Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 19, 2015


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter 17

They tell me we watched a movie, but I slept through it. I was tired and grateful for Danny's blanket which covered both our naked bodies on Joe's family room sofa. The other four guys were stretched out on the sofa and some recliners with towels around their waists, since we had arrived after tubing in the creek and left our wet shorts out on the fence in the yard.

I woke only when Danny needed to get up and take a potty break. I rubbed my eyes, and looked around the room. The final credits were rolling and the room was getting dark. John and Timmy were lying side by side on the love-seat with their legs stretched out on an ottoman. They seemed to be rather cozy, and probably waking as well. John was leaning forward rubbing his eyes, with elbows on his knees, Timmy giving him a back rub. Joe was on the end of another sofa across the room facing me, the towel tight between his knees, and his cock clearly visible between his legs. His hand went to his crotch and without attempting to hide it, scratched and adjusted his balls.

"What time is it?" I asked. I glanced at the yard through the wall of windows, and it was really dark. A stormy kind of dark.

"It's only 7:15. But I think it's going to storm," replied Jack, who had been lying on the floor. As he reached for the remote to check the weather channel on the large TV, he sat up and his towel fell from his hips. Kneeling naked in front of the TV, his dick growing longer as he grappled with it. Sure enough, storm warnings were being issued for the next two hours for the entire region. "Yup. More thunderstorms. Guess we'd better get back to campus before we get stuck here in the rain."

"I wonder if our shorts are dry yet," said Danny, returning from the bathroom, and making for the back yard. I sat in my seat, and watched his lean muscular form walk through the yard. His butt bounced lightly with each step, the muscles in his legs and lower back each flexing and moving in synch to propel his forward with the grace of an athlete. He stopped within a pace of the fence, and reached for his shorts. From his gesture, it was clear the shorts were dry. He grabbed them all, and brought them to the house. From my warm spot under the fuzzy blanket, my cock was becoming very rigid. Extremely rigid, in fact.

Danny entered and tossed the shorts and boxers in a heap in the middle of the room. Stalling for time, I spoke. "Joe, can you lend me a pair of shorts so I don't have to walk all the way back to campus in Danny's boxers?"

"Sure, dude. Come on up to my room, and pick something out." So I draped the blanket around me and followed him up the stairs to his bedroom. He had only a towel on, and he held it with one hand as we ascended the steps. But at the top of the steps, he tossed it into a hamper in the hallway and kept walking to his room naked. It was just a few yards from the top of the stairs, and his room, painted a medium blue, looked like he had shared it with someone. There were bunk beds and two closets, two dressers, and two student desks.

Walking and following Joe made my cock soften a little, so I wasn't pointing straight up by this time. He opened a drawer of his dresser, and I chose a pair of grey cotton gym shorts and slipped them quickly on, trying not to think about how horny I really was. He also grabbed a clean pair of jeans and pulled them on over his lean frame.

"Do you have a brother, Joe?"

"Yes, I am a twin, actually. His name is Jasper. We're not identical, if you're wondering, we look nothing alike. He even went to a different university this fall."

"Did you have a secret language?" I asked, as I adjusted my still almost totally boned up cock in the shorts.

"We did actually," he responded, smiling as he saw my predicament. "My parents say that when we were little we'd babble together in a way that made it appear we were communicating. I don't remember doing that, of course, but later when we were kids, we shared everything, and we almost always knew what the other was thinking." He glanced wistfully at his feet, sitting on the corner of his desk. He opened another drawer and pulled out a sleeveless tee, which he draped across one shoulder.

"Did he and you mess around?" I asked boldly, knowing that since the two of us had fucked just hours ago, his brother must have known.

"Yeah. We were really close. We both discovered our attraction for guys the same day, in fact." He looked back up at me, my freeballing boner not hidden well in his silky shorts, and smiled broadly. "It was gym class in fourth grade. All the guys were forced to strip and get a physical during gym class time one day." He stopped and closed his eyes briefly. "I can still conjure up a crystal clear portrait of Dr. Conners --" here he stopped and took a deep breath -- "grabbing my little prepubescent balls and telling me to turn my head and cough."

"What did you do?"

"I did exactly as he told me, but my little dick had a mind of its own. I got hard instantly, and it started to leak. Of course I thought I was peeing on him, but the doc -- he was really young and handsome, probably just out of med school, on his first real job, I dunno, but he was the perfect man as far as I was concerned. He was wearing laytex gloves, and he just grabbed my cock, pulled it once from root to tip with his firm grip, and explained calmly that this was totally normal for boys my age. It felt so good! I remember I was flying high the rest of the school day. Like a joly of electricity coursing through me."

"Did you tell your brother about it?"

"Yeah. It was pretty obvious. Jass was next in line right after me, and when we talked about it later -- right here in this room -- he said the same thing happened to him, and when he came out of the examining room, pulling his wet underwear back up over his little boner, we had the same dazed expressions on our faces, so of course that's all we talked about that night when we got home." He pulled the shirt over his head, and now I could see it had a "UG" logo on the chest.

"We shared this room our whole lives, and my parents stopped trying to get us to sleep in separate beds when we were in grade school. Every night we'd start out apart, but every morning we were back together." He looked at the top bunk with real affection. "But after that experience, we both spent a lot of time exploring the way our bodies worked, fit together, and how to bring pleasure to ourselves. I miss him Jasper lot, but we'll see each other at breaks, I guess."

"It must be hard to be apart for the first time."

"Yeah, his school started a few days later than mine, so that's where my parents are, taking him to college. They'll be back later tonight. I try not to think about it too much. I know we'll be fine. We decided a year ago -- when we got accepted to different schools, and we realized we would be apart -- to start trying to make other friends. I mean to try to find boyfriends, or at least significant friendships from different circles. He managed it pretty well. But I never really did."

`You mean he found a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes. A guy from this area who was going to be attending the same university and he got matched up online. They met, hit it off, and started doing a lot of stuff together. He always came home and told me everything, but you're the first person other than my brother I've ever had sex with."

"Wow. I never had anyone to talk to about that kind of stuff. You're really lucky."

"Well, I'm glad we met, and I could show you a good time today," he said, genuinely, but with a sly grin.

"Thanks, Joe. Today was a really nice break from adjusting to college life. I appreciate your having us over and all."

"Do you want to borrow a pair of underwear to go with the shorts, Hitch? it looks like you're not hiding much." And boy was he right. The light grey cotton jersey hid nothing. The thick cock head and my round mushroom head was clearly poking through.

I pulled the crotch down, my cock bounced up to full mast, and I said, "Sure, if you don't mind?"

He turned back to his dresser, opened a large drawer completely full of multi-colored underwear. There must have been hundreds of them. He dug around briefly, pulled a pair of red spandex compression shorts out, and tossed them over to me. The "Will these fit?"

I pulled off the gym shorts, and stepped into the undies, which were snug, and fit me like a coat of red paint. "I think so." I replied, pulling the gym shorts on over top and standing up. I saw the "UG" logo again and asked him, "What's UG stand for? I saw this logo in the next stall on campus the other day, and I didn't recognize it."

"It's Undergear. You've never heard of it?" He couldn't believe it. "They sell really great sexy men's underwear from a catalog that's practically gay porn. I have to hide it from my mom. She thinks its trashy, but seriously they're the best-fitting and the most amazing looking underwear I've found."

Just then, a loud voice shouted up the stairs, "Come on, Hitch we're walking now, before it starts raining again."

"Do you have the catalog in your dorm?" I inquired, as we moved for the door.

"Sure do. I'll show you some time." He smirked as he started down the hall, and took the stairs two at time. "And maybe you can try on some more of the items in that big drawer sometime?" "I'd love that." I answered, smiling at the back of his head as we rentered the family room.

The other guys were all standing near the door, waiting for me, so I put on my sneakers on the front stoop, feeling the warm summer humidity press on our shirtless bodies.

Joe locked up the front door, and followed us onto the sidewalk, and we started the short walk back to campus. It was only about 5 blocks, and we made good time, passing a few of the frat homes and some other large older homes that were obviously being used for college student housing.

We were soon back on campus, passing the other freshman dorms. We were delighted to find that the air conditioning was working in our dorm as we entered the front vestibule and felt the rush of cool dry air blow across our shirtless bodies.

"Ahh! That's a relief!" Timmy said. And it was nice to feel the lower temps and humidity as we came to the stairwell. Jack and Joe went down to their floor and the rest of us climbed up to ours.

"I'm going to the showers," announced Tim. "I got all sweaty again walking back here. He stopped at his room for his towel and stuff, and my roommate John followed along behind.

Danny followed me to my room. "Hey, Hitch, can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure, come on in." I stepped aside as he entered. "What's up?"

"John told me this afternoon that you both jerked this morning, then, he went downstairs and saw you fucking some guy named Rob in the basement this morning, and from the looks of it you were fucking Joe this afternoon, right?" He grinned lustily, but his eyes were sad.

"Yeah, that's right."But don't get the wrong idea. I just keep finding myself in these unbelievable circumstances. Hot guys and my cock all boned up and ready to go. What should I have done?"

"It's not like we have any exclusive arrangement... I mean we only met a few days ago, but I guess I feel a little left out," he confessed.

"Look," I began, "I've never been a college freshman before, and I've never been surrounded by guys who appreciated my equipment like this before. I guess I'm open to exploring my newfound sexual freedom. Hooking up with sexy boys just wasn't possible for me before this week."

"I understand completely. And I'm a little jealous of your `equipment' for the record." He reached over to me and pulled me to his chest. "And I'm feeling like I might lose you to some other guy who comes along, and it makes me feel a little territorial." He leaned into a tight embrace. "Seeing you wearing my shorts made me feel like we shared something special. And then walking back here in Joe's shorts ... I dunno ... I thought he had laid a claim on you too."

I looked down at the shorts Joe had lent me. "I'm happy to take off these shorts, Danny." So I stripped them off, revealing the red compression underwear, where my cock was still stretched down my inner thigh. "I'm glad I've found some new friends who also share my passions." I assured him, "but you don't have to worry, Danno, I'm not going to become exclusive property of anyone for now." I returned his hug and then said, "in fact, Joe invited us to come down anytime and see his Undergear collection. Wanna join me?"

I pulled off the red underwear, my cock now bouncing straight out at Danny. "Sure! We can have a fashion show," he suggested enthusiastically. "But first, I see you need a fresh shave down there!" He took me in his grip and sure enough some light blonde stubble was visible on my balls. He stroked me and said, " Yep, these balls gotta get some attention right away."

We grabbed my shower things and headed to the bathroom and the group showers. My towel was still in the laundry room downstairs, so Danny got his, winking at me and saying we could share.

When we got to the shower room, Timmy and John were just stepping out, their hair still dripping wet, and giggling.

"Guys, we're going to be in Timmy's room for a while," John said, as they left the bathroom. "See you later for dinner?"

"Sure, later," we told them as we entered the steamy shower.


The story continues . . .

Next: Chapter 18

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