Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Feb 23, 2015


Chapter 20

It was still warm outside, but the humidity had dropped and there was a light breeze. The grass was wet, the sidewalks had puddles, and the warm water splashed onto my bare feet in my slides. When I reached the dorm, with the photos captured on my phone, I was feeling euphoric and confident.

I saw Danny was already there, sitting on the steps by the back entrance. He was looking at his phone, checking what he'd captured.

"Hey, buddy." I started, "I think I've got enough evidence to win this little game. So you can probably move your stuff in as soon as John is out."

"You sure?" he asked, looking disappointed. "I only got three. I went around to the guys I know from my wrestling team, and I only found a few of them. How many did you get?"

"Well, let's see, shall we?" I sat beside him and turned on the phone's photo app. I saw there was a long list of new shots, but the previews were so small, you couldn't really see much.

"Holy crap, Hitch," Danny exclaimed. "Is that a team shower orgy I see? And black guys to boot?" He was getting excited, just looking at the tiny little images, I could see him adjusting his package.

"You'd never believe what I just happened to wander into. I need to check these out on the full screen in my room. Come on, we'll see how many will count, and I'll tell you about it."

We walked to my room, and started loading the images onto my laptop while I replayed the scene in my mind for Danny's benefit. He stopped me several times to say, "you're shitting me..." and "no fuckin' way..." but then we were looking at the photos taken right after the shower, so all the black cocks were still hanging long and some even still dripping with semen, so he had to believe me. And his one hand was stuffed into his shorts, clearly fondling his own growing erection.

"I'm counting twelve there, Hitch."

"I know, right? Like, we got this in the bag!" We bumped fists.

"Look at this one, dude," I said, enlarging one of the shots to fill the screen. It showed Sky, his reddish brown massive post-coital member swinging ten inches, half-way down his thigh, his proud smile flashing those white teeth and his hot pink tongue. He was flexing his abs and his right arm so that he was posing like a miniature muscle-guy. His other arm was around my waist, and I was proud to see my cock was only a half-inch shorter, but just as thick. Sky was still almost completely wet, and his dark skin reflected the light in a way that was really hot.

"I don't know how you do it, dude. The amount of cum you've spent already this first week of the semester... I mean, come on!"

"Maybe, it feels a little like making up for lost time, although to be honest, I was regularly jerking off at least twice a day, but doing it alone doesn't really count does it?"

"I guess if I had the equipment you've got. Who knows?"

I glanced over at Danny, and he was staring at the screen, his eyes darting from his face to his cock, his wrist still implanted under the waistband of his shorts, but his dick head had escaped from the confines and was popping up in clear view. His hand, therefore, was gripping his balls down below. And I knew those balls were clean-shaved, because I had done it myself.

I reached over, plunged my hand down to his nut sack, gave them a caress and a squeeze, while leaning in to give him a wet slobbery kiss. I had never wanted someone so badly.

But just then, the door opened and John and Tim stormed in, shouting, "we lucked out, and unless you got more than seven, you'd better start packing!"

A frenzy of bragging, photo sharing and laughing ensued. There were loud outbursts of protest, counter claims of cheating, and all the while the pic of me and Sky was prominently enlarged on my desktop screen.

"Keep it down guys!" came a shout from the doorway. It was our R.A. and he was not pleased with the noise we were making, but his face froze when he saw the image on my computer. He stepped into the room and closed the door quietly. He was wearing a wife-beater and light blue boxers, his dick bobbing clearly against the loose, ripped fly.

"Should I ask, guys? I mean, I need you to know that I'm required to enforce the rules here. The dorm has to maintain some standards." I looked around the room and the four of us were basically clothed, no drugs or alcohol in sight, just rowdy guys with some quasi-gay porn on the screen. "There is an official policy prohibiting porn in the dorms, but of course we all do it and we know you all do it, you just need to be more discrete."

"Sorry, I guess we got carried away with a little contest we came up with." I said as I reached over to switch off the screen.

"No, wait." he said. "If you explain about this contest, and that photo, I won't write this up."

So, we outlined the fact that we were trying to find a fair way to decide who should move, and since we were all really horny, decided on this idea... I explained how I got the shots I did, and the other guys filled us in on their exploits.

"Hey, I have an idea," he offered. "Let me be your judge, and that way there's an innocent bystander making the final call, so you can still be friends, and the rest of the floor can get on with their studying or sleeping."

We agreed, so everyone loaded their photos onto my computer, and we let the R.A. decide which were legitimate. The four of us stood behind him as he sat at my desk.

Danny was pressed up hard against my back-side and I could feel his boner distinctly rubbing between my ass cheeks. His arms wrapped around my waist and his one hand was on the back of the chair, the other slipped down my shorts. I closed my eyes. My heart was beating in panic mode. I took a deep breath and waited to see if our R.A. was cool if we noticed such obvious displays of man-to-man attraction. I didn't ned to worry, though, as he was completely transfixed with the images of our naked guys, especially the ones with my cock and the black soccer team in the locker room showers. John and Timmy were right beside me, and their posture was almost as X-rated. I was relieved when he finally declared the final count clearly in my favor. He clearly was turned on by the photos, his tented boxers said it all.

"Looks like Hitch gets to make the call," he said, standing up and turning towards us, his one hand trying to cover his bulge "You want Danny to move his stuff in here?" Danny's hands came out of my pants, and he stepped a few inches back. I felt the coolness of the space between us with his body no longer pressed and grinding against mine.

"I guess so," I croaked. I cleared my throat and continued, "but no hard feelings, right John?"

"Are you kidding?" he laughed. "I got feelings and I'm hard!" He laughed again. "I'll move my stuff down to Tim's room in the morning."

The R.A. laughed nervously and moved to go, reminding us to be quiet, and making a not-so-subtle adjustment to his junk, which had grown and had left a long wet trail of pre-cum down his thigh. "And get that porn off your screen, ok?"

"Sure, and thanks." I said as the door closed. I exhaled loudly as I collapsed on my bed.

"Come on, Tim. I think we need to finish what we started." He took Timmy by the hand and led him out the door and down the hall.

Danny came over to my bed and sat down at my side. I was staring at the ceiling, but I could see he was staring at me.

"He seemed hesitant to speak, but finally blurted out, "I'm looking forward to rooming with you, Hitch. I know we've only known each other a few days, but I'm looking forward to getting to know you better..." and his voiced trailed off. Finally, he almost whispered, "this is a little scary."

"I feel the same, Danny." I sat up and put my arms around him. "But I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I have only been honest about being gay for less than a week. I'm not sure at all what that means for me, and ... I don't even know how to talk about it yet."

"Can we promise each other not to be too clingy and get all mushy and serious ... just for now?" I suggested. "I think I'm going to need some time to learn how to be more comfortable with my... sexuality, but I'm glad you're going to be a part of that."

"Me too." He nodded, and turned to face me. "And I'm looking forward to having unrestricted access to this." He put his hand back into my pants. "The most beautiful cock ever seen on these shores."

Next: Chapter 21

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