Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 21, 2015


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter 18

Danny and I had a very hot steamy shower together, where the main purpose was to reshave our balls. It had been about three days, and the stubble was just starting to show, plus it itched a little. So, with his steady hand, Danny guided the razor gently across my groin, and returned the region to baby softness. In the process, I got very hard. Danny reached over and with his soapy hands, stroked me, causing me to get weak in the knees.

"I don't want to cum in here, Danny," I whispered, pushing his hand gently away and rinsing the soap from my balls. "Let's save up until later, ok?" I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but was imagining a more private scene might be better.

"Sure. Fine by me. Your turn to shave me now anyway." Obediently I got on one knee. Two of us worked up a thick lather of soap on his flat lower belly, his inner thighs and, of course, his cock and balls.

"I can feel the little hairs," I said running my hands across his skin, feeling the strong layer of muscle under his soft skin. Then I started shaving him, rinsing the razor and continuing across his creamy pink skin. There was a clear white line between his tan back and legs, with almost an invisible white speedo of untanned skin on his ass and crotch. I gently held him steady with one hand on his inner thigh, the other on the razor.

"Your tan lines suggest a speedo," I began, "where did you get such a nice tan this summer?" He glanced down and watched me shave him a bit before answering.

"I lifeguarded this summer at the community pool," he answered, spreading his legs wider, and holding his semi to the side to allow access to his balls. "Careful down there, now." In spite of his remark, I knew he was enjoying this.

"I never thought of a wrestler being a good swimmer." I asked. "Were you on the swim team too?"

"Wrestling and swim team seasons are at the same time, so we all trained together in the gym at the same times, shared the locker room, and the coaches had the wrestlers do laps once a week for cardio workout, so we spent a lot of time together."

"Was the pay good?"

"Yeah, it was okay. I was living free at home, and my folks encouraged me to save up for college." He paused, and then added, "plus it was worth it to sit in the sun, work on my tan and watch the guys through my dark sunglasses all day."

He leaned back against the tiled wall, and I finished shaving his thighs. Danny ordered, "no hair above the knee, please."

"We formed an informal Spandex club. All the athletes who wore tight uniforms: the swimmers, wrestlers and the cross country runners."

"That's very sporting, isn't it?" I asked. I finished the shaving, and was running my hands up and down his inner thighs to see if I had missed any spots.

"It was. We turned out for all their matches and tournaments to cheer them on. At the first match of the season, we all turned up in our spandex uniforms so they wouldn't feel like they were the only ones wearing the tights."

"I always thought it would be really hard to spend so much time in such tiny form fitting speedos," I mused, standing up and washing the soap from my arms and hands.

"It WOULD be hard for you!" Danny cried, grabbing my semi and pulling hard. I yelped, and pulled away, my semi-erect cock flopping out of his grip with a slap against my abdomen.

"I told you about my nickname, right?" He asked as he finished rinsing himself in the shower.

"Horndog?" I said. I turned off my water and began to dry myself with his towel.

"Yeah, but what I didn't tell you was that one of my best friends last year was Josh, a senior on the swim team, and we ended up lifeguarding together. He was actually my `spandex brother' on the team."

"What's that mean?"

"Each of the "spandex team" members had a brother who was supposed to help cheer them on, send encouraging notes, little gifts of candy, etc, during the season." He took the towel from me and started drying himself. "Josh was pretty `out' his senior year, and he had a slew of boyfriends, he even took one to prom."

"Really? I'm not sure that could happen at my school."

"Yeah, there were a few other boyfriend couples, and a lot of girl couples the last few years of proms. The school's LGBT club was pretty active."

He continued, "but what I was going to tell you was that he confided in me right before graduation that his grandmother had withdrawn her promise to pay for college when he announced to his family he was gay."

"That's terrible!"

"Yeah, we had decided to room together, and so just weeks before moving to campus he had to cancel those plans, and enroll in a local community college."

"That sucks, dude, I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I had to get assigned a random roommate. The only people who weren't assigned rooms yet were people who were late applying, and Timmy had made it pretty clear he was gay, so they were having trouble placing him. When I called, they told me about Timmy, and I said I was fine with that, so I wasn't surprised when I arrived to move into the dorm." He was collecting his stuff, and we began to walk back to my room. He had the very damp towel around his waist, and I was naked, walking behind him.

"I gotta get my laundry done and out of the basement!" I muttered, as we got to my room. "So, it looks like you and Timmy get along okay, don't you?" I asked as I pulled on some clean pants and a tee shirt.

"Yeah, he's nice enough. Not sure what it is, but he comes on a little strong to me, and ... I don't know ..." his voice trailed off.

"Maybe you're just disappointed about Josh not being able to come, and that's why you're having a rough time warming up to him," I suggested.

"That's probably it." He stood there, still in his wet towel. "Hey, I'm going to go to my room, and if I can get in, I'll get some clothes and we can go to the cafe for dinner, all right?"

"Sure. I need to go get my laundry out." We agreed to meet back up at his room in a few minutes.

I slipped on some flipflops, and walked down the hall. Danny wasn't in the hallway, so I assumed he got into his room with no trouble. I was imagining him interrupting some steamy sexual encounter between Timmy and my roommate John. As I descended to the basement, I imagined him joining in a threesome, sucking and fucking the cum out them.

Or no, maybe he wrestled the two of them at the same time, tossing them roughly into contorted positions, pinning them down and forcing them to cry `uncle.'

I passed the room where I had fucked Rob this morning. The door was closed. Loud music was blaring from the room. I kept moving. I grabbed my stuff from the laundry room. I was very glad to have a clean dry towel again after two days without one. I started back to the stairwell to leave, and I passed a dorm room with an open door.

"Hey, Hitch!" a voice called out as I passed. It was Joe. I backed up and looked in.

"Hey yourself! So, this is your room, huh?" I stated the obvious as I stepped in. He was alone, lying on his bed and paging through a small glossy catalog with lots of scantily-clad hunky guys on the color pages. One hand was on the catalog, the other was just coming out of the front of his shorts, where he was obviously playing with himself.

"Yes, my humble abode. My roommate went home for the weekend. He has a girlfriend he can't live without."

"I thought maybe you and Jack were roommates." I stated.

"No, we both lived down here last year, just a few rooms down, but we decided to stay in the bowels of the building for different reasons." He sat up and adjusted himself so his boner was less pronounced in his shorts. "I'd love to hear more about that, but I'm supposed to meet Danny upstairs in a sec to go eat."

"Mind if I join you? I think the cafeteria closes in a half hour, so I guess I'd better go too."

"Sure," and we agreed to meet in the back stairwell in five minutes.

I took my pile of clean laundry to my room, and found John there, pulling his pants up quickly, looking a little started. He was dressing quickly

"Oh, it's you..." he said with relief. "

"You going to dinner?"

"Yes. Timmy and Danny are getting dressed. They should be here soon. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Timmy and I want to know if you could mind if we switched rooms. I would move my stuff down the hall, and Danny can move in here." He forced a tentative smile, not sure how I'd react. "Or the other way around. That's not the important part."

"What about the lessons you're supposed to be teaching me?" I was thinking of how John had given me some tips for guy sex, and I assumed he knew more than me, "How will I learn the ins and outs?" I thrust my hips suggestively at him.

Laughing, he replied, "I'm still available any time you need me. But honestly, with your last few days of getting off with Rob and Joe, I think you've got all the help you need." I thought that there were a few more names on that list he didn't even know about.

"Is Danny okay with this?" I asked.

"I think Timmy is asking him now... if you're okay with it, and he is too, then we'll go to dinner together and talk it over. If you're mad, it's not a huge problem, we'll work something out."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can't explain exactly when it happened, but we formed some sort of connection the other day, and it looks like you and Danny did too, and we thought it might just be easier and less awkward for all four of us if we'd share rooms with the guys we're fucking..."

"Hmmm. I think you might be right..." I mused. I thought to myself, `but I don't think it is possible to room with every guy I've been fucking lately.' "Let's go talk about it then."

"Great. I'm glad you're not mad. I never wanted to hurt you or tick you off."

"Were you and Timmy fucking just now?" I was trying to picture that, and it was turning me on.

"Not fucking exactly. Just had Danny arrived and we were talking about the rooms...and how we'd like to be closer, and not have to sneak around."

"I think it will work out fine. Let's go eat."

We met the other guys and started the short walk to the cafeteria building. It was about 8:45, and still hot and sticky, but getting dark outside. There was a light breeze -- the same kind of breeze that felt like a storm as about to hit, so we jogged quickly, knowing the cafeteria closed at 9:00. Just as we ducked into the building, some big warm drops began to hit the pavement.

We arrived in time to get some pizza and ice cream, but just as we sat down, there was a crash of lightning outside and an almost instantaneous thunderclap. The lights flickered and we were plunged into the dark.

We laughed and ate in near silence.

This storm meant we were going to have to run back to dorm and get drenched or wait in the caf until it passed. And with Joe joining us at the table it seemed like we could discuss our roommate situation some other time.

"I think they're showing a movie downstairs in the rec room tonight, right?" John said. "Or we could play in the arcade until the rain stops?"

"In the dark?" It was almost pitch blank, but some light from the emergency lights over the exits shone just enough to see dark shapes and forms moving cautiously in the darkened room.

"Oh, yeah, no power, no movie..." And just then, the lights came back on.

"Oh, good. I've got to get back and catch up on some reading," Joe said. He finished his last gulp of his drink, got up and left. "Stop by later, Hitch, if you like and I'll show you that book I was telling you about." He winked at me as he left the table with his tray.

Next: Chapter 19

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