Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Mar 2, 2018


Chapter 34

Before you panic, I made it safely back to campus, and it was fairly uneventful. I looked around the parking lot, realized it was after 1:00 a.m. and I had no plan, I must have looked as scared shitless as I truly felt. I saw a big rig pulling out of the lot and heading toward the highway. There was no way to see the driver, but I'm sure it was the driver I'd been sucking just moments before. There was only one other truck parked nearby, and I was imagining the owner must be the dude that had scared my black dude's cock away.

I wasn't sure what to do next, but stand there looking like a lost idiot, and I was getting colder by the second. So, I decided to go back into the relative warmth of the restroom. I stood there leaning against the wall for a few minutes. The guy in the far stall flushed and left without making eye contact. With the silence growing, I began to create scenarios in my head of what I might do. I thought there might be a phone booth, so I went back out to take a look. Finding none, I went back into the restroom.

After about a half hour, I heard another loud engine pull into the rest stop parking lot and begin to idle. A minute later, an older man, perhaps 60 years old entered, walked straight to the urinal, and took a piss. He glanced over at me, and said, "are you in trouble, son?"

"I was with a college team on a bus, and I seem to have been left behind," I confessed.

"Where are you headed?" I told him the name of the college. "I'm headed in that direction. I've got space in my cab if you want to ride along."

So, to make a long story short, I got dropped off a few blocks from campus at 3:00 a.m. and walked quickly back to my dorm. I was cold, tired, and very glad to be back on home turf.

I slipped up the stairs, quietly entered the dark room, shucked my clothes, and climbed into bed. I laid skin-to-skin against Danno's warm back. He was snoring soundly asleep, and didn't move as I fell into a deep sleep.

Several hours later, I felt Danno's form moving slightly, then a startled Danno came awake all at once with a jerk, he flipped over and gave me a huge bear hug. Then the questions all blurted out at once.

"What the... wait, how'd you... where'd you...?" His words stalled only when I reached over and forcefully palmed his face.

"Shut up and let me sleep," was all I could say.

"Do you know how worried I was?"

"Mmmm. S'ok." I turned over and fell back asleep. I was dreaming vivid dreams about rolling down the highway from the higher-than-normal perspective of a tractor-trailer's windscreen.

About noontime, I finally woke up with the bright daylight coming in around the window shades. I stretched and looked around the room sleepily. Danno was gone. I reached down to my crotch and pulled happily on my raging morning wood. I had an urgent desire to relieve my full bladder, but I knew it would be tricky with a woody. I swung my legs out of bed, stood up and grabbed a towel from the back of the door. I went straight to the showers, holding the towel in a bunch in front of my crotch. The bathrooms were quiet and empty at this hour.

I stepped into the shower room, leaving my towel on a hook near the entrance. I stepped into the hot water and when my cock had softened slightly, let my piss stream up and onto the tiled floor. A little yellow river wound its way across to the drain. I let the water wash over my neck and shoulders for a while, as my cock relaxed a little. Now it was only half-hard, and aimed straight out from my body at 90 degrees.

"There you are!" Danno was standing at the door. "Let's walk over to brunch at the caf, and you can fill me in on where you were!" His concern and indignation was so adorable, I almost laughed out loud.

"Fine." I replied. "Give me a sec to put something on." I finished showering, grabbed my towel and walked back to the room while rubbing the towel across my chest and arms. I pulled on some clothes, ran my fingers through my hair quickly, pulled on my hoodie, and we set off to eat.

During the meal I filled him in on my return ride, and he informed me that no one but him even knew I was missing. I guess the rest of the crew was so tired and still half-sleeping when the bus dropped everyone off, that he was the only one that noticed I wasn't there.

"How long were you standing there waiting for a ride?" he asked.

"Not too long," I answered between bites of my food. "A truck driver stopped to pee, and I guess felt sorry for me standing there in the restroom trying to keep warm. I climbed into his cab, and he said I could lay down on the bed in the back of his cab, so I did. Two hours later, he was shaking me awake, saying I needed to hop down, as we were here back on the edge of campus."

"Well, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't appear back in my bed this morning," Danno said. "I carried both our bags back here to the room, and all the worst scenarios kept running through my mind."

"Oh, my phone!" I exclaimed. "Do you have it?"

"Yes, I found it in your jacket pocket," he stated. "It's back in our room. But why aren't you more traumatized? I thought for sure the police would find your body parts strewn along the highway in the woods!"

"What movies have you been watching?"

"Shut up, dude I was really worried!" He looked into his lap sheepishly. I think he was embarrassed he was coming across as so needy.

"Listen," I assured him, "I was sucking some dude's huge black donkey dick and the bus left without me. It's my own damn fault! He didn't even get off, so I guess in the grand scheme of things, me getting home in one piece is a coup!"

"I should be mad, shouldn't I?"

"Why, because I missed the bus with a cock in my mouth? I know it was really stupid. I'm sitting there doing my shit, and this huge black dick pokes through the wall... What would you have done?"

"Probably the same thing," he mumbled, " but I DO wonder what it might be like if we decided..." and his voice trailed off.

"What, Danno ... are you asking me to be your boyfriend?"

His glance told me everything I needed to know. "I know it sounds lame, but when I wasn't sure if you were okay, I just kept thinking about having you to myself, and knowing that we'd always be there for each other, and you'd never ever disappear with someone else ..." his voice stalled. It struck me that he was getting emotional!

I reached across the table and grabbed both his hands. "Danno, you idiot. Yes. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to be yours -- and you be mine." Now my eyes were getting misty as well, and a single tear was falling from his chin as he looked up and smiled at me.

"I've only been open about my sexuality for a few months now, and I've never had a serious relationship. This is all new to me, and I don't want to hurt or disappoint you."

"I'm ready to be exclusive, and I know being out might be hard," Danno stated bravely. "But can we give it a go?"

"I'm willing to work at it with you," I answered sheepishly. "Really feels dorky and all mushy, but it feels right. You make me want to be next to you."

"And right now I want to be in bed naked next to you."

And off we went.

Note to readers: Thus ends the title Horny in the Dorms. With Hitch and Danno becoming a couple, their lives take a new direction. Less slutty under-the-bathroom-stall-type sex, and more up all night exploring each other's favorite positions, roles and toys. Watch for more Hitch stories sure to come.

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