Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 24, 2014


Chapter Nine

I must have fallen back to sleep quickly, because the next thing I remember was the alarm going off across the room on John's desk. It blared for attention, but I pulled my pillow over my head. I recalled that I had an 8:00 class, and wanted to be sure to get to the caf in time for breakfast first, so I knew I would have to get up soon. But Danny was spooning me, his arms wrapped around my chest, and I could hear his breathing change as he woke too. He groaned quietly and nuzzled me closer to him. I could feel his scratchy chin on my neck. It felt so warm and comfy I really didn't want to move. Then I heard John shift on his bunk nearby.

I peeked from under my pillow over at him, and he was sitting on the edge of his bed, reaching to shut off the alarm. His morning wood was poking through the fly on his boxers, taking aim for the ceiling, tucked neatly between his thighs. Thinking I wasn't looking, he scratched his bulge vigorously, then stretched a few toe touches. When his face was low enough to the floor to look me in the eye, I saw him smile sweetly as he could rather easily see I wasn't alone in bed. He winked and left the room quietly for the showers with his towel.

As the door closed, I felt Danny's morning boner starting to poke me in the small of my back, and his slight rocking motion confirmed he was horny too. "Can't go to the showers like this, can we?" he mumbled.

I rolled to face him, nuzzled him cheek to cheek, kissed him lightly on the ear, and whispered, "I dare you!"

"What? Go to the showers with my morning wood?" he asked, with playful concern in his voice. "Only if you do it too."

"But I got all boned up in the showers yesterday," I groaned as I reached under the covers to our laps and grasped both our stiff cocks in my fists.

"That's the deal." He was serious.

"Okay," I said jumping from the bed, moving to get my towel hanging behind the door. I discovered that my towel was not there. Maybe John had taken mine by mistake? I looked and his was not there either. "Strange," I muttered.

Before I could make a plan B, Danny was out of bed and right behind me, saying, "I'll bring you a towel. You just go." He grinned wickedly, opened the door and pushed me into the hall.

Facing away from the closed door, I strode quickly down the hall, my boner bobbing left and right, pointing the way to the bathroom at the end of the hall. Several others were making their way sleepily to the bathroom too, one in a robe, one in loose jammy pants, a few in boxers, but only me butt naked sporting not just morning wood, but as I was about to be told, the biggest erection most of the guys on the floor had ever seen.

Entering the bathroom, I saw my roommate John standing just inside the door, in line waiting for a shower, with my towel around his waist. His gaze went to my stiff cock, rising 9 and a half inches almost straight up. Several guys shaving at the row of sinks also gawked at my bravado. One said, "Bravo, man. If you got it flaunt it!" He laughed and went back to his shaving.

Another looked over and declared, "Shit, that's the biggest boner I've ever seen!" Soon the whole group of guys in the bathroom broke into a round of hearty applause. I walked past the sinks, and went to one of the three the toilet stalls around the corner from the showers. I was a little red in the face, but I really needed to piss, so I pushed my cock down as far as I could and just waited for the flow to start. I held myself for a full minute, with nothing to show for it when I heard more applause break out with shouts of "Danny!" "second best wood of the morning!" and "put that thing away before you poke someone's eye out!" Danny came up behind me laughing quietly, and tossed a towel over the door of the stall. He entered the next stall and looked like he was doing the same thing, his feet facing the toilet, waiting patiently for his cock to soften enough to let out the pressure of a full bladder.

Another minute passed, the only sounds were rushing water and the muffled echoing voices of guys talking at the sinks.

"This isn't working," Danny stated, then left the stall, saying, "I'll just take my shower and then piss."

"Me too, I guess." I said, grabbing the towel put it around my waist, and moved with Danny toward the showers. A few of the guys were still at the sink, but there was no line so we went straight into the shower room. It was just John, Danny and me then. And with my boner, Danny's boner, and my best roommate in the showers together, I was a happy pup.

"John," Danny started, "What do you say, we have a little shooting contest? Let's see if the biggest gun shoots the furthest." He agreed, so we all began jerking off, and in just a few strokes, Danny was jetting three or four huge squirts of his man juice across the shower. He went and placed his shampoo bottle on the spot the cum landed. A few moments later, John, whose cock was still covered in wet angel-blonde hair, came too, his farthest bit landing well short of Danny's bottle.

When it was my turn, I felt my balls tighten, my strokes lubed with the soap, and a rush of heat hit my face as I climaxed. My cum flew a bit past John's but still not as far as Danny's. Now that the morning wood was taken care of, and Danny's cock began to deflate, he stood there and let out a long steady stream of yellow piss. I did the same, saying, "I'd probably got a little more distance if I hadn't cum already four times in the past 24 hours."

We all laughed about that, but voices in the bathroom reminded us that other guys were just beyond the shower curtain, and they were waiting. We finished showering all the dried cum and sweat from our bodies while our dicks returned to their softer shapes and sizes. Mine stayed about 6 inches long, and Danny's slowly became much shorter but really fat. John's cock became about 3 inches, just drooping down and a little out from his body. I opened the shower curtain and stepped out of the shower to towel off in the bathroom so others could come in and get their showers too. One of them was our RA, Doug. As we left the bathroom, we overheard another guy complaining loudly about the smell of piss and cum in the shower.

"Aren't you the losing team that has to clean the showers all week?" we heard Doug ask.

"Hell, yes, but this isn't what I was expecting. This is gross!" he groaned.

"Well, I guess you'll be faster next time the RA gives out tasks, eh?" challenged Doug, his voice trailing off as we moved away. Danny still had no towel, as he had given me his, so we watched his cute bubble butt bounce as he sauntered to his room further down the hallway, leaving wet footprints on the carpet.

When we arrived at our bedroom, John and I finished drying off. He confessed to having taken my towel off the hook because his was back in Tim's room. It was pretty cum stained, he explained, "We were probably doing what you and Danny were doing most of the night."

"We mostly just talked and cuddled, actually. I had no idea wrestlers could be so sensitive and sweet."

"You mean you didn't have sex?" John asked, unconvinced.

"We both came, if that's what you want to know, but it wasn't really sex, I don't think. Not sure I'm ready for that just yet. Being so exposed and affectionate with another guy who is into me is still a very new experience for me."

"Tim is still sleeping, since he doesn't have class `til 9:00, but I'm betting he's going to be walking a little funny today, if you know what I mean," John joked.

"Why?" I asked naively.

"Because I plowed him right good in the ass all night, that's why." John filled me in on the details as we dressed for class. They had started up a really intense conversation about their shared love of a certain video game, went back to Tim and Danny's room to play it. But when the box switched on, a porn channel was playing. So instead of playing the game, they ended up watching the film that was running. "Tim insisted that he hadn't known this game system could even play porn," John said, "Not sure I believe him, but it was really hot. It was gay porn, about two dudes on a camping trip, fucking the brains out of each other in the woods. We ended up reenacting some of the scenes in the room there, and when we realized that Danny wasn't coming back, we stayed at it for a few more hours."

"Yeah, I heard you sneaking back in around 2 am. Did you see Danny in my bed?"

"No, I was so dead tired, I didn't even look. Sorry to wake you, dude, but I needed to sleep a little bit before today's classes. I got a few labs and I think I need to be really alert."

"I hope I can focus a little more on my clases today too," I professed, knowing that yesterday was such a blur. "I have a drawing class this afternoon, so there's somthing to look forward to."

As we left to start day two of college, I realized that a lot can change in a short amount of time.

Next: Chapter 10

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