Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 20, 2016


Horny in the Dorms

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========== Chapter 24

When I arrived at Sky's room, his door opened forcefully, and I almost got run over by another tall dark dude departing at the same time. I caught a glimpse of an athletic guy zipping up, but in a flash he was gone, and so I more cautiously entered the dorm room.

"Hey, Hitch, come on in," a voice came form the darkness of the room. It was Sky, but way too dark in there to see him.

"Uh... it's really dark, dude, why are the lights out?"

"Oh... sorry. I just finished an appointment with one of my regulars." And before I could adjust to the dark, Sky was hugging me. I got a little whiff of the unmistakable odor of freshly spilled semen as I felt his slightly sweaty cheek against my neck.

I returned the hug, and was about to break away when I distinctly felt a wet spot of goo now on my face. And then it all made sense. "Oh, I see... is this another one of your quote-unquote entrepreneurial revenue streams?"

Sky reached for the light switch while wiping his face with his hand. As the light began to reveal the room, I looked back at Sky, and he'd missed some of the cum on his other cheek.

"I have a few appointments right around the dinner hour. I call them appetizers." I discretely pointed to my cheek, and he got the message. He wiped more cum from his face. "That one comes like clockwork every day after his shift in the cafeteria, and he's quick and he pays me without question."

"I had no idea sucking cock could generate income," I puzzled. "You have no idea," Sky replied, as he reached for his shirt, and grabbed a big black portfolio case. He set the case open to the first page on his bed, and invited me to browse as he wiped his face and neck again, then moved to dry off his toned chocolate hairless chest and washboard abs. "I'm not too proud of it ... well, to be honest, I AM a little proud of it. I found a way to make ends meet, so to speak, to get the education I deserve."

"So, you suck dick and sell your dirty drawings. Is there anything else I should know about you?" I opened the first pages of the portfolio and saw his incredibly detailed drawings. Most were in pencil, some were conte and some were on grey paper with white added to bring out the highlights.

"That's about it, but I sure hope it gets me through school."

One in particular caught my eye because he'd caught the figure lying on what was clearly his bed, and the highlights showed the glint of the wet trail of cum running from the tip of the man's fat, but now soft cock, and running down his hip onto the darkness of the sheets. Afraid I was drooling, I quickly turned to the next page. "How do you set these up?"

"I have a series of contacts that spread the word. I pay the model a little stipend for sitting for me. Some of the guys want sex too, but some just need the cash, and will pose however I wish. I don't pay the ones who want sex, that's their payment. Then I send photos to my friend in the city, who lets me know when he has a buyer for a piece. He takes care of the framing and delivery, and charges four times what I get paid, but hey, that's business."

"How did you get set up with all these people?" I wondered.

"Well, suffice it to say I meet these guys in the strangest places, but once I make a friend, I'm loyal forever." He sat on the side of this bed and started paging through the portfolio. He stopped on a drawing of a really hung stud in repose on an old fashioned formal sofa, some drapery across his lower legs. It looked like he might have been sleeping on the sofa and his sheet had conveniently slipped to reveal his nude body. His one arm was bent across his upper face. "This one, for example: his name was Don or Ron or something - if he was even being honest, and I couldn't blame him for lying." He flipped to the next page, and it was clearly the same guy in a new pose. "We met while I was in high school. My art teacher set us up. He'd asked specifically for someone who could do this as a gift or his boyfriend, some big wig in Hollywood."

"Then why do you have these drawings still?" I asked.

"I prepared these sketches for a larger painting I did later. But most of the time, the drawing is the finished piece. I've been learning a lot this semester, and I'm sure I'll be able to charge double for them soon."

He continued to tell me the stories of several more guys he'd drawn, giving me some tips for how to ensure payment was given up front and in full. After a half hour or so I was pretty horny but impressed with his work and his ambition.

Then, the door opened. A tall black guy entered like he owned the place, set a brown paper bag on the desk, pulled the waistband of his shorts down to reveal a long semi-rigid uncut cock, and said, "I got your dinner Sky, just like you ordered. Now I need a little satisfaction!"

He hadn't noticed me, or if he did, he didn't care, and as if this was completely normal, Sky slipped over to his side, took his place on his knees, holding the guy's ass cheeks with both hands and took the whole long piece of meat deep down to the root.

"Hey." He greeted me, and winked in my direction finally acknowledging my existence. "This won't take long. I haven't nutted all week waiting for this." He closed his eyes, and moaned as Sky went to work loudly slurping and choking on this guy's now fully erect dick. He grabbed Sky's head, and stroked him affectionately and began to thrust forcefully across Sky's tongue and down his throat. Hey," I answered back, then went back to paging through the portfolio, trying not to feel like I was spying on this sexual encounter. I adjusted myself discreetly, as my now growing arousal was beginning to become uncomfortable in my pants.

I was pretty exciting, actually, being an innocent bystander, and in the open, without needing to hide or pretend anything... just three guys in a dorm room, and two of them were having oral sex and one was looking at homemade gay porn. I glanced up after a few moments, and the visitor was looking at the ceiling, holding Sky's head with one hand, stroking his chest and nipples with the other, and whispering "fuck ... fuck ... fuck" over and over.

I had reached the last drawing in the portfolio, and I was a little surprised to see an image that looked surprisingly familiar. It was a group of soapy, hung black athletes in the shower together, and every single cock was erect and huge!

"Here it comes ... take my load, Sky ... suck me dry ... Oh ... OH ... Ahhhh ...AHHH!" He exhaled and moaned and began to shake and shiver from his ankles to his head. He thrusted deeply about ten more times, mouth wide open, eyes tightly closed, and making a sound a lot like a painful crying sound. Sky pulled the cock from his mouth, it made a loud wet pop as it came out. Then Sky fucked him with his hands for a few strokes, milking him until the orgasm peaked, and his visitor had fallen to his knees. The last of his huge deposit of cum dribbled onto the floor, and he got back to his feet. He pulled his shorts back up to attempt to cover his wet sloppy dick which stuck to the nylon fabric and made a very obvious bulge. Not caring in the least, he turned, and left the room without another word.

"Some of them pay with cash, and some bring me my meals." Sky explained, after wiping his mouth and face again. "It takes a fair bit of organization, but it works."

I must have been sitting there looking pretty shocked, my mouth wide open, my hand still on the portfolio's last image. Sky assumed the posture of someone who needed to explain.

"Oh, I did that one from memory," he stated matter-of-factly and a little proudly as his eyes went from the drawing to my eyes.

"That was one incredible shower," I replied. "Not sure if I've ever been in a situation like that one ... or ever will again." My hand went automatically to my groin. A little wet spot was beginning to show where my precum was starting to leak.

"Oh, that reminds me," he said with a sly smile. "I want to draw you, if you'll let me, in exchange for a possible introduction to my dealer."

I clearly had that deer-in-the-headlights look, because he came over to put away the portfolio and sit beside me. "I've been very distracted in class being so close to you ... wanting another look at your equipment, and I thought if I had a drawing of you, I could get back to focusing on my other drawing assignments."

He took my one hand, and looked right into my eyes. "What do you say? I'll do right now if you like."

"Uhh... how long do you need? I gotta get back to a meeting tonight."

"Not long. Maybe 45 minutes?"

"Okay, but I've never posed before ... I've seen how hard it looks lots of times, but ... how do you want me?"

"Strip down and find a spot there on my bed. Just get comfortable."

He turned and began to examine the brown paper bag of food the guy had left - in payment for his blow job. He spread out the fast food items and began to eat as I stood there not sure what to do.

"I'll grab my sketchbook, and we'll get started," he said, moving across the room, eating and gathering his pad and pencils.

I pulled off my clothes, leaving them in a small pile on the floor, and sat on his bed, leaned against the wall, not sure how to pose. My cock had softened, but was still at its usual length, snaking halfway down my leg, and leaving a tiny wet trail from my hip to the side of my thigh as my weight shifted. Just the feeling of my cock head slipping across my own skin made me excited a little, and glancing down at it, I saw it start to twitch and harden a little. I crossed my arms on my bent knees, and buried my face in the crook of my arms.

Sky clearly saw my state, but immediately exclaimed, "that's perfect! Stay exactly like that!"

My view was only of my own crotch, but I could see the light shifting as Sky moved a lamp to a new position, and I heard him slip into a chair and the soft scritch-scritch as he began to draw.

"Let me know if you need me to change positions. And, will we be interrupted here?"

"No, I don't have any more appointments tonight. I think this pose works," he replied. "If you're comfortable, that is ... I can see your willy has a mind if his own." My cock twitched again at that, and as I was staring right into my lap, I could see the glistening tip of my dick about to drip another little moist droplet. My balls were tightly pressed between my thighs, and my erection was now pointing almost straight at my face. "And thanks for shaving your junk. I really hate drawing pubes."

While he drew, and I sat as still as I could, he hummed softly to himself, occasionally making a comment to himself about his technique or missing a detail. My erection raged for a few minutes then eventually subsided to a semi-hard, but still fat and long state.

"Okay, Hitch, I'm done for now. Want to see?"

"Yeah... I guess," I answered. I stood and walked two steps to glance at the sketchbook he held out to me.

"It's really quite lovely, Sky," I said. "And I especially love how you can't see it's me!"

He chuckled at that, and said, "Anyone who's heard the now-everywhere rumors about your love stick would have no trouble identifying you, honey."

"You're kidding, right?" I sat back on the bed, glanced down at my lap and saw my cock relaxing there, soft, but seven inches and still leaking a little.

"I wish." Sky's quick reply, combined with his loving glance at my dick made me self-conscious. I wasn't really that excited to know people all over campus were talking about my dick. MY hands subconsciously went to my genitals, providing some cover.

"Now you're going to cover up?" Sky chuckled again. "You were sitting here, balls-out, for the past half-hour ..."

"I know. The drawing is quite nice, although I'm biased, of course, but it's kind of weird to see yourself, you know?" I'd seen myself plenty in mirrors, but drawing yourself in a mirror is different from someone else doing it. "What's the next step?" I rose and started pulling my pants on.

"Well, get some drawings together and when you're ready, I'll take you to meet my guy. If he wants to buy your drawings, you're in!"

"Sounds good. I have a few, but I think to compare to your portfolio, I have some work to do." I was thinking maybe my roommates will pose for me.

"I will tell you that the types of poses we typically do in class are a little too tame for my guy. They need to be a little more explicit for him to sell." "I'll keep that in mind," I said. "Hey, Sky, do you ever work from photos?"

"Sometimes. But only if the model can't stay until I'm done. I will take a few pics to continue on the drawing after they've gone, but I prefer to have the model there."

I finished dressing, and left Sky, saying good-bye until our next class.

I then walked back toward my dorm. I ran into Danny. He appeared behind me and suddenly I was aware of his warm, energetic presence. He was returning from a work-out and retrieving his stinky clothing from his locker down in the gym.

"Hey, dude. Glad to run into you!" He had a cloth sack over one shoulder, and he grabbed my neck affectionately with his free hand. "I got the uniforms you asked about."

"Is that odor your laundry ... or you?" I asked, smiling warmly.

"Both, I suppose," he replied. "I didn't have anything clean to wear after showering, so I thought I'd just walk back, do my laundry and take a shower ... hopefully you can join me?"

"I'd love to." As we walked back, I filled him in on my evening's exploits with Sky and his various visitors. "And I can't wait to see your wrestling gear, and maybe do some drawings of you..."

"If it means lying around in my skimpiest singlet and having your lovely eyes on my body for a bit, then count me in.

Next: Chapter 25

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