Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 20, 2014


Chapter Seven

We stood there in the lounge again panting, gasping for breath while the RA checked to see if we really had all the right information on the treasure hunt sheet, we finally got around to introducing ourselves to the other set of roommates on our team. The short skinny one was named Tim, and his roommie, now wearing loose red mesh gym shorts a lot like mine, was Danny. John started up a lively conversation with Tim, as they were from nearby cities. Danny pulled me aside.

"I saw you were freeballing, Hitch, so I didn't bother to grab my underwear." Danny directed to me, as we shook hands. He had a very firm handshake, and he held on a little longer than I did.

I glanced down to his bulge under the shorts to look directly in his face as we ended the handshake, and said, "I just didn't have time to dress more completely either."

"I saw you watching me sitting there. Never seen someone shave themselves before?"

"Faces, sure, but like that? No, I've never seen that before," I answered. "Not in person certainly, and never on the floor with nothing but a washcloth on."

Laughing, he said, "All the guys on the wrestling team are encouraged to shave their body hair, especially under the singlet, it makes you harder to hold onto when you're grappling." he explained. "I was at a pre-season workout this afternoon, and one of the other guys told all the freshmen they'd better start soon so we'd be used to it by the time the season starts."

"Why that?" I asked.

"Well, apparently it takes some practice to get it right, and the first few times some guys get a rash or it can be very itchy, so we were told to figure it out before the season starts so there'd be one less distraction later."

"You know," I started, " I was just wondering about shaving down there this evening, and I saw this web site with some of the same tips. I got interrupted by the call for the floor meeting." I said as I glanced back down to his cleanly shaved hairless torso and thighs. There was just a little hair on his lower legs. "Sounds interesting." I looked back up to his eyes, and seeing him smile slightly, I smiled back, wondering if this was a signal.

"Really? I'd like to see that web site, can you show me?" he asked, so we walked down to my room, where my laptop sleeping, but still logged onto the "How to Shave your Balls" blog.

He took the seat at my desk, leaving me to stand over behind him. We read the blog together a few minutes, gathering some useful tips, when he said, "I need to finish my shower anyway. Wanna come shave with me? You can help me remember these tips."

I decided learning to shave my balls with a partner made sense. "Sure!" I said, with maybe a little excess enthusiasm, "Let me grab my stuff."

When we got to the showers, a few other guys were showering already, washing off the residue from the evening's treasure hunt antics. The floor was filthy. Dirt and grass covered the tiled floor. Danny laughed along with the other guys at his indecent exposure earlier, but it was clear he wasn't all that embarrassed. He had an amazing body, and must have spent a lot of time in tights and showers with other guys, so standing there naked, taking the joking at his expense seemed like par for the course. He very matter-of-factly told the others as they were leaving, drying themselves that he was finishing his shower and needed to finish shaving his legs.

They didn't seem to notice me standing there at first, but as we took our places at the showers, and my shorts were down to the floor, I saw lots of eyes leap to my groin. Even soft, it seems I was "well-endowed" enough to attract attention.

I tried to be as nonchalant as Danny was being, and started to get wet, and began to make a good lather with my bar soap. I tried to avoid touching my cock at first, for fear it would start to get excited again, so I said, "Do you shave all the hair off at once?

"No, remember the blog? It said to trim with electric trimmers most of the longer hair first."

"What if you don't have trimmers?" I asked.

"You can use mine." he responded as he walked to the entrance of the shower room. "Hey, Timmy!" he shouted down the hall. When he didn't get a reply, he just sauntered down the hall naked and wet to retrieve the trimmer set.

In a minute he was back. "You'll never guess what I just walked in on!" he said excitedly. "Your roommate and mine going at it like horny toads!" He laughed loudly, and then noticed my mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Here's the trimmers, dude."

I took them, and left the shower area to plug it in at one of the sinks close by. I used the bare trimmers and just hacked at the bush above my cock, spilling piles of little black curly hairs all over the sink. I don't know what came over me, since I was utterly oblivious to anyone walking in and watching. When I had left only stubble above my dick, I gently lifted my balls to get at the hair below them, taking off most of those pubes in just a few strokes. My cock had gone semi-hard by now, but I just didn't care anymore.

I turned to rejoin Danny in the shower, and I saw he had been standing in the doorway of the shower area watching me the whole time, his right hand buried in his soapy crotch, massaging his member downwards and back. He could now see my almost fully erect cock pointing right at him.

"Uh... come on back in here and we'll finish up," he said huskily. So I stepped back into the steamy shower room. He handed me the shaving cream he'd brought along, and we applied it to the areas that needed a shave. I did my whole groin area, and he started working on his lower legs. He was bending almost in half, applying the lather to his calves, and I had a very clear view of his hole. He spread his legs apart and seemed to give me an extra long look before he was up and his little puckered hole was out of sight. He had already shaved that spot completely clean.

Without speaking, he motioned me to come closer. Sitting on the tiled floor, cross-legged with the hot water spraying at his back, he took the razor from my hand and started scraping my lower abdomen down to the top of my now quite upright and raging erection. He had to grab hold of it and pull it out of his way, getting it soapy and sending me into fits of pleasure at the same time. Then he lifted my dick high and shaved the little bit of hair growing from my penis itself before gong to work on my ball sack. His fist had a good grip on my shaft now, and with only a slight bit of pressure was able to shave my inner thighs and under my balls in a few short strokes. He only stopped long enough to rinse of the razor every few strokes, always giving my cock a good tug, and stroking it from the top to the bottom.

I was almost at the point of no return when he stopped, let go of me completely and started shaving his calves again. "See if I missed any spots," he commanded. I obliged, rinsing and washing under the shower spray, feeling every inch of my now smooth skin, looking for anything rough and scratchy. I found a few small spots, and went over them again with the razor I had brought, while he was still on his legs.

"This feels amazing," I declared. "And see how much longer my cock appears without all that hair!"

"You don't have to brag," he muttered. "Some of us would be extremely pleased to have your equipment." He stood and finished showering. His cock was semi-erect too now, and he was looking at me and mine with obvious hunger. "Since my room seems to be busy for the moment, can we go to your room?"

"Sure," I said. So, we wrapped towels around our newly clean-shaven groins and left the bathroom for my room.

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Next: Chapter 8

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