Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Apr 28, 2017


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========= Horny in the Dorms

Chapter 29

When I woke, before I even opened my eyes, the first thing that registered was that I was in bed with Danny, because I could hear his familiar breathing just inches away on the pillow. I could also smell his unique scent. But there was more: the motel smell, and the unmistakable smell of cum. I recalled that I had witnessed Mattie's ejaculation last night. That made me smile.

I also remembered I was in a motel with the entire wrestling team, and I'd have a lot to do before the guys would be ready to reboard the bus to go over to the event.

I realized I wouldn't get back to sleep now, so I laid there a few moments, and ran my hands under the sheets across my chest, down my abdomen to my freshly shaved groin. My morning wood was, as always, throbbing between my fingers, and I played with myself a few minutes, enjoying the quiet of the morning.

Finally, I opened one eye to glanced at the digital clock on the night stand, and I saw it was 6:15. I guessed I had about 30 minutes of work to do before the bus arrived to take us over to the college's arena at 8:00, add a few minutes for breakfast, and I'd better start thinking of getting moving.

Groaning quietly, I opened both eyes, and looked across the room. Mattie's mountainous form was sprawled face down across his queen bed, his sheet barely covering his legs. His firm, hairy legs completely exposed. I watched his back rise and fall with each breath, and wondered at how the fine soft, black hair covered almost every inch of his body -- even his back, with only a little bare spot along his sides.

I heard the rustle of movement, but saw nothing, so deduced that Todd was waking too. He'd slept on the floor between Mattie's bed and the wall of the bathroom. I heard the unmistakable sound of skin slapping skin, just the thing you'd hear if someone was wacking their morning boner against their abs. It made my cock lurch up from its resting place to aiming upward. I took a risk, and slapped my own dick against my belly a few times.

I heard a sharp gasp, as Todd realized he wasn't the only one awake. He lurched to his feet, bending over and placing his arms in the way to hide his boner, and tip-toed to the bathroom.

The door closed and the shower turned on, and I figured he'd be in there a few more minutes. So, I flopped over to lie against Danny, my rigid cock poking him firmly in the small of his back.

"What time is it?" Danny mumbled sleepily.

"About 6:30," I replied with my lips nibbling his closest ear. "I figure I've got time for some Danno juice to get my day started..." With that, I dove under the covers, so that my face was in his groin, and mine was near his head, and began to blow his morning wood. After a quick approving groan, I felt my cock slip down his throat as well, assuring that we'd be really quiet.

My naked ass was above his head, my knees straddling his pillow, pounding his hungry mouth, as I nuzzled my mouth on his balls, licked his dick, and pushed him to orgasm with my well-practiced lips.

I felt his cock throbbing as he neared his blowing point, so I slowed to a crawl, just holding his rod in my mouth, sliding my tongue back and forth against his rod. My dick slipped out of his mouth as he stiffened, took a quick breath, then every muscle in his body rigid for a few seconds, then "whoosh!" I felt my mouth fill and overflow with his semen. His arms grabbed my waist and pulled me into his powerful embrace -- even if it was 69 position. It almost knocked the breath out of me. He loosened slightly and rocked in and out of my face a few more times before going slack. I pulled myself up and looked down at him. He was lying beneath me in complete surrender, the warmest smile on his face, which was right between my thighs. My still erect cock was pressed against his one cheek, and he gave me a look that I can only describe as a challenge. "Looks like you pinned me good, my friend," he whispered, with a sidewards glance at the still-sleeping mountain of hairy flesh in the bed a few feet away.

"Yeah, Danno. And now I want some satisfaction..." But before I knew what had happened he had wrestled me off of him, and I was under him, securely held flat on the bed. I was unable to move, but really didn't want to. He was now sitting on my face, his thick muscled thighs pressed against my sides, his saliva-drenched cock resting on my chin and dripping across my collar bone. I could see his ass hole inches above me, and without being able to see a thing, felt warm, wet tongue and lips clamp on to the now swollen dick head.

I decided to distract him a little, so I angled my head closer and tongued his hole. "Oh, wow, dude," he mumbled from somewhere below. I took this as permission, and as he sat lower onto my face, with only a little breathing space, he started pressing his ass crack onto my eager mouth, chin and nose. Before long my entire face was wet, from my own spit, and from forcefully licking, sucking and eating his warm, sweet ass. I'd never felt this drawn before, I was hungry for his juices, and knew this was feeling good to him as well.

Meanwhile Danny focused his mouth on my penis, sucking, licking and generally pleasuring me the way we had learned together over the past months.

It felt like we were making more noise than maybe was wise, but it felt too good to bother stopping, or having a conversation about it. Danny was really slurping, I sure was sucking noisily, and I could only imagine what Mattie would think if he woke up to this.

"Holy Fucking Shit," came a not-so-quiet voice from somewhere down near my feet. A slight pause in Danny's rhythm, he pulled my cock out enough to speak.

"Care for a sample?" he asked. I tensed up, thinking this wasn't happening, but Danny's wrestler hold stuck and I wasn't going anywhere. I felt a new mouth, from a new angle bearing down on my cock, and Danny's hands began massaging my root, his fingertips teasing against my hole.

In a quick breathing break, with a loud wet slurping noise, Todd exclaimed, "I see the rumors are true!"

While it wasn't the familiar warm, loving mouth of my friend and lover, it was a warm mouth, and it knew what to do. I felt myself pop out of Todd's lips, and he moved to the lower half of my shaft and my balls while Danno resumed worshiping the head and top few inches. Never before had so many hands, lips and tongues been on my junk at the same time. It was sublime. I tried to thrust upward to get more depth, but Danno just pulled back and slowed down.

I began to tremble with eagerness to cum, "please, dude!" I moaned. I literally couldn't move an inch, except my neck and face, so I blew my hot breath onto his hole, and begged, "just a few more strokes, and I'll cum!"

A fist gripped my cock and slid from tip to the bottom once, then returned to the top. I felt the air hit my wet cock. Then again, a warm, wet hand gripped me around the balls while a warm tongue teased the ridge around my mushroom head. I had no idea who was doing what, but I was in ecstacy. The sensation of something -- it could have been a tongue, a finger, or the tip of a nose -- gently tracing the thick vein from the base of my cock to the tip one more time, followed by something entering my ass. It hit my prostate gland and vibrated there a few seconds putting me over the top.

A mouth quickly engulfed my eruption, the warm pressure increasing the power of my climax, while my ass hole clamped down on then pressure there and I just quivered for what felt like an eternity. My final wave of pleasure made my whole body arc off the bed, and Danny finally lifted his weight off my chest and head. I felt my cock slap down against my abdomen, sending new waves of cum spilling across my chest. I could see now Todd's finger pulling out of my ass, wiping it on the towel wrapped around his slim waist. Danny hopped off the bed and went to the bathroom.

I laid there on the bed in shock a few minutes. "Wait, Todd, have you done this before?"

"Only in my dreams," he answered, in hushed tones, eyeing the still-sleeping Mattie. "I read a fair bit of trashy porn of course, so I pick up things, but I haven't had the guts to try anything out, really."

"Are you ladies finished yet?" Mattie spoke. He sat up, surveyed the room. The sheets were all on the floor, and I was splayed across the bed, completely naked and there was cum from my chin to my crotch, some still leaking from my slightly softened boner. "Listen, I came here to wrestle, and I need to prepare for today's matches. I don't need any distractions."

He pushed his sheet aside and stood, stretching. His underwear barely contained his morning wood. The dry stains from last night's cum were obvious, and Todd looked away nervously. Pulling them off, Matie tossed them on the floor. His thick, but short cock pointed straight out of his dark, hairy, public bush, leading the way. It waggled side to side as he crossed the room. He sauntered over to the bathroom, not bothering to knock.

"Aww, I'm taking a shit here, dude," Danny cried as his privacy was violated.

"I don't mind. I'll piss in the shower anyway," was the only reply as Mattie turned on the shower.

I grabbed last night's still-damp towel from the pile on the floor and wiped myself off, thinking about all the work I needed to get done.


Stay tuned. More chapters coming.

Next: Chapter 30

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