Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Apr 20, 2016


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Chapter 25

Stepping out of my clothes and into the shower with Danny, we continued chatting about the classes, the pressure to complete readings and papers, etc. Then it got quiet.

Danny had just worked out, and he was really pumped. His muscles swollen and veins popping on his forearms. But I couldn't stop staring at his ass. It was flawless. Not a hair or zit in sight, just plump glutes with just the right amount of wiggle.

He turned his back toward me, giving me an undisturbed view as he put his head into the water stream, and I could watch the water caress his neck, run down the channels of his muscles in his back, and down across his two perfectly formed buttocks.

I had enough soap in my hands to lather up myself, and my hands lingered — one at my balls, and the other behind stroking my hole.

Danny had shampoo in his hair and his eyes were closed now, but he turned and faced me, the water hitting his shoulders and down his body to his perfectly hairless cock and balls, which was semi-hard and pointing straight out at me, wagging slightly left to right.

I found myself panting slightly with the thrill of the view, and my own cock was now beginning to grow longer and thicker. I closed my eyes and began washing my face and neck with the lather I had worked up with the bar of soap. And almost at once I felt Danny's firm grip on my cock. One hand held me tightly and the other was cupping my balls. I moaned without thinking.

Danny said, "Feels like you need a shave, Hitch. I feel some stubble down here."

"Well... sure if you want to help me out...?" I whispered back.

"That's what I was hoping you'd say." The next thing I knew he was pressing his body against mine, his hot wet soapy body rubbing firmly against my own. His warm mouth found my own, and with our wet hot faces pressed together he practically sucked my tongue out of my mouth. When he pulled back, there was a loud pop of air and we both gasped for breath.

He was grinding his cock hard against my lower abdomen, and I could also feel the little rough hairs that needed to be shaved. I ran my hands down his back, grabbed his buttocks, and slipped both hands down each side of his body, pulling his silky cheeks apart and sliding my own stiffy between his thighs.

Our hands were grappling eachother, with our soap lubricating our wet bodies, rubbing against the other, feeling the excitement of the sensations and stimulation coming from our skin making such intimate contact.

Then the door to the bathroom squeaked loudly as someone entered. Two guys' voices loudly began talking in the sink area just around the tiled corner from the shower area.

"And after a shower, I'll show you what I meant about solving that equation with the new formula we learned today," said voice One.

"I'll join you in there in a minute, I've got to take a dump," said the second guy. And there was the unmistakable sound of a toilet stall door slamming closed.

"Hey," Guy One said as he entered the shower room.

We both turned to the shower spray with our backs toward the door, and started rinsing off. With a glance we agreed to finish in the room. Our boners were still pretty noticeable, but within a few seconds we were both rinsed off, and had towels wrapped loosely around our waists. The new guy at least kept his eyes to himself, or didn't say anything about our awkward departure, so we just grabbed the things we needed and dashed down the hallway to our room. Giggling like school-girls, we dumped the pile of clothing on the floor, and dried eachother off.

"And I was looking forward to a shave," I complained, drying and also feeling my nuts.

"I have some shaving cream, so I can still do it here," Danny replied. He crossed to his dresser, to pick up the can and razor, and when he turned away the light from the desk lamp revealed that his back was still covered with thousands of droplets of water. He turned back to face me, began spraying shaving cream into his palm, and in seconds my balls were back in his strong, tender grip. I stepped backward to my bed, and laying my towel under my hips, I leaned back to allow better access to my groin. He placed his own towel on the floor under his knees, and got to work removing the week-old growth of small tender hairs growing from my cock and balls.

By the end of the session it could be said my dick was well-aroused, being handled, held and stroked with his fingers to hold the skin tight enough to shave efficiently. But his grip on my cock was tighter and moving a bit more than absolutely necessary.

As he finished, he wiped off my crotch and felt the smooth skin with his fingertips to be sure he hadn't missed anything. It felt heavenly. The sensation made the hair on my arms and neck stand on end. I felt the root of my ass clench tight and saw my cock bob to full erection, curving slightly away from my flat belly. I glanced over at Danny, and his focus was entirely on my cock, licking his lips, only inches from my balls.

"Looks like I got it all," he announced. "I think you're good to go for a few days." His one hand was still firmly encircling my stiff rod, four fingers around the shaft, the thumb gently pressing the frenulum.

"Thanks," I whispered. "Do you need a shave too?"

"Nah," he answered, "I just shaved this morning, but I am so hungry for your cock right now..." his voice trailed off into a soft moan as his lush lips covered my cockhead, then his warm wet tongue began teasing the spot where the crown and the shaft met.

"Ah-huh..." was all I could get out before my whole body was captured in the center of the sensation of the attention he paid to my dick in his mouth while both hands fondled my now baby-smooth balls. I raised both legs and placed my calves over his shoulders onto his back, where the water droplets still glistened.

When he came up for air, Danny picked up my lower limbs and turned us both 90 degrees to the bed, so now he was kneeling on the soft mattress, and I was lying with my feet nd legs up in the air. He pushed my legs back against my chest, and he began licking my balls, taking my nuts one at a time into his mouth, then running his tongue from my hole all the way up to my cock's tip, then back down again. He ran his tongue around my hole, teasing gently against the sensitive ring of muscles.

I was enjoying his aggressive attention on my privates, not sure what exactly what he was up to, but enjoying it nonetheless. I think I forgot to breathe, because I gasped loudly, and Danny stopped.

"Are you okay?" he said with a concerned expression, "I can stop..." His face was red and wet from his own saliva, now spread out liberally on my balls and below.

"Don't you fucking dare..." I spat out, reaching out and pulling his face back to my ass.

After eating me out a little longer, my hole began to relax and open a little more easily. I felt Danny's pointer finger enter a few inches, and stroke the inside of my rectum. A wave of pleasure I'd never felt before passed right through me, a muscle spasm moved like a wave from my feet to my head. Now we had been exploring our bodies for a few weeks, and tried a lot of different positions, but I'd never really been truly fucked before. Danny had made it clear that he was eager, but we had just never gotten to that point.

Our favorite activity was 69, and we'd gotten to the point we could cum at the same time and swallow the whole load with some practice, and both needing to exercise complete control, coming up with some nonverbal signals that we could send and receive while our mouths were full.

But this was different. I was feeling a warmth and an anal hunger that only Danny could satisfy. His gentle probing finger had found a spot against my prostate gland that was creating a smooth sensation I'd never felt before, but wanted to keep going. I knew instinctively that filling my ass with his thick cock was what I wanted.

"Fuck me, Danny..." I whispered urgently.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

"Uh-huh..." was all I could say, another wave of ecstacy coming as his touch reminded me of the nerve endings screaming for attention in my ass. "I want to feel you fill me up."

"I'll go slow. The first time can be really painful."

"You've been stretching me and prepping me for weeks, Danno. Please fuck me now!"

"Ok, let me get the lube." He put my legs down, stepped over to his dresser, and took the lube from his top drawer. I could see he was semi-hard, and would need some help to get stiff enough to fuck me.

"Let me blow you some first, ok?"

"Sure, " he said looking down at his junk.

I laid face-up on the edge of the bed, my head pointed at him, and about the right height for him to face fuck me. I took his whole semi-erect dick in my mouth, and started sucking him gently. I could feel him stiffen, lengthen and by his other body language, it was clear he was getting more and more excited too.

He grabbed my knees, and pulled my lower body into a ball, with my legs over my chest, my ass on top. While he plowed my mouth full of cock, he pushed his face into my crack, spreading my cheeks and once again tongue fucking my hole, licking my balls, and running his chin and face from my hole to my balls.

We changed positions, so he could access my back-side more easily with his strong hands. I assumed the doggy position, my ass aimed directly at him. He had three well-lubed fingers in my hole, and the other fingers were firmly planted in and around my balls.

Somehow he knew exactly where my prostate was, or was just extremely lucky, as two strong fingers were taking me to levels of pleasure I'd never known before.

His fingers pulled out suddenly, and in an instant a warm penis was pressing against my ass hole. I had practiced the "anal squeeze" that would relax the ring of muscles intended to keep things out down there. I squeezed several times while backing up slightly, applying pressure until his cock head popped in, then the next three inches or so slid in and then almost back out again.

Initially, a heated wave of pressure struck me, but as Danny shifted his weight and the angle of entry moved down a little, he hit the pleasure spot again, and I saw stars. I leaned back against his lap, so he began to press himself more fully into my ass.

Time and space seemed to warp. My recollections are of colors and shapes and muted sounds not of the actual passage of time or making anything like intelligible language. I reverted to purely animal instinct. The urge to fuck and be fucked. The pain and pleasure I was feeling in the pit of my soul superceded my ability to talk, to signal Danny, and only later learned from him that I was crying silently, my mouth wide open, my body moving against Danny's in eager acceptance of his violating my personal space.

When it was over, I was lying on my side. Danny was lying behind me, his warm body pressing against my back, my tears running down my face to the pillow. Danny was afraid at first I was crying because of the pain, and only after ten minutes or so was I able to talk.

"That was fucking amazing." I think was what I said. That made him laugh. Softly at first, but then louder and louder until we were both laughing so hard we were struggling to breathe.

I turned onto my back, with both of us side by side facing the ceiling, I glanced down to see my own cum was still dripping from my cock.

"Did I cum too?" I said, incredulous.

"Boy did you ever!" Danny answered, shifting over to reveal the wet sheets between us. "I thought you were pissing it was so much!"

"Funny how I don't remember the details... I thought I went blind!"

"That wouldn't do at all," he said, "not if you're going to continue as an art major!"

Next: Chapter 26

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