Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 17, 2014


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter Three

I woke from what turned out to be about an hour-long nap in a bit of a panic. A key was jiggling in the door, the door was opening, and there was my roommate John with his backpack and a big plastic bag of textbooks. I jolted up just as dropped his stuff and dove onto his bunk across the room.

"How was your first day of class?" he asked wearily. "I stopped after my last class and got all my textbooks. You wouldn't believe how much they cost!" He rolled over to look my way.

I took a quick nervous breath and decided to jut let it all out: "I was SO distracted by what we did this morning ... I was horny though every class! I found my dried cum in my hair ... and I lost my room key somewhere, and in my last class a guy saw how boned up I was, and so he blew me!"

"Seriously?" he asked "right in the class?"

"No, John, I'm not that stupid." I filled him in on the details, and as I was talking, my hand went to my crotch and I could feel the now-dry, but very crusty cum-spots on my jeans. "I think I need another shower, and to change into something clean."

"I'm exhausted, but I'll be waiting here for you when you get back!" John sang out.

I jumped in the shower, which was vacant this time of the day, so there was no one to watch or see me. I finished washing the cum out of my hair, and quickly went back to the room with my towel around my waist -- water still dripping everywhere.

John was sprawled out on his bunk, but he had taken off all his clothes, so I could instantly see his whole naked form lying there. He had a light wisp of hair in the center of his chest with a little blonde hair encircling each tiny red nipple. His flat stomach and tight little belly button, the quiet rise and fall of his chest, I could see he was really asleep.

His features were all angles, muscled defined and squared off. His strong arms laid at reat, a light coating of blonde hairs on his forearms, but his biceps and shoulder were hairless. His upper thighs had almost no hair, but his calfs were also covered with light blonde hair. Even his pubes were dirty-blonde, forming a little bush between his belly button and the top of his groin. His balls were almost hairless, and I could see his left one was hanging a little lower, but his soft thick cock was laying against his upper thigh. It was obvious he either worked out and was very active, as there was almost no fat on his lean frame. He had told me he played lacrosse, which I didn't know well, but I knew they ran a lot, and it was a very physical sport.

Not sure what to do, I sat on my bunk across from him. The springs squeaked just enough that John woke up. It startled me when he jerked suddenly, so I jumped up and the towel fell to the floor. He just laid there smiling at me, then spoke quietly, "You know you're kinda cute when you're nervous."

I sheepishly grabbed the towel off the floor and finished drying myself. "I'm just really not used to being this exposed, and I guess I knew things would change for me in college, but this is all happening so fast!"

"I remember feeling that way too," he said. "My senior year, I found someone to talk to in my class. One of the guys on my team, actually. We ended up becoming really close friends, but the best thing about it was I could tell him things and he wouldn't laugh or mock or tease me. He totally understood."

"Really?" I asked, "That sounds amazing." I sat down at the foot of his bed. John moved his legs to the sides so that when I looked up to his face I also looked past his naked form, legs parted wide apart, and a clear view of his balls, and ass hole.

"Yeah, I found that I'd been bottling up all this nervous energy, afraid to look at anyone the wrong way for fear of being beat up. Somehow this friend saw something in me and recognized it, and he kinda reached out and showed me the ropes, if you know what I mean." While he spoke, his hand grabbed his balls, giving them a little scratch. Gently playing with one of his balls, he rolled it through his fingertips.

"Not sure I do, John." I admitted. "It all feels very exciting and makes me super horny, but I'm used to keeping it secret. I don't even know what I don't know." I was staring now, not ever trying to hide it, since he was looking at the ceiling. My cock was at full attention, but tucked discretely under my towel on my lap.

"Well, the basics are pretty basic. Guys who are into other guys learn a secret language, a way of signaling their interest, and then once you finally get together -- in private -- your body, like, knows what to do. You will know what feels right, because you're a guy, and you know what feels good to you, so you can assume most of the same things will feel great to the other guy." He rose slightly leaning on one elbow. His other hand still in his crotch, pulling on his cock, which was starting to swell.

"So, I just need to get past my nerves and get some practice? Is that what you're saying?" My eyes were now glued on his cock that was getting larger, longer and starting to lift off his abdomen.

"Yes, Hitch, and I'm your roommate, so it's my duty to show you some of what I've learned." He sat up swinging his feet the the floor, and turned to look right into my eyes, which I quickly adjusted my gazer to match his. "But you must promise to pass this along some day in the future when you encounter a newbie, okay?"

"Okay, sounds fair."

"But for now, Hitch," he reached over and removed the damp towel from my lap, tossing it across the room. "I seem to remember blowing that juicy cock this morning, and now it's my turn." He stood up in front of me his stiff cock pointing right at me, only inches from my face.

I caught a whiff of his scent just then as I breathed in nervously. It seemed to trigger a hunger I had never experienced before. He put his hands on my bare shoulders so I couldn't back away." I looked up at his face, and, seeing his gentle smile, I decided I would do my best to please him. I had never touched another penis before, so I reached out and with one hand encircled his shaft and cupped his balls with the other. I felt the weight, fondled his ball sack and slowly leaned closer to lick the tip of his now red helmet head. It lept up and away from me, closer to vertical. John moaned with pleasure.

"That's it. Just think of it like sucking your thumb. It's just skin, but remember it's very sensitive skin, so keep your teeth to yourself."

I was still holding his cock with my one hand, so I pulled it back down towards my mouth, and opened wide, taking the first few inches into my mouth. It was a little like tasting my own skin, but the sensation of the soft, but also hard cock head and veiny shaft slipping past my teeth across my warm wet tongue was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

I closed my mouth a little and pulled it back out a little, then putting it in again, but a little further this time. I was salivating plenty, so in spite of my nerves, things were well-lubricated in my mouth. John gently pushed the back of my head to signal I could take a little more, so I tried to take the whole cock. I thought I might gag, but I felt the tip of his dick hit the back of my throat, and then he pulled out. It went back own again, and I felt his pubes on my nose! His cock wasn't so long that I was choking, but it was really thick, so it filled my mouth completely.

"That was a good start, Hitch, now add a little suction. Like you're drinking from a thick warm straw."

I tried that, and from his quiet humming, I got the impression it was feeling good for him. I hummed a little "ok?" sound up to him, and he just closed his eyes and nodded. Then he started to slide his cock in and out with increasing intensity, occasionally pulling it all the way out and slapping my eager tongue with his cock.

He then lifted me from my spot on his bed, spun and sat down, his legs spread out wide, and he pulled me down to his lap. I got on my knees, and started sucking again from the new position. I could smell his manly musky smell, a little like I imagined a man's crotch might smell after a long day of walking all over campus, but not unpleasant. In fact, it was turning me on a little. While I had been focused on the blow job I was giving, my own cock had softened somewhat, but now the scent of his crotch was getting my cock excited again.

I continued to alternate between sucking deep on his swollen dick then licking his veiny shaft and then running my tongue around the lip of his cockhead, until after a few minutes John's balls started to tighten, his breathing started to come in short gasps, and his hands held my head steady as he fucked my face. "Oh, oh, oh!"

Just as he was about to climax, he pulled out, leaned back on the bed, and stroked his wet cock twice, lifting his ass off the bed and shooting five or six huge gobs of cum into the air. The first two shots went over his shoulder and hit the pillow, the last few hit his chin, then his left nipple and his belly button.

I was still kneeling by his bed, my mouth hanging open and saliva dripping down my chin. After a moment, I got off my knees and sat down beside him on the bed. "Was that okay?" I asked.

"Oh, man, it's been a long time since my last blowjob, dude! That was amazing." He was still lying back on his bed, and as his breathing became more regulated, he looked at his chest, and saw his cum there. "I thought I'd better not cum in your mouth the first time." He explained. "It can be a lot to get used to all at once, and some guys like the taste, but some really don't."

He lifted the gob from his belly, combined it with the gob on his nipple, and held it up. "Do you want to taste it? Cuz if you don't, I will. I love cum, and my own especially."

"That's okay," I blurted, "You can have it." He then proceded to lick his fingers clean, swallow and then wiped the gobs from his chin and shoulder and ate that too.

"Now I think I need a shower now too." He stood up, his cock now hanging six inches down from his balls, a little cum leaking from the red swollen tip, and after taking a deep breath, he grabbed his towel and swinging it over his shoulder, he walked out the door and down the hall.

Next: Chapter 4

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