Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 6, 2016


Horny in the Dorms Chapter 23

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This story is fictional, but based loosely on events both real and imagined. You decide which is which.


One of the afternoon classes I had was figure drawing, and this was the last session of the week, so after class the prof reminded me that I had signed up my roommate Danny for Monday's class.

"And if he doesn't show up, you're on the pedestal in his place, Hitch." he said.

"Mmm... I'd like to see that!" mumbled my nearest drawing neighbor, Sky. I was pretty sure the prof hadn't heard. How embarrassing, right?

"Isn't your friend Pauly posing next week too?"

"Yep. The prof asked him to bring his dance tights." Sky got a happy far-away look, leaning back on his drawing stool, his handful of pencils laying loosely across his chest. "I'm really loking forward to drawing him again."

"Have your drawn him already?"I asked.

It took him a moment to focus, but eventually his eyes cleared and he leaned over to quietly whisper so only I could hear "I've got quite a collection of drawings now, and they're my best sellers by far!"

I obviously needed to know more, so I blurted out "what do you mean best-sellers?"

"I need to supplement my college fund every semester to stay here, so I started asking around, and I discovered there's quite a market for really great hand-drawn porn!" His eyes lit up, and he checked to be sure no one else could overhear, "and since I like you so much, Hitch, I'll show you my secret portfolio if you're interested?"

"Fuck yeah!" I said a little too loud, earning a spurning look from the prof across the room. "Plus, I'd love to sell some of my own work... if that's not competing too much?"

"I'll explain it all later. Stop by my dorm when you get a chance." He wrote his dorm name and room number on a scrap of paper he tore off one of the sketches he was throwing away. "I'm usually back in my room by 10:30 or so."

"I will see you later Sky," I said gratefully, as he packed his things up and left the studio.

My mind jumped to the handful of drawings I had made over the years. I had drawn muscled boys and young men in their peak of fitness as long as I could remember. I was prone to draw on any scrap of paper, on the back of my tests all through school, and most of those drawings were harmless enough -- castles, dragons, elves, rocket ships and gnarled old trees. But the ones that had almost naked or obviously bulging crotches usually ended up ripped into tiny pieces or tossed into the burn barrel out behind the house, for fear anyone might see them and humiliate me.

I remember one in particular, a pencil drawing of a handsome, muscled elf boy, wearing the shortest of skin-tight shorts and a tiny silky cape. He was wielding a sword, and every muscle in his chest and huge biceps in fully pumped-up state screamed of the testosterone that was probably coursing through my own pubescent body at the time. The figure the elf was battling with was similarly undressed, turned with his back to the viewer, his shorts so tight and low on his hips that his crack was exposed, and his butt cheeks clearly outlined.

I'm sure I jerked off to that drawing a few dozen times before I found it in my closet in a place I'm sure I hadn't put it. I was terrified my mother or father had uncovered it and tried to put it back in a way to make me think it was my little secret. But they never let on, and although I never discovered who had found it or moved it, I burned it nonetheless. And that was the last time I drew something that explicit and kept it around.

I started to fantasize about what Sky would be drawing, and who would buy his work, and I thought about how it was becoming much more acceptable to be gay in our world, and therefore there were probably people who were willing to have explicitly gay artwork in their homes, either for their own private enjoyment or to delight their friends or lovers who might be invited into their bedrooms.

I had never entertained the idea that being an artist might lend itself to this potentially fruitful art marketplace. I started to think of a lot of questions I would have for Sky when I met up with him later.

I realized I was alone in the drawing studio, so I packed up my things and left for my next class. I kept seeing the handsome elf in the faces of the guys I passed on the walk, and by the time I sat in my chair, I could see a wet spot forming on my freeballing bulge.

I made it through the boring lecture, distractedly drawing in the margins of my notebook. Once again I was slipping into a fantasy realm. Time seems to slip by when I get into that "zone" and odd things happen to me, but I can't seem to stop it. Mostly, I was fantasizing about being able to draw what I really wanted to draw and not hide the drawings, but actually sell them!

When I sensed the rest of the class was breaking up and folks were leaving, I looked down at my desk, and an image of battling elves, recreated entirely from my memory shocked me. The only difference was, this one was much more anatomically correct. I had clearly learned quite a lot already this semester about how arms and legs fit together, and the proper proportions of the various parts of the body.

I slammed the notebook shut and tossed it into my bag. I took the shortest route to the cafeteria where I was meeting the guys. All along the pathways and sidewalks I felt like I was floating above the ground, passing other people, but not feeling the sensation of the ground through my feet.

I found the guys sitting at the regular table, and took my place next to Danny.

"How'd it go this afternoon?" he asked, tucking in to his dinner tray piled with meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy.

"I was reminded that you are posing Monday. And bring your wrestling singlet thing."

"Which one? I mean, does it matter what color or style?"

"I dunno, how many do you have?"

"I have quite a few. We wear whatever we want for practices, saving the wear and tear on the official team equipment for actual matches."

I started to daydream about Danny in his singlet, and the first image that came to mind was a very plain white suit. "Do you have a simple white one with no writing on it? I think the simpler the better for the class to focus on your physique, not on the brand names or designs of the costume."

"The only one I have that's very plain is light silver grey. Will that work?"

"Yeah, I think that's perfect."

"The other plain one I have is a retro-style old fashioned one we wore for an exhibition show that was supposed to look like it took place in the 50s, and man, the singlets were a lot skimpier back then. It exposed the whole chest and back, with just tiniest little straps to hold the shorts on."

"Bring that one too!" I suggested, imagining how cool that would look. Then I had another idea: "Maybe you should bring them to the dorm tonight and I can see them both?"

"Okay, cool. I should probably do the laundry from my stinky locker this weekend anyhow."

We agreed to meet back at the room later, because he had to go to the locker room, and I needed to go see Sky's portfolio.

Next: Chapter 24

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