Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 24, 2014


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Chapter Eight

It was close to midnight on the first day of classes. I was back in my room with a naked wrestler who had just shaved my balls.

"That blog said we will need to get used to the feeling, it said `some itching is normal for a few days.'" Danny told me. "Let me see if I got it all," as he reached to pull my towel free from my waist. He then smoothly and gently stroked my cock and balls feeling every millimeter at least ten times, just to be sure there was no stubble he'd missed. "Feels like a baby's behind!" he announced, with a huge smile.

I decided I needed to be bold too, so, taking my cues from this stud, I also reached over, pulled his towel away, and began to feel his balls and thick long rod, and it really did feel like a baby's butt! "It's great!" I grinned over at him, and then with a firm grip on his balls, pulled him over to my bunk. He moved quickly to a position where we were both standing face to face, our hands on the others' cock, our bodies moving closer. His more muscled chest touched mine and his hands went to my back, ass and I did the same. Before I knew what was happening, his mouth had covered mine, and he was hungrily sucking on my lips. Startled at the bolt of electricity this caused to run through my entire body, my mouth opened with a stifled gasp. His tongue began to probe inside my mouth, and I was being overcome with the strong emotion and attraction to this guy giving me my first real kiss.

We broke away for a second to breath, he looked pleadingly into my eyes, and I guess he saw permission to continue, because he dove into a second kiss that forced me back on my bed and collapsed under his weight. I was almost completely covered by his warm clean, hairless body, only my legs seemed to be uncovered and he rubbed our chests and torsos together. Our now smooth cocks also got rubbed between us, and it was feeling great. His tight washboard abs felt great against my cock. He was moaning and kissing at the same time, and I was in a bit of a daze.

My hands wandered to his back and explored the curve of his lower back muscles that ran right into his ass crack. I traced that route several times, enjoying the feel of his warm skin. Eventually, my fingers lingered in his crack, until one of my hands reached his ass hole, gently circling the different texture of the ring around his anus. He jolted upright, our chests parting and a rush of cold air against the light sheen of sweat that had formed there.

"Whoah, Cowboy!" he exclaimed. "What's up with that?" he looked angry, but before I could register panic, he burst out laughing. "Kidding, dude, I'm just a little ticklish down there, I guess. He giggled lightly as he climbed off of me, and laid down by my side.

"Sorry if that was too much, Danny," I said. "My fingers just sort of have a mind of their own."

"Not a problem, I felt a little burst of adrenaline or something, like when I'm wrestling and I get in a tight hold, and out of nowhere I get that same sort of burst that energizes me to break the hold or flip him over, or whatever. It's an awesome feeling, really." He was stroking his thick rod now with enthusiasm, as was I.

"Does the guy you're wrestling get a grip on your crotch in these tight holds?" I asked, with real curiosity. "Do you get horny wrestling?"

"Sometimes. I've popped a few boners while wrestling in tournaments. In wrestling, it's not really an asset to have a big package, it's just too much of a target to grab hold of." He rolled to his side and took my cock from me and started stroking it for me. He rubbed my dick back and forth against his now totally smooth abdomen.

"So how do you keep it from happening?" I was watching Danny's face now. As he talked he was focusing on moving my bone around and cupping my balls, and his thick biceps and chest muscled flexed with every movement. It was fascinating to see his body movement this close up. I could smell his breath, and the soap on his gleaming skin.

"Well, it's sort of a rite of passage. Happens to everyone eventually, so when it does, the whole team will rally around, screaming `boner, boner! Then they lift you off your feet, and on our team in high school, they'd parade you spread eagle above their heads all the way to the locker room, strip you naked and dump you in the showers." He gazed off to the far side of the room briefly, as if remembering the event brought back fond memories. "It happened to me five times my senior year. Kinda how I got my nickname."

"What's that?" I asked. I was enjoying the attention he was paying to my genitals, but the story had my attention as well.

"Horndog." he confessed. "They meant it too. Wrestlers are pretty homophobic, and getting a hardon too often like, crossed a line." He was still smiling, so I pressed for more.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

""Cuz, I needed a push to come out of the closet, and that was it." He looked me straight in the eyes then. "Rather than deny it, I just decided to go with it. I let them call me that because it was true, and after they saw it wasn't scaring me or intimidating me, they almost all came around." He then told me that his teammates mostly stopped the teasing and since he was a senior and team co-captain, and a really good wrestler, they respected him anyway. "A few of those guys never really treated me the same after that, but most were really cool about it."

"Sounds nice." I whispered, thinking how much it would be great to have that kind of friendship and support. But his warm grip on my 9-inch rod was now all I could think about. Lying side by side with his hand making the perfect fuck-tube, all I had to do was thrust a little with my hips, and he tightened a little to encourage me. He held my back with his other strong arm, pulling me closer to his side of the bed. I put my arm on his back too, feeling his broad muscles, his spine and his tight ass.

Then he put our cocks together in his grip, and stroked them together, matching my thrusts with his own. His eyes went closed and I watched his face as he made faces that told me all I needed to know about what he was feeling. His breathing became shorter, his rhythm quickened, and in just a few more strokes he came into his hand, our lower abdomens, and against my own hardon. The added lubricant was all I need to push me over the edge, and I gushed a fresh load between us, and we were both bucking and rubbing together for several moments, enjoying the sensory overload of the orgasm.

We rolled to our backs, breathing heavily, eyes closed. "That was awesome!" Danny gasped.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Don't move." I commanded, as I leapt from the bed, turned out the lights, and dashed back to the bed. I pulled a blanket over us, and laid on top of him, smashing the cum from our bellies together. I didn't care anymore about the mess, I just wanted to feel the closeness of our bodies. We lay there a while, and before long, I became aware Danny was asleep. I slid gently to the other side of the single bed, and went to sleep too.

When I woke, it was almost pitch black, and still very early, but it was immediately evident that someone had just closed the door, and was almost silently walking to the other bunk. John was back, trying to sneak into bed without waking me. I wasn't sure if he knew Danny was still here in my bed with me or not, but I was instantly afraid it might offend him. I could only just barely see in the darkness his indistinct form slipping between the sheets a few feet across the room.

Next: Chapter 9

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