Horny Sod

Published on Oct 9, 2003


Starting the job...

Part one of a collection of stories I'm thinking of writing considering I'm having so much trouble sleeping lately, all the legal stuff is at the end but this is a FANTASY! NOT reality! But basically, don't read this if it's illegal, nor if u find homosexual sex disgusting, otherwise hope you enjoy!!!

When I was in Uni, I got this job in a rather "odd" bar. I was a typical uni student, gay, experimenting and often v. v. broke. Fees had gone up, most of my student loan had gone half way thru my course and everywhere I looked all I saw were more bills, debts and a general headache in the future... So I went out with a few friends daily looking for a new job, and never found one.

I was in a mundane mood one night dancing in a gay club in London; I think it was DTPM or something like that, when this man walked up to me and point blank asked me would I like to work in a new bar that he was opening? Full training would be provided, something like 6pounds an hour and generally good wages. Now I was drunk, but not that drunk as I could see something else was happening here!!

So I point blank asked him what his intentions were. He just laughed, gave me a fone number, an address and told me if I was interested then I should give him a call, and then make an arrangement to meet at that address.

I promptly forgot about him for two weeks, thinking that he was nothing than a perve. He was a middle aged man with a balding spot and a look in his eye which seemed to sum up everyone in categories of "I would fuck", "I would like to fuck" and most importantly "They hopefully would fuck me". So basically you're general leach.

Then I ran out of money, no money coming in from parents, student loan all used up, overdrawn to the max and short of renting, there was nothing that I could do, FUCK! But then, I remembered this fabulous new job from a man who said that I would be fully trained and EVERYTHING! Sounds like fun! I hunted down his fone number and got the address and used the last of my fone credit and gave him a call.

He actually sounded surprised down the fone the old dear... We set an appointment to meet the very same day, after all. I was fucking broke.

I caught the train to Earls Court, a few stops away from where I was staying, blessing my dad for giving me the all year travel card which wouldn't be a problem for a while at least, when I followed his directions to a rather old, and slightly run down house. I remembered what the geezer had told me and I went up to the door and simply buzzed in.

"Hello? Who's there" The intercom politely asked me.

"It's Erm, John, the guy that Brandon spoke to over the fone?" I managed to stammer into the intercom, waited in the biting cold for a few minutes, and then heard the door buzzer go. I pulled it open and stepped into what I at first thought was a bloody brothel!!

The insides were all v. plush and v. red. The lighting was all very subdued and I could hear some music thud in the background, I was on the verge of walking away when this man walked over to me. 6'1', well built and had a sharks smile came over and introduced himself as "David" and inquired to who had given me this address, and more importantly, did I know what this place was?

I told him what I knew, and he laughed softly.

"Brandon sure does know how to pick the cute ones doesn't he?" He mused to himself, "Well, follow me upstairs and I'll let you know what this place is before I let you into the lions den ok?"

Well, this was bloody reassuring!

He ushered me upstairs without any complaints, or any put into words anyway. When we came to the end of corridor, everything just looked plain decadent and generally rich! All the wood fittings were stained a deep golden brown. The paintings seemed to have cost a rather large amount of money and the floor nearly came up to my ankles!! It all just looked so lush and welcoming! I thought that whatever this place did, it either raked in a lot of money or it catered to those that did.

He opened a door and led me into a somewhat depressing room. It was harshly lit by a fluorescent light strip; the floor was bare wood which was certainly not stained like the wood outside! And the desk in the corner of the room looked like it had better days... More misgivings? Nooooo.

"Alright, John isn't it? Can I get you something to drink before we begin?" David asked me shaking me out of my daydreaming.

I shook my head and found my voice. "So what is it that you do here?"

"All in good time my friend, but let me set your fears at rest, I'm not going to ask you to escort for me nor anyone here ok?"

PHEWWWWWWW, now that was a huge bloody relief! But on the tails of that came a general feeling of what the hell was going on here?

I asked for a coke, and he went over and poured me a glass from a mini fridge, which like everything else in the room seemed in need of replacement! Set it down in front of me and began to speak.

"Firstly, I'll repeat John, this isn't an escort parlour. I personally don't mind if boy works, be it on his feet or his back. But that has *nothing to do with what goes on here understand?"

"This place, you might have noticed has seen better days. That's mostly coz we cater to 'old money' in here. Men who have also seen better days! You're job, will mostly entail serving people drinks, and on the old occasion going out into the bar itself serving those drinks. We provide full training for both serving as a waiter and behind the bar so don't worry!"

David went on to explain the history of this little place...

Turns out that it was a bar that had been in business for the past fifty years! Just hope some of the customers weren't that old... And basically it was a place for men to come and relax, and get away from the general hustle and bustle of life in this hectic world, and if the people who served them were young and gorgeous boys who would complain?

The short of it was, this place was a sex club and all I had to do was pull the drinks, provide the customers with a smiling face and lubricants when required. Oh well, I could always be working with McDonald's I reminded myself!

"So John, do you think that you could work with us? We're actually rather short on staff at the moment, well to be honest; we're always short of staff as we have a rather high turn over here!" I later found out that nearly half the boys who worked here were escorts and promptly found out once David found out. So much for being a nice guy!

I told him I would need some time to think about it, which he readily agreed to. He mentioned that perhaps I would like to go downstairs and see where I possibly would be working? Hell, why not, it's not as if they would jump on me the moment I walked thru the door huh?

We took the back route down, and he was telling me that I could expect to make perhaps 20quid a night, and that hopefully, I would enjoy working with him considering that I was such a cute boy, Ahhh, the flatterer.

We came to a rather large oak door, and then told me that if I had any objections to what I saw behind here, he would show me the door out no feelings hurt ok? Sounds fair enough, after all, he hadn't tried to put anything on me yet, tho I wouldn't mind, he was a cute bugger! LOL

He opened the door and I swore to God I thought I had walked in a bloody porn movie!

In front of me was a room which was perhaps 12 foot by 15. At the top was a bar in bright white lights with two very cute bartenders looking v. harressed and in along the sides were subdued lighting with vauge shapes in them. The lighting was purple and a v. subdued right tint so you could barely make out what went on, but I was v. sure that I saw at least 20odd people walking around, doing, well, STUFF!

And in the middle of this room, there was a pit. The sides were around two foot in length with railings, which people went bent over, leaning. I hadn't realised until later just how many of these guys were getting fucked!

And the pit itself? It was around 8foot by 11 and it was literally cramed with warm bodies. I could hear music coming thru speakers, something like Dido or something similar, but it was very low and mostly predomaint I could hear the sounds of men groaning and moaning, and generally having a bloody good time!

It was if a scene from hell, you could see that there was something in the pit, lots of men writhing in ecstasy, but you couldn't make out details, you could tell there were people, you just couldn't tell what sort of people. Dear lawd, no wonder this place had such a high turnover rate!

"This is the main 'pit' room, very popular as you can tell! But if you work here, you are not allowed in during work hours do you understand?" I vaguely nodded, saying that I understood, but I was transfixed by the sight of all these men just fucking!

He lead me around the side rails, and I could see that people got out of his way quickly and seemed v. interested in me!

I decided there and then that I wanted this job!

We went ot the bar, and he introduced me to the gorgeous barmen, who were wearing jockstraps! Christ, this place was good! There weren't that many people in front of the bar, so I managed to chat to them, watching as they flexed their muscles. They weren't Bel Ami bois, but they had hard muscles, not lean toned, but guys with muscle! I learned that one of them, Ryan, was leaving as soon as a replacement was found, so I guess I would take his position huh?

I looked at David who was looking at me with a question forming on his lips, and I told him. "I'll take it."

Bugger, Bugger BUGGER! It was my first night on the job, and I was torn between what to wear. I was told by the barman Ryan, that if I wanted to make good tips then I should show off what I've got. I looked at myself in the mirror and in a critical state took stock of myself. I went to the gym three or four times a week for some hard working out and used one of those stomach toning machines fairly often.

I'm 5'11 and I weigh around 135pounds. Very underweight and all muscle. I wasn't anywhere near as toned as the guys I had seen last nite, but everything I had was clearly shown! I had a nicely defined, yet not too defined chest and abs, my arms and legs were nicely in perportion with the rest of my body, not too large. I had a sprinkling of hair down my legs, a nice golden sheen some of my shags had told me, and I had procelin white skin. No blemishs whatsoever. Unlike most English people I didn't rush outside the moment the sun came out, and as a result I had never been sunburned. My skin looked perfect! I also had short cropped flaming red hair, a lot of people would ask me if I dyed my hair, and often in the same sentence asked me "Is it cuff and collar huh?" Erk, nasty.

But I had light sheens of golden hair running down the length of my legs, and a slight gloss down my arms. Defintily not hairy, but enough to keep me warm! I had exteremly small nipples, like they hadn't finished developing yet. But they became as hard as rock when played with, which was a shame since they were v. sensitive!

And finally, the pride and joy of any male. My cock. It was at the moment stuffed inside my new jockstrap which David had advanced me the money on, telling me to "get a good one" since the more I showed, the more I would make on the job! It was a CK jockstrap, with an electric blue waistband, and a cotton white pouch. And it was also the first jockstrap that I had ever owned, it made me feel sooooo horny.

I looked at myself in my mirror, angling it up and down and thinking "damn, I look good enough to eat." I started running my hands up and down my body, teasing my nipples slightly and discovered an amusing thing about jockstraps. A hardon shows up str8 away when you wear one!

I watched in the mirror as my cock grew to semi strength inside the pouch, feeling myself up, stroking on the outside giving it encouragement to grow. I watched in the mirror, getting VERY hot considering if I should give my next door neighbour a call. A pure closet case bitch boi who would take anything I, or anyone else for that matter, would give him, a pure grade slut. Christ, give him a penis and he'll be yours for hours on end. The only issue I had with him was his "no condom" rule... He totally relished the "skin to skin" contact, and said that he enjoyed the feeling of cum in his arse.

Well, fuck this. I'm going to make that boi eat my arse and then shot a load up his arse. I'd never fucked him before, but then again, I'd never worn a jockstrap before so I'll kill two birds with one stone. My fantasy of bareback sex with a man, I'd NEVER done before. And also, a popular fantasy fucking someone wearing a jock.

I opened my door a crack, looking outside making sure that no one was around, luckily it was a Friday nite and only us two were in since we were both totally broke! I knocked on his door, and heard him bitch. Bet the dirty fucker was having a wank! I knocked louder on the door starting to get worried that someone would come past seeing me wear a jock strap and sporting a huge hardon!

I knocked louder as I could hear someone come up the stairs and finally, heard him move his arse. He opened the door and I saw his eyes widen, "what the fuck are you wearing!"

I hadn't time to answer this idjits questions, I pushed the door open into his room and pulled him down onto the bed.

I held him by the throat and whispered "hello Derrick, how you doing 2day?"

He went rigid, hands clamped down by the side and I looked him up and down. He was wearing his football gear, well, I don't have a football fetish but it was v. horny.

"Whaaa, whaat do you want?" He stammered, looking at me with such clear blue eyes.

I held him by his throat with one hand, pushing his head up higher and I used my other hand to feel his smooth uniform. Derrick is an absolute stunner, he has black short spiky hair, longer than mine but still spiky, he also had a footballer's body. Legs of which to die for, but lacking slightly in the upper body development, shame that. He had clear, oh so clear blue eyes, clear complexion and a rose bud lips that I was v. tempted to kiss, but he nearly always refused me.

"Come on man!" He implored me, "I've got to get to training!"

Nope, wasn't having any of that, I'm horny. After all, these things come first.

"What would u do mister, if I told the football team you take it up the arse?" I whispered into his ear.

He went as rigid as a poker, well, the rest of him at any rate. One part of him was certainly rigid enough! "You wouldn't! Please don't tell! I'll do fucking anything! Christ man! They'll kill me!" he gibbered into my ear. Favourite words of mine dealing with repressed gay bois. I'm not usually into domination games but with Derrick, it was so fucking easy.

"I won't tell, but I want something from you Derrick" He nodded so hard I almost lost my grip on his neck indicating that if there was anything I wanted, I was pretty sure I could have.

"Do you know what I want? I want to fuck you Derrick, for the first time, your arse, is mine." His eyes widened in shock, and perhaps a little bit of fear?

"Oh for fucks sake! You can't! I've got to get to practice! I can't turn up for training with cum drooling from my crack! Fuck man! I'll blow you but please don't cum up my arse! Please!" he implored me. Shame that I wasn't in the mood for it tho.

I dragged him up, and laid him out against the wall, "sorry, but your ass, is mine for the next half an hour" And roughly ripped down his football shorts exposing his perfectly formed ass framed in guess what? A black jock strap. Oh goody!

I thought about making him rim me for a while, but reconsidered since my hardon had been trapped for so long, I hadn't fucked in over a week since I hadn't the money to go out and find anyone so I ripped down his shorts, fished out some lubricant from his bedside draw and was about to open it when he told me. "Don't, use spit please, it's easier to get rid of." Well, I guess I could afford to be charitable?

I pulled his arms up, exposing more of his golden brown skin. He really was a luvvely boi, I noticed that he was trembling slightly as I ran my hands up and down the flank of his back. I slowly moved my hands in and around his arse, feeling the taught strength of him. He was remarkably clean, guess that's a good thing! I moved my hands in and around his jockstrap, feeling the lines move to his pouch which was also getting filled to the brim. Slight problem with Derricks penis, always so eager, just not large enough to fill a man, but fat enough to make most wince in pain!

I slowly moved his legs open, or as far as they could with his shorts down by his ankle, I took out my throbbing cock, and lovingly rubbed it along his crack, feeling so horny and full of my own power as I did so. I measured it against his back, not one of the largest I'd ever seen, it was perhaps 8", or slightly over but thick enough that you could certainly feel it! I was cut with a flared mushroom head and had a shaft which was as straight as an arrow. I'd heard many a good compliments about my cock and fucking techniques!

I spat on my cock, using my free hand to rub it in, and using my other to feel his shaved arse. I started to lightly play with the entrance to his arse, feel him tense up every time I ran my hand up and along the entrance. I quickly lubed up as fast as I could, adding spit to both my cock and his arse, feeling my finger slip inside to the first digit, feeling the delicious warmth of his arse. I never fuck without a condom, but I'm afraid this is something that I have to experience at least once!!!

I finally was convinced that he was wet enough, and so was I. I positioned my cock at the entrance to his hole. In reassurance I stroked the back of his neck, even when I was in control of him I never wanted to hurt him so I went slow in order to not hurt him.

I moved in slowly, feeling the heat of his body envelop my cock, I pushed my cock head against his arse, not quite putting it in, but at the same time feeling him relax his arse, getting ready to greet my cock. I felt my own cock throb in anticipation of what was to cum next, I rubbed it up and down more past his crack, feeling him get hotter and hotter, adding more spit when I thought I needed to. And then finally, I pushed so slowly against his hole, I felt some initial resistance. It was hard going, he just didn't seem loose enough, but I keep pushing, putting one hand on the strap of his jock and pulling it towards me. He cried out "It's too big! You're hurting me!" I couldn't care less! I wanted in!

And then finally, there was an almost audible pop and I slipped the head of my cock in. Christ! Now this was fucking fantastic! I heard him wince, and felt his arse muscles contract against the invader, but was determined that I certainly was going to cum inside this hole. I added more lube, and slowly started to thrust in and out, hearing him pant, seeing the muscles in his back strain as I added more and more of my 8incher into his body. I looked down and saw my white cock enter his golden arse, it was one of the more erotic sights I'd ever seen. My bare cock against his raw arse.

And then finally, I could feel my balls reach the end of his the journey, I was finally fully in!! Christ! What the fuck had I been missing? I knew that this was the only time I would ever feel reckless enough to do this but it was pure bliss! Much better than the feeling of being covered in a condom could ever be!!

It felt as if my cock was covered in some expensive velvet, I managed to move back and forward slowly, but every fast movement felt as if I was about to blow my load. I moved my hands down from his back and neck, and grabbed the two straps connecting the jock and the main strap, and slowly twisted them in his hands. He'd once told me that all he wanted sometimes was a hard fuck, well that's what he was going to get!

I started to control my feelings, breathing heavily, feeling like I was going to shoot virtually every second, I was pulling out to my head, and then slamming back in all the way, almost every time hitting his prostate it felt like! I could see him arch his back to greet my cock every time I thrust back in, now this was fucking perfect!

I could hear Derrick moan, and offer me encouragement to "fuck me hard, oh God, fuck me harder" interspersed with his moans, groans and grunts of the man who's getting royally fucked.

As I assaulted his hole, I saw him snake a hand down, put his hand against the wall and thrust his arse back out against him, banging my hips against his arse, and noticed him move his hand in a way suggesting that he was freeing his cock. I didn't think much of this considering I had no intention of relieving him after I'd cum so I let him play with himself, feeling my balls get tighter with every thrust and grunt.

And then I knew that I'd past beyond the point of no return, and knew that within the next few minutes I was going to cum. I could hear him start to beg "cum on my back, please, I can't have cum leaking during practice" he was whimpering, oh well, not my issue.

I started to pound him even harder, hearing a louder groan for every thrust, and in between I would stop and tease his hole with just the head, making him push back for my cock. He was really flogging his meat I could see so I continued to pound harder and harder, till my hips were banging against his arse, and both were turning as red as my hair. The junctions in my brains were totally frying out, and all my mind was being centered around the thrusting in and out against his arse.

And then, my balls withdrawn back into my body, and I breathed more and more erratically, and I could feel my load aching to be let loose. I grabbed the straps, feeling one of them break, and pumped like a fucking manic man, feeling his tight arse close against my cock only made it worse. And then, I felt my load shoot up his arse, feeling every load pump out, I couldn't stop myself moaning and calling him every dirty name I could think of. And then he started to cum, making his hole even tighter heightening my sensation bring my own orgasm to even greater heights.

"OHFUCKJESUSMOTHEROFGOD-FUCKYOUHARDYOUDIRTYFUCK" I screamed out, feeling the other strap break as I finally drove home my cock deep in his arse, and all but collapsed against his back.

We both feel back on the bed, my cock still up his arse. When he swivelled on my cock, smiled at me and said "you stupid fuck, now I've got to go to practice with cum leaking and no jock! Stupid fucker!!"

I smiled at him, winced as his pulled himself off my cock, Damn, that was one fantasy fuck. And pulled off my jock. "I want it back, but next time, I'm raping your mouth when you give it back ok?"

He looked all scared, but nodded.

I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and walked back to my room. And to think? I'm going to be working at a bar where sex is rampant, it only seems right I get enough practice beforehand!!

And what does everyone think? Send all congrats, letters of love, death threats and general comments for more to lordoftheruin@aol.com. Everything in this story is FANTASY, nothing more. I always believe that you could use a condom EVERYTIME during sex outside a long term relationship, but hey, what are stories if we can't express what we wish could happen?

Next: Chapter 2

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