Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 14, 2014


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter 2

We agreed to meet back after classes in our dorm room for the "lesson." I admit to not really paying much attention during those first classes. I couldn't tell you who I met or what I might have said to anyone. All I could think, when I was thinking at all, was I got a blow job, and tonight I'm going to give one. I was so horny all day, it started to get uncomfortable. My dick was swelling up in my tight jeans over and over, and I had to keep adjusting myself discreetly. I knew some guys weren't bashful about touching themselves in public, adjusting their junk, but I was always too shy to draw that kind of attention to myself. In the last class of the day, I was dreamily bouncing my right leg up and down, because it hit my stiff rod that was snaked down my pants leg in all the right places. I was in my own world, not paying any attention whatsoever to what was going on around me. Just me and my cock getting stroked by my tight pants... when another person broke through the fog.

"What did you say?" he was asking.

"Huh?" I blurted out, only partly coming out of my day dream.

"We're supposed to team up and go over the questions on the board."

"Oh." I stammered, only a little embarrassed that I was so clueless.

"We're supposed to introduce ourselves first, so, I'm Mark." I looked over at him just as stood up to move the student desk/chair around to face me better. He was bent over and facing away from me for just a second, but I got a clear view of his tight little ass, squeezed into jeans as tight as mine. And there was a tiny little hole in his frayed jeans, where the seams were pulling away from the corner of the back pocket. His white ass skin was shining right out at me! That meant he was freeballing! He was cute, about my same height, maybe a little skinnier, with green eyes, reddish blonde hair, freckles and the start of a peach-fuzz freshman beard.

He sat down facing me and all I could focus on was his crotch right straight ahead. It looked like he was packing, and hanging slightly to the right. I realized suddenly that if I had such a clear view of his crotch, them he surely could see mine. I glanced down quickly, and although my dick had softened a little, it was still clearly bulging down my pants leg, and there was a very dark wet spot on the denim.

"How am I supposed to focus now?" I wondered silently to myself. "I'm Hitch," I started. We exchanged the usual stats, where we were from, where we were living on campus, and our major. I guess I was actually having a conversation, but I was still terribly distracted. And I noticed he kept pulling his eyes back up from my crotch, where clearly I was distracting him.

"You seem distracted," he stated. Then he leaned over to whisper so only I might hear: "and you are distracting me now."

I gulped and froze, not sure how to respond to that. Luckily, Mark had a solution. "Wait a minute and meet me in the bathroom just down the hall." With that, he rose from his seat, and walked to the front of the room, stopping only to let the prof know he'd be right back. I glanced up at the clock and counted on the sixty seconds. It didn't really cross my mind NOT to do what I was told. My heart just started beating overtime again. I quickly adjusted my balls so that it wasn't quite as ovious that I was so darn horny, and with my notebook placed strategically atop the wet spot, I walked to the classroom door. The prof didn't even look up, so I just left. Turning left, the restroom doors were just a few yards away. I stepped in, and saw Mark was leaning back against the sink, ith his arms crossed, waiting for me.

"I can see you are all boned up. And we're never going to get this assignment done before the time's up, so hop into that cubicle and take care of it, ok?"

I stared at him, mouth agape, not sure what to say. "What?" was all I got out.

"Do you need me to spell it out?" Mark asked. "Jerk yourself off, so you can let out the pressure, and maybe then you can think straight long enough to BE in this class?"

"I guess I should, huh?" I stammered, looking down at the wet spot.

"What's up with you?" he asked, with real concern in his voice.

"Uh, well... I'm kinda so horny it's hard to handle. I, uh, was just waiting 'til after class to go back to my dorm and take care of it."

"Well, I've never seen anyone so boned up and scared at the same time, do you need help?"

Thinking he wanted to help me jerk off, I blurted out, "Sure, I'd appreciate that!" It was onyl after I said it that I realized that may not have been what he meant. There was a moment of indecision, then he stood up walked over to me and physically pushed me into a cubicle.

"Stay quiet, just in case someone comes in." He warned, as he unzipped my jeans. It took me a minute to understand what was happening, but he pulled out my cock and, freed from its confined position in my jeans, it leapt to a full erection alomst instantly. It was pretty wet at the tip too, as I had been sporting this semi almost five hours already.

His hands warmly embraced my rod and with the addition of a little saliva, expertly spit into this hands, Mark commenced the most amazing hand job I'd ever had. I never realized how different it would feel with someone else's hand! I leaned back on the divider wall, and unbuckled my belt to allow more pressure to be released from my balls stuffed down in the tight pants.

Mark licked his lips expectantly, and gave me a pleading look eye-to-eye. I nodded, and he went down on his knees and started sucking. I was deciding I really liked this -- getting sucked, and I started wondering whether I could give as well as receive. I didn't have long to deliberate on it, as I was very quickly climaxing for the second time fo the day into a warm friendly mouth. I kept my moaning to a minimum, and bucked deeper into his face for a few strokes before he let my cock slurp out of his throat and looking into my face, he let a huge gob of spit and cum fall to the floor from his open mouth.

My knees were wobbly, so I sat down on the toilet, my pants still around my knees and ankles. I closed my eyes to try to stop the room from spinning out of control, and when I opened them again, Mark was gone.

When I got my vital signs back under control, I saw I had quite a bit of wet sloppy cum stains on my jeans, so I wiped what I could with some toilet paper, then went to the sink to see if I could wash some of it off. A wet paper towel just made the pants look wetter, so I decided to blow off the rest of the class. I departed while everyone was still in class, so I was glad there was no one in the halls. I was still in a bit of a fog, now thinking, "I just had ANOTHER blow job!"

I got back to my dorm somehow, not really seeing where I was walking, and climbed the stairs to my floor. As I came to my door, I remembered it was locked, and for the life of me I couldn't remember where my key had gone. I stood there with my forehead on the door itself, feeling like the stupidest idiot ever, when I heard the stairwell door open. It was my R.A.

"Hey, Hitch, are you locked out already? It's just day one!" he teased. "I'll ,open your room or you this once, but starting tomorrow I'll charge you a dollar each time anyone forgets or loses their key.

"Thanks," I said sheepishly. "Not sure where I dropped my key." Although at that moment I started to wake up to the fact that I had been walking around in a daze all day and the key could be anywhere.

In the quiet safety of my room at last, I plopped onto my bed and stared at the celiling. I let out a huge long breath, and thought, "wow, college is going to be awesome!

Next: Chapter 3

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