! While I was jerking Greg off, he stood up and pulled up Matt with him, so I had both of their cocks at suckable level! Hmmm, nice! Matt was definitely the fattest of us, it was almost wrist sized! And perhaps 6" in length with a fat head literally dripping precum, and Greg? He wasn't something to laugh about either! It was roughly 7" and thick as two fingers put together with a downward slope, just like a banana almost? Made it look even larger! I started to play with Greg's first, I slowly took in his dick, it slipped right down to the end of my throat, now THIS was a cock made for deep thorating!! Matt moved from my side and went up beside him, I saw him go down and start to rim Greg from behind... Mmm, now this was hot! Greg started to moan really loudly as he was assaulted by our tongues from both sides, we both continued this for a few minutes, when I saw from the corner of my eye Matt stand up, and kiss Greg for a while. I kept licking my tongue around Greg's cock, making him moan when I heard him gasp, and moan even more loudly when I assume Matt penetrated him!!!

Just as I thought this, I heard Greg give out a continuous low moan, and Matt slowly bent him over, so that Greg laid his hand on the couch behind us, and put the other hand on my head, pushing me further onto his prick, I would be moaning as well if that thick head had penetrated me as well!!!

I sucked on Greg for a while, feeling every thrust that Matt made into him, thinking that this boi is GOOD! After a while tho, it became too much, Matt started to fuck him harder and harder, which meant that he fucked my throat harder and harder!! This wasn't good on my poor throat, so I stood up and sat back down on the couch, forcing his head down with me, time to get some of my deserts! I pulled his head onto my waiting cock, which had cooled off since Matt had a go at it so I felt fairly certain that I could last another tongue lashing by another one of them. I felt his lips close around my cock and it felt gooddddd; I just lay back, but my hands behind my head and let his tongue and mouth do what it seemed he was born to do! He was very good at this! With every thrust of Matt, I could feel Greg be forced harder onto my cock which was forced further down his throat every time.

I just lay there for a while, watching Matt fuck Greg forcibly, this was hot stuff, Matt's face was really screwing up, I could see that he was getting ready to blow his load into Greg's arse, now this was hot. I stood up, pulling Greg's head with me, and I pulled Matt over to kiss me, as I caressed him I felt Greg being pumped harder and harder by Matt.

"Shhhh, don't cum yet, we can use him for a while longer," I whispered into Matt's ear, "Pull out and let me have a turn for a while."

Matt looked very flushed, and I saw him pull out and felt Greg quiver all over as Mats' huge cock head remove itself. Matt came over with me, apparently without the condom on, and positioned himself with my own cock at Greg's face level.

"Go behind and fuck 'em then you dirty basturd" Matt whispered to me, "He's such a hot fuck."

Well, I certainly didn't need anymore encouragement than that did I!!

I went behind him and felt him up; he was so warm and wet back there!!! He was also very clean as well, always a very good plus.

I looked around and asked them, "Erm, guys were do you keep your condoms?" Matt, busily fucking Greg's face looked at me in surprise or it might have been anger, "what the fuck do you need one of them for? Listen, fuck him now or go home, we don't have time for this shit." And then went back to rapidly fucking Greg's face.

Oh shit, what do to oh what do indeed? I could just do another Derrick and fuck him? But I promised myself I would never do it again... Bugger, this totally blows.

Greg certainly wasn't helping, he kept pushing his well used arse back against my cock, making it jump every time he, or at least Matt fucked his face. If Greg hadn't noticed my reluctance, Matt certainly had. He gave me a weird "what-are-you-doing" look, and then gave Greg a once over fuck, and pulled out, coming around to see me.

"Listen" he said positioning himself behind Greg, "If you don't want to, then leave us and we'll play" He pushed his dick head against Greg's hole "We are both allergic to latex, we can't use them" He inserted his head, I was mesmerized by this, it's one thing doing it but another watching, and I do like watching! "So if you don't, pick up your clothes and go now, I can finish him off and my other flatmate certainly can as well."

FUCK! What the hell was I gonna do? As I watched Matt slowly move himself him and out of Greg's arse, this was a sight which was making me harder than a rock, I just wanted to penetrate something! All the blood was flowing away from my head, "well, I guess I can..." I said, "Pull out and I'll give it a try."

Matt gave me a dirty look, "I don't think so." He pulled out of Greg and whispered in Greg's ear. He looked at me, then fondled my v. erect penis, I was going to penetrate something soon or I was going to explode! And not in the good way!

Greg kept fondling me as Matt whispered something in his ear, then Matt went off to get something. "Well" he asked me, "What are you waiting for? Give it a try while he isn't here." He said wiggling his arse in my direction, now this was an offer I liked!

I spat on my dry cock, feeling my sensitive cock respond. It had started to droop and now it just got even harder! I moved behind him and asked him, "So who lubed you up?"

"The taxi driver, he's an old fuck of mine and gives me a good fucking whenever he gives me a lift home, which is virtually every time we go out!"


"Are you going to fuck me," he asked, "Or not?" Wiggling his arse at me in the most infuriating manner... Fuck it.

I was so horny! I forgot completely about being a nice guy, I grabbed my prick, and RAMMED it up there! From 0 to 8inches in 2 seconds!

"OHFUCK!!!" Greg shouted. DAMN! This felt good, just like it did when I first fucked Darren, Christ, this could easily be very addictive!

I thrust my cock in and out, watching as his hole stretched to accommodate me I could feel how smooth and warm his hole was. It was making breathing extremely hard as all I could feel was my prick sliding in and out. I pushed my hand forward onto his back pushing him down further, and I grabbed his other hand pulling his arse further on further onto my cock. I looked down, since I enjoy looking as I pound guys, and all around the rim I could see that taxi guys cum leak out of his hole! FUCK! That guy must have shot a huge load! I slowed down my thrusting, I could feel my balls start to get tight which signalled that familiar feeling of an impending explosion.

I reached down, and swirled my finger around my cock getting as much cum as I could from the hole. I then pulled him up and put my cummy finger near his lips, he smelt it and literally sucked my finger into his mouth, I had almost stopped thrusting at this point, it just felt too good to keep going, I was so close I couldn't even think of anything else.

"Why you stopped? Fuck me man, just cum deep in my ass" Greg told me after a few seconds of no action.

"I can't," I whimpered, "I'll cum without your friend, and it's too soon."

"Fuck that!!! You can cum again can't you? Just FUCK ME!" He shouted, and without much more warning he pushed his arse back and forward off my cock, sending waves of pleasure up and down my spine. Again my balls started to tighten, it was too much!

I grabbed him again by the wrist, and whispered in his ear that if he really wanted it then he would really get it!

I pushed him down again, and grabbed his wrist, and started a slow in/out rhythm, not so fast as I could cum, just fast enough that I would eventually! I could feel his ring tighten against my cock, almost pleading with me to fuck his faster without words which just made me go wild! I started to fuck faster, bringing my cock out further and further, till just the cock head was in, and then slowly pushing it in further, every few strokes making it harder till after a few minutes I could hear our flesh slap against each other giving off a loud SMACK every time!

I vaguely heard him say something like "calm down" but I was beyond caring at this point, I started to pound his ass harder, looking down at my prick getting eaten up by his ass and seeing every so often more cum would cum leaking out, messing up my pubic hair and providing more lubrication, till I couldn't bear it anymore! The sensations were just too much!!

I could hear a low growl coming from my throat, and I could hear Greg moaning either "slow down" or "fuck me harder, cum in my ass" making me go crazy, then I felt my balls go nova, my cock just went as stiff as a steel road and I was virtually crying out in pleasure.

"OHFUCK!YOURASSISSOHOTTAKEMYLOADYOUFUCKINGBITCHOHGODTHISISBEYOND!!!!!!!" I was screaming out as I felt my load just pump into his cock, I could see fresh cum squirt out from the sides of his ass going everywhere!! I could feel with every thrust another squirt go out, taking my breath away, and then having the same feeling except brighter and stronger as I came again. FUCK! This was incredible!

After what felt like an age, I slowly calmed down, I felt completely drained as if I shot my very life-blood into his ass, I was completely drained, and my cock was so incredibly sensitive, not to mention hard!

Greg looked at me, coming up from the position I had forced him into while fucking him with the most lazy, and sexual smile I had seen on a person to date.

"That was cute a fuck" He whispered to me, lowering his head down to my cock, cleaning up the mess we'd made, licking my pubic hair clean of cum. "Mmmmmm, that's nice." And it felt great as well!

"So where's your friend gone?" I murmured into Greg's ear, "Is he off fucking the taxi driver?" I asked.

Greg started sucking and slowly stroking my very sensitive cock again and said, "Oh, he's probably just trying to wake up our flatmate, he always likes to watch." Oh, interesting flatmate arrangements.

"Well, if you boys had been looking for me," Matt said from the door way, "you'd have noticed that I've actually been watching you for the past five minutes!" Oh goody!

Matt walked in, holding his cock in his hand, idly jerking off. He walked over to where Greg was on his knees slowly licking my privates, and without much finesse he roughly, very roughly grabbed Greg's hips and pulled him up. Greg tensed up and lowered his head as if he was a shamed puppy! So sweet!

"So you were fucking, damn, I thought u would have at least waited for me to get back down! Dirty slut!" With these words he thrusted his hips forward, thrusting all his inches into Greg's roughly used ass.

Greg started moaning and crying out in lust or pain as Mat kept fucking him harder and harder. I saw Greg's face crinkle up, and start to frantically jerk himself off between his legs and I started to get horny, AGAIN!

"Hey, think you can handle some company back there?" I asked Matt. My cock had started to wilt, and also I could at least handle it again. I had an idea, never actually done but something which I've always thought about doing!

Matt gave me a look, then he winked at me, "Lie down on the floor, and let me take care of the rest."

Oh YES! This is gonna be so kewl.

I lay down, spat some on my dick getting it nice and slick, I had no illusions that this would be easy on Greg, and I watched as Matt pounded relentlessly on Greg's ass. I was about to ask just when he was thinking of bringing Greg down to me, when I saw Matt stop, and whisper something into Greg's ear. The boy looked completely wasted, he had sweat pouring down from his face, and he was pulling away at his cock so fast it was a sight to see. Greg nodded to something, and went limp.

Matt slowly reinserted himself fully into Greg, going slowly and gently as compared to his furious fucking several minutes earlier, and then turned Greg over, as if he was the pig on a spit roast! Interesting to watch... Then when Greg had completely turned around he started to kiss him, and caressing his back. This was so hot! Was all I could keep thinking, Matt slowly picked Greg up, sliding him up and down the length of his meat whispering into his ear, and kissing him alternately.

"You ready for this?" Was all Matt asked me, words completely failed me. I nodded furiously and told them to wait a few seconds while I moved my clothes I had thrown around earlier underneath me so I wouldn't be getting any carpet burns. "Ready" I croaked.

Matt, slowly went down to his knees holding Greg as if he was a baby, and started to fool around my with rock hard prick with one hand, and holding Greg's ass gently. I slowed down Matt, since I was still slightly sensitive from the orgasm earlier and gestured to him to move Greg closer to me.

Now this was the stuff of fantasies I swear!!! I could see Matt lift Greg up and saw the cum tracks on Matt's very stiff cock. He slowly settled between my legs, and bent over, lying Greg down on my chest. I moved Greg to a comfortable position and started to rearrange my cock against Matt's thick member and slowly poke against Greg's much abused hole.

Matt was kneeing in between the two of us, Greg had his legs in the air providing us both with the best access possible. Matt looked down, moved his hand and held both our cocks in one hand, and moved one of Greg's legs to his should, he kissed the leg and slowly lifted Greg up off his cock. Once his cock was free of Greg's ass I could hear him moan softly "Oh God, give it back, please" almost begging us to fuck him roughly. Matt lowered himself slowly to position our heads together and then started to use some of the cum which was dripping from Greg's hole and lubed us both together so that we were both nice and slick. And then slowly, oh so very slowly it was almost the most exquisite of torture, he started to lower Greg down towards our combined cocks.

I was sweating with exertion, and was frantically tossing off Greg while in comparison we were going as soon as possible in order not to hurt Greg at all. Then after what felt like an eternity, I felt our cock heads reach the slick entrance to Greg's hole, and I thrusted slightly, feeling my cock move ahead of Matt's creating some gorgeous friction. Matt looked at me and with a coy smile shook his head side to side. Damnit! Hurry up already I was thinking! Matt slowly, started to wank us off together again, and oh so slowly, started to move us forward together. I felt both our heads start to press against the entrance, slowly, oh very slowly I felt the muscle band around Greg's ass start to resist this entrance, and I felt more cum slowly slick out of him. My cum and the taxi drivers was slowly drooling down our respective cocks while we slowly forced entry into his ass. I heard a sigh of contentment as I felt Matt's cock thrust slowly forward; I waited knowing that if I moved too fast then I would never get the chance to do this again. So I waited for a few seconds feeling Matt move his cock one or two inches in and out of Greg's hole, preparing him for the intrusion. Then slowly, Matt looked at me and gestured to me to move my cock up. I slowly, but forcefully moved my cock up. Feeling lots of resistance against it, I slowed down jerking off Greg, trying to make it as pleasurable as possible for him. But I wasn't getting anywhere, no matter how hard I pushed, or at least gently pushed I couldn't gain entrance. I could maddeningly feel Matt move his cock slowly in and out, so I started to thrust up whenever Matt when down, and I slowly, oh so very, very slowly felt Greg's hole start to give way.

After perhaps ten seconds of this, I realised I would have to be slightly more forceful to gain entrance. I didn't totally abandon the whole idea of softy softy, but instead I started to push more insistently against the hole. I timed my first thrust in with Matt's and instead of pulling out when Matt did, I kept pushing, harder and deeper as much as possible. Matt slowly started to move his cock back in, and I felt the muscle ring of Greg's ass tighten, then give way slowly, I also heard him moan more, and his cock started to produce a slow, yet constant dribble of precum. Matt pushed the first inch in, and slowly started to withdraw again, I still hadn't even got my inch in yet and was determined to at any cost! He went the length and pulled out, I pushed further, feeling him remove himself to the bare minimum, and then quickly, thrusted up past Matt's head and felt Greg's muscle band give way and then! Finally! I was in!!!

Greg convulsed upwards and tried to jerk his hips upwards, I held his chest and cock down, while Matt balanced on one hand and held his hips down with the other. He went down and started licking Greg's nipples. I could feel instead the first inch of Greg's ass, Matt's head slowly beat in time with my own; it was so erotic I couldn't believe that we'd actually done this!

Then after two minutes of me tossing off Greg slowly, stroking the sides of Greg's ass, and Matt kissing him and playing with his nipples, we both slowly started to move in again. Instead of a rhythm now we both ploughed forward, seeking to put in as much as possible!

After the first three inches me and Matt were panting with exertion, trying not to put too much in that would hurt Greg, while at the same time trying to put enough in that we could slowly, yet surely thrust in and out of his hole.

Greg started to moan even more loudly, and moved his chest up and slowly leveraged himself over our cocks and held himself there, we both stopped and then I felt Matt move his cock head out slowly, I held my cock in till I felt Matt's huge head go below my own, then I felt him move it up again, rubbing against the upper lengths of my cock made me almost lose control and want to end this now and trust but I knew I couldn't.

When Matt had reached my head I slowly started to bring my hips down, rubbing against Matt's huge cock head again, making my bit my lip with frustration, this was so hot! I couldn't stop sweating or eliciting small moans along with Matt whose hair was covered with sweat also like his torso.

I reached the end of tunnel, and slowly started to move my head up again, this time going further than Matt's head, going a full head higher, putting another inch into him, feeling perhaps nearly half my cock in at 3/4inches, this game continued as we both started to thrust in and out of Greg's ass slowly and surely placing more and more of our meat into his willing ass, feeling all the lubricant and cum placed there by everyone else.

About three more inches in and I felt Matt's balls touch against the last inch of my cock and knew that I should end this now, I slowly moved my cock up further, holding onto Matt's balls ensuring that they would stay there, and finally I moved the last final inch into his hole, satisfying the ache that had been growing in my stomach since I had inserted the first inch!

FUCK! This was insane! I was double fucking, bareback as well these total strangers using my own cum, as well as some strangers cum as lubricant! And all I could think about was blowing my load again, when I started to move my cock out when I felt Matt move his hand down, and he flicked his cock sideways, in a swift movement our cocks went from being on top of each other to side by side. I felt Matt's thick cock shift around my own and almost shot a load there and then! As I felt him move to the side, I thrusted forward, completely unaware of the grip I placed on Greg's hips, leaving marks that apparently lasted over a week!!!

"You ready?" Matt panted out to me, sweat gathered around his brow and making his torso so shiny and sexy looking.

I nodded to him, my own forehead and torso covered in sweat. Matt slowly began to withdraw his cock, so very slowly, and about half way waited, then started to move back forward. I started to move my own cock down to about halfway as well and we continued that rhythm for a few minutes, then slowly we both started to speed up, I could feel every time his cock head brush against mine as we passed each other. Slowly, very slowly I moved my hands up and down Greg's cock, and jerked him off as fast as we fucked him. On top Greg and Matt were passionately kissing, I tried not to take offence as so far I hadn't been kissed, once. But hey, some couples are weird like that.

We started to thrust harder and harder, I started to lose control over what I was doing, I couldn't handle it for much longer so I just lay back and enjoyed the sensations which were making me tingle all over, I couldn't believe what I was feeling down there!

The cum from the earlier fucks were making this into one of the smoothest and hottest rides that I'd ever experienced, slowly we speeded up till all semblance of rhythm was lost, and we just pounded away separately at the hole, feeling each others pricks just strain and push even harder into the hole.

Then finally, I couldn't bear it anymore, I moaned out loud, or at least I think I did, that I couldn't take it anymore, I was too close to cumming. They both nodded agreement, and started pushing themselves even harder to cum. I moved both my hands down to Greg's hips and held them there while me and Matt piston fucked Greg to the point of no mercy, we were almost machines in the way that we just completely and utterly used him for our own pleasure, we left him jerking himself off and moaning so loudly I personally heard little else. I closed my eyes and opened them to a sight of Matt with his teeth clenched, every muscle in his chest and body was clearly lined as he was close to shooting a load of legends!

"I'm cumming! Oh fuck bugger BASTURD! I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck!" I heard Matt scream over Greg's moaning, and then with those words, I could feel his cock widen, even wider than it already was and I could feel load after load splash inside of Greg's insides, I couldn't take it anymore, my own body began to misfire and within seconds of Matt madly pumping, thrusting and completely losing all control, my cock just pumped, and pumped and it just made my fucking mind BLOW! I saw fire works, I saw lightening bolts, my head just completely blew off as me and Matt blew our combined loads deep inside our fuck!!

"OHJESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried!

Finally, after what felt like an eon, we stopped, and we all collapsed on top of each other. We just laid there for five minutes, I felt Matt's cock slowly lose all firmness and eventually slip out, along with a veritable rush of semen!

We finally managed to get up, and I cleaned up but when I got down it was very clear that they wanted me to leave... What a shame.

I never saw them again, but dear lawd, that was a fuck I'll never forget.

And what does everyone think? Send all congrats, letters of love, death threats and general comments for more to lordoftheruin@aol.com. Everything in this story is FANTASY, nothing more. I always believe that you could use a condom EVERYTIME during sex outside a long term relationship, but hey, what are stories if we can't express what we wish could happen?

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