Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 20, 2014


Chapter Six

"What time is it?" I asked. "I think I have a dorm floor meeting tonight."

Mark stood up and glanced at a clock on the wall above the sink. "About 6:45?"

"Fuck, I gotta get going, or I'll be late." I jumped to my feet, and zipped my shorts, making a dash for the door.

"Okay, well, see ya?" Mark said as I fled. I got to admit my nerves were a little frayed. Three hookups in one day was a bit more than I had ever imagined might be possible.

As I walked back to my dorm, I felt the air flow on my face, and it felt good. That basement bathroom was a little stuffy. Then it occurred to me that I probably had more than sweat on my face still. I wiped across my lower face with my hand and was glad to see only a little cum that had been on my chin still.

Dashing up to my dorm room, I found John there. "Do we have a meeting tonight?" I asked. "I think so." He checked the info sheet we had been given at orientation. "At 10 p.m."

"Oh! I somehow thought it was at 7:00, so I rushed right back for no reason, I guess."

"Rushed back from where?" he inquired.

I decided to fill him in on the last two hours, I told him about Mark, finding my key, having supper together in the caf, and then going to see his dorm room in Miller. I didn't say I had been doing 69 on Mark's bathroom floor, however.

"I heard someone say that used to be a girl's dorm." John added.

"That makes sense, since they have small bathrooms with tubs shared between two rooms instead of the group showers in the guy's dorms." I said.

"Don't you like the group showers, Hitch?"

"I didn't think I would like showering in front of other guys." I confessed, "I love to watch guys shower, but I guess I will get used to it. I just gotta try not to get so horny in the showers."

"I told you this morning, don't worry about that." He assured me, "getting a hardon in the morning is totally normal, and guys who are insecure will pretend they don't see it, and the guys who want a piece of your ass will eventually let you know."

"So, popping a boner in the showers isn't against some unwritten rule?"

"No, and besides, if it was a sin to get wood, then we'd all be damned, right?"

"I guess. My problem is I have never been that bold, so this morning when I got hard in the showers in front of the other guys I felt like I had messed up."

"I wouldn't worry about it," he said. "After you left the shower this morning, everyone looked a little embarrassed at how tiny they were compared to you."

"Really? Not sure how I can go back in there now."

"Don't sweat it. Hey, I gotta team meeting for Cross Country tonight, I'll be back for the floor meeting. We can talk more tonight, okay?" He rushed off, leaving me alone in the room for a few hours.

I finished some unpacking, and organized my textbooks, paper and other school, supplies, checked my email and started checking some favorite web sites where I completely lost track of time. I had stripped off my clothes seeing there were more suspicious smudges and wet spots as evidence of the evening's activities. As I pulled up some loose gym shorts, my cock flopping freely beneath the light blue mesh fabric, I thought to myself, "I wonder if I should trim my pubes?"

I had never even though about it until seeing Mark's neatly trimmed and shaved balls. I decided I would need to ask him about it. It was making me horny again, and I thought I could just look it up online right now, so I was in my desk chair, laptop tuned into some blog on the techniques and tips for shaving when the door opened abruptly, the RA's head popped in and said, "Floor meeting right now! Come as you are or suffer the consequences." I had heard stories of the things they do to you freshman year, and not wanting to suffer the consequences, I dashed down the hallway with dozens of other guys into the lounge in the center if the floor, with my loose mesh shorts only barely covering my balls.

Clearly, most of the floor had forgotten to watch their clocks, and were in various stages of undress. Some in just their boxers, a few in tighty-whiteys, and one guy had been pulled from the showers had just his washcloth held daintily over his crotch.

"Have a seat, anywhere on the floor!" our resident director called. The lounge was only just barely large enough for all 35 guys on the floor, but nowhere near enough chairs or sofas, so along with lots of others I took a seat on the floor.

I saw my roommate John sitting on the far side of the lounge. He must have just got here in the nick of time. Directly across from me, also sitting on the floor was the wet guy in the washcloth. He placed the wet soapy cloth across his lap, but from my viewpoint, his balls were clearly in view.

I want to introduce the RAs and some basic rules of the dorm," the RD began. But just then, one latecomer arrived in the lounge, and the RD stopped what he was saying, called the guy over to the center, and declared, "as punishment for being late to the mandatory floor meeting, our new friend Tommy will be cleaning the bathrooms on the floor for the next week!"

Cheers and howls of mocking laughter filled the room for a few moments, while Tommy drooped into a sad corner with some buddies. I was glad I hadn't stopped to put on more clothes, but the thrill of being in the hall with so many young fit guys was starting to excite my cock again. I was able to hold my hands over my lap in a way that I thought might conceal the rapidly rising bulge there.

The RD and RA took turns explaining some of the expectation and rules of living in this dorm. "We want everyone to be safe and have a good year, but we'll all get along better if we observed some ground rules."

I was pretty distracted on the wet soapy balls a few yards in front of me, so I'm not sure what all the rules were. The one that broke through my stupor was, "please be courteous of the next person using the toilets or shower after you. Flush completely, and please don't leave your crap for anyone else to clean up. And if you ejaculate in the showers, please rinse the cum down the drain completely."

"Now you tell me..." blurted the guy in the washcloth nearby, to bursts of new laughter. While the rest of the guys were laughing at that, I took the chance to really stare at this guy. He was wet, so there was water dripping from his very thickly muscled chest and arms and the tiny washcloth only covered the top most section of his groin, so I could see (and I suppose everyone else too) he had shaved all his body hair from his chest and groin. He was still holding the shaver in one hand. As the RD waxed on a little more, he began to finish shaving his inner thighs, where there was still a thick coating of soapy foam. He scraped his legs, and wiped it on the top of the washcloth. He lifted his knees to get a better angle, revealing his short, but thick uncut cock which flopped from under the washcloth down to point right at me. Some of the bubbles dripped from the tip of his foreskin to the floor.

The RA announced, "Now to reinforce these simple rules, there's a treasure hunt starting right now, and the first team done will get a prize, but the last team gets a penalty you won't like at all. The treasure hunt will take you to various spots on campus, and you should be back here as fast as you can. Get with your roommate, and find one other set of roommates to make teams of four, and then come get the first clue from me. Go!"

Most of the other guys seemed to have come with their roommate, so that part went fast. I needed to get across the room and get with John, so by the time I managed to get there, the only other guys looking for a team were a short skinny guy and the almost naked dude with the washcloth.

"I need to stop at my room and get some shorts, someone go get the first clue, and meet me at the stairs." I was thinking I would love to get more clothes on too, but there was no way I was going to waste even a mili-second after the naked guy's plea.

So we got the first clue, ran down the hall, and like all the rest of the guys on our floor made a dash for the exits. What we only realized at that moment was that the guys' dorms were ALL doing the same treasure hunt at the same time, so there were literally hundreds of near-naked and skimpily dressed freshmen running all over campus between 10:30 -11:30 that night. In fact, there were quite a few guys who must have been in the showers as well, and decided to just streak their way through the hunt. It was pretty funny, and by the time we found the last clue and returned to our floor, we were really tired from running, but super glad to see we were not the last group back.

Next: Chapter 7

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