Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Feb 26, 2015


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter 21

Fast forward a few days. We had moved Danny's stuff to my room, and John was down the hall with Tim. Classes were starting to take their toll. Like, we had reading to do, quizzes and tests to study for, and projects to complete. After all, we were here, and spending a butt-load of money to get an education.

I was really enjoying my drawing class. I was settling into the routine of getting to class, pulling up a drawing stool next to Sky, and losing all sense of time and space while drawing the models on the central podium. The two hour class flew past every time for me. I was working especially on loosening up my drawing style. I tended to start on one spot and get into the detail way too soon. The thing our teacher was pressing us on was to get a quick gestural line to set the major components of the body onto the paper and make a quick linear plan for the contours, the positive and negative spaces, and of course getting the proportions correct.

Sometimes the models were really fit your boys or girls, with little or no body fat, and it was a joy to draw their musculature, learning about how their skeleton carried the weight of the pose, whether it was seated or standing, leaning or reaching out. A few times the models were fleshy middle-aged men or women with wrinkles, flab and hair in places I preferred not to draw at all. This was my first time drawing from live models, and at first I was terrified, but after the first day, I found myself drawn into the act of drawing and less and less distracted by the fact that a naked person was standing a few yards away.

One day a young male model -- a dancer it seemed -- posed standing, and twisting sharply from side, leaning his arms at an angle, legs crossed at the knees. As the class was almost over, the prof called "time," and the model stood straight up and stretched out his stiff limbs. His lean athletic body boasted flawless skin, no tan lines, and no body hair except for a small patch right above his groin. He stepped off the platform, his cock bouncing lightly as he made his way to the back of the studio where his clothes were stacked. He stopped to kiss a girl in the class and talk about her drawing as he stood there, still naked, casually scratching his balls. They laughed together, and then moved away and began to pull on his shorts and tee shirt.

Sky leaned over and commented on how I had captured something quite lovely in the drawing we had worked on for the past hour. "I love how you captured the tension of the muscles in the torso, here and here," he said as he pointed to the place the abdomen twists and blends with the sides and lower back. "These curves really feel delicate, yet poised with energy."

My view of the model was just a few degrees off from Sky's easel, but his drawing was completely different from mine. His perspective gave him a much clearer view of the model's ass. He had drawn the buttocks and the angles in the hips and legs, the gentle creases of skin at the waist of the model twisting in his pose.

"Yours looks raw and dark. What are you drawing with?" I asked.

"Charcoal," he replied. "I was planning to put some white in at the end to highlight the contours ..." he spoke as he reached over and smeared the side of his hand on his paper, to soften the shading at the spot where the lower spine meets the top of the butt cheeks. He looked like he was caressing a lover.

"Are you enjoying this, Sky?" He just moaned a reply.

"I am looking forward to my friend Pauly posing next week. You'll remember him from the shower, right?"

I was taken back to the shower incident he was referring to, and replayed all the names I could recall. "Pauly... is he the one with the dreads and the tattoo on his chest?"

"No, that would be Wally. Pauly is another dancer, with the really short hair and a really long dick."

"Ah. I remember now." Then we were interrupted by the prof, reminding us to have one drawing finished for a critique the next class, and the be ready for a new model the following class. After making the end-of-class announcements, he walked over to me.

"Hitch, according to my calendar, it was your friend Danny who had agreed to pose for the class next. You said he was a wrestler, right?

"Thats' right." "Do you think he would be okay posing with a few props? I thought we'd try something different."

"I don't see why not. I'll ask him."

"Ask him to come prepared to wear his wrestling singlet. We may try some poses that way as well as nude, depending on how the class responds. I am assuming he is pretty thickly muscled compared to the dancer we had this week?"

"Yeah, he's much stockier." I said, pulling up a mental image of his body, which I had spent a few days exploring and getting to know better. This mental image was making my cock twitch in my shorts, so I snapped back to the present and tried to follow whatever the prof was saying. Luckily, he stopped talking and moved away. I adjusted my junk, and started collecting my drawing utensils, preparing to leave for my next class.

Later, I met the guys in the cafeteria, and as we sat eating and talking, I mentioned the modeling again. "Danny, next week you'll need to be at the class by 2:00."

"Okay," he said munching on his french fries. "Any other instructions?"

"Well, he'd like you to bring your wrestling uniform along, and he said he might ask you to pose with a few props."

"Fine," he mumbled. "Did he say what kind of props?" "No, but he seemed interested in your body. I mean, as a wrestler, the class will be drawing a slightly different body type from the skinny dancer we had this week. And the chubby lady we had the week before." I made a face at that memory.

"Yeah, I remember seeing your drawings from that week," John commented. "That lady still makes me queasy when I think about it. I'm glad I'm not in your class."

Tim added, "Yeah, drawing naked dudes sounds cool, but fat ladies ... eww!"

"What happenes if I pop some wood?" Danny asked, suddenly looking up at me. "Like, is there a rule about it?"

"Sometimes the models do have to hold a pose an hour or more. In that time, their stuff will change shape a little, depending on the temperature in the room." I looked far away and thought a moment. "One day last week, I was on the model's back side, and the other side of the room was trying to stop giggling, but I'm not sure what was happening.

"Do the students get horny in class?" Danny asked.

"I suppose. I know I sure do. I had to stop freeballing to that class, since the freedom in my pants often led to some uncomfortable and awkward cock action." I reached under the table and adjusted myself again. My cock had slipped from the leg opening of my boxers and I was afraid it might be visible outside, since I was wearing baggy shorts. I tucked things back up there, and continued my meal.

After dinner we walked back to the dorm, and John and Tim invited us to their room to see how they had rearranged their furniture again. Since moving there, it seemed they had tried out every conceivable combination of positions for their two beds, two dressers, two desks and their other stuff.

"What's this arrangement called?" Danny asked. Each time we saw the new room, they had given it a new code name.

"We're calling this one the Romper Room," John replied, winking at me. "We're thinking we might leave it this way a while."

We arrived at their door, and walked into their room. The view of the room was obstructed slightly by both dressers situated side by side right inside the door. So we stepped around, and we saw they had put their twin beds together to form a huge king-size bed.

"Wow," I said. "It's good the view from the hall is blocked somewhat. Not a lot of floor space this way. But hey, who needs floor space?"

Danny took a leap across the space and landed squarely in the middle of the bed, saying, "Think how many guys you could fit in here now!"

"We thought it would be good for playing games, studying, and watching TV together. All of us." He grinned wickedly.

"I guess we could give it a try, eh, Hitch?" Danny teased. "I haven't played a board game in a long time." He patted the spot right at his side on the bed, and I went to sit by him.

"Maybe we should meet back here later and watch a movie or play a game?" I proposed. "I have some studying to do before I call it a night."

"Yeah, me too. I need to get down to the gym and do my workout before I lose steam," Danny responded. "I need to work my pecs if I'm going to pose for your drawing class next week!" He pulled his shirt up over his head, revealing his washboard abs.

"I think you already look amazing, Danny, but if you'll look more amazing after working out, then go for it!"

We agreed to meet back later in the evening, and I walked to the library where I needed to check out some books that were on reserve for our class.

I had learned that not everyone came to the library for academic work. There were a few classrooms in the basement and sometime study groups met here to work together where their research materials and copiers, etc were readily available.

But there was a darker reputation too. Rumors were that in the upper floors, where fewer and fewer staff bothered to go in the evenings when personnel levels were low anyway, some of the "nooks" were used for hooking up. There was even an unwritten code of silence on these upper floors,The north end of the building was primarily where guys met girls, and in the south end, guys met guys for quick anonymous sex.

I had some reading to do, but I thought I'd check out the rumor, so I headed for the top floor, and turned to the south end to find a place to settle in.

I passed a few clusters of other students hunkered down in their books -- or at least pretending really intensely -- as I walked by. I saw an unoccupied area ahead, and started to pull out the chair and put down the heavy books, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the flash of red hair. It was Mark, the guy who had helped me out of an awkward spot my first day of class, and we'd messed around a little in his room.

"Hey, Mark," I greeted him quietly, and moved over to speak more quietly to him. "Working on the reading for class too?"

"Yep. I have to get the reading done tonight because I have a bog paper to start next week. I haven't seen you up here before."

"Oh, well... I haven't needed to read from the reserve section before, so I mostly study back in my room."

"I can't study in my room. My roommate always has his loud buds in the room, and all they talk about is their girlfriends and pussy and who's boning who..." his face fell in clear dismay. "It makes me sick, so I just keep away until bedtime, and try not to get in his way."

"Sorry about that, dude," I whispered. "Hey, is it true what they say about these upper floors?"

"Sure is," he replied, nodding in the direction of a set of restroom doors on the far wall. "Most of the guys entering and leaving those doors are spilling their seed. Once in a while, if you are walking through the stacks, you'll catch someone in the act, right in the aisles!" he exclaimed.

"Sit here, Hitch, and I'll show you." He pulled up the seat nearby, and I parked myself down. I started to find my place in the first book, and was just working my way into study mode when he tapped my leg with his foot. I glanced up at him and he was nodding toward the bathroom door.

A tall dark-haired guy with thick glasses had just entered the floor from the main stairwell, and he made straight for the men's room. "Your type?" Mark signaled with his eyebrows. I must have looked confused, so he looked disappointed, then back down at his book, and so did I.

A few minutes later, when I had read a few paragraphs and was just starting to get into the material, Mark nudged me again. I looked quickly towards the bathroom, and saw a short, stocky guy with a shaved head, dark sunglasses, wearing a white tee, super baggy gym shorts with an obvious hard on inside enter the restroom quietly.

"Wanna check it out?" Mark whispered. "If you wait ten seconds, enter really quietly, you'll be sure to see under the dividers that someone's swapping some cum."

"What? How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I have perfected this technique, and can instantly tell, based on my studying the various variables which combinations of guys entering will be into what."

"Do you go in and watch?"

"Sometimes, I watch. Sometimes I play a part." He smiled hungrily. "And I have a few regulars now that I can count on to come by."

"This is all very interesting, but I really DO need to get some reading done."

"Fine," he stated as he rose and made his way to the bathroom. I watched him with fascination go to the doors, and silently enter the men's room. The door closed, and he was out of sight.

I went back to the book, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't for the life of me concentrate on the text on the page. I kept imagining what might be going on in there behind that door. Was Mark in the stall? Standing quietly watching the other two guys do their thing? What was their thing?

I recalled that I had encountered some pretty good cock suckers in various campus bathrooms myself, and Mark was one of them. I thought about his warm wet mouth on my thick swollen rod, and in seconds, my cock really was all horned up. I leaned forward, my crotch hidden below the desk's surface, one hand groping and stroking myself as I reminisced about meeting Mark in that restroom.

"Hey!" Mark's voiced started me. "Guess what?"

"Wha?" I blurted stupidly, coming back to the present in a heartbeat. "I didn't hear you." I pulled my hand out of my pants and pretended to be interested in the book in front of me.

"I went in, and Guy 1 was in stall 1, Guy 2 in stall 2. Pants down to the floor -- which is completely unnecessary -- and so I went into stall 3 and sat down." "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. He wasn't listening, so he kept on with his report.

"I looked under the wall and saw that Guy 1 was jerking off, and Guy 2 was just taking a shit. It looked like he wasn't paying any attention, so I stood up on the toilet seat and peeked over the divider. He was watching porn on his phone, and after shitting, he started getting hard. Guy 1 reached under the wall to signal he'd take it, so Guy 2 squats and lets the other guy give him a hand job."


"So, get in there and see for yourself!"

"Fine!" I got up, and pretending my erection wasn't poking down my leg, walked nonchalantly as I could to the restroom door. As quietly as possible, I slipped inside.

I heard a sudden shuffling of feet, so I'm guessing my entrance wasn't as silent as I had attempted. I stopped dead in my tracks, then walked purposefully to the third stall in the back of the room. As I passed the first two stalls, I peered quickly through the cracks and could clearly see the tall dark guy's head down and the shorter bald guy with the white tee. Both had their hands clenched between their knees.

I sat down on the toilet without pulling my shorts down, then decided that was idiotic, so I stood back up and dropped my shorts and boxers to the floor. Then it occurred to me that these guys knew the reputation of this floor as much as anyone, so there was no use pretending they were here for anything other than sex, so why should I be so afraid? I was standing there in the stall, my cock standing straight out, and I realized that the shadow it was casting was clearly visible to Guy 2 whose shadow indicated he was looking over at the floor under me.

I heard a gasp, and then he was on his knees. I saw his hands on the floor and his mouth inviting me to come down to him and get sucked.

"Let me suck that horse cock, dude..." he begged as I dropped to my knees. One hand grabbed my shaft and he started blowing me, or trying to swallow the first few inches. Clearly, he wasn't going to deep throat my cock in this position. I was pressing my abdomen against the divider wall, my thighs spread out to the sides, allowing his mouth easy access. He really knew what he was doing, this felt great.

I felt his body lurch in my direction suddenly, and he grunted in pain. "Slip it in, dude, just a little more lube," he suggested. I realized that he wasn't talking to me, but Guy 1 was fucking his ass from the other side of his stall while he was sucking me. I felt Guy 2's rhythm change to match the fact that he was getting boned from both sides. I started to fuck his mouth with the same pattern, and after a few minutes he pulled my cock out of his mouth and switched positions, so now his ass was pressed against the lower edge of the partition and his face was now sucking Guy 1's dick.

I saw his pukered little hole was already stretched and wide open, so I teased slowly my thick cock head toward it, stroked it against his hole a few times, and he moaned to signal he wanted it.

I pushed my dick's tip against the ring of his hole, and when it finally popped in, I was struck by the heat and wet sensation, followed by the tight channel I was pressing into. His moaning got louder, I remembered his mouth was full -- and at about 6 inches, when it seemed I couldn't get in any further he started to really holler. I heard the wet slurpy sound of a cock being drawn out of a mouth, and a husky voice commanding, "don't stop now ... push harder!"

I pushed further in, assuming I was hurting him, plowing my giant penis into his tight hole, and, after a moment of almost nothing, I felt space opening and I slipped another three inches in. His moaning took on a much higher pitch, and I started fucking in and out with real purpose. "Hold it in -- all the way -- for a second, dude..." he pleaded, clearly in pain. And when I did as he asked, he sounded like he was going to cry. "You're splitting me in two!" He cried, and then began to sit back on my cock, forcing me even deeper in. Then I heard Guy 1 start to breath faster and louder, and it sounded like he was cumming in Guy 2's mouth. A few loud grunts later and Guy 1 was finished and standing up.

I could hear his pants buckle and his toilet flushing while I was thrusting deep in the ass hole in front of me. I was starting to feel a tight slippery sensation I thought I could get used to, with the motion, the tightness ... the heat.

Then, just as the orgasm began to build, his hole was gone. I felt the cold rush of air on my wet cock, and heard the wet pop of it escaping the clutches of the hole.

A quick shuffling of limbs, and my cock was once again inside Guy 2, but his mouth now: his tongue and lips still covered with Guy 1's cum, now greedily slurping his own ass juices from my shaft, bringing me closer and closer to climax. He grabbed my balls tightly in one hand, holding me tight against the bottom edge of the partition, my cock slipping in and out of his lips, until the stimulation became too much and I started bucking and twitching uncontrollably against the wall. I think I shouted something, but I can't be sure.

I was pumping his mouth full of my load, and he continued to lick, suck and caress my balls until he had drained me dry. When he let my still red and wet cock slip from his face, I fell back on my ass, legs bent beneath me, and I laid my face and arms on the cool porcelain bowl at my side. I panted, and stayed there a few minutes, while Guy 2 stood and left the stall. I heard water running, and a towel rip from the dispenser, then the soft sound of the door closing.

"Hey, are you all right?" a voice called. It was Mark. "I heard you scream, and thought you might be in trouble."

"I'm okay," I groaned. A shadow passed outside the stall I was still sprawled across. The door opened, and Mark observed me lying there with my pants still around both ankles. "I just got sucked off, and it was awesome."

Mark helped me get up. "I remembered your cock was huge, but I had forgotten how huge." He pushed me from the stall, and took a seat himself, closing the door after me, saying, "it's almost time for one of my regulars, so I'll see you tomorrow in class, okay?"

I pulled my on pants, and took a turn at the sink washing my hands. Just as I was pushing the door to leave, it flew open and a really cute guy rushed past me, clearly eager to get in to do his business.

I went back to the seat where I had left my books and tried to focus on the reading I needed to do. It was tough, and at some point, after re-reading the same paragraph at least three times, I put my head down on the desk-top and closed my eyes.

Next: Chapter 22

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