Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Mar 3, 2017


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Chapter 28

When we arrived at the hotel for the night, it was past midnight, and very quickly, I had my hands full, checking in all the guys. With Danny helping me, we made sure their guys and their bags got to the right rooms, and then we found our way to our room. We were sharing a room with two guys who I'd been warned were cool, but straight. Todd was a sophomore and wrestled at 135, so he was smaller and thinner than Danny. He had a short buzz cut that might have been blonde, maybe light brown, hard to tell. He was not skin and bones, but very thin and wiry.

Then Mattie, he was a sight to see. Over six feet tall and weighing in at about 245 he was built like a bull. I could see he was pretty hairy, front and back, because by the time we got to the room he was in his jockey shorts, standing in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. It looked like he had a thick coat of fur on every inch of his body. And not an ounce of fat. Even his teeth-brushing muscles made you jealous.

"I wish coach would just give Mattie his own bed," Todd complained, as he pulled out his shaving kit from his duffle bag. "Just cuz I'm the smallest guy on the team doesn't mean we'll both fit in this bed..."

"Yeah, sorry, Todd," I said, glancing at the checklist coach had given me. "I didn't make the room assignments." I looked around the room. "Could you sleep on the floor?"

"I guess if I took the cushions off the love seat and found another blanket..."

"There's a little space between the bed and the wall here." I pointed out. He agreed and started making a little nest in that crack of a space. It looked like he was going to sleep in his boxers.

"You guys are roommates, right? I guess you're used to sharing a bed already?" Mattie asked, as he sauntered out of the bathroom and over to the bed he now could have to himself. He added, "I'm exhausted from the work-out before we left and the long bus ride. Turn out those lights as soon as you can, okay?"

"Right," Danny replied. "We'll try to be as quiet as we can."

He then pulled me to the bathroom and started to run the water in the sink. "We can cuddle tonight, but need to keep it quiet, plus I've got to wrestle tomorrow, so I do need my sleep,"

I dropped my shorts and took a piss while he brushed his teeth. His free hand caressed my ass for a few moments until he needed to spit in the sink, and we switched places. He pulled down his pants and sat on the toilet, and I stood right at his side and brushed my teeth, my shorts still around my knees, so he could continue feeling my ass.

"In think I need a quick shower before bed," he said loud enough that Todd and Mattie would hear. "Would you help me shave down, Hitch? It goes faster with help, and I want to be smooth for my match tomorrow." He winked as I finished brushing my teeth, but made confused faces at him in the mirror.

"I guess so," I answered, as he turned on the hot shower and stepped out of his clothes. I could hear the room's TV switch on. One of the other guys was switching channels rapidly, checking out the local stations.

"Oh, come on, Todd," I heard Mattie whine, "at least turn it down. I'm trying to sleep."

Danny tossed all his clothes into the little hallway space outside of the motel room's bathroom, and grabbed his shaving cream and a razor, and stepped into the shower. This shower had a clear glass divider fixed next to the one side of the shower enclosure with no curtain.

I pushed the bathroom door closed, but it didn't latch completely, staying open a few inches. I stripped the rest of my clothes off and joined Danny in the shower.

He was already wet and starting to soap up, so I hugged myself tightly to his back, my chest and abdomen pressed against his backside, my arms and hands around him to help spread the soap across his chest, and down into his crotch. I was probably grinding my now hard dick between his cheeks a little harder than I planned to, but after spending the past few hours on that bus with all those hot, smelly wrestlers, I was all worked up again.

I began lathering down his abs to his balls, and found he was also now fully erect, his soapy cock and balls enjoying my attention. He gave a little moan as I rubbed his dick head particularly well with my palm. He turned around, and with the water running down his back, he motioned for me to blow him.

"Let's try to keep it quiet, okay?" I got on my knees and let him fuck my mouth, pulling out a few times to breath, and playfully sucking his balls while stroking his shaft. I looked up and he was watching me intently, a sexy smile across his face.

When his eyes began to close involuntarily, I knew he was about to blow, so I slowed down and clamped onto his cock with all the sucking pressure I could muster. His knees buckled, and with a mighty deep thrust, he began to empty his balls into my throat, his hands grasping at the slick tiled walls to keep his balance. I gladly stayed still as he filled my throat with his spunk.

I sensed, rather than saw something just off to the side, so when I pulled my face away from Danny's trembling, satisfied body there was the unmistakable flash of Todd's face about two feet from the floor as he jerked back from his spying on us.

I looked up at Danny's still satisfied face, the hot water now hitting his head and shoulders, and I began stroking his skin to see where he would want some shaving done. I felt his groin, thighs and found next to nothing. No stubble, nada. Danny looked down at me, and then pulled me off the floor to his face, planted a sloppy wet kiss on my mouth, tasting his own cum still on my lips. He nuzzled close to my ear, and said, "I lied about needing a shave. Just wanted you in the shower with me."

"I think Todd was watching us," I whispered, as I nibbled affectionately on his ear.

"Oh? hey, Todd!" he shouted, "need to use the toilet? Come on in!" He winked at me and held me tight in an embrace, my still-hard cock pressed against his rock hard but baby-smooth abs. He kept a firm grip on my ass cheeks and slipped side to side just enough to press my dick head against him. It felt great.

The door opened a bit and Todd sheepishly came in, wearing just his loose boxers. He was trying to keep his gaze straight ahead, so, he went to the toilet, pulled out his dick through the fly and assumed the position. Danno and I continued to slip and slide against eachother. The gentle sound of water running and skin on skin was mesmerizing. Through the foggy, wet glass it was pretty obvious Todd was too aroused to pee. So, he pulled his boxers down to the floor and sat instead, stuffing his dick down into the toilet just enough to make sure his flow went into the bowl. He glanced over at us for a split second, then averted his gaze back to the floor. When he finished, he stood up, turned and shook a few drops from his still almost totally erect dick. It wasn't all that big, but for such a small guy, it was proportionally a good size. His dick head was an angry deep red, almost purple, and he was really uncomfortable.

"I need to brush my teeth, and I'll be out of your way," he said, trying to act nonchalant, now facing the foggy mirror and the sink.

"Watch this," Danny said, smiling. "Todd, hand me that can of shaving cream on the counter, will ya?"

What happened next totally took me off guard. Danny stepped halfway towards Todd, who was turning around. One hand was brushing his teeth, the other had the can. Danny suddenly had Todd's cock in both of his soapy, wet hands. He gave one or two quick pulls, and Todd began to explode six or seven huge gobs of creamy white cum.

Todd's face was a sight. He must have been so close already, or else had a very short fuse, because he almost gagged on his toothbrush and staggered back against the counter, his red cock sticking straight out and still oozing smaller spurts of juice down on his boxers and the floor. He remained leaning against the counter a few more moments, now openly fixing his eyes on us in the shower, with my huge raging boner on full display.

"Aaaahhhh...." he exclaimed. "Thanks, Danny. Now I think I'll be able to get some sleep!"

"Glad I could help." Danny replied sincerely. Todd finished his teeth, took off his boxers and used them to wipe his belly and legs, then tossed the sticky wet shorts into the corner and left them there. He then sauntered naked around the corner into the bedroom area.

"He's notorious for his quick reaction time, as you just saw." Danny told me as he grabbed my cock and balls with both hands. "He's come back to the locker room several times just this season with a load of cream in his singlet."

"You mean just from wrestling?"

"Yup, all that grappling was enough to trigger a load. So, now he tries to empty his balls before a match, so that he's only a little wet up front, not a huge spray."

"Wow, that must be embarrassing?"

"He wrestled through high school so it's nothing new to him, and honestly it happens to other guys too, just not as often, or as quickly as with him."

"He must really love wrestling."

"Yup. Now it feels to me like you need a shave down here," he murmered as he soaped up my balls again.

After a personal shave, my now super-smooth skin felt so amazing it didn't take long to reach another climax for the day. We towelled off and jumped into bed naked, with Mattie already snoring up a storm. He was taking up the entire bed, spread out, huge barrel chest rising regularly, the sheet pulled up only to his waist, so that his entire torso was exposed. I also saw he was wearing ear-plugs, and clearly sound asleep.

Todd was on the floor in the small space beside Mattie's bed, and we couldn't see him at all, so as Danny clicked off the light, he said, "Good night, Todd." And then snuggling against me, his beefy arm hugging my chest, he whispered, "night..." and was drifting off almost instantly.

With a satisfied smile, I relaxed into his warm embrace, not needing covers, but pulling the cotton sheet up to cover our waists.

I woke a few hours later with an urgent need to pee, so I quietly rose and tiptoed to the bathroom. My naked form almost invisible in the dark, only the dimmest glow coming from under the door. As I entered the bathroom, I thought I could find my way to the toilet straight ahead in the dark, so I didn't turn on the light. I did my business and crept back to bed, one hand cupping my balls lightly, my soft, but still meaty shaft swinging freely against both thighs with each step.

Lying on my side I could see Mattie's slumbering mountain of flesh, and as my eyes adjusted I could tell he was sporting a woody. One of his hands was under his sheet, and even though he was sleeping soundly, his hand was caressing his balls, then scratching absent-mindedly his pubic hair and up to his navel. His hand came to rest on his flat belly, where even in the darkness, a trace of the thick hair running down the middle of his chest to his balls could be seen. The gesture had pushed his sheet lower, so now his gradually stiffening cock was peeking out of the top of his tighty-whities and slowly rose and curved up and over his resting hand. I could see its silhouette throbbing slightly with each heartbeat. I just laid there and watched the peaceful rise and fall of his chest. His fully erect member was easily 8 inches, and thick.

Then, Todd's head appeared from the space beside the bed. He stood, groped his way to the bathroom, and I heard his pee, flush and make his way back, all in just a minute or so. As he returned, he paused just above the shape of Mattie, and without a moment's hesitation, with one finger he gently traced the center vein from the base of his shaft to the tip of his penis. Mattie's dick jolted up and was completely erect, poised in an arc above his abdomen. Todd looked over at me, and apparently satisfied that I was asleep, he did it again, and this time Mattie's breathing changed radically. He gasped and held a breath, and only let it out when Todd's hand completely encircled his dick head.

He knelt comfortably on the floor and began to masturbate Mattie's rod while he slept, or at least be appeared to be sleeping. He might be having the best wet dream of his life for all I knew, but it was so hot watching this happen in the near total darkness of the room.

In a few minutes, Mattie stirred, and afraid he'd awakened him, Todd bolted down to his nest on the floor. Mattie's hands now went to his groin, and after a few random scratching movements, he rolled over on his front, the sheets shifted down below his knees.

Thinking the fun was over, I closed my eyes, and almost went back to sleep. But in less than a minute I could hear the unmistakable sound of Mattie's huge muscular form humping against the sheets. Even in the dark, I sensed him thrusting against the bed, faster and faster as he slid his hard dick back and forth on the cotton. Then, it got really quiet.

I counted to thirty, and when Mattie remained silent I assumed he had drifted back to sleep. But just then he flipped back onto his back, his erect cock still mostly outside the top of his underwear, but now lying gently on his belly.

Todd's head and shoulders resurfaced, and he began stroking at eye level again. When he had made the shaft lift up and out again to its fullest arousal, he lunged forward and took it into his mouth, giving it a good coating of his saliva, then returned to stroking the now wet dick with his hand. In just a few more minutes, Mattie erupted in a series of gobs of cum spraying up over his chest and arms. I got a hint of the bleachy scent wafting over to my side of the room instantly.

Todd kept stroking until the cock in his grip softened somewhat. Then he wiped his hand on the bed sheets near Mattie's feet, flopped back down on the floor and with little more than a loud sigh, was still.

Next: Chapter 29

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