Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Aug 17, 2015


Chapter 22

When I woke up, there was a moment where I could not imagine where I was. It was pitch black. I was sprawled out on a cushioned chair, my legs were really stiff, so I stretched and looked from side to side, as my eyes picked up a dim glimmer from the distance.

Then I remembered I was in the library. I apparently had slept through the closing bell, and was now probably locked in. I stumbled to my feet, which was tricky, since my legs were so stiff from the awkward position I had slept in. I went to the stairwell, where gladly there was a dim emergency light to guide me down to the main level. The place was really quiet, of course, but as I entered the main lobby, I heard a noise. It was gentle and rhythmic, then it stopped suddenly. I froze, looking from side to side in the darkness to determine where the sound might be coming from.

It sounded exactly like a person saying, "Shh!" very quietly, which made me curious. I crouched down, and with my hands on the floor, examined the surrounding space, and from this low point of view caught a brief flicker of light to my right, as if someone was checking their phone.

"Never mind, it must have been the wind." a deep voice whispered. The rhythmic sound resumed, and now I knew I was interrupting someone's late night fuck session. I clearly wasn't the only one locked into the library tonight.

I debated crawling over closer to watch, not sure I wanted to get caught watching. Just then, a huge air-conditioner unit somewhere deep in the bowels of the building started up, and a deep thrumming of the fan blowing covered the sounds I was hearing, and probably would make it easier for me to move quietly.

So I got back to my feet and crept closer to the area I thought I had seen the light. I passed the long rows of shelves holding current periodicals and journals, and between these rows was a small seating area for reading with a few easy chairs and a small low table. From this angle I could only see the very dim form of a naked guy's back and ass pumping swiftly into an unseen figure.

I crept to the next row over and crawled on my hands and knees to get closer, until I was just inches away peeking between the rows of shelving. Now I could see it was two guys, and the receiver was on his back, his legs bent above him. The fucker on top was holding his ankles, and facing the ceiling, concentrating on his thrusting.

"Oooohh, that's nice, you have a sweet tight ass, dude," he whispered quietly as he slowed down a little and pulled almost completely out before pounding back in and resuming his quicker pace.

"Yeah, that's right, man, pound me, pound my hole, man!" the guy on the floor moaned back to him. He rocked his head side to side, eyes closed, but then as I was watching his eyes opened and he was looking right at me. "It's all right, Gary, you can fuck me all night if you want, destroy my naughty little ass, dude," he continued winking at me.

I was caught, but this guy was into being watched, so I stayed frozen there, and grabbed my own balls with my free hand. My dick was rock hard again, and although I had blasted a load only hours before, it felt like I could go a few more rounds.

The guy on the floor flipped over so he was on his hands and knees, and "Gary" was fucking him doggy style, his hands caressing the bottom's ass, back and shoulders. He started to moan with less and less care of being overheard. "I don't care if we do get caught, dude, this is so fucking awesome doing it here in the middle of the library!" He spoke in a soft groaning tone, clearly lost in the sensory overload of the risky scene he was playing out and the pure pleasure of his cock, slipping repeatedly into the willing hole below him.

I started to think I had better move along, since this guy looked strong enough to break me in half. But just then, Gary started to climax, and he rode the other guy's ass so hard, I thought he might cry. He pushed his dick deep into the hole a few more times, and then collapsed covered in sweat.

I took the opportunity to creep away towards the vestibule. I knew I could never open two sets of doors without making noise, so I just tip-toed over until I was inches away, and then plunged for the latch, which made a very loud clicking sound as I plowed out into the humid night air. I can only guess what those two exhausted, post-coital guys were thinking as they probably assumed someone was entering the building.

Summer was still clearly dominating the recent weather patterns, with scorching heat all day and hot sticky humid nights, plus the occasional evening thunderstorm. This evening, it felt like a hot wet blanket after the cool dry air conditioning of the library building. I had gotten almost none of my reading done, and I was not sure how late it really was, but it must be really late, since the library was all locked up and campus was really deserted. I felt a whisper of breeze against my sweaty face as I walked briskly cross campus.

I found my way back to my dorm, and up the stairs. Still trying to decide what I'd tell the guys, who had been waiting for me to play games tonight in the romper room, I glided down the empty corridor. Not a soul was in sight.

When I came to their room's door, I paused and listened briefly, my hand trying to turn the latch silently. I heard only a soft snoring sound, and after closing the door quietly behind me, I moved into the darkened room, where I could just make out the shapes of three men sprawled in a tangle of limbs, the touselled heads of my best friends, their bare chests rising and falling in deep slumber.

I could see in the almost complete blackness little more than three lumps, but it smelled like a romper room. I could detect musky sweat and more: cum. Without seeing any real evidence, it was obvious this tangle of boys had been enjoying themselves tonight without me.

I smiled, and as my eyes adjusted a little more, I could now imagine a little of their love-making. The faint alarm clock display provided the tiniest glint of light reflecting off the top edge of a buttock, a knee cap, the edge of a shoulder and strong neck with just the hint of an ear and jawline which must be Danny's sleeping form. I glimpsed his hand, draped gently and lovingly across the thigh of the next body. The thigh was a little hairy, so it must be Timmy's, and that meant the other lump in the darkness was John.

A desk-top fan across the room was providing just enough of a breeze to make the bed full of hot blooded guys bearable. The fan also masked the noise I probably had made entering the room. I checked the clock on the nearby desk. 3:39. Yikes, I was going to HAVE to get some sleep tonight or tomorrow classes would be a bust.

I knew I couldn't climb into this pile of warm bodies without causing a disturbance, plus I needed to pee, so I backed out of the room to go to the bathroom, where I decided I also needed a quick shower to rinse off before going to bed. I hadn't brought anything in with me, so I just stripped and left my things in a pile on the tiled floor. I pissed on the shower floor as I waited for the water to warm a little. I adjusted the flow to medium and luke warm. I rinsed off the stresses of the day, trying to relax and cool down from the crazy evening I'd just had.

I stood there, enjoying the cool water rushing from the crown of my head down to my neck, shoulders and then to the rest of my skin. I brushed my wet chest and abs gently, and ran my hands down to rinse my groin, then back to my ass. I only barely touched my cock, but I wanted to be sure it was really clean, and the lightest touch was all it needed to be reminded of the stimulation of the evening's activities.

I was feeling my balls, and thinking I'd need to shave them again soon, my fingers gently caressing the soft skin of my balls sack with tiny stubble. A surge of pleasure from my asshole to my scalp caught me off guard. Suddenly I flashed to the memory of the sex I had watched happening on the floor in the library. My grip on my nuts had brought my cock to full attention, and I took great pleasure in its endurance. I had plowed into that guy's ass in the cubicle tonight, and then down the same guy's throat. He seemed to want to devour it. He must have been really choking on it, I mean how could be breathe?

I began stroking myself gently -- my eyes closed -- trying to recall the sensation of my cock moving from the guy's ass to his mouth. My hand provided a poor substitute for the hot wet holes of the many guys on this campus who wanted to have my huge cock inside them. But I jerked myself in any case, the rhythm very familiar from many years of practice. What was new was knowing how much better this stroking would feel if it was one of my buddies' hands, or better yet: their hot wet tongues or asses.

Just then, I heard a loud crashing sound as the bathroom door opened. I opened my eyes in time to see a staggering form falling into the shower, then loudly vomiting all over the shower floor. It was brown and chunky, but mostly the color of cheap beer. The smell would have been enough to kill the mood, but the sight of another guy from the dorm, now unconscious in a puddle of his own puke did it.

I fled from the shower, and took a seat on the toilet in an adjacent stall. My heart was racing, and the shock made my hands tremble. I was still dripping wet, but cooled off now, so I grabbed the small pile of clothes and went to my room, when I knew I'd be alone. I dumped the wet pile in the corner by my closet. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it loosely around me, then stumbled to my bed.

I flung myself across the top of my bed, my legs hanging out into the air. And that's the way they found me the next day, around 11:00 am when Danny and Tim stopped by the see what had become of me. I only woke because there was a burst of loud laughing and guffawing coming from behind and above me. I must have been a crazy sight. On my face, my legs were sprawled out at an odd angle, the towel -- now dry, was covering nothing at all, my one hand was down in my crotch, the other bent under my head.

I was dazed, and flipped over to see what was happening, revealing my morning wood to the boys. That just made them laugh even louder.

I grabbed the towel up again, wrapped it loosely and fled for the bathroom to relieve myself. When I returned, they were still giggling, but Danny had calmed down enough to ask me, "What the hell happened last night?"

"I should ask you two!" I returned.

"What do you mean? We waited up for you in the romper room until really late ... and you never showed up?"

"I will tell you my story after you tell me yours. Wait! What time is it?!" That's when I noticed I had slept through two morning classes, and would barely have time to get dressed, eat something and get to my third class today. "Let's go get some lunch, and we can talk on the way," I blurted as I grabbed a clean shirt from my dresser. "Toss me those shorts, Danny, they already have my wallet and ID in them."

"Sure, Hitch, no problem," Danny assured me, tossing me my shorts which were on his side of the room. I pulled on the shorts, pulling my cock behind the zipper, being careful not to catch anything as I rushed out the door. The guys followed me closely behind.

Timmy asked, "Did you hear about Glen? He lost a drinking game last night and passed out in the shower. Puke everywhere."

"Stupid shit," Danny blurted, "I feel for the poor bastard that has to clean up his mess." "Actually, yes, I did see him. I was just coming to bed when he puked all over the shower. I just missed getting sprayed by it."

"Gross!" We continued to chat about the news of the day as we walked the short distance to our dining hall.

I got a digest version of their evening's playtime: I had missed out on a intimate series of dares that led to the three of them fantasizing about what they would do to ME when I finally arrived. Something like strip poker, but with two of them voting up or down on the scenarios imagined by the one who was "it." And when I didn't come back, and they so completely horny- more than they could handle, so they decided to act out their three-way fantasies without me.

We found a table, and I began to relate the events of the previous evening. They were both excited to hear about the possibilities of the library's upper floors, and especially the restroom hook-ups.

"I had no idea.." Timmy said, staring off into space. "I mean, if everyone knows it, then why do they let it continue? Wouldn't it be the perfect spot for security to patrol? I mean you never know who's shitting in the next stall."

"Yeah, well, apparently it's not the place to go for a shit," I said. "But if you need to get your rocks off... Anyway, I gotta run to class. See you both at dinner?"

I dashed out of the dining hall to find my afternoon classes, wondering whether missing my two morning classes would come back to haunt me.

Next: Chapter 23

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