Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 18, 2014


Chapter 4

Just as I was about to catch my breath, there was a knock at the door. I panicked a little, since I wasn't dressed, but I realized it was a guy's dorm, and there shouldn't be anything odd about answering a door with nothing but a towel. So I opened the door, peaked around it, and saw Mark standing there, holding my room key.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Uh, sure?" I answered, stepping to the side. I closed the door behind him and he stood by John's bed, facing me.

"I picked this up as I was leaving class. I guess it fell out of your backpack when you got up to leave class."

"Thanks a million, I got my R.A. to let me in, but he said he'd have to charge me for it next time!" As he was talking I saw there was still John's cum dripping down the wall just behind Mark.

"About what happened this afternoon..." he began. "I'm sorry if I came on too strong."

"No, I should be thanking you, Mark," I interjected, "I was so boned up and distracted by it, sure that everyone in the world could see how uncomfortable I was..."

"I'm not sure about everyone in the world, but when I sat down next to you, I did kinda see you were popping some wood there. I've been there myself lots of times and I know how twisted and tight it can get down there, and it looked like you were in agony..." He pointed to his crotch, which as I remember from earlier was just on the other side of those ripped jeans, no undies to take up extra space. I felt my cock twitch under the towel.

"Hey, Mark, you know it was only the second time I'd been blown by a guy in my life, so it was much appreciated. I really liked it. And I've been learning a little about blowjobs just recently, so if you ever want me to return the favor, just say so..." I was remembering what John said about guys sending signals, and I was pretty sure he was here to send a signal.

"Well, now that you mention it..." He then proceeded to tell me that he'd been kinda preoccupied with that same thought since he left me in the restroom stall. He went back to class as fast as he could so the prof wouldn't start to wonder... but when I never came back in, he was worried. Then he saw the key, and realized he'd have to track me down. The key had a number engraved on it, and the person in the Security Office said it was from this dorm, but he'd have to check with the building manager to match it to a specific dorm room.

"Wow, you did all that to find me?"

"Yup," he replied. "It was on the way back toward my dorm too, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. Wait, I'm moving too fast again aren't I? You are gay, right?"

I wasn't prepared for that question just then, so I stammered, "Well ... if that means I'm obsessed with cock and guys' hard muscled bodies and it makes me want to blow my load three or four times a day, then yeah, I guess I am!" It felt good to say it, sort of. A little scary too.

"Good. I mean, I thought so. I mean not that you're faggy or anything... argh... sorry. Do you want to meet me down in the caf? I'd like to talk a little more, but this feels really forced here, with you in nothing but a wet towel and all." He moved to the door. "I'll be in the far left corner. I'll watch for you. Say, in a half hour?"

He walked out into the passage, continued to mumble in frustration quietly as he walked away.

"Sure," I whispered to no one.

The door closed. I heard it click solidly against the sturdy steel frame. I stood there in the quiet for a count of maybe twenty seconds, my mind swirling with too many emotions to make sense of them all. I turned toward my dresser and pulled out a clean pair of shorts, and began to quietly dress. Just as I was pulling a t-shirt on, and stepping into my flip-flops, John returned to the room.

"That was refreshing!" He had dried off in the bathroom, so he began to dress and talk at the same time. "I think this roommate situation is gonna to work out, don't you?"

"I guess so, yeah, cuz, like what are the chances we'd have met here at school otherwise?" I stammered.

"Well, after seeing what you're packing in those shorts, I would hope that the news would reach me eventually." This made me smile. I had never felt particularly hot before, but this was a real confidence booster!

I informed him, "Hey, I need to go get my textbooks before the bookstore closes, so I'll see you later, ok? I want to know more about these `gay secret signals' you were telling me about."

"Okay, but for now, a quick first lesson: Just be aware of how much you stare at guys' junk. Cuz, if they see you staring, and they spread their legs, or flaunt it a little, that's a pretty clear signal." He smiled wickedly at me as I left the room.

Next: Chapter 5

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